Does anyone troll on Reddit?

I pretend to be a racist Bernie supporter and someone used me as an example of Berniebros being racist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I made my user name racist but not offensive so I can post normal shit and have people go shit crazy on me and I pretend to not understand why and make them look unreasonable, Reddit users then defend me until they see the user name and freak out and the cycle starts over and over

i tried to but i cant even post. it just tells me "your account is too new or has too low karma" and some other annoying as rules. cant take it

recommend some good subreddits

I've been banned so many times I'm automatically shadowbanned when I make a new account.

To troll?

i post here - what's the difference at this point?

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I strictly troll on Yas Forums.

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The normie subs are easy to troll and people won't dismiss you as a troll right away. The political subs are great too if you're good at being subtle

>butterface strategically hidden


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Check out r/imgoingtohellforthis

Yeah I know, I troll both of you.

Built for BBC


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>"your account is too new or has too low karma"
Redditors can actually downvote you so much you lose the ability to comment anymore. Its not even mods. Redditors can just give you negative karma and you can't say shit anymore lol. This explains the herd mentality of reddit.

I swear to God at least half of Reddit must be trolls. No other explanation is possible given the level of unhinged cuckery going on there.

t. Tenda

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coomer was good, but it got shoah'd. averageredditor was good, also got shoah'd. All the best subs die sooner or later, especially edgy ones

Trolling on leddit is way too easy and unfun. Just make a negative comments about old people or animals and watch the downboats roll in effortlessly.

>t. Butthurt wh*Te dog
Know your place subhuman

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Just post some cat pictures in r/cats and you're set for karma.

>Know your place subhuman
>never won a war against Europeans


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A mod banned more than 83 users for this aparently

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I think the art subreddits are the easiest to troll and a good way to get a point across.

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I remember losing interest when they kept banning mde and the 109 variations of it, then when the jannies banned cringe anarchy I never used the gay site again

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I don’t go to reddit

I post pictures of attractive heterosexual females on the transgender subreddits and ask them "if Im passing as a women post op". It pissed the tranny's off because they have a high benchmark for passing because of it and they'll never get there... Because it's an actual female.

It's hilarious. I think a chunk of them have committed sodoku


Here's how you find the good subreddits:

/r/killyoureselffaggit don't come here again if you start posting on Reddit.

Check'd. Yeah, I still miss Cringe Anarchy. Coomer and Average Redditor were good, but they never quite reached the heights CA did

Dong Pong Grand Master

I have never posted on reddit and never will.

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>t. Kike on vpn

That's from 2016.

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>t. Bern-out trying to get a bunch of screenshots together to prove they're not racists, it's all just evil Yas Forums

Data collecting faggot

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Every now and then I think about when I got 14k upvotes for posting a gif of Hilldawg sucking dick. Good times.

>user name racist but not offensive
How? Could you give an example? I kind of want to try this.

I built up 200k karma by reposting over 7 years just so I can burn it during election season in r/Sandersforpresident, r/democraticsocialism, r/politics, r/worldpolitics etc. The only fucking cool sub is r/wallstreetbets to be honest I have made a fuckload of money bullshitqting with those guys and they have a more Yas Forums approach to shit

Almost all subreddits except circlejerk/edgy (like cringeanarchy, frenworld, watchpeopledie, imgoingtobellforthis) ones are troll as hell to troll. You don’t even have to try.

Not on reddit, but I do this on twitter. I like to think that I'm singlehandedly responsible for pissing off at least a few Warren supporters enough to turn them to hating Bernie and supporting Biden.

>find wsb a few months ago
>decide this year I'll put a few thousand in options
>Corona-Chan immediately bankrupts them

your so cool ... top kek

Can you define 'racist but not offensive' please?

No because I get instant banned, something we should have here to prevent them from trolling us non stop with black/bait threads

Apparently r/againsthatesubreddits false flagged them with CP. Meaning the leftists on AHS have access to CP.

Against Hate Subreddits users are literally all trannies, and the pedo/tranny venn diagram is pretty much just a circle. The admins won't do shit though, because AHS acts as their brownshirt army, sniffing out wrongthink subreddits to take down

I shitpost on Yas Forums
troll on reddit

reddit is for incels

make several accounts, then post in a sub such as worldnews like "lmao fuckd drumpf" to rack up karma.

Or just go to /r/europe where therre are no limits but the place is full of libtards
I have been banned hundreds of times and still can make new accounts


no limit on how old your account is or how much karma you have

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Is that subreddit the new r/shitredditsays then? I haven't been on Reddit in a while, but SRS was fun to troll back in the day. Maybe I should give it a shot like old times.

That's AHS for you

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lmao of course it's fucking bardfinn. He's a perpetually logged on tranny. That fag is spez's personal watchdog

Know yours. Go back to africa memeflagger, maybe there you can live the life of someone more advanced than a hunter gatherer.

Recently banned from r/europe for 'hatred'


Quit lying OP. That's just a regular Bernie supporter. Maybe 9gag is doing that, but Yas Forums would never run a fake account.

Nah, only place I fuck with outside here is IRC sometimes

Guaranteed 300 replies thread every time. People here are extremely prone to bait

I suck at trolling I get carried anyway and banned immediately...

i have a 6 year old account where i say the insane cringe sjw shit and i get upvoted on left wing subs for it

fuck that shit sub

Hahahaha, this perpetually triggered faggot seems to think more about Nazism than actual Nazis think about it. Perfect troll material. Fuck it, I'm in.

brace for the incoming news story
put me in the screenshot

You have to learn to be subtle. Make normal posts but slip tiny little hints at sexism/racism/whatever in there. So subtle that most normal people wouldn't notice, only people who are perpetually triggered and constantly on the lookout for that shit will notice. Then watch the shitshow begin. They'll call you out, and the normal people will jump in to defend you against the seeming overreaction. The best trolls are when you can get other people to do the posting for you.