Cathpol Rectruitment Center

Greetings to you God-less heathens,

you probably grew up in a protestant or agnostic household, at some point had too many questions and generally answer with "Dead kike on a stick" in every fucking thread.
However, in order to save the western world you should at least understand the people that consciously fight the homo agenda, gender bending, communism and modern degeneracy in general.

In order to understand what Catholics believe in, we go through the credo, which starts with "I believe in God, ...".
So, we first have to discuss what we even mean by "God". While we reject Zeus, Thor and pagan gods, we have to explain what makes God different from all the other 40000 gods. We go over the Euthyphro-dilemma and David Hume's arguments for example, same with the new atheists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.
Listening to the answer once will bring more good than tipping the fedora a thousand times.

If you have any questions, just ask.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you really believe that nonsense or are you larping

Cut to the point or get out.

your pope is a homosexual foot fetishist HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Before we can talk about how we come to our idea of God, we need to make a distinction between an accidental series and an essential series.

An accidental series is something like a bunch of dominos lined up. Once you push one of them, all the others fall. However, we can't really make a good judgement about what started this chain reaction and that thing doesn't have to be there anymore. If we pushed the first domino, we might have gone in another room for example.

An essential or "per se" series is a series that can only exists if all its members continue to exist. Like a bunch of gears in a watch. The watch will only work if all gears continue to be just in the right position, if you take one out, it won't work anymore. Another example is the one with the trains showed in my picture. The locomotive or something that moves right now _has_ to exist in that moment, and we can draw more conclusions from it.

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Christianity is better than Catholicism

I really believe it, if you think it is nonsense, can you point out something I can specifically address?

I can't explain God in 30 seconds much like no one can explain quantum physics in 30 seconds. I might tell you that we believe in "actus purus" or "ipse esse subsistens", but that won't help you unless I clarified the way we came to this conclusion.
it is indeed not by "the book says so"

:) classic.

It might hurt, but the protestants are simply wrong.

Virgin birth. Go.

Deus Vult y-you heretics. B-burn in hell for not following our feet fetish!

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If God makes virgins and God makes birth, why can't God make a virgin birth?


So the first argument goes from change. Things change, which is really the actualization of potential.
Potential is everything something could be, its act is the way it is". For example water can potentially be ice, but it will only be actually ice, if something freezes it.
So when we observe change, for example the movement of a train, we can construct this chain of actualized potentials. And then we can think "hmm", what is at the beginning? It must something without potentials that require actualization. Something that is purely actual.

Similar to this we can say: Well, all the things around don't have to exist. All these things are just possible and their existence is dependent on other things. If everything was just possibly existence, then something would've come out of nothing. But that doesn't make sense. So at the bottom of the things that just possibly exist there must something that necessarily exist. Which is existence itself. Or being itself.
It is essential for existence to exist or for reality to be real or for truth to be true.
Just like a triangle simply has 3 sides. A triangle with 4 sides is simply impossible.

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>pagan gods, we have to explain what makes God
You drooling retard. You are confusing God with Yahweh. Long ago, the Jews changed the name of Yahweh to God and today's informed people are well aware of this. Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is a name of Godan, or more commonly, Odin. The Jew-god Yahweh is the bible god and the name of the god that applies here. Dumbass, total dumbass.

So how do you get from a generic monad to a personal God user, specifically the God of the bible?

Ezek 44:1-3:
“Then He brought me back
to the outer gate of the Sanctuary,
which faces East;
and it was shut.
And He said to me,
“This gate shall remain shut;
it shall not be opened,
and no man shall enter by it;
for the Lord, the God of Israel,
has entered by it;
therefore it shall remain shut.
Only the Prince may sit in it
to eat bread before the Lord;
He shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate,
and shall go out the same way” .

“Who is this gate, if not Mary? Is it not closed because she is a virgin? Mary is the gate through which Christ entered this world, when He was brought forth in the virginal birth and the manner of His birth did not break the seals of virginity.” – Saint Ambrose of Milan (ca AD 390)

This is the scriptural notion. If you can tell me your world view in general, I can explain more, because I guess referencing scripture won't convince any argument.

