Trump claims Corona Virus mortality 'LESS THAN 1%'

Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number,” the President told the conservative cable network’s Sean Hannity. “Now, this is just my hunch, and, but based on a lot of conversation with a lot of people who do this, because a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people, so you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu, and, or virus, so you just can’t do that,” Trump said, clearly trying to minimize the danger and the numbers of people infected

But then again they don’t know about the easy cases, the easy cases don’t go to the hospital, they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases, so I think that number is very high. Personally I would say the number is way under 1%


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math is hard

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Remember when he had a hunch that he could run a casino?

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why is china lying so much about this?


"If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better, and then when you do have a death, like you've had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, I believe you had one in New York." No deaths have been reported in New

It can't be. Trump is doing to this double down on his previous statement about it being overblown.

Nice memeflag.

It's well possible that the virus is less lethal than the numbers indicate since they will be biased towards more severe cases.

I find it amazing how Trump of all people is a voice of reason in these days.

>But then again they don’t know about the easy cases, the easy cases don’t go to the hospital, they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases, so I think that number is very high. Personally I would say the number is way under 1%
if youre white. if youre oriental, jew, spic, nigger, poo then the fatality rate is 99.998%

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Trump also said
>It's a democratic hoax
>there are only 15 cases that will disappear soon cause he closed down travel to china

Well China lies about everything else, including the fucking temperature, so why wouldn't they lie about this?

>if you're white
there is a nursing home filled with old dead white poeple

>I find it amazing how Trump of all people is a voice of reason in these days.
He isn't a voice of reason.
He's implying that China is inflating its own numbers to look worse than they really are.

how cant you make this look any worse than it is.
its all over the US now, spreading every single day.

Yeah and like a miracle, believe me, it will one day disappear. We have the most amazing teams on this, best in the world, just the other day i was having a meeting with them and you know what they said? They said don't worry, we're not gonna get it like China, it won't even be a thing.

trump follows ben swann confirmed

They don't need to inflate anything. The point is that the virus may cause only mild symptoms in a great number of cases which would result people not getting themselves tested so only the bad cases show up in the statistic.

Just the flu bro. Imagine being Trump and claiming to be anti-chink and then actually believe their most optimistic reports lmao

Amerimutts are doomed and gonna die

I don't know.
Trump's problem is he assumed early on that it would go away by itself. That's why he didn't shut down travel, because it would be a big economic hit and ultimately he, and many politicians, were unwilling to do such drastic action.

Now the problem is they can't stop the virus because of this lack of action, and he won't admit his mistake so he's doubling down on his initial statement.

It's speculative. According to the last thread an user says there is really 3 strains, some milder, some not mild.
I could also say the same thing but in the opposite sense. That many are not tested and die in China and don't get counted, so the actual % could easily be higher.

Trump's 'hunch' is based on nothing and is putting people at risk.

Those numbers come from China, where the worst of it has been. They also have the population locked down and closely monitored, unlike the West.

US spy efforts have penetrated every form of Chinese security and the US has the real numbers on the Corona Virus. The infected are in the millions but, the deaths are currently at 1% or below.

>Believing that senile retard

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>He's implying that China is inflating its own numbers to look worse than they really are.

You're literally a retard, he's saying there are a great number of people who have it and think they have a common flu or cold, never get reported, and spread it to other people who think the same thing and never get reported. That does indeed mean the mortality rate would be less. Why is that so difficult to understand?

First case of it in Colorado just announced.

hes unironically correct

there will be 10s of thousands of unreported cases that either never showed symtoms or were so mild they never reported to a doctor


Because China has its population monitored and they're a larger overall case study (80k vs a few hundred).

You're a retard.
>. That does indeed mean the mortality rate would be less. Why is that so difficult to understand?
Because China is only reporting on 'confirmed cases', when it's a fact that a lot of people died from it and were never officially tested, meaning they never got counted as corona virus deaths at all.
Doctors who whistleblew on this got locked up for doing so.

Meaning Trump is basing his numbers on an even more downplayed version of an already fake overly optimistic CCP figure.

Such a claim is pretty unfalsifiable and therefore worthless. The WHO figures will definitely include all known asymptomatic and mild cases, you can do a controlled group observation to come up with better evidence but as of now the given percentage is fair. If anything mild given it accepts china's numbers which in some areas were under reporting by a factor of 50.



of course nobody, in the US, cares about anything but money, we are all greedy fucks.
Everyone in the US goes to work sick, we don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but a paycheck.

he does know these people study the spread of disease for a living right?

western death rate for the virus is below 1%

trump is correct and its hilarious you morons will denounce chink numbers as innacurate and then literally make up fake news to support your argument

A lot of people also just got a sniffle and were never officially tested.

nothing matters to him but his ego and money

it is fucking hard in this particular case. A lot of people are asymptomatic and there is no way to count those right. Out of severe symptoms cases mortality rate is obviously higher.

The only names I could find from there have been asian names.

What is wrong about his logic?

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>air travel continues
>italy infects the world
>healthcare system and staff will be overwhelmed and crushed
And that's the beauty of it, corona-chan may not be lethal but will bring clown world to its knees thanks to open borders.
I get why he'd want to avoid a nationwide panic, chimpouts on that scale will be total anarchy.

