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Lots of undeveloped nations have it to.
Or are you saying the USA would be much better off like Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand, or Botswana?
if you by "work" mean you have to wait for a fucking month for a blood test, 1-2 years for cancer operation, than sure, it works
I don't wanna pay for someone's AIDS
>make it work
like shit
and I don't want to pay for Tyrone getting bullets in him on Friday night from some other nigger thug. Fuck free health care.. let the poor whites and niggers die.
do you understand how insurance works
well, i don't want to pay taxes so that rich people don't have to.
Also, our healthcare is as expensive as it is because drug prices and doctor visits are beyond expensive.
America has a higher population than all those nations put together.
America has a shit system but I don’t why people don’t call out this blatant lie that “every other country has free healthcare” more often
I paid $700 for a surgery here in japan last year
Canada / UK type system is not the norm at all
the population doesnt matter though, you just need to take your governments dick out of pharma and insurance industry and your helthcare gets cheaper than all these "free" helthcare systems, did you know that here in croatia they take 13-15% of your paycheck directly into the healthcare system?
See, this map has Japan as dark green, which is just factually wrong
This is a lie and baseless rumor and somehow I never even see conservatives call libs out on it
what was the surgury for? i'll bet here in usa it would have cost us 150,000 $ +
Switzerland should be red. Also happens to be one of the highest quality of life
damn, really? wow so much, how about you get free helthcare instead and pay 15% of everything you earn directly into healthcare, on top of 25% of regular tax, and depending on where you live, 0-10% county tax
Yes, healthcare is very affordable here.
It’s NOT “free and universal”. Even many European countries have copays. Even Canadian healthcare doesn’t cover drugs (which are a huge part of healthcare) so most well-off people have private insurance
Every time Bernie goes “EVERY UDDAH MAYJA COUNTRY HAS FREE HEALTHCEAH” and conservatives don’t just say “wtf no they don’t”, they are missing an opportunity
the problem with universal healthcare is its a pure loss, the state won't get any money out of it.
If anything it only make things worse because the majority of users of healthcare are eithehr elderly or people with cronic deseses, in both case people who are unlikely to still be working and be productive members of society, particularly boomers they are a dead weight on society's back.
"developed" is just a dogwhistle for white
Ask again in 4 years
even if its free? Here if you try anything with public health you're better off dying than getting anything from it
are you retarded or what
>cost 150k
>pay 1000 copay
>insurance covers the rest
Cope commie trash.
Those other nations dont have illegals dragging them down. Also better racial demographics. Also WAY FUCKING LESS PEOPLE
>hurr durr why doesn’t taxing the fuck out of people in largely culturally and demographically homogenous countries with
“Work” is subjective to standards of its people
United States acceptability of other countries healthcare systems is not acceptable by many please explain why we should lower to a level unacceptability to many to support a system that needs a much larger refactoring then simply single payer system
I'm from the UK and the healthcare is fucking awful over there, I went to my GP and asked for an allergy test and he literally said bring in things you think you're allergic to.
I went to my GP over here and he gave me a referral to an allergist who then tested me for fucking everything, I'll pay the $30 copay
U do know they’re inflated numbers for ur insurance to pay and they will, ultimately ur out of pocket won’t be even a quarter of that value
Free healthcare literally is a redistribution if taxes and price fixing that already occurs
Difference is that drugs will still be high and access to shrinking doctor pools will rapidly dwindle in the next few decades but no one wants to talk about how to become a doctor and how stringent and expensive it is
waiting lists here are anywhere from 5 to 12 years to see specialists like urology, gastroenterology, ear-nose-throat, etc
pretty sure Duke will sing a different tune if the tax rate jumps to 80%
none of this is true. Why is there a group of stupid people so resistant to being helped by society? Is it a pride thing where anyone who asks for help is "less of a man"? I really don't get it. You're fighting an absolutely losing battle against basic government functions that aren't even controversial in most of the world. stop fighting good things
>somehow you see this as people not needing help instead needing more doctors
5-12 years? fuck that. Called a ENT a few months ago and got an appt 2 weeks later.
32 out of 33 developed countries don't have entire cities worth of people living on government assistance alone.
