26 years ago today the most based Canadian ever died. Youngfags won’t understand

26 years ago today the most based Canadian ever died. Youngfags won’t understand.

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So what did that fish do?


he was fat

God bless John.

I don't get it... Is it from 'a letter to Zachary' :(

Uncle Buck is my favorite movie of all time RIP

RIP. Loved this guy.

>t. Gen x

Space Balls>Star Wars
At least SB wasn’t raped to death by politically correct sequels

Who was the funnier fat man? John Candy or Chris Farley?

The most and the only based Canadian to ever live

This man was all that was pure.

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7 years ago, actually:

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Fuck that junky faggot. Fun fact - Gordon Lightfoot’s song “sundown” was about a drug dealer girl who supplied hollywood with the speedballs that ultimately killed him

both were good and wholesome
Farley died doing the Belushi

There’s a very limited few of them.

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles was fucking great.

I haven't seen him in years

RIP John.
always loved him in stripes, but planes trains .... was his best imo
back when comedy was funny and you could let your children watch it

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Oh shit i was thinking of Chris Farley

Meant the gif
This movie never fails to make me laugh

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Man he was a great actor

I always enjoyed watching John Candy and Chris Farley, shame they were both taken so soon. They made the best silly movies.


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RIP. I watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles once a year on Thanksgiving.

Douglas Hewson "Doug" Christie, Jr. (April 24, 1946 – March 11, 2013) was a Canadian lawyer and political activist based in Victoria, British Columbia, who was known nationally for his defence of clients such as Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel, former Nazi prison guard Michael Seifert and right-wing extremist Paul Fromm among others.

Fuck fat ass John Candy

>Combing the desert with a pick
>"We ain't found shit!"

Perfect movie for it.

The only thing Canada ever did right.

wow cant believe how long ago that was

Onterrible comedians in Hollywood serving the kikenvermin agenda are cancer.

I laugh audibly every fucking time.


RIP John Candy :(

>"I'm just resting my hand between these two pillows"
>'What pillows?'
>Screams of terror intensify

Jack Chambers of London Ont is the most based Canadian.

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He smoked 5 packs a day. Was fat as fuck and Canadian. Still a funny fucked. Want to see his apotosy photos?


His performance in pic related was oscar worthy but it was just such a corny comedy he never got recognition.

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Actually the greatest Canadian of the most global importance is without any doubt Marshall Mcluhan


Is this Tommyboy?

It was guilty of being delicious.


Have you only seen one movie?

>orange whip?
>orange whip?
>3 orange whips

I know Richard Pryor was a spearhead to get Americans ready for negros everywhere, but I still love his movies.


Top Ten Most Based Leafs in History
>1. John Candy
>2. Norm MacDonald
>3. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
>4. Wayne Gretzky
>5. William Shatner
>6. Ryan Gosling
>7. Neil Peart

Fuck anyone that was ever famous in this shithole fucking country.


I just going to say it:
I fucking hate Planes, Trains and Automobiles

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If you're not Canadian you probably wouldn't know, but Terry Fox needs to be on that list.

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i do likewise every Christmas.
one of the greatest films of all times.

Candy, hands down.

No they won't

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May we be fortunate to live to see someone like him again.
Hey, you graybeards out there. You remember when it was possibly to have a movie with both white and black leads. Without pushing a race-mixing agenda every second of the movie?

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But not as fat as your mama

>Lauren Bouthern
>Gavin Dick swinging Mcinnes
>Steven Crowder

The based magapedes would not exist without fucking Leafs.

>Rich Evan's will die in your lifetime

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Undeniably based. He singlehandedly turns a thot into a based trad girl while simultaneously earning her respect. RIP based Canadian bro John Candy.

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Best flick ever. Space balls. Pizza the hut.

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I member'


based and big if true.

Never thought of it that way..
That’s fucked. Sorry America.
Moly is ok, gav has his moments.


Belushi > John Candy > Sam Kinison > Chris Farley

Dan Akroyd as well.

John Candy was a good guy.

Prokofiev and Stalin died 67 years ago as of today.

Leafs did counter Shapiro/Zionism well tho

oh I forgot one

Dr. Jordan "Clean your Penis" Peterson while I'm in a coma from downers withdrawal.

Perhaps conservative suppression is so bad in leafland that it causes them to rise up and become ecelebs. Weird.

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Is it true he couldn't give up eating four chickens a day?

Fuck off! Belushi was an overrated hack.

It’s Candy > Farley > Kinison

John Candy was a Canuck?

Get the fuck out of here, that's either terribly distressing to our worldview or we gotta admit that Canadians are nothing but Northern Yanks like... people from Maine.

That's very sad, comparable only to discovering that Crocodile Dundee was a jew.

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The next based online leaf is
“Raginghumanist” on YouTube.
Guy is an absolute unit.
So is “RantsDerek”
They are both Yas Forums users

Norm Macdonald is still alive.....

>Sam Kinison
WTF is wrong with your brain?

Mel brooks is an honorary white man

So is Harrison Ford
Didn’t see that one coming.

One the greatest leafs.
Right behind Neil Peart & Wayne Gretzky.

Fuck I'm old.