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Because the media can’t use “climate change” to try and crater the economy to stop Drumpf
Coronavirus might kill you
Climate change might kill your great grandchildren
Fuck you kike
Wrong, nigger.
Both the Coronavirus and the Climate Crisis are fake.
7 million out of 7.7billion people is less than 0.1%
nobody gives a shit about climate change besides people on reddit and people who write for the guardian. the rest of us have jobs and shit to do
Because there's literally nothing we can do about the changing climate except hide from it or die in it's wake.
Owen Jones is a bitch
Now do 3000 out of 7.7 billion and you will see that Owen was right about our disproportionate responses.
I legit want Owen Jones to die. I want someone in the street to cut his throat.
no u
We need to avoid causing a panic, duh.
>7.7 billion infected with cornoa-chan
Please be true.
Man-made global warming is hysterical bullshit, though.
Or may offer your grand children the food to have many more children
I wish that literal faggot would get stuffed by one of his pet pakis already.
It is too late to do anything about climate change.
Because nobody wants climate change to be used as a pretext to open the gates to every nigger under the sun.
Nobody but that speciment of terminal faggotry and her jewish masters.
Who is this beta fuck and why is he gay
Why don't leftists ask this of themselves?
Literally every list of objectives of every climate movement contains as much if not more about addressing privilige and gender bullshit as it does the environment.
You would think that if leftists actually cared, they would do everything in their power to stop these faggots using climate movements as a trojan horse, since all it does is cheapen the message.
But that's not what we see.
Because neither are real.
cos owen jones is a faggot's not that urgent
Well Corona is solving the climate crisis so why care anymore?
Because Climate Change is a politically charged farce which if libtard communists get their way will doom half the planet to "green" energy which has terrible lifetimes and emits more CO2 from production than it reduces. More people die from shitty power than CO2 emissions fucktard.
And 90% of those 7 million deaths are in China.
Why wont the media get tough on China already?
we do both. corona shuts down economy and soon we will live in stone age again (the ones who survive)
Owen Jones is a faggot
That is all you need to know.
Because Coronavirus is real.
>81% chance
Can't wait for this faggot to catch it and die.
> we should start to hoard shit loads of consumables
> and renew the storage as often as possible
> to combat climate change
Phd in faggotry
Corona is solution to Climate Change. It will kill off 70% of humanity in next 10 years. So all pollution will decrease. But regardless Earth will go through a mini cooling cycle/ice age around 2050
Being the retarded nigger that you are, you could not connect the dots.
Climate change is a hoax to try to take away people's rights and tax them even more
because climate change is bullshit
the climate crisis vs a global viral pandemic - okay retard...
Climate change is a threat to an imaginary world in your imagination. Coronavirus threatens the real world.
The coronavirus is real, lol.
What I wouldn't give to cave this cunts fucking skull in.
Climate activists in the 60s
>The world is gonna end
Climate activists in the 70s
>The world is gonna end
Climate activists in the 80s
>The world is gonna end
Climate activists in the 90s
>The world is gonna end
Climate activists in the 2000s
>The world is gonna end
Climate activists in the 2010s
>The world is gonna end
Yeah I sure wonder why..
so sick of these faggots everywhere...
because climate always changes
fucc now i need to know the lgbtq+ free zones
planning on my next vacation
There won't be a climate crisis if say for example 1 in every 5 people on earth are dead.
Which this bio weapon looks like it's gonna rip through us quicker than climate change
Climate activists in the 60s
>The world is gonna end by the end of the 70's
Climate activists in the 70s
>The world is gonna end by the end of the 80's
Climate activists in the 80s
>The world is gonna end by the end of the 90's
Climate activists in the 90s
>The world is gonna end by Y2K
Climate activists in the 2000s
>The world is gonna end by 2012
Climate activists in the 2010s
>The world is gonna end by 2020, for sure this time
Fixed it
None of those are white. Don't care.
Boy who cried wolf. Seriously, do lefties not read anymore? Ant and the grasshopper? Scorpion and the frog? Boy who cried wolf? Little nuggets of wisdom among the various stories and fables of the world. I thought they were supposed to be educated yet they fall for every little trick as if they've learned absolutely nothing in their lives.
Corona virus killing people is good for the environment and will prevent climate change.
and they're probably counting deaths of people who died and happened to have asthma, even if their death had nothing to do with asthma
>climate change
>always on civilized western countries instead of shitskins and chinks who pollute far more
If Corona chan infected the whole planet then there would be 300+ MILLION dead, brainlet.
>climate crisis
He's right... we should just nuke China already
Because one is a death cult, the other is death incarnate.