One shot at life

>One shot at life
>Not born Nordic
WTF is the point?

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If I was born a nordic I would have killed myself. Wich is a very nordic thing to do BTW.

It is truly not fair. We cannot choose our place of birth. Everyone should get one free do-over.


>1/10 shot at being white
>1/20 at being born white in America

That looks like a flaccid dong. Disgusting.

Why can't you just be happy you weren't born in Africa or the Middle East?

Because my government wants the US to be Africa and the Middle East.

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Being Med is where it's at.

Not everyone here is a terrone

>One shot at life
That's where you're wrong.

lol seriously, snownigger?
Half italians here say they are not white bc they don't want to associate with you.


>tfw i will never get peed at the age of 10 by a somali bvll

I mean, it's alright i guess

excuse me. I'm publicly educated. Why is Findland not apart of Scandinavia?

The same thing is happening in Scandinavia

> souls are given bodies that have a nationality and basically we should move past that
No, faggot, you are half your dad and half your mom. Now maybe your dad was a nigger so you want to believe it was an accident that you are the way you are because niggers think that if they think magic is real enough then it becomes real.

because that's fennoscandia

Way too cold there. I'm pretty comfy thanks

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what makes the distinction? Geography, i.e. its own peninsula?

Very cold, i prefer the australia.


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No it's because finnish are arians rapeb by nganasans, they speak a different language, while scandinavians are arians (= neolithic tribes raped by PIE)

They're not at our level of fuckery though. If they had free speech, they would have probably solved the issue already.

Name one single positive thing about n*rds and g*rms.

Also "Italian" means nothing. Italians today are a mutt mixture of Turks, Arabs and Berbers. They have 0% correlation with ancient Rome. We do. There is only eternal rebirth for the honorable.

We were Romans.

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>one shot at life
>born a North Korean slave camp worker

Source on that?

I was

>One shot at life
>Being born a nigger
Dodged a fucking bullet there.

Nordic mythology is top-tier

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nords are pagans dude

all hail the god tier teutonic nobles

>One shot at life
>Not gonna get raped by a pack of somalis and then fed a live grenade
Feels breddy gud, if I do say so myself

Less talking, more raiding!

The absolute arrogance of those mutts even attempting to claim the achievements of OUR ancestors, yours and mine HÃ¥vard, ancestors like Alexander.

lmao fuck off beaner

Snowniggers actually act like literal niggers, holy shit.

why would you be jealous of snow niggers?


he's a somalian

>pagan bad

hahahahaha fuck yeah dude

You should really stop and think before repeating what Varg Vikerretard says

Mud Germans

uhh yeah lmao paganism isn't very far from wicca/satanism

and don't you dare say satanism is good if you do you deserve to die

Love me a Danish summer house by the sea.

Some friends invited me to Skagen a few years back, would move there in an instant.

If you're about to die and in your final moments you try to recall your greatest personal accomplishments or contributions, and all you can say is "at least I'm Nordic" then you are either a failure or an incel, probably both. You were no more useful to the world than a nigger.

Besides, Nordic teens are extremely nihilistic and almost fully atheist. They just don't believe in anything. t's what happens when a society gets too comfy and there are no actual struggles to put a population in check.

Skagen is fucking shit you utter nonce

They have a government that actually gives a shit about them

>United States
No wonder you don't know anything about white culture

>They have a government that actually gives a shit about them

White culture, wtf is that

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>wanting to be born as a cuck
At least you're used to being cucked

Delete Sweden

Based Dane.

You have to go back

I want you to look at the US government and its citizens, then look at your government and your fellow citizens. Tell me who is treated better. We don't even have maternity and paternity leave.

The whole area is being taken over by Muslims, black vikings and no no squares
Fuck that

Best joke I've heard all year, holy shit.

Are you really going to tell me, with full confidence, the Norwegian government does a poorer job than the US government when it comes to taking care of their respective citizens?

I guess the grass has always been greener eh?

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Doesn't prevent me from being a basement dweller with no money. It does mean I can afford even less though because everything is expensive as shit.

Why the hell would you want to live in a frozen wasteland of degenerate atheistic Leftists and goat-fuckers?

Just be glad that we live in the best country that ever existed.

How old are you?

>>One shot at life
Being born as OP

I wish for a day I didn't have to share this place with such ignorant lads.

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Wicca and Satanism aren't even remotely similar to paganism.

Is there a blonde person in history that did anything impressive or discovered anything monumental? Serious question

pic unrel

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That's not what I said.

I implied it's a fucking joke that they give a shit about the general population here.

>but the happiness rating

ill be honest. id love to be one of the weirdos who lived there 30-40 years ago, when it was cool. i like the quirkiness of things. like everyone knows their lives are run by the weather and thats ok. i live where weather's shitty so i get how being indoors all the time makes you a bit off.
I'd love to just have small towns where people ski to each others houses. everyone has a sauna in their house, a wood burning rocket furnace or whatever that shit is, and there not being a nigger that would/could/should ever want to come up there and stay.
yall are just so fucking weird and i love it.
living there now? go fuck yourself nigger

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