how are we going to celebrate boys ?

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That's disaopointing.

Now they have to pay smugglers.
It's just the same except someone is getting money.

>trusting muslims
They won countless battles this way. Shoot the fuckers


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The children of Xerxes are pushed back, today is a great day.

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Don't know if confirmed or not, but anyway this just means they will try to go through the sea or in low numbers aka EU will accept them, the thing is that we don't.. Don't start celebrating now.

They will just wait a week or so and storm it more quickly. Unless the Greeks militarize their border with Turkey this will become common place.

The battle today is won,
but they will come again and with the lessons learned from this encounter.
Next time won't be so uneventful

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Nothing is won before the attackers of our borders have been brought to justice

Imagine being Bulgaria in that picture and having to be all like "damn, Greece, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your exclaves and horrific pudgy borders. I would totally have trade with you." when all Bulgaria really wants to do is partition southern Macedonia with Serbia. Like seriously imagine having to be that Bulgar ethnostate and not only open that door while Greece flaunts her disgusting borders in front of you, the light of the sun revealing an international zone and open Bosphorus channel, and just be there, time after time, while she slowly slogs amid the Aegean. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking girth but her haughty attitude as everyone nearby tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, GREECE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her pudgy fucking medieval LARP sit flaccid and dull on her disgusting 20th century government. You've been conquering nothing but a healthy diet of tight, Romanian and later alleged Macedonian peasants for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the steppes in Central Asia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the debt that's breaking out on her unshapely coffers as she leaves it open while running those improperly large government programs, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to stand there, open her land corridor, and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for 7 days a week in the previous century. And then she calls for another land corridor to open, and you know you could kill every single Thessalonican before her army could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Bulgaria. You're not going to lose your future EU career over this. Just bear it. Cringe your face and bear it.

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this is precisely what the muslims do you dumb fuckers. they retreat, regroup, and try again with greater numbers. kill them NOW or you will be overrun.

Erdoshit thought coronachan was a nothingburger so now he cant send plague lords into Greece without it looking terrible.

In the end all Erdog-senpai really wanted was for Russia to buy more tomatoes. Now that Putin has obliged, there is no need for refugee crisis

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This is good for Greece, but what will stop the rest of the liberal EU from from importing more?

You're welcome.

gimme the Κaστανιές pasta, mate.

to explain, for the deficients among us: since 630 AD, muslims have 3 strategies.

1. If they happen to achieve victory - slaughter most of the males, children and elderly women, rape the rest, enslave everything they deemed valuable.

2. If they happen to barely achieve victory, and the conquered are way to numerous - impose taxes, ban other religions to build new places of worship, start conversions.

3. If they happen to lose or see the situation is against them - retreat

erdopig saw point 3 - Europe starting to oppose him. He will both try to de-escalate, bribe EU politicians to achieve his goals and force the borders the moment he'll perceive weakness or complacency.

smugglers are always getting their money

Eat your tomatoes Ivan or EU will collapse

One would say that this is hilarious banter if it were not for the fact that it comes from a position of Turkey coping and seething. These are the death throes of a failing state, its cock separated from its balls by the chastity cage of nationalism. Turkey's sissy faggot balls still think that they are capable of and have a right to produce testosterone, yet Turkey's tiny boyclitty inherently shows this is a futile effort of trying to hold onto a grasp of a false notion of perceived masculinity. Yes indeed, what Turkey truly needs and what Turkey truly wants is to be castrated. To become a nullo. Its pathetic cock and balls sliced from flesh and sewn up into a smooth mound of flesh much like an action figure, or in Turkey's case, a Barbie doll. Perhaps from there, once Turkey has achieved nullified genitalia, it will seek becoming as plastic as Barbie. Erdogan seeks to bimbofy Turkey, to give it perky tits and a firm arse but as we all know with plastic surgery, perhaps he is searching for the grail through boggification. Unfortunately for Erdogan, he's a manlet faggot and the holy grail rests on top of the fridge forever outside of his reach.

congrats on getting rid of those monkeys.

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I see he's moved up in the world. He's in tomato business now as well.

congratulations and thanks for doing it

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too soon, looks like roaches are going into the people-smuggling business

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Why is Turkey constantly getting BTFO so badly?

It's too early to celebrate a deescalation.


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i hope coronachan rids you of those fucking palestinian nigger monkeys.

