Trump says 'Corona virus death rate is LESS THAN 1%'

Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number,” the President told the conservative cable network’s Sean Hannity. “Now, this is just my hunch, and, but based on a lot of conversation with a lot of people who do this, because a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people, so you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu, and, or virus, so you just can’t do that,” Trump said, clearly trying to minimize the danger and the numbers of people infected

But then again they don’t know about the easy cases, the easy cases don’t go to the hospital, they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases, so I think that number is very high. Personally I would say the number is way under 1%

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and he's exactly correct here

As testing improves we'll find that there are many walking around who are infected but asymptomatic. We have no idea how many of those may be, but if there are many, it would reduce the death rate as a % of the infected.

Its zero (0%). It’s a hoax.

I think it is too. One interesting thing, and maybe it’s just my state, but the officials said that they were prioritizing testing the elderly over every other suspected case because they’re highest risk of dying. So if every state was doing that then all the confirmed cases are more likely to die than the general population. It makes the death rate as stilted as possible.

Here comes the Drumph defense team. Here to spin every time he puts his foot in his mouth. He can't always be right, you know. I'm so sick of the shilling. It'd b nice to have an intelectually honest discussion some day. You just want to cover all his lies. Trump is a monster and that's all there is to it. Cope.

I'm fucking telling you, having watched this for a while now, that if one western country can manage to fuck this up so hard they exceed 3.4% it's going to be you. You can screencap this post but you should probably be trying to save yourselves or your parents. You are fucked m8

You're literally ruining this board with your constant shilling. Who's paying you?


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You say you want discussion and you can’t even attempt to refute a goddamn thing I said. Eat shit shareblue

Seethe harder

>Its zero (0%). It’s a hoax.
So do you think the CCP is actually inflating its numbers rather than trying to downplay them?

Spell better

I said it would be nice. I didn't say I wanted that. Quit lying.

it´s funny because he´s in the age group likely to drop dead from it.

But see
If the numbers are that low, it means that the Chinese govt is putting out fake numbers that are TOO HIGH. It implies the Chinese are listing a HIGHER mortality than it really is.

That makes 0 sense.

seething jew on suicide watch.

Make an argument if you actually have something to say besides emotional vomit

in south korea the fatality rate is 0.6% :^)

fuck off trumpkike

No I think we will also screw up pretty bad on it

To be fair, Bojo hasn't really done anything about it either. Other than saying 'wash your hands'.
Although one thing that's interesting is apparently the British govt is preparing for up to 1/5th of the workforce to be out of action. Hard to say what 'preparing' really is but even so.


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Kim was right, he is DOTUS
Dotard (supreme) of the US


In italy its 50%

Socialised healthcare for you faggots.

I am not that poster but I made a strong argument

Whites are inferior vermin

Yes I'm sure China locked down entire cities for weeks just for the lulz.

>makes 0 sense
It does if you can’t tell me what happened to all those Hong-Kong protesters.



So you want it but you dont want to put the work in yourself? Let me guess, you were With Her?

are you Rush Limbaugh?

>ID says FLU

Have fun waiting for weeks for NHS to get around to you, Muhammad

>ID says WU-FLU
ok wtf

Yeah because this if you’re only testing people that are probably gonna die you’re gonna have a very high death rate

So you can’t tell me then?

ok then don't tell me 80% of tested cases are mild

>If the numbers are that low, it means that the Chinese govt is putting out fake numbers that are TOO HIGH. It implies the Chinese are listing a HIGHER mortality than it really is.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but the chinese mortality rate is similar to the one being reported elsewhere isn't it?

No matter what country you're talking about the mortality falls somewhere between like 1-5% right?

Well the virus is confirmed as a bioweapon, and ultimately it could have been intended to be used on Hong Kong protesters but got out early because China can't do anything right. In any case, their big bioweapon lab is just nearby Wuhan. It's obviously from there.

Also this is the dude who is head of the WHO.

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>implying worldwide unofficial media isn't blacked out right now

retard in chief bros

It literally days in the same article that business insider previously stated the same position themselves, as have many other experts, due to unreported mild cases.
Take you DRUMPHFS outrage some place else.

oh no! who will make spaghetti and fix my plumbing? this sucks

I didn’t say they were, Ari.

