4 Christian Hardline European Countries are taking their place on the side of Greece and our crusade against the Islamic Invasion.
Poland,Czech R.,Slovakia and Hungary are sending guards, and declaring active assistance in the defence of the European border(on the Greek side), since 130.000 "refugees"-invaders are on the move to EU and must be stopped at all costs.
Μιλώντας μετά από συνάντηση με τους ομολόγους του από τις άλλες τρεις χώρες,
1) Ο Τσέχος πρωθυπουργός Andrej Babis δήλωσε ότι η κατάσταση είναι σοβαρή και η ΕΕ πρέπει να προστατεύσει τα σύνορά της. “Είμαστε έτοιμοι να βοηθήσουμε”, δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά.
2) Ο Πρωθυπουργός της Πολωνίας, Ματέους Μοραβιέκι, δήλωσε ότι η χώρα του είναι έτοιμη να εγκαταστήσει φρουρούς στα ελληνοτουρκικά σύνορα,
3) Ενώ ο Σλοβάκος ομόλογός του Πέτερ Πελέγκρινι δήλωσε ότι ο αυξανόμενος αριθμός μεταναστών «αποτελεί απειλή για την ασφάλεια όχι μόνο για την Ελλάδα».
4) Ο δε γνωστός και μη εξαιρετέος πρωθυπουργός της Ουγγαρίας Βίκτορ Ορμπάν δήλωσε ότι υπάρχουν περίπου 130.000 μετανάστες εν κινήσει που η ΕΕ πρέπει να σταματήσει στα σύνορά της και ότι “η Ουγγαρία θα αναλάβει ενεργό ρόλο στην προσπάθεια αυτή”.
Οι τέσσερις χώρες είναι γνωστές για τη σκληρή στάση τους έναντι των μεταναστών και απέρριψαν ένα σχέδιο της ΕΕ για αναδιανομή των προσφύγων στα κράτη μέλη.
>Muslims harass and gradually invade Christian countries for decades only to rouse a sudden, coordinated, and devastating counterattack campaign >Historians will whine about how mean the Christians were for doing it
This is unironically like just before the proper crusade where all the rabble crossed the border took 1 fort and were quickly all killed by the muzzies, only the roles are reversed.
Its so annoying, in the olden days the soldiers could just light em up if they got too close to the fence. Now the poor troops have to look at the chimps faces all day. I'm not shitting on Greece, its like that all over.
the turkroaches are obviously playing both sides. they are fighting syrians, and now appeal for US/UK help. a year ago, they were warming up to the vodkas. fuck them.
give it up turk roaches YOU will never take Vienna.
James Bennett
More lambs to the slaughter then
Isaac Richardson
EUROPE IM COMING. Henry bring the cross i will bring my CZ 75 + BREN 2. We have to retake Constantinople
Luis Fisher
More nations will leave the EU if they cave in, and you will quickly lose welfare and your parasitic lifestyle.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Meanwhile, Merkel's getting ready to criminalize any and all criticism of immigration under her fancy new hate speech laws and our lefties are marching in solidarity with the horde. We can't lose momentum now. Normies are naming the jew and shitting on NGOs on socials and pic related is making the rounds again. I just hope logic prevails and Europeans finally recognize that the great replacement and islamification of our countries are very real.
Securing Thracia and Northern Cyprus is of strategic importance. The Turks need to be contained. By time the kurds will outgrow them and eat them from within,
Blake Hughes
>read the Bible >the majority of Europe and America is (((Protestant))) Little to none in that case
Lmao, best US can do is not interfere, if they do they will ally with roaches
Mason Gonzalez
Christian values transcend the bible..it's not about following the texts word by word... Greek philosophy held those values thousands of years ago... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphic_maxims
Zachary Moore
I doubt, how could this pass countries like Poland and Hungary?
Jaxson Sanders
I thought Estonia too
Hudson Rogers
Sweden, Norway and Germany will take them by air shuttle. This is seriously being suggested here now.
Wyatt Davis
Estonia is ready to send two patrol boats and 20 border guards to Greece to counter the migratory pressure from Turkey, the Minister of the Interior said on Tuesday.
On Monday, Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, decided to send emergency aid to Greece to secure the EU's borders. The Warsaw-based agency, which on Sunday announced "increased vigilance" and deployment of additional troops to Greece, said it was asking the European Union and Schengen member states to contribute border guards and equipment.
In response, Interior Minister Mart Helme (EKRE) said in a news release on Tuesday: "Frontex estimates the sea border needs more effective surveillance, and Estonia is ready to send Greece an additional patrol boat with a four-member crew and extend the period of service of a patrol boat already in the area."
"In addition, Estonia is ready to deploy 20 experts to the region to support Greece in guarding the external border," the Minister of the Interior said. Helme: Refugees should have been pushed back in 2015
Director General of the Police and Border Guard Service (PPA) Elmar Vaher said police are constantly exchanging information with Frontex, partner countries and with PPA personnel who are currently stationed on the European Union's external border in Greece.
Vaher said: "Given the migratory pressures in Greece, today we proposed sending as much assistance as possible at the European external border, both in terms of people and resources. We have the experience of rapid deployment of police forces in 2015 and 2016 when three ESTPOL teams visited Slovenia."
Helme will make an offer of help in this regard at the extraordinary meeting of the European Union Home Affairs Council in Brussels on Wednesday.
How can the inheritors of the Med master race culture cause so much anal prolapse amongst whites, "whites" & Mutts? Literally every average (((/pollack))) would have done the same in Sultan Erdogan's situation with all those refugees who want to leave the country for a whore's paradise like Goymoney.
Get fucked you hypocritical, dead end wastes of evolution, your future will be part of the kebab club under Allah's merciful eyes. Only then you'll know what it is like to be a man and be able to reproduce again after you're released from your women's authority over you.