Every interaction I had with Japan’s healthcare system was basically “here’s sone aspirin, take a day off of work and you’ll be fine” or “it doesn’t look that bad, you must be making it up”
If I hadn’t left when I did and got serious care in the US I would have died from an infection that took me a year to recover from
When I need to talk with a doctor it also means that I DO NOT NEED to talk to a FUCKING BUREAUCRAT.
Tell Europe to get their own militaries straight, whilst importing tons of refugees, and they're not allowed to trade on the US stock markets anymore. Watch how fast that healthcare money dries up. And don't act like Euros are good with money either,
You're being subsidized by the US. Deal with it.
Health care is not for Americans.
I've observed your nation as an ally - you couldn't handle the good life.
I'm always astounded at how hard life seems over there. It seems like if you don't CONSTANTLY have a plan to make money - you're screwed.
You guys are something like the Chinese right? Kind of - don't have time to be human.
That's why a lot of quick slap bang POP CULTURE comes from America - but the real deep stuff. The art, the philosophy... the stuff that makes a modern individual in a free country, with health care, education and welfare .... that all seems to come from Europe.
So yeah. I think Americans are DESTINED to be with China in their Race to the Bottom.
Lowest wages, highest productivity.
I hope you Win America. I hope you beat China and the Communist Socialists.
only lifestyle advantage is I think america has a lot more open spaces and wilderness for hiking and camping than Europe
It's rather simple user, American doctors post civil war realized that they were the most important members of society. Prior to this doctors were lower class than coal miners and fisherman. what your looking at is 200 years of gate keeping and bribery to keep doctors on top in the US. It cannot be changed without erasing the whole system.
You deserve to be American.
This map is wrong. We don't have universal healthcare, and we sure as heck don't have free healthcare.
If you can't afford health insurance then you actually don't deserve to live. That's not a joke.
Niggers and mexicans. Race realism. /thread
That's exactly how the US military health system works too.
>Doc, my achilles is hanging on by a thread
>Doctor: looks fine. Here's some ibuprofen, I'll give you quarters for a day, and make sure you drink water mmk?
If lefties love socialized services so much they should just join the military. It's a wet dream for them
>free healthcare, and no, you can't deny what the doctor says. You will take whatever drugs and treatments are prescribed to you.
>free food, or food allowance
>free housing, or housing allowance
>everyone gets paid no matter how bad they are, but if theyre bad enough, you get to do their job for them while they keep the seat warm. No raises.
>government mandated fitness
They'd love it, except for the walls around base. They'll probably rally to take it down, until one psycho comes bursting in with a couple SAWs, then suddenly they like borders.
and how many of those fucking nations are the size of America, Russia, or China?
You know, the three biggest fucking world powers?
russia has universal healthcare
Who has the smuggie meme that compares the square mileage and demographic makeup of small European countries to burgerland?
Do you speak Japanese?
This isn’t my experience at all, I have a few mild chronic health conditions and my doctors have been great
No argument to this whatsoever. You have to be some sort of redditor who isn’t race realist to believe this would work. As soon as niggers start passing the mirror test before 6 years old I’ll be down for universal healthcare. Deal?
A universal military is so complex that only 1 out of 33 developed nations have been able to make it work.
just change your socks faggot
There’s more welfare leeching niggers in our country then the entire population of your country. Where do you think all this money that Bernie would tax the fuck out of us would go to? Maybe when the melkle men have become a substantial percentage of your population, you’ll understand.
Why the fuck would I want to pay that much in taxes for some jobless nigger to go to the ER?
Dumb Chink. Go back to Wuhan
Under what criteria would you say that there are only 33 developed nations in the world?
There are twice as many people in Europe than in the US.
I'm not paying for your gender surgery faggot. What don't you get?
so should norway
Yeah most probably, i would love to live in the wilderness for a day or two to get in touch with the roots of the Ancestors.
You guys are quite fortunate of having such a huge Landmass
The world's "developed countries" are falling apart and devolving into monetized third world shit holes thanks to jewish influence and policies. No thanks.
Yes, I pool my money with other people capable of being on my insurance plan, not anybody who happened to be born. What happens when only people who are a net cost are insured?
>It's exactly the same to treat 6 niggers as it is to treat 6 hundred thousand niggers
Kill yourself, retard
Wow someone who speaks the truth. Based.
It will only work around here when politicians stop using private Healthcare and start using SUS.