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there was a live local new thing today from the nursing home with the family members begging for help
everyone was white

it doesnt fit with the panic shills and schizo narrative

I'm pretty sure I have it, pretty sure it's not a big deal, and pretty sure no one knows I have it.

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a new form of chest cold.

In Italy if you compares deaths to active cases, it's 4.5%

If you only look at resolved cases, it's 35.7%

Can’t wait for the unrest once the bodies start piling up. Will people still believe Trump’s bullshit when they’re burying their loved ones?

>A lot of people are asymptomatic and there is no way to count those right. Out of severe symptoms cases mortality rate is obviously higher.
Exactly. Only people with severe cases are actually seeing a doctor and getting test. Since it's only severe cases the likely hood of dying from it is much higher.

To put it simply on the brightside this means the Kung Flu is far less lethal then it appears to be, but on the downside it means a lot more people have it and are spreading it.

>Civil Protection Agency chief Angelo Borrelli said more than 3.8% of those who had tested positive in Italy had died, up from 3.5% on Wednesday.

I don’t know bro I never go to work sick and we actively send people home if they are sick.

Even the doom and gloom scientists that were saying 2-5% earlier have revised down below 1%. Best guesses out of harvard and cdc are .2-.5% when all is said and done.

SARS was 10% when all was said and done, mind you. It was under reported in the moment.

>In Italy if you compares deaths to active cases, it's 4.5%
I think it's safe to say that the rumor that Wuflu doesn't effect whites as severely is just a rumor. That death rate is higher then what they're reporting in east Asian countries.


>Fake news
It is fake news. Trump is ignoring proven stats because he has a 'hunch'. The guy is either a moron or malicious in spreading this fake news.

>See: all the replies to you already

yeah and thats an incredibly stupid shill argument

the old and sick will die off quickly after contracting the virus, whereas any healthy individual will take weeks to recover.

the diamond princess was quarantined for a month and out of 700+ cases only 6 boomers died. a death rate of 0.8%

literal nothingburger

Everywhere I go I see sick people working.
I had to complain about the clearly sick people working at a store today.
They didn't give a fuck.
The worse part of it are the people working in the deli who are clearly sick, runny nose, red faced, and trying to hide their coofing.

You're mental and contradicting yourself.
>whereas any healthy individual will take weeks to recover
Okay, so China is the best case study being it's been months. 3.4% in their own words (which is maybe under reported)

don't forget that regional government in china were "removed from their position" if they reported cases

you aren't allowed to stay home sick. 2 months ago I was so sick with the flu I couldn't walk straight and my manager yelled over the phone and demanded a doctor's note, which required me to stumble all the way to the clinic and get a note, because doctors are not legally allowed to post date a sick note here.

an ''active case'' is anyone showing flu symptoms. even if you only have a mild cough for a couple weeks after contracting you are still an active case until you have been cleared as recovered

>Okay, so China is the best case study being it's been months. 3.4% in their own words (which is maybe under reported)

china has a massively aged population where grandparents and parents all live within the same household, substandard medical care and smog heavy smoking

once again, add up all the western cases and the death rate is less than 1%. germany has over 500 cases and zero deaths

sorry to burst your happening bubble

He's right.

almost forget, the best part, the next day I came in still clearly too sick to be working, and all my manager had to say was to go faster or I'd get written up

Trump is trying really hard to make this his Katrina. The shit response in the US means we'll have a million infected by the election and people are going to be looking at these past three months wondering what the fuck he was doing and why was the threat was not recognized or acted on, and why he kept downplaying it.

Trump and other administrative bodies of the government wouldn't lie about the severity of a threat to ease public tension!

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cases take 3-4 weeks to resolve; healthy young people who die from this don't just drop in the street. it becomes pneumonia, spreads through the body, and in 3-4 weeks if they're lucky they recover without it spreading to the brain and becoming a chronic issue.

The mortality is in line with our stats. Trump isn't that dumb, he simply lying. He knows his people well.

nope, no evidence of that at all

Yep, I see it everywhere I go.
When I complained to the store manger they just blew it off, " we are already under staffed as it is " and " we will take a look into the matter "

3.4% (very conservative estimates)

Not to mention the reinfected.
Panic buying already happening.

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Checked Randall Flagg

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You can meme people. Don't meme death.

Not a fan of his, but I think he may well be right. The way it crops up from time to time in peop,e with no obvious vectors/contacts, I suspect it is a lot more widespread than we know, and me be causing few or no symptoms in some people.

Which, if true, is bad news -- that would make it much harder to control the spread.

>germany has over 500 cases and zero deaths

And only 2 recovered. Funny you didn't mention that "small" part. Germany isn't unique, we have complete data from elsewhere.

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You're an idiot.

>And only 2 recovered. Funny you didn't mention that "small" part. Germany isn't unique, we have complete data from elsewhere.

showing any flu symptoms = active case

funny how you dont mention only 2 of the 500+ are classified as serious. shill.

He's probably more or less right.