Gamestop to Become Games Workshop but Nazis NOT WELCONE

No Warhammer 40k or MAGA hats will be welcome.

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Games Workshop with no 40K?... Pass

MAGA hats? I'm confused, didn't Trump already make America great again? Should everyone be wearing KAG hats now?

Good idea, they could even stock drinks and snacks in there.
The games then become the shit under the glass you can buy like you would a candy bar, part of the background. It's the only way

Fuck that noise. Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne.

what does this image have to do with WH40K?

Its a experimental phase to get fans inside the store. Its a hobby store for SJW gamers.

Where does it mention maga hats or warhammer?


Well you can clearly see they’re not playing WH40 k or Fantasy you maximus fagatron.

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imagine the smell

The worst part of the past decade has been watching every GameStop slowly stop selling games.

SJWs don't BUY anything though. They rarely have jobs and when they do it's crappy ones like barista or freelance journalist. The pay they get is just shitty enough to run out after they buy their starbucks onions latte and avocado toast for the day.

Hardcore nerds on the other hand save lots of money for their hobbies, even if they have shitty jobs. SJWs will just give the store a sour atmosphere and a surplus of unpurchased product

>no straight white males aloud at my tabletop store
lmao, financial ruin in the coming weeks

orks orks orks orks orks


But they’ll bypass and incorporate starbucks inside.

Still have more to do.
Trump 2020

Oh aye, I remember it from my youth... The game store in my hometown stunk of old sweat and sexual frustration... The owner was your typical at guy with a beard. Every 30 minutes or so he&d lean back and spray air freshener into a standing fan, which would disperse it liberally across the room... Bloodbowl players caught the brunt of these chemical attacks

why the fuck would you want to play DnD with normies walking around?
I play it with a good group and every 2nd joke is about niggers, jews or women.

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Why do greenskins have cockney accents? I always wondered about that

Sounds like Gays Workshop

so based on this one image you think it's banned? wow that's really dumb

>fat smelly neets sitting around playing hobby games and stinking up store
Good luck getting customers

writers may have wanted something to sound uncivilized and that's the first/easiest thing they could put on paper

Not just pass, but hard pass. Holy shit they are dumb.

Last I checked, the God-Emperors money was better than everyone else’s.

Well, cockneys are certainly that. It works though, first time I heard Orks in Dawn of War, it just sounded right

gamestop is shit. i cant wait for them to go out of business

the list goes on...

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Ahaaaa I see what you did there. It works on more levels than I can even count... And they're both really basic levels haha (only yanking your chain burgerbro, it was a pretty slick duality of meaning combo)

People still shop at cuckstop?

Help me out here. I'm not seeing anything political in the image or text. Are we just assuming this will be the case because the people in the photo look kinda s o i b o i ish?

Just watch...don’t ask questions and JUST WATCH!

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40K orks are just big green soccer hooligans. They started off as the comic relief in that universe. They are cartoonishly violent.

For me it’s...

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But also effective


All these "Hobby Stores" go out of business because they end up as defacto daycare centres where kids get sent with 10 quid which will barely buy you 2 pokemon booster packs and a coke and to run amok for 8 hours annoying the shit out of everyone else.

Seen it happen with my own eyes to 4 shops over the last decade

the only people who hang out at gamestop are their own lame loser employees


I got into tabletop just in time to watch it all fall apart. Got some crazy stories out of it, at least.

Is that DnD? In a retail store? With whatever randos are shopping there? I haven't played DnD in many years but the experience seems pretty heavily dependant on you knowing someone to be a great DM or not. I would imagine the sort of people that work at GameStop would probably often make good candidates, but that might be a bad assumption. Looks like you get to play with all the cool expensive shit without having to but it too, like the minatures and maps and cool premade campaigns and shit? I might check it out.

gamestop coming up with a moronic idea, say it ain't so!

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This is heresy

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Where does it say WH40K not welcome?
Trumps a faggot retard so it makes sense why MIGA banned

Yeah the Gamestop employees are going to get paid to sit on there asses and DM your game and also your really going to enjoy it when they keep pausing everytime a customer comes to the till, get a clue.

me on the left.

after losing 100 pounds

Im a socially adept dude with good fashion... i love going to these nerd hideaways with my other chad friends and taking over.

i will never understand this. DND LARP RPG i just will never get it ever, the thought of it makes me so embarrassed for myself im getting red in the face thinking about it.

5:47 that trooper knew what was coming haha

As a gamestop employee I can wholeheartedly say that everyone in corporate it's a fucking retard and every retail worker is constantly on the verge of suicide. Thank god this is just a college job and I have an internship with a big kike investment firm this summer


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You need to be able to selectively take yourself unseriously, man. If your self-image and confidence would crumble from playing a game of pretend with other people playing a game of pretend, something's wrong.

You're a fucking sperg schizo if you think that GW is going to jettison 40K, their most popular game.

OP stated it mate

What's Chungus?

yeah no.
take your same sentence and replace games with dicks in the ass and see what your take is then. i dont have to do something to know i want no part of it.

Because you have no confidence.. larping is just acting I personally love it

>big chungus callers
this still happens?

Do you have Battletoads?

again, i dont need to actually suck a dick to tell you im not gey. i know already. fuck larp and fuck these games soiboi

so where's the SJW part in all this?

>40k fags ruin another Sci-Fi thread

>Do people want to hang out in GameStop?

Imagine the smell.

Actually you all know what it smells like in there already

Sounds like you just lack confidence dude if your ego is this fragile.

I thought they went bankrupt

People are the biggest pussies. Men like you pretend to be manly, but cant handle a simple ego check. I bet you beat women and have emotional tantrums like slamming your hands and throwing shit around the house. Dont deny it we all know you are fragile.

is this how you sleep at night? telling yourself you have a massive ego because you can roll a few d12's nigger? good for you, for the embarrassment you lack i more than make up for you. yikes. i gotta now just bail on this thread, the stigma of even talking to you is making me want to take a rape shower.

King gamma and his host of merry simps

Good idea in theory terrible in reality. Niggers and spics will ruin this. They already treat Gamestop as daycare leaving their kids there, now niggers and spics will skip school and hang out there all day and block anyone white from using it. I grew up in NYC when arcades were a thing and this is what they did back then and things have only gotten worse now. They will also destroy and steal all the gaming hardware they get their hands on.

This is going to be a failure like most desperate ideas from failing businesses. This isnt even a remotely good idea financially.

SJWs are anti MAGA and anti 40K (because they think the Imperium are space nazis) so if they plan to ban those two things they can expect less nerds and more SJWs

You'd have to pay me to hang out with those nerdy faggots.

And thank you for proving to us that you have no ego and cant handle a women. I bet you are going to go beat your kid and then cry yourself to sleep

Fuck off Owen Benjamin.cultist go drink turpentine

I'm very glad to no longer be a part of "nerd culture". In retrospect I wasted far too much time and money pursuing those hobbies with people are aren't exactly pushing you to better yourself and grow as a person.

Theyll be lucky if niggers and spics even come in, this idea will only appeal to a tiny fraction if their customer base and wont attract even close to enough people to save their business.

im married dude. 3 kids. keep deluding yourself at fucking astronomical levels please

It appeals to fat losers

>Comes into thread
>Insults everyone and their hobbies
>Gets an opposing opinion
>Throws a tantrum and fucks off
What a chad!!!