Gun to your head, Bernie or Trump as president and why? Hard mode: no saying why the other guy sucks...

Gun to your head, Bernie or Trump as president and why? Hard mode: no saying why the other guy sucks, just why you prefer your guy.

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Trump, I ain't a commie

trump, he's based

trump for the seething it would cause if he won against bernie

I would do UNSPEAKABLE things to her.

trump, the other guy is a jew i hear

Trump. 2nd amendment justices. Even if he is a boarderline Dem the people will force a pro gun justice.

Also capitalism. Usually I dont have to choose that but the Dems have gone downhill. And boarders also.

Yeah, gotta go for Zion Don to trigger those libtards, amirite?

>thin hair
>massive forehead due to balding

A sign of diminished vitality. Better to preserve one's health rather than attempt to reclaim it once one notices it's waning. Would not breed with.

Bernie because I hate everyone else on this site and like to watch them ree and seethe.

Trump....his wife is hot.
Bernie's wife is a fucking fat, ugly pig.
I am a single issue voter.

Trump. He is doing what he said he was going to do.


Dumb fucking proposition. I can literally say whatever I want and the gun is inconsequential.
I vote for Trump because he called Rosie o Donnell a fat cunt

He's the enemy that I know, don't know how Sanders would be as President so fuck it


he's not as retarded as bernie

Bernie. I know he’s sincere just cowardly.

Trump, not voting for a balding; socialist commie Jew

absolute fucking retard

Bernie I want free shit and to accelerate the downfall

Trump, guns.

You do this crap three times a day. Fuck off, shareblue.

I would never vote for a Jew like Zognald Drumpf.

Go away

pedo detected

I'm not doing some 4D chess acceleration bullshit to vote in a literal commie kike.

He's not sincere at all. He's flip flopped on immigration more than once and apologizes for stuff he's said even when he was right. He's a spineless retarded pinko fucktard.

Why are her lips so swole up? Did somebody punch her in the mouth?

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Bernie, I think he could actually stand up to the health insurance industry jews and actually improve our healthcare system.

But let's be honest, Trump is going to win again. I'm not a retard.

Trump, because it really needs to be demonstrated that the people have the power to choose the President. Trump gets people properly engaged in the civil civic process, regardless of what flaws he has that is a long-term good.

Trump, the other guy is a jew. Trumps just Jew-ish

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He didn't even stand up to the topless feminists that took his microphone away from him.

>standing up to anyone
He has no spine. He cannot even maintain control of his own platform and is actively sabotaged by his supposed 'allies', a fact he hides because he is a socialist and believes in The Party.

Trump, like last time.

Pic related

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Trump, because he's funny.

>Everyone gets free shit, you, and you and even you!
Seems legit.

Bernie. I want to Bern it to the ground.

>trump for the seething it would cause if he won
Yeah, that's probably true. The Left is going to go fuckin' nuts when Trump is re-elected in November. Fucking nuts.

Trump, globohomo counter

Trump, because I would never vote for a Democrat no matter how much gibs they offer.

Just shoot.
What's the difference?

Well it's gotta be Bernie. Commies are the only people that put a gun to your head and force you to vote.

Bernie. Because I want the US to collapse ASAP so true White fascism can come back.

Jew or Jew, who do YOU pick? SUCH CHOICES WE HAVE THIS YEAR.

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>yuros law
>every attractive girl is a tranny


i am opposed to imperialism.
i am opposed to older people telling us what statesmanship is when they should be thinking about what it could be.
i am opposed to this idea that a free-market system is eternally correct, without needing maintenance from time to time.
i am opposed to the fear of socialism as something violent and destructive.
i am opposed to authorities that abuse communities selectively.
i am opposed to letting our planet and its inhabitants sicken, but just enough to kill off poor populations for more wealthier real estate.

the conclusions of the thinkers are clear: we need to act. never mind the fake media whores who choose their identities to fit an ideology.

you are needed, brother, to sew the seeds of a moral and true generation. we must own our mistakes, if we are to fight the destruction of our human race.

>Jew or Jew, who do YOU pick? SUCH CHOICES WE HAVE THIS YEAR.
Jews control all sides.

Gotta go with Bernie, I think he has the most potential to fuck up the USA long term.

I think the right had his fun, now i want to see them seeth for a bit.


Trump. I'm tired of hypocritical fucking commies. Just go browse reddit for 15 minutes and you'll want a painfull enucleaction. Fuck commies, lefties and niggers.

Trump because he cares about America and it’s growth. He cares about citizens. He cares that people can work to have nice things. He doesn’t want to fund the rest of the world and collapse our economy. He’s also not a war monger. Also he’s tweets are fire.

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Go neck yourself you brainless pinko

Bernie - it's time for Burgerstan to end

she kinda reminds me of squidward

>all these obese rednecks saying trump
i swear the average iq on this board is 73.

Maybe it's a trap

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Oddly enough a combination of naturally high estrogen and high testosterone (for a girl).

I do like the ideas Bernie espouses en regards to things like housing, healthcare, etc. but I do not believe you can have such programs with open borders and allowing an unlimited number of shitskins from all across the globe to flood into the country to take advantage of them.

Bernie Sanders is an enemy of the right to bear arms as it should be unfettered by the stances he and his ilk take on the issue. Disarmament is what they truly want.

Thus, I’ll vote for Donald Trump. He’s not ideal, but comes closer than the other guy, not to mention all the fucking freaks in our society hate him and I hate them so.

Not hiding behind the memeflag I see.

Stfu nigger, I bet you walk at pro female rallies, trying to get that pity pussy

Trump. Let's face it Bernie is dirty commie. Fuck commies and fuck niggers.

and I am opposed to insurgents like these. they must be hunted down and slaughtered.

i cannot unsee it.

I want her to beat the shit out of me sexually

Trump because OP is a fag.

Trump cause he makes me laugh.

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OP is a redditor.

What planet is that flag from?

Same thing

You're a fat Iphone toting commie that wheezes when walking upwards a 2° slope... who are you going to slaughter bitch mc'titsface, the impossible whopper? Stfu before I put some oil between those mantiddies and give them some proper use

Does she have an ass?

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Trump because he makes the people I hate so upset they an hero


Literally nothing wrong with imperialism. Actually there is. The fact we stopped doing it.

Trump my bank account is way better off, is delivering on promises far better than expected.

Trump. Only because he makes the left SEETHE which has made them sloppy. The Left has success because they are so good at playing the long game and gently pulling normies into degeneracy. Trump (maybe not even on purpose) has forced their hand which redpills normies. Also conservative judges.

>pull the trigger, faggot.
The only correct answer.

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Neither they both suck ass. Elect a random blue collar white man from the Midwest and I guarantee you he’ll do a better job than any politician, assuming the kikes don’t have him assassinated

for liberal suicide weekend

Trump. Because guns and free speech.

Trump because fuck you for trying to intimidate me faggot

Trump , Bernie is a Jew .