Albeit that, SUS has it's upsides. They have a pretty good data base called Data SUS. It has issues, of course, but it is a good source of information.
And yet they’re still a shithole. Interesting. I thought all a nation needed was universal healthcare and they would instantly become a utopia?
So rationing care is working?
Please define universal health care? Because here you have to pay $600 just for the ambulance to take you to the hospital. Thats before you get redirected to the "specialist clinic" for your broken arm, where you get billed for the air you breathe.
It's a complex subject to retards who don't understand that the US has been the absolute world police for the last 70 years which is expensive as fuck. It only gets more complicated when you talk about a huge multi cultural population who have different values, goals, and destinies. You can't have workable socialist policies with the demographics the us has.
Shit copypasta
>Doctors are the reason healthcare is so expensive in the USA!
Please keep your brainlet opinions to yourself.
Universal healthcare isnt completely free. You lose a tiny portion of money each month in form of taxes. Plus there are small fees tied to each doctor visit and medicine prescription that can accumulate if you have several appointments (for example if you break a bone and you need multiple control visits).
Still, we're talking of operating costs of 200 dollars at most and the tax rate is much smaller than the monthly rate a burger has to pay for their health insurance. And you can still choose the private option if you want. So its still a better system.
It seems the yankee system is just bloated with a lot of administration costs and their pharma companies price gouging like crazy. In other words people go bankrupt in the US from getting ill simply because theres a lot of unnecessary zeroes on american medical bills that dont need to be there.
>don’t want to pay for Tyrone
You already are.
>free health care
what a great oxymoron.
>the good life
You buy our food, our oil, your RBC trades our markets. You watch our tv, our movies, our music, our politics. You visit our cities, buy our booze, eat our fast food. You wear our clothes, and probably drive some of our cars. You use our banks, and drink our beverages. Some of you even cross the border just to get groceries from Trader Joes. Everything you have, you have because of the US, to SUCH A DEGREE that the only real national pride of Canada is to try to be everything the US is not. Because otherwise, you would simply have no choice but to live in the great shadow cast by our nation.
Healthcare is not a federal responsibility.
> Universal
What I really wonder is what yanks think this actually means?
>our healthcare is as expensive as it is because drug prices and doctor visits are beyond expensive.
not only that but because insurers dont compete across state lines, the government doesnt negotiate drug prices. And along with that the promise of ensuring everybody healthcare but on the premise that the government will help foot the cost of people who arent able to afford to. Theres also the administrative WASTE that hospitals have just fighting the pharma and insurance industry simply because those jews will do everything in their power to deny coverage and adequate procedures because "its not cost effective".
Healthcare should be universal, it doesn't adhere to market forces and the relationship between supply and demand weighs heavily in the supply's favor.
If you call the joke that is the Canadian healthcare system as "working" your fucking insane.
They'd like prison more
the difference is amerikwa is full of niggers
More niggers in the US then the population of Denmark. Not even including spics and illegals that continue to suck this country dry. Not to mention the many, many toothless, meth addled white niggers also bringing us down.
How many of them front money for medical research?
32 of those 33 countries aren't being forced to give half their paycheck to fund Greater Israel's middle eastern conquest.
You are good at typing out Bernie Sanders speech pattern...
There's nothing to discuss. UHC is superior on all aspects. Turning objective facts into "debates" and "controversies" is what allow rightism still exist, or else it would have long ago become a DSM entry.
canadians overwhelmingly love your system though.
Europe is not a country
explain? yes we do pay out the ass for healthcare but if you're a bum with no money you still get the same service and pay nothing
I can't, Doc, they're stuck to ma feet.
$300 premium, pay deductible, insurance pays 100% after that.
I see a specialist ASAP within 2-3 days, have procedures if need be, for an emergency the day of seeing the specialist or after, if can wait, about 4 days.
Fuck your pimping of rationed care authoritarian faggot.
Dumb nigger we already have free healthcare if you’re poor. But if you’re middle class you get stiffed. If you make good money and aren’t paying tax jews you get stiffed.
apparently the idea is elimanting the insurance companies and most adminstration jobs in hospitals and this supposedly will cost less than what we are paying now, and all it will cost is a couple hundred thousand jobs.