He’s the Ethiopian philosopher right?

Not even necessarily asymptomatic, those with minor symptoms.

There is a confirmed case in my county. I attend college in a county that borders one with a confirmed case. I live there during the week. I work retail. I had the sniffles last week. I probably had it and it was a nothing burger.

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my mistake, trumpkike. you're claiming it's 99% mild cases you fucking piece of shit

According to the WHO (who are unironically in the pocket of China, if you saw their presser it was cringey) they're saying it's 3.4%. And that's based on the Chinese numbers which are very likely downplayed.

It is between 1-5% but there's a big difference between even 1 and 2%. Spanish flu had 2% for example.
Going by the official numbers it's 3.4%, but there's evidence that those numbers are too low as I say.

Trump is basing his 'less than 1%' on a 'hunch'.

You could just say no

Wouldn't that also indicate a higher R0 value, meaning the virus is even harder to contain than previously thought? Even if 5 times as many aren't detected as are, that would still leave it as a category 3 pandemic, the second deadliest in modern history.

It'd also mean it's infectious as all fuck.

Show me where?

ok faggot fuck. tell us where they are you stupid fucking kike


Except in areas with widespread outbreak virtually everyone is getting some form of testing, especially if they have any cold/flu symptoms.

Those places still have a very high death rate
(with the exception of SK for now, but that is more the result of being super diligant about fast treatment.

This whole "there are millions of cases that arent being detected!" is a meme.

Trump is wrong, and he is a dumb fuck

>I probably had it
You can't just assume that you having what is likely a regular cold was the corona virus. There's a chance but it's far more likely not.

You’re such a crybaby.

He's an idiot that needed to be removed from office, but the Senate is even dumber than the populace.

I think you’ve lost the plot, Mosche.

A monster? Why's that? Because he doesn't speak the way you'd like him to? Because he wants people to remain calm? It will be ok.

How are those refunds coming along?

Based and redpilled.
I think Trump supporters will go to Hell.

On what basis do people keep spouting this bullshit? What if there are a mild and a strong strain and getting one doesn't immunize you against the other? See, I can make shit up too.

Maybe, but 1/4 of the people on my campus are pretty sick, another quarter sniffles, 50% asymptomatic

>Here comes the Drumph defense team.

TELL US KIKE. or are you backing out now like a rat?

>implying I'm supporting any candidate, especially the rich socialist that wants me to live in a cardboard box while he has three homes

>He can't always be right, you know.
Cope AND seeth

I hope to send a few there myself as soon as shit goes sideways

I think early in the early stages, that number will also be largely a guess or based on a sample size that is too small. It WOULD indicate a higher R0 and that number should be adjusted after testing becomes more ubiquitous.

hi kushnershill you stupid kike

Why don't you do it now to save time?

>Because he wants people to remain calm
He wants people to be calm in the same way you want lambs to be calm as they're being led to the slaughterhouse.

Trump was banking on this being a nothingburger and vanishing as if by magic. As a result he did not act quickly enough because the damage to the economy would be huge.

Because it is not a nothingburger, this gamble did not pay off, and now the economy is tanking anyway. So it's worse than if he'd just gone into lockdown for the whole country straight away [months ago]

>government tells me to "self quarantine"
is the govt going to pay my fucking bills in the meantime? is the govt going to give me a paycheck for staying home?

maybe we should have thought about htis before a crisis. maybe we should have thought about what it means for people to be squeezed more and more every year.

Oh you're not voting? You wont mind if I cast my ballot for Trump then. Good to know

>They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor.
That's potentially true. You can probably estimate it though. Don't know what the procedure for that would be.

kushnershill on 2nd ID already

Let me make it simpler for you and that double digit IQ of yours.

Let's say we have 100 people with the virus but only 50 of them feel bad enough to go to a doctor, the other 50 just assume its a regular flu and don't seek out medical treatment. Of the 50 people that went to the doctor let's say two end up dead from the virus.

The doctors and government see it as 2/50 people died from corona virus which means it has a 4% death rate. But in reality it's 2/100 that died from from the virus which means it's actually a 2% death rate.

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Official proof that you're an idiot unnecessary, but I can't stop ya.

