Which one would Trump do better against come election night?

Which one would Trump do better against come election night?

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we all know bernie would crush trump

unironically bernie

we all know bernie would be rushed to the hospital

Bernie sucks at everything.


Bernie can’t even beat a senile old man. And Bernouts are retarded enough to think he would stand a chance against trump

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probably bernie with one caveat - bernie has way higher energy than biden and would do much better in debates against trump. biden is worse the more you see him

If it's Biden, the establishment will stuff the ballot box.

He'd beat both, people don't want a weak president. Biden is clearly sick and Bernie is one of the weakest faggots to ever run for office, the guy doesn't fight for anything.

Bernie is a retarded cuck, and Biden has literal dementia. It wouldn't matter.

Either way the first debate is going to be a fucking bloodbath. If it's Biden he's going to hit him on his awful voting record, if it's Bernie he is going to explain that he wants to let in literally millions of Africans and give them all free healthcare.

they're both bumbling idiots in their own special way, at least bernstein had some real enthusiasm behind him but he's four years too late.

Who cares? It's all Israel bought anyway

They're both shit, Sanders will lose every southern state minus cali faggot, plus the rust belt, Biden barely knows what he's running for any more, he'll turn Georgia blue perhaps but will lose Washington state and perhaps even Oregon

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realistically Bernie, Bernie has so many scandals that the DNC won't talk about because they want his supporters to show up. Just look at this Castro thing, boom that's Florida gone right there, and that's just ONE of the many stupid things Bernie has said and done over the years. I'm sure Bernie will do real well after he's had to explain how he felt his "activism" was more important than getting a job or paying child support.

>Biden barely knows what he's running for any more
thats not true - he knows he's running for the senate

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Bernie cannot even crush the ghost of kang nigger 4 years removed from office.

Biden. The man is literally roast material.

Biden will be torn apart
Bernie will do alright

Either way Democrats are fucking doomed

If Bernie had more political savvy and a killer instinct he would have had more of a chance.

biden easily it would be in trump's best interest to be against biden

>1994 crime bill
>cant speak coherently for long periods of time
>iraq war
>ukraine deal

Rural revolt will come against trump. Farm bankruptcy up 25%, cutting medicare/medicaid when he said he wouldn't, depending on trickle down economics, smoke and mirrors economy.. Even if he loses 30% percent of his base in these areas he is finished.

Wishful thinking, rural people still love Trump and as long as the Democratic Party is the face of left wing anti-culture they'll never make significant inroads there.

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You do realize that the Democratic primary voter is different than who actually shows up to vote on the general election day, right? Clinton and Biden won the black votes. Blacks do not want to vote for an ultra-liberal because they feel that whites do not deserve gibmedats like them.

Literally it's blacks fault for the election of Donald Trump, but white liberals can't ever admit it

>come election night
Biden would probably be ahead during the day, but once he sundowns Bernie will be ahead.

rural whites have been hard red since the 60s. not gonna change in the next year.

Let bernie get cucked again and joe biden go up on the stage to have a senile episode. That plus the liberal aftermath will make me go into a KEK induced coma.

Biden. Biden is weak with white voters.

Whites were supposed to be the demographic he was going to be strong against Trump but he lost to Bloomberg and Sanders Utah... ROMNEY's STATE!!!

Bloomberg stole his votes in Colorado and Texas.

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Those numbers. Of course it is evil DNC and not people freaking out seeing literal commie getting that close to nomination.

on super thursday

Jesus teaches that compassion is strength not a weakness

I'm a New Deal Democrat, not a communist.

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Nothing wrong with that, if they pay their taxes they can get healthcare, just like every other non retardedamerican country in the world.


Bernie Buyout vs Biden Bad Touch.

>degenerate pedophile sex tourist
Your opinion means shit.

Seeing as how Bernie Sanders’s base don’t turn out

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>Bernie Buyout
Biden's the shill.

biden's entire campaign, just like hillary's before him, is "gotta beat trump lol"
he has no policy, no morals, no values, no spine

biden winning the primaries is a free win for trump, guaranteed

Biden will do what he always does - bring up his fucking dead son as soon as he's confronted by anyone.

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>nothing wrong with letting hordes of niggers invade your country and subsist on your countrymen's tax dime
Literally kill yourself Klaus

So, you're a Bernie supporter?

It's the corporations that are the true welfare queens.

No, it's the 40 million blacks and 50 million spics taking gibs from white workers' paycheck deductions

Bernedet Snanders would get molested by Trump

lmao Bernie is even going to beat creepy ass Joe Biden

Yeah, because it's so easy being a Black or Latino in this country, right? All they have to do is collect government checks.
The police and the racism. Fuggeaboutit.

I think you meant to say "isn't." It's not over until it's over.

Bernie beats trump

trump beats biden

Love it!

If they want to stop being stigmatized they should stop committing crimes

Biden. He will cut into Trump's malarkey.

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russian cgi is obvious

Why commit crimes if they're getting on off government checks?

thanks anons, spent over 9000 hours in photoshop. Have it with audio but thats not allowed here :(

Bernie went to the USSR on vacation, after Stalin. Before that, he lived in Israel in a communist town while he "volunteered." The guy is a foreign asset.
I'm just mocking him cause he took a third house to drop out of the race.

>stop committing crimes
stop oppressing them and they will

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Welfare isn't milk and honey, it's subsistence resources. If they want to live better lives, they need to get jobs and work. They don't want to work so they live on subsistence resources, leading them to criminality

I agree that Bernie is a weakling that has no backbone, but he has more of an appeal than Biden. Bernie would have a better chance against Trump. But we all know they’ll choose Biden as the nominee

>africa was, and is, full of naked natives cause white people oppressed them

We oppress them because they commit crimes, and stopping that oppression makes them commit more crimes as evidenced in basically every city in America. The problem is the people themselves, not our treatment of and reactions to them

Crime is work in its own right, and a dangerous line of work at that. Also this .

Exploiting and hurting people for personal gain is work?

Take them with you to Israel. Surely they won't be oppressed there!

the problem is inequality user

Yes, inequality of IQ and social cohesion

Biden. Voter turnout for young people that typically support Bernie Sanders will be very low and moderates that want Biden will more than likely vote for Trump if Bernie were to somehow win the nomination.

isreal is a far right fascist state

you're a capitalist aren't you? so you think it is, yes

Yes. Big corporations do it all the time. The difference is, one is in person, the other isn't.


Biden can't even talk I hope he gets the nomination because Trump is going to bend him over in the debates.