>So how do you get from a generic monad to a personal God user, specifically the God of the bible?
Do not capitalize "God" here.

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> one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon.
The origin of the word "God" is irrelevant. Polytheism fails because you'd have to explain what made these gods and what separates these gods from one another. If they are just some sort of cosmic superheroes, they are ultimately just creatures in the universe and can't account for creation.

Uuuh no thanks. I can't even begin to imagine the pain all Catholics must feel when they watch those vids. You can end the pain, it can all be over, you just have got to begome.

God bless.

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God bless you user

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I agree, and the uncaused cause is Krishna. Now what do? Also why is reason more epistemologically certain than revelation?

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even as a Christian I keked so fucking hard

Reminder to pray everyday to feed your soul, keeping the connection with God fresh. It will improve every aspect of your life with no drawbacks.

When we go over these cosmological arguments, we come to the conclusion that God is this one absolutely simple grounds of being.
Since he is the most fundamental and first element in every series, he is independent from all these things. This makes him the source, standard and summit of everything.
We think that God is personal, because at some point he created implying agency, he didn't create everything that is possible in every way, which means that some form of decision was made and the only thing that is immaterial besides inactive abstract concepts are minds.

I'm not too familiar with Hinduism, but I think Brahma would fit the description of the prime mover/uncaused cause/etc.

We can go over scriptural evidence for this in a second, but basically the Bible makes bold predictions and claims (Exodus 3:14: "I am who am") which all turns out true. So we can go with the Terminator argument. In that argument we consider that the part of the terminator that was found was so amazing that it couldn't come from humans. Using that piece of technology they brought us Skynet and everything in that piece of technology made sense the longer they studied it.
Same applies to the Bible, roughly.

God bless you too.

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>The origin of the word "God" is irrelevant.
No, it's directly relevant. You're stealing a god's name from a culture that's not yours.
>Polytheism fails because you'd have to explain what made these gods
Why would these gods care whether the were explicable by man? No one would have been around to know anyway.

>and what separates these gods from one another. If they are just some sort of cosmic superheroes, they are ultimately just creatures in the universe and can't account for creation.

Why not? There are no rules for mythology.

The words: create, creator, creation are used by you to bring your magical Jew god into the conversation. These words imply magic and are used as fake evidence to support the existence of your Jew god magician.

Catholism is thinly veiled paganism and is not christainity.

>KJV says call no man father but your Father in heaven.

Caths call pope father

>Bible says do not communicate with the dead.

Caths pray to statues of dead saints.

>Bible says worship no other god but Jesus

Caths pray to mary who is a dead person and also worship her

There are so many satanic symbols in and around the vatican. For one the popes hat(miter) is from pagan worship of the false god dagon. The pope carries the bent cross which is a very satanic symbol, the pope wears the star of moloch god of child sacrafice on his hat. Pic related is the popes throne room. Notice it is built to look like a sepents mouth

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But I'm already a Catholic.

Pretty sure girls prefer dicks in their pussies

Also here is another satanic pope picture. This is called the ressurection and the pope sits in front of it.

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Literally the worst posts come from ur shit country

Return to whence you came.

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Will you soon boil the Pope alive on livestream for crimes against God?
>Nah dude, we just wait for the next corrupt cuckold to get voted in by the same establishment that gave us this guy.
Get the fuck out of here you larping degenerate, and don't come back before we see some RESULTS!

Star of moloch demon of child sacrafice. No wonder catholic priests love kids

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Ok memeflag

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Ok, so, is Zeus the God that men like Socrates and Peter said they would rather obey than obey men?
No, the God of Socrates and Peter has the perfection of every virtue.

They do whatever increases the chances of child support

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As i was is a pic of the pope with bent cross. Its a satanic symbol.

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When we talk about Divine Simplicity, we mean that everything that God is is one whole thing. This would solve problems like "who designed the designer", which leads to another argument. If we really say that everything is defined by its parts or properties, we have to ask what exactly defines them as such. If my existence can be defined by my particles and they are defined by their position in the universe, then at the end of all we need some ultimate defining principle, something that says what is and how it is. Such a thing must necessarily be, its being must be its own nature.

