Belgium: ‘White People Not Welcome’

This month in Brussels, to celebrate ‘Black History Month’ an event will be held – the Black Liberation event – where white people are simply not welcome, unless of course, they are there to volunteer to take care of the black participants or if they are accompanied by one or more black people, SCEPTR reports.

“Non-black people are only welcomed if they are accompanied by a black person. Black people always get priority,” a description of the event reads.

Interestingly enough, white people are also welcomed by event organizers to clean up the waste of those who attend the Black Liberation event.

“Non-black people are invited to do volunteer work for the participants and the space, then cook and tidy up, to donate a MINIMUM of € 10 per person,” the event description reads.

Each year, people around the world celebrate key figures and important events of the African diaspora. In the past, however, events surrounding Black History Month have been mainly focused on the achievements and positive things brought to the world by the African diaspora, not those [white people]who allegedly continue to oppress them.

The event is set to take place on March 25th in the Belgian capital of Brussels. According to event organizers, the event’s central question is how black people in Europe can be “freed” from discrimination.
>diversity is our strength

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Good. Wake the fuck up, everybody.

What the actual fuck ? The doublespeak is insane.
Wake up, white man...

Lmao fucking niggers

bump ?!

>white people are simply not welcome, unless of course, they are there to volunteer to take care of the black participants
>Interestingly enough, white people are also welcomed by event organizers to clean up the waste of those who attend

stay the fuck out while we fuck shit up whitey but when we're done you're welcome to clean up after us

Oh no, but I'd love to have spent my day being spited by truculent ethnics.

What are black people? My understanding is that they're not human. So, what are they?

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...actually, the belgians where not very nice to the blacks in the past, so, in some ways understandable.

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Why does black power always mean white submission?

Somebody should make a "black people not welcome" event.

>white people are also welcomed by event organizers to clean up the waste of those who attend
So literally business as usual

We are the real Jews i.e. God's chosen people.


I really love this trend, Andrew I would be there to clean up their shit in an instant... why do I love it? SELF SEGREGATION. IF they separate from us, them we are separated.
This should be encouraged, embraced, and pushed in all nations, and regions.

Poor us the white people, we have to stay home with our own people.. what will we become with he illustrious wakandan?

would be a shame if someone catapulted dead bats into that crowd lol

hope someone truk of peaces it.

Fuck Belgium, that non-country. Also nuke its capital.

>Somebody should make a "black people not welcome" event.
No, we need more events like this. We also need neighborhoods, businesses, colleges, restaurants... and more like this NO WHITE PEOPLE ALLOWED. The universe is handing us a boon, will we accept it?

The idea of segregation is stupid, yes keep em in Africa but dont let them destroy our cities

>you occupy the same land with niggers. T
It is a start though, is it not?

No. Self-segregation doesn't matter if you occupy the same land with niggers. They need to be removed, maybe repatriated back to Africa and starved of foreign aid. Only then will natural selection take its course...

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>celebrate black history month

What? What? What? have the leftist in your nation lost their marbles there is literally no fucking black history in Belgium. Also dont get me started on having apefricans celebrate black history month which is actually BLACK AMERICAN history month.

nah, you can't just shift this blame shit onto newer generations who had nothing to do with colonialism. are the Russians going to go protest against Mongolia because of how hard the Mongols fucked the Slavs however many years ago? of course not

>in the past
I'm not paying you to become your bitch because someone else's great grandfather treated your ancestors like shit.

>Africa but dont let them destroy our cities
When left alone they will destroy themselves. Just look at abortion rates of blacks vs whites. They can has Detroit, and all of those nasty cities.. we'll rebuild after they have fizzled out.
What we need is white mutual aid.. to fortify us for the battle.

Telling white people to stay away from black people is a good thing.

>guests come over to your house
>tell you you're not welcome in your own house
Jigaboogaloo when?

They don't want segregation, retard. They want special privileges and spaces alongside the ability to invade yours and trample over you. They literally just want your resources but they don't want you to share theirs.

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Pic related.

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Wow you guys are racist.

>Niggas was Jesus
This is why niggers suffer so much and will never heal. You don't even worship your native gods. All your energy is going to a cultural tulpa that is tone deaf as you are not it's creator.

They can't be the missing link since they're less evolved than monkeys

Niggers are retarded. That is evident, but we need to not direct anger at them. They're merely low IQ animals that double as tools and biological weapons. We need to enlighten them to the truth so that they can retaliate against the real enemies.

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Evidence? The "King Leopold atrocities in the Congo" are a hoax invented by a literal jew.

I approve of apartheid as in all niggers in one city walled off city with a circular built around it filled with piraha to kill any stupid monkey that thinks of escaping. The water is also electrified to kill any genius who tries to make a boat and touchs the water once we all know nigger retards cant into cause and effect so this would kill hundreds of them. As for the walled off city there would be no:
running water
sewage system

So just like home in the great continental hellhole of Apefrica, if they start complaining we can shoot them until they shut up of course we will shoot them until there are none of them left.

That's not going to fly on my watch.I hate racism in any form.

Absolute state of wh*Toids

>that post
>that flag

gotta hand it to em, they really got a good grip on history. Really got all these liberals in the palm of their hand. Immigrants do the important jobs whites wont. Theyre a very handy people.

ngmi with that attitude


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Is this still not white genocide?

How about you choke on my cock you fucking cuck faggot?

Where is broof

>they need to get woke!
They need to get gone. They already know kikes aren't black, and don't care to know any more than that. You're no different from the boomercons who thought that Hispanics would be "natural conservatives" and vote Republican after the Reagan amnesty.

Leopold buttfucked the congo and his atrocities are nothing to be ashamed of. You think genghis fucking khan felt bad about stacking mountains of heads and flinging corpses into castles??

>shift this blame

...i bet the people who organize this are whites, maybe, so no wonder they are somewhat hysterical.

does someone know who is organizing it?

King Leopold is what percent of the Belgian Congo colony? Its ridiculous they use this to blame all fucking belgians then go NUH UH STOP USING STATS TO SAY BLACKS ARE EVIL CRIMINALS.

I dare one of you faggots to show up in blackface.

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Hopefully no one drives their minecart through their minecraft event.

So racism is kosher again? Good to know.

>Leopold buttfucked the congo

He didn't. This is a Jewish lie propagated by (((Adam Hochschild))).

Jews are the single most racist element out there towards blacks.

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Yes yes God forbid we get angry at these vicious retard apes that have been murdering White people from Haiti to South Africa to America for literally hundreds of years
Let’s all blame it on Joos so you can get back to jerking to your cuck porn with a clear conscience
Retard cuck faggot

nah youre just a fucking pussy. europeans were warriors once.

I wonder if Asians did a "No non-Asians welcome" event how blacks would respond.

And of course, white ppl will pay for this black racism

He really didn't. Some of the niggers recruited by the Force Publique were unruly savages and committed atrocities, but most of what you think about the Free State is probably made up bullshit from sensationalist newspapers of the time that's just been presented as fact by Jewish historians now, 100 years later, because it fits the New Woke "whyte folx iz demuns" narrative.

Fuck off with this nigger alliance meme you fucking kike

Jews and Niggers are both enemies, I’m not going to side with a race of apes that delight in the murder of us that they perpetuate kill yourself

Slavery wasn’t a mistake, not killing them all when it ended was

Fucking leaf .

Europeans were warriors, not evil, greedy or savages as portrayed by Jewish pseudo-historiography.

Somebody build a huge King Leopold balloon, quick. And bring it to the event. That's what I would do.