Italy Corona Virus Death Toll Now 1,073,089

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See you in a mass grave

fuck off shill. you're gonna post this pasta everywhere now?

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These kids weren't even alive when the 2009 swineflu scare happened. Let them have their fun prepping.

Yes because a panedmeic happens so quick. When a deadly virus takes grip of the world instead of doing what it normally does of being a slow burner, all the happenings happen in the first 3 months. Fucking idiot.

They probably weren't even on Yas Forums for ebola a couple years ago

That's bananas!

>Italy Corona Virus Death Toll Now 1,073,089
This is a lie.

A curona ah spreada fromda SAUCIE SAUCIE

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It's not happening check them

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>Yas Forumstards act like a bunch of insufferable edgelords on the internet 24/7
>a literal flu kills 3000 people in the span of 4 months
>their penisses instantly shrivel up in fear as they cry out for their mommies and keep spamming senseless fearmongering threads while prepping years worth of shitty canned food and useless shit masks that wont do anything for them

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You fucking brainlet. Why would their be a comma before and after 3? Face it, their is 107 deaths and 3089 cases of the virus

OP, you fucking idiot, can't you read?
death toll 107,
3,089 cases.

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It had a cfr of less than 0.1%. This has a cfr of 3.4% according to the WHO.

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Fuck off fag no one likes you. Go get attention on Yas Forums.

>when a us city
Who cares about Amerikkka?

It says 107 dead and 3089 cases you low IQ porch monkey

post bussy first

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>Between 1976 and 2013, the World Health Organization reports 24 outbreaks involving 2,387 cases with 1,590 deaths
2,387 cases in 37 years. Corona can do that in a day and it's only picking up speed. It might no be as deadly but the damage done globally won't even be comparable.

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I was here for H1N1, Ebola-chan, and Zika-chan. Corona-chan is a bigger happening for sure, and hell, we got tons of OC.
H1N1 was nothing serious. Cases did escalated and schools were closed, but CFR was like .05%. Ebola was simply stuck in Africa, and the fear was that there was case in the States, but that patient recovered and no spread was made.
Zika was making its trend across South America, and making pregnant women have retarded babies, nothing deadly.

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Do you have any idea how bananas that is? Fucking bananas!

OP sees through (((comma))) tricks and understands what the true numbers are

Another virulent flu. People don't have to get sick from cold or flus by simply taking some vitamin c immediately after getting symptoms

>omg the world is going to end!!
>forgotten 6 months later

>swine flu
>omg the world is going to end!!
>forgotten 6 months later

>omg the world is going to end!!
>forgotten 6 months later

>omg the world is going to end!


Worst part is ebola actually had a really high mortality rate and this pussy virus just has a higher transmission rate with low death rate. And if history is anything to go by the virus could end up going kill in summer due to the heat and by then were told that treatment medication will most likely be available by then. World powers dont want this shit to get out of hand because it means the end of playing "King" for them all.

>*Coofcoofcoooooof* forgotten about 4 years later

>Calls others low IQ
>Doesn't get the joke


Know how I can tell you're a shill? No one calls it Covid-19.
At minimum its corona virus. If you want to fit in call it chink flu or wu flu.

German guy is probably like, "Us Germans get jokes."


"Humor pleases me."

What did he post?

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Ebola-chan has a high CFR due to niggers in Africa having the lack of hygiene, education to clean themselves up, and other diseases that weakened their immune systems. This correlated to the quick deaths of niggers.
Most survivors were from outside of including an America physician who volunteered for the WHO.


Death toll is 107

out of 3089 cases

ebola-chans critical weakness was fluid transmission and how hard she ravaged the niggers

you'd have to be pretty retarded to get it

Pretty sure thats a 29% death rate

you have to factor in that some people linger for 4 weeks before dying like that chinese doctor

Toll being paid as we speak

SARS was and still is scary.
The rest were always nothingburgers.

bro, we're up to 3800 now and 41 deaths in one (1) day.

death toll is 148 retard, and cases are 3800

checked and saved

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>expecting sandniggers to know how to punctuate properly
user I...
Italy coronavirus death toll to 107 (dot) 3,089 cases: Live updates

Apparently COVID19 reacts poorly to garlic.

How comes Germoney has 0 deaths officially reported?

What is the average age of the people who die from Corona in Italy?

Which strain is in Italy you think anons?
Also Corona-Chan Exterminatus Ultra Strain mutations when anons?

Obviously Italy got a deadly one, but that makes me wonder how the Germs are not dying, as Italians have spread it to Kraut country as well.

WOW that is tens of lakhs sir.

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Literally every Israeli who comes back from Italy has the coronavirus. Pretty sure the entire country is infected.

bat linguini recipe

arabs soon motherfuckers

You mean SARS-CoV-2 right ?

>Literally every Israeli who comes back from Italy has the coronavirus

Attached: check'em.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

It's the other way around, we probably got the virus from you. The first case in europe was in germany and the virus in italy descends from that cluster. Your government is lying.

Also, the first death(13/02) was in spain but it was reported as a corona case only recently, the virus is already all over europe.

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the opposite

You're both wrong

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>fag is getting sexually aroused at the thought of chink germs
They don't call them bug chasers for nothing.

the 1488 get

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those digits!!

What the fuck are you faggots doing in Italy, haven't you got palestinian children to kill and Satan to worship back in your ethnostate?
Serves you right you fucking heathens

I am not a number! I am a free man!

get baited retard