From that we can think, okay: if God is being, how can we make sense of all these classic attributes?

> Why would these gods care whether the were explicable by man?
> Why not? There are no rules for mythology.
basically your shit doesn't make any sense, so you cope and say it doesn't have to make sense. Okay, norse fag

> Catholism is thinly veiled paganism and is not christainity.
Alright, the most common objections, gimme a minute.

Exactly. The Bible says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Not only are Catholics unequally yoked with celibate bishops, and archbishops with seminaries, but they also think Jews are somehow saved without calling on the name of Jesus.

I'm not not a Hindu, I'm pointing out how bad the rationalist apologetical approach is. It doesn't lead you to Christ, which is why you had to fall back on devine revelation when challenged.

So what is the higher degeee of certainty, rationalism or revelation? Because your apologetical approach implicitly says rationalism.

Why hard-workism instead of easy-believism?

Nigger im not giving you a fucking minute. You cant refute even the few pictures ive posted. Your not dealing with an amature i can btfo catholics all day bro..your religon is False and is not christian..POINT BLANK END OF STORY

To be fair with this one, that's the serpent on the pole that God commanded Moses to create.

Based clown mass. Revealing that the novus ordo never was Catholic

That staff is actually Biblical, but I'm not a fan of this pope, I think he is a freemason.

8 Then the Lord said to Moses, “[a]Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live.” 9 And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.

Numbers 21 8-9

Protestantism is thinly veiled redditism-atheism and is not Christianity.

>KJV says call no man Father but your Father in Heaven.

Prots call dad father.

>Bible says do not communicate with the dead.

Prots refuse to conduct exorcisms to eliminate the ghosts in this world.

>Bible says worship no God other than Jesus

The Holy Trinity includes a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. Catholics revere Mary as the Mother of God, and reject the Nestorian heresy.

>There are so many Satanic symbols in and around Luther. For one, his first and foremost claim is that the Church must surrender and allow Islamic conquest and genocide of Christians, which is clearly rooted in the worship of the false god "Allah." The Protestant pretends like the Cross of St. Peter, on which the first Pope was martyred for his worship of Christ, is a Satanic symbol because faith is anathema to them. Pic related is the Prot's actual belief, and it is very heretical. Notice it is built to look like Luther is the Second Coming.

Drawings of dicks symbolize Moloch, the demon to whom children were sacrificed for sex in the Bible. No wonder Protestant pastors love abortion.

Lol as if I need my geoflag to make a point

So in other words, they love pussyfucking.

Catholic symbols are only "Satanic" because Protestant culture arbitrarily decided that from the start in the United States. Many originally symbolize love of Christ, which is why so many are actually just crosses of Catholic Saints who were martyred by the Roman Empire.

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This guy gets it

>Imposes dialectical tension between faith and works

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No its not. This is a common misconception.

Vatican at it again with pagan worship. Pic related

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That's why pharmacies have a snake

>KJV says call no man father but your Father in heaven.
It's a hyperbolic story. It we'd really weren't allowed to call other people father, would you call your own father father? Isn't "dad" equally wrong? It simply says that you should know where you come from and what you should strive for, which is our Heavenly father.

> Caths pray to statues of dead saints.
We don't pray to statues. We pray to the saints, which are alive and in the body of Christ, because not even death breaks the body of Christ.

> Caths pray to mary who is a dead person and also worship her
We don't worship her. Worship is reserved for God alone. An analogy: While comic book fans might like Spiderman, they will praise Stan Lee. Appreciating and interacting with the creation doesn't take away from the creator. On the contrary, we get a better understanding of our creator through his creation.

> There are so many satanic symbols in and around the vatican.
No, this is just satanic panic from middle aged women with too much time. The Moloch/Baal/Satan train can go right back to your fantasy land, where everyone wears tinfoil.