I'll buy pizza with a lot of tomatoes tomorrow. Just for EU's small but growing balls.

plox gib wall blueprints ;__;

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Yep, this is a big sign of weakness. But still Erdogan have now showed us that we need to secure our borders to Turkey. Starting with retaking Northern Cyprus and the European part of Istanbul (Thrace). This is a necessity as Erdocunt just showed us that he can’t be trusted.I think the Kurds deserve a chunk of Turkey as well. A whole scale invasion combined with Kurdish uprising should do the trick. Time to prepare to destroy this disgusting nation of roaches.

same with your mexicans murica

fuck yourself jew, you're the reason we're in this situation

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Make sure it's Turk tomato, not from Krasnodar though. Greece sheds a tear for every tomato that you don't consume

that image isn't surprising. same with those bug bastard chinks and their ocean polluting sludge tankers. globoboomers always exempt THEM from their little UN treaties.

just place some huge ass concrete columns nigga, like wtf nigga, pour some concrete

What did russia do? I just woke up. What was the deal? Why Vlad???

is this a new pasta that I'm unaware of?

>Now they have to pay smugglers.

This, it's a slow moving crisis


How is this winning? The EU cucked out and sultan roach got everything he wanted out of it. We are back to shitskins being ferried to our islands in a slow pace, having to build more and more migrant camps, progressively getting less than 80% greek, and the turkroaches posturing militarily and testing us daily.

Sultan roach is back to invading syria with russia being passive and the US actively supplying him with intel and ammunition/armaments.
He secured another 500 million from the EU that he will use for more military.


I imagine myself in Καστανιές (Kastanies), leading my Covert Janissary Platoon of Bordo Bereliler at the border. Our mission is to push out the 99% male subh*mans from rightful Ottoman land. We tell the subh*mans the border is open but they keep staying. I shoot subh*man gr**ks but I hit the subh*man refug**s by accident so I draw my CS gas cannisters and start throwing and shooting aimlessly, since gr**Ks are way more psychically superior to me. I tell my people i deported them by the dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept deporting for I have KARA SHOÇLAR by my side. Then shot again and again. The Χρυσή Αυγή militias (Golden Dawn) were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Atatürk cursing at me, I smile back whispering ya Allah… Then I woke up, back in Greece. Plato and Socrates gave me a warm welcome to jannah. I finally made it, I'm finally Greek...


You got more pics like those?

This. IF this shit is true then we should get ready and not let the government allow any other migrant in. Not even 1 should be acceptable anymore.

I feel like headbutting my fucking monitor right now

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well, you know exactly what to do, don't you? im going to your border to defend it myself in 2 weeks. i suggest your citizens do the same.

>The EU cucked out and sultan
he will get something like 1-2 million more fresh rapefuges from Syria soon kek

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>I imagine
thats all its going to ever be unless you stop this

therefore even if coronachan is 100% bullshit, it was pretty good bullshit.

This is...someone took English and history and somehow isn’t a leftist.

kys kike

Erdog originally started this autistic screeching because he wanted EU to back him against Syria and Russia.
Putin was not pleased so he invited Erdogan to Moscow for a... chat and some Indian cuisine.
Erdogan reportedly left the negotiation so shaken that he accidentally shook hands with his own FM during the signing ceremony when he was supposed to shake hands with Russian leadership. He signed a ceasefire in Syria giving a lot of land to Assad and also stopped the refugee thing.

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they got HUMILIATED in syria

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Nooo they were supposed to try cross der border and get machine gunned. Nein. What a roach rip-off.

Can you retards even internalize how desperate things are?

There are 28,000 shitskins in Lesbos and roughly 50,000 permanent citizens, only 10,000 of which are 18-30yo men.

There are 4000 shitskins in Leros and 8500 permanent citizens.

There are 77,000 registered asylum seekers in greece and an estimated 280,000 undocumented migrants.

We were 91.8% greek in the 2011 census.
CAN YOU FUCKING CONCEPTUALIZE WHAT'S GOING ON? 28 countries are BLACKMAILED by a rogue islamist state because they are the geopolitical stopgap to russia entering warm seas, a vassal state for the US and their nuclear base + ICBMs, an export haven for germany and roughly 20% of its GDP, and an israeli golem to be used to take out libya, syria, iran, egypt.
Erdogan literally goes on record saying the greek islands will be turkish. He is broadcasting to his base and the world that he will invade greece. He is constantly invading our air-space with armed jet fighters and UCAVs.
Just how young are you fucking retards? I know you were not born when they invaded cyprus, that used to be OUR FUCKING ISLAND, but I hope some of you were alive for Imia.

Is that a Turkroach forum? What’s it called?