>Ask me anything
Patriot Front here
>patriot front
Can mossad fuck off and stop making these groups? Hopefully someone assassinates Yair Netanyahu.
are you guys relevant at all?
Nice try, kike. Patriot Front is building strong communities throughout the nation. No crimes are committed by PF, so no feds.
They're ADL shills in costumes.
Are you? You're just a shitposter.
Ignore these fags, they patrol every thread looking for irl right wingers to smear
>supporting Netanyahu
How does it feel to glow in the dark? Difficult to sleep?
What's it like actively being a member of a honey pot
>Believing the SPLC
why are there age restrictions to your little girls club you pussy ass larping faggot bitch?
You first, kike. No (You) for you
Patriot Front is not a criminal organization, nor are they a terroristic one. It is a group of courageous activists who are doing something for their nation. Feds care about violent organizations. PF is not that.
yes goy join fascist group No.952 this is not a honeypot!
So whens the next false flag kike?
Because no faggot boomers. It is truly an American youth movement.
In your dreams, JIDF nigger. PF just had a successful march on the nations Capitol. You mad?
Yeah, so its a honeypot. Just because they haven't slammed you against Antifa (another honeypot) yet doesn't mean you aren't a useful idiot. No groups are organic, I'm sorry if you actually fell for the meme, but you're in a honeypot.
Imagine still pushing this retarded shit 3 years later. Hillary is definitely running again if these psy ops are ramping up.
You guys legit?
If so what concrete shit have you dont that has successfully red pilled american whites?
>youth movement
doomed from the start loser.
Everything is a honeypot! Do nothing goy. You kikes never change.
Wait, what are you trying to say? You know all these groups are Soros funded honeypots right? You do know that right user? You can't possibly be stupid enough to think these things just magically get started on their own, right user? You didn't actually think Charlottesville was an organic event did you?
>Because no faggot boomers. It is truly an American youth movement.
Hmm.....is this true? I like Patriot Front but there are age limits? Also going after boomers is a D&C tactic. Shouldn't we be supportive of all redpilled young men regardless of age?
you'll have luck recruiting on plebbit
>activists who are doing something for their nation
like midnight banner drops? like a bunch of faggot feds?
>Shouldn't we be supportive of all redpilled young men regardless of age?
>No crimes are committed by PF, so no feds.
You niggas being investigated for hate crime stickers on a Democrat party office, lol.
It isn't our job to redpill normies. We are building a strong collective of activists who are reclaiming America.
But it is a honeypot. I'm sorry Fed. This is pathetic. Do you think you are demonstrating a "positive image" for your group by calling people faggots and kikes? Why is there no consistency in your message?
>It is a group of courageous activists who are doing something for their nation.
Yes, you sure are doing "something".
Fuck off, boomer. Nobody wants you in his movement.
Are you one of those cucked fascist groups that break your back to suck cops and military dick? Or do you resist fellating the single most powerful arm of globalism and kikery
gay, dumbest thing ive seen all day
Fair enough,
Hows that going then?
Oh user I totally agree with you, the "proud boys" color scheme isn't lost on me.
Patriot Front does not accept donations.
youth movement
>>MTV 2
good luck taking america back peter pan.
How did you get clearance to do an AMA on Yas Forums? I thought PF had a ground rule that they never talk to the press or such.
Patriot Front is against the state.
They do. Yas Forums is not the press.
Yeah because you are getting funded and organized by money from "somewhere else." This is painfully dumb.
Everything is done by Patriot Front members. There is no funding.
why don't you post images of your successful protest and banner drops, after all this is an image board.
Only decent question itt
why does PF come off as very narcissistic ?
>They do. Yas Forums is not the press.
Nigger the press sits here all day reading threads.
user, don't talk to me like I'm stupid. I'm not stupid.
Im sorry but any fucking organization or milita with 3%, patriot, Rightwing, in the name is infiltrated by the feds..no thanks
Fair enough, I'm sure you're going to be careful with what you say.
second question: What is PF's stance on regionalism/state's rights?
Whatcha doing on the Bulgarian golfing enthusiasts forum?
What's Thomas up to these days?
Who are you in PF? Just a pleb, or actually somebody in the know?
What state are you in?
How many members does PF have these days?
So I just checked on the website. Looks like the age limit is 18-35
Interesting.....not sure if this is a good idea or not. Did the communists or National Socialists back in the day have age limits for membership? I don't think they did.
Looking at pic related there are a mixture of old, young, and middle aged. I guess if Patriot Front wants to stay a youth movement but that may limit their ability to expand
He is not a representative of Patriot Front so I would take this thread with a grain of salt. Anyone can make these kinds of threads and claim to be "x" person from some group
isn't Hitler Youth an age restriction? I get your point tho
PF seems very restrictive on who gets to speak on their behalf, could just be one guy one an ego trip. Or a recruit who thinks he's spreading the good word.
Hitler Youth where little kids when these new age people call their group a youth group they sound fucking retarded.
>>bro join my youth group
bro are you like 25
Read the manifesto. Join your brothers.
>We are building a strong collective of activists who are reclaiming America.
What does this mean in terms of actions? What have you *done* -- not what is your mission statement.
Well, I think it is a good strategy to have the main party which is open to people of all ages. Then, once you are established/powerful enough, go for the creation of a separate youth branch.
But having a youth organization from the very beginning might limit its potential. What if there is a 40yr old with lots of money and influence who wants to join? But they cannot because Patriot Front has this supposed 18-35yr old age limit. Not trying to make a big deal out of this, just my honest thoughts.
No feds. Just like the ProudBoys. Sure.