It’s not out of the realm of possibilities.

duh retard

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I just wanna say to all the newfags in this thread. Welcome to Yas Forums! You are here forever.

>I hope to send a few there myself as soon as shit goes sideways
literally shaking rn

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He's doing it because 'muh economy' is the only thing he can really sell for his 2020 platform, and now that's crumbling so he's trying to keep it afloat through any means. That's why the fed is pumping billions in, to try to keep the economy from crashing.

Are you completely retarded? My insinuation which apparently flew the fuck over your head is pretty obvious. Maybe take it down the hall to r/explainlikeimfive you dicknosed faggoli

It's 3.4% of those requiring hospitalization?
That means most people are probably getting it without having symptoms that require hospital care.

Oh no Trump's stupidity is catching!
abandon thread

you're free to be a kike...for now

>hi kushnershill you stupid kike
ass blasted berniebro
hit the gym, manlet

Stfu and do it, then. The country needs less stupid faggots.

Which one are you again?

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Why did you swap IPs?


>It's 3.4% of those requiring hospitalization?
No. It's 3.4% of all known cases. It's more of that of resolved cases and like 19% of those hospitalized.

Lol so you’re ridin with Biden? Or is it still her turn?

and where is trump's evidence that 50 out of 100 people (or whatever the real world number is) don't seek medical care? he has none. He is just covering his own ass because Republicans told him to cut funding to health services

>That means most people are probably getting it without having symptoms that require hospital care.
Makes sense - they can only count people who show up to the hospital with symptoms and get tested. Basically, people who are already in bad shape. Lousy sample group. But hey Yas Forums loves a habbening - speaking of which, isn't 3/5/2020 supposed to be the end of days because digits?

I didn't, you're just a stupid faggot.

no one can refute this. the actual number must be ridiculous.



Its a political purge probably. What was happening in China directly before "corona virus"? Massive protests against the regime in Hong Kong. Dissent probably spread to the mainland and they're using corona meme virus as a cover for locking down the country and killing a load of political dissidents in typical chinese style. Corona meme peddlers in the west are happy to go along with it because it makes their scam more credible and they can make more money than usual from retard panickers.


The CDC was doing something similar to the WHO. The WHO would say everything is alright, them the CDC would imply a specific claim was true, then the WHO would say they misread the data and that the CDC was correct. I think either trump is playing it off so that if the pandemic prevention actions cause a economic recession for no beneficial outcome he has plausible deniability. That or a lot of the Chinese symptoms were actually evidence of pre existing problems that went unchecked, which would also explain the virus magically castrating men but not women.
Maybe the virus was being used as a excuse for china to clean house and they're prepping for having to explain why millions of people died from what was just a slightly more dangerous SARS outbreak

You just proved you can't read, bitch. I. Am. Not. Supporting. Anyone. You. Dumb. Mother. Fucker.

>totally not from chapotraphouse

I'm at the point where I will never vote for a Democrat but I'm rapidly losing patience with Trump's recent bouts of full retardation

you cannot reason with kikes


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>but I'm rapidly losing patience with Trump's recent bouts of full retardation
Welcome to my world of 30 years ago.

>It's 3.4% of all known cases.
The vast majority of known cases are known because of hospitalization.


hahahahba nigger. you wont hear about coronavirus in 2 months anymore, faggot tranny.

>MUH BIBI WILL BE IN GITMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck off kushnershill

Sounds silly. China is suffering immense economic fallout, and the whole world is going into an economic collapse due to the corona virus too.
If China wanted to do a purge they'd do it the old fashioned way and no one would be able to do shit about it. They wouldn't collapse their own economy for the sake of Hong Kong or anything else.

Based. He’s ignoring non-white deaths

You need to go back newfag Nigger


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If you've found the will to live, great. Accept Jesus into your heart, and stop voting; all candidates are evil. Only evil people seek office in the end times.

>Corona meme peddlers in the west are happy to go along with it because it makes their scam more credible and they can make more money than usual from retard panickers.
the usual bi-annual (((big pharma))) pandemic scam that magically disappears once shekels have been distributed. and retards still fall for it.

I hope it is even higher than that for our old people. I really don't like old people. Fuck em all.