> Crimes against God
? elaborate

Ok? Are you assuming im a prot? Im not I serve Jesus and read the KJV bible..denominations are a man made thing i literally dont care

>basically your shit doesn't make any sense, so you cope and say it doesn't have to make sense. Okay, norse fag

implies YOUR SHIT does make sense. You have to start a magic apple that gives one instant god-like knowledge when swallowed. The apples have magic apple power but are also cursed by the magical Jew-god called the Yahwah. You believe that Adam and Eve ate the Genesis fruit thus awakening the wrath of the Yahwah. Then the Jew-god formed an implacable grudge against humankind which could only finally be expiated by a human sacrifice. Then the Yahwah went on to literally breed with a Jewess because he was experiencing an irresistible messiah breeding desire. Then a magical Jewish Mashiach was born that later would actually be used as the very human sacrifice that the Yahwah was waiting for in the first place because of the stolen apple.
… whole lot of sense going on here, lmao

Yet it's confirmed as doctrine. Ex Cathedra even. So it cannot be challenged by laymen, without violating the entire papacy. Devastating for the tradcaths, if they're being honest with themselves.

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>they love pussyfucking.
They love resources


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niggerlicking catholics hoping for a based nigger sarah pope are the most pathetic sight one can ever ammire

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Relax man, if God was displeased he would probably send a signal in the form of a plague or some other disease of some kind. Maybe somehow centered in Italy.

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>I will build My Church and the gates of hades will not prevail over it.
What did Jesus mean by this?

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This is actually a display by the Republic of Italy at the Colosseum of Rome, which is neither property nor sovereign territory of the Holy See or any Catholic parish or organization.

Actually, I called you an atheist and a faggot in my first post.

You don't think women can feel it when you rail them, man? That's sad.

>The Moloch fantasy train....

Vatican just erected a big ass Moloch statue..

Ok memeflag..your opinion isnt valid

Its the Body of Christ

>reject Zeus, Thor and pagan gods
Saying that on literally Thurs-day, on Thor's day, the god, the divine principle, of thunder on thunders day. Goddamn you rootless morons.

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Must I? I get depressed going though everything.
Just read the open letter, it should be a good starter.

And this? Eph 2:19-21.

Lol, is that all you can say? "Memeflag memeflag"

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>display by republic of italy
Vatican owns the land pic related

Btfo catholic

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The actual modern " Catholic church" is a heresy.
Not the True Curch. Go search about vatican II, after ww2 the last honest and good pope lost the support and protection of Fascist Italy and Fascist Germany, Hitler and Mussolini were catholics.
After Vatican II masons and communits dominated the church, ALL the popes after Pope Pius XII WERE ALL MASONS !!
That's the reason for the pedophilia crisis in the "church". Pedophilia is a masonic thing.
This actual "pope" is godless liberal bastard, a clown to atract liberals worldwide to this "new church".

>You don't think women can feel it when you rail them, man? That's sad.
Of course they feel it. Kaching kaching.

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Thats all im going to say because i know what you are. I dont argue with kikes..nice try though...memeflag

Paul did

> which is why you had to fall back on devine revelation when challenged.
I wouldn't say so. There are a couple of arguments to be made about Christ.
The first is the classic 3 or 4 L argument. Christ was either Lord, Liar, Lunatic or Legend.
Legend: Doesn't make sense considering the historic accounts, how the movement got started in the first place and jewish believes at that time.
Liar: Christ told many true things, but if he lied, he doomed himself, because he got killed for it. A lie doesn't seem worth to die for. Most blasphemers don't receive any attention after their death, so the idea that he did it for eternal glory or fame falls flat.
Lunatic: Christ seems to be mostly coherent and attracted a significant following. He was a threat with his movement and he didn't show any crazy behavior.
Lord: Since all other options don't make sense, he must be Lord.

Then we can also say: If this God is the source of everything, he is also the source of goodness, truth, justice and morality. We want to bring goodness, truth, justice and morality into this world, however, we also acknowledge that we aren't good or just ourselves, we sometimes lie.
Since we cannot uphold or fulfill this standard, but constantly violate it, we are bad and deserve judgement. That's why the standard itself has to pay this debt, since it is the only thing that is truly good and just. Justice itself has to declare us just, Goodness itself has to make us good.
Realizing that, we owe our eternal gratitude, because we aren't just good in the eyes of other people, who are limited and may be deceived, but we can be truly made good by goodness itself.
Then, we need to submit ourselves to this truly objective goodness and bring it into this world, which makes us disciples of Christ.