Canadians overwhelmingly a lot of fucking broken worthless retarded shit
shut up goy, shekelberg will take your money and your foreskin and you'll like it
Canada should be Blue. Only thing our "Healthcare" covers is Clinics/Hospitals. Have fun going to a Dentist, Optometrist. Also have fun going to any "Specialist" or the former Clinics/Hospitals with almost-fatal waiting times.
im just saying healthcare in norway isn't free
Mexico, Brazil, and Thailand are newly industrialized nations.
I still like how Hong Kong does it, help for the poor but tax free retirement savings accounts for healthcare and health insurance so there is competition and people are subject to price signals and spend their own money more wisely than a bureaucrat would. (sort of like 401ks but for HealthCare, imo tax free savings/investment accounts could be used for at least half of current government services, including education, healthcare, retirement, it's fucking beautiful way to mix helping the poor with free market principles)
Yeah, I was working as a translator and had to suddenly leave my life there due to an illness.
The top 500 people in the US have more money than the entire United Kingdom
Think about that
Even if you taxed half their income away, they would have more money than you'd be able to spend in multiple lifetimes. That money alone could take care of the entirety of the United States, whom they made their fortune out of.
At the same time cost of living lowers drastically. And its not like European countries dont have health insurance companies. On the contrary they're pretty much mandatory for every registered business to have for their workers. So if you're so afraid that those poor misunderstood insurance companies would go bankrupt and the jews would cry their golden tears, fear not, they would still have a corner to live in. Problem in the US is that they have grown bloated and complacent in their own situation.
we have HSA's in america. that doesn't help the mountain of other problems with our healthcare system
on our current federal budget, taxing 100% the wealth of every billionaire would only sustain the government for about 8-12 months
>m-muh nigguhs
and Europe is swamped with arabs and pakis, yet still we make it work because we ain't morons.
>Europe is not a country
It's a federation of nation states with central government, not very different from the US which is a federation of states with central government. Also hold kæft din brunost.
Those same nations don't have to pay for their own defense because the other nation makes up NATO's might.
Turns out you can't have a strong military AND universal healthcare.
We have medicaid for the most vulnerable people in society. We don't need NHS and their extreme wait times and death sentence denials.
Reminder all wealthy people come to America for any serious problem and use private doctors for everything else.
Why don’t rich people want free stuff?
You do realize that if you work for a proper Company or have health insurance you will get private treatment in the first world also?
Not sure how it is in your developing country,
Fake News. These are the same idiots that think Europe is full of Socialist countries.
why, even in the Obama years, do Canadians come to the US for med care?
How do you plan on turning their assets and offshore accounts into taxable liquid assets?
That's because we don't know shit about Japan because you guys stay hidden, as well you should.
I also forgot to mention that (((current year))) "Healthcare" systems are basically breeding grounds for Coronavirus and other illnesses. You've never seen a pandemic waiting to happen like sitting around for 2-6 hours surrounded by sick people who have little-to-no reason to be in public. What makes it worse is that most places that virtue signal about their "Free Healthcare" are the places that have floods of immigrants who'd flock into public services to try and abuse the "Free" shit, making it exponentially worse.
We're not in NATO and we have both. Quit making excuses, you lazy nigger.
Doesn't Japan have something similar to Obamacare, where you're legally obligated to purchase insurance but if you can't afford it, the government pays the premium for you? Think several countries on the list have similar systems.
>we still make it work
Yeah of course you do. The question is why?
You still don't have a strong military and you still benefit from NATO. The entire world benefits from the US military, particularly the Navy.
I've been on the receiving end of poor NHS healthcare and I can assure you, if I could take what I pay in National Insurance and get private healthcare I would.
This map is not true. Stop believing every stupid thing you see or read online.
In liquid or paper assets idiot.
Also, do they have their own central bank that circumvents Article I of the US Constitution?
Do they have payrolls to meet? Tax obligations, shareholders to please, Board members to answer to as well, stakeholders etc... Go to hell, the private sector runs differently than incompetent bureaucratic government.
>capitalism bad
Kys faggot
Yet medical bills is the number 1# reason of personal bankruptcy in the US. So a lot of people go homeless and destitute for merely getting ill. Your safety net has a lot of holes in it.
FAR less people have been tested for CV in america than in every other country affected. Our healthcare system and no paid sick leave prevents people from going to the hospital if they have the virus and to stay home if they do have the virus. Its a dangerous situation