We've been seeing a lot of 2 year delta drops lately so I scanned some of March 2018 and found this..
Think anything will happen tomorrow?
Judicial watch already got approved for her deposition...
2 Year Delta Tomorrow
also this
Why the fuck do you guys still care about this larp?
Nothing he has "predicted" has actually happened.
and this
I'm a Qfag, and these 1+ year deltas are kinda ridiculous.
>Nothing he has "predicted" has actually happened.
Just because you know nothing about something doesn't mean your opinion about it is true.
I think any damaging info on Hillary will be held until she decides to be a running mate. Once that isn’t feasible it will be eventually released. Regardless it’s going to come out but timing.
>these 1+ year deltas are kinda ridiculous
I thought so too at first, wish I had saved the ones that were pretty convincing though.
Finland thinks Q is a prediction service.
I honestly can't see anyone actually thinking she would make their ticket better. Bernie hates her, and Biden's people aren't THAT dumb.
This shit takes time. She's ONLY sitting down for testimony under oath because of Judicial Watch, and Huber isn't done yet.
Yea some can seem convincing, but too many on /qresearch/ freak out about a post from 2 years ago being slightly related to something today. The posts are relevant though.
Look at them playing with their food, disgusting
what's interesting about this one is that they didn't go offline for more than a few days before or after this post, so I feel like it was a future marker
Q is cancel canceled due to corona
whats with the arrow?
there we go, thanks, that was a good one
Interesting. Radio silent now. Is this it?
pointing to the pedo swirl in the O
well the date is for the end of the month and if these really are two year deltas then that means some crazy shit will be happening soon
There's a shit load in the /qresearch/ side by side and proof threads.
When Q goes silent, it's usually due to being busy (started after India) and when Q comes back it's like a reset of agenda/topics.
Q followers think the democrats are the deep state. You'd think they were at least independents but they eat up the zog propaganda and still believe they're the good guys. 10 minutes in these circles would give you brain damage. Q is NSA and it is a psyop to corral the boomers getting into conspiracy theories for the first time. If you've been around long enough you'd see that a mile away. They did it with the illuminati thing when people were looking into the banks after '08.
Yea, when Q said it was gonna be the Kavanaugh vote, then it wasn't. Then got incredibly lucky and it matched the Senate. yea.
woops this was for
>Think anything will happen tomorrow?
The administrative states elbow will be completely inside all of our assholes
>Iran next
Have you ever questioned this?
>Q followers think the democrats are the deep state
>another ignorant user spewing random opinions about shit he doesn't know anything about
How the fuck would you know?
Iran is legitimately being dealt with now. What about it?
says seals are broken in april
March Madness
Ides of March
She ate that little baby then shit it out her asshole the next day.
Let that fucking sink in.
Q is not NSA its a small team close to Trump communicating with the public. Its all been legit.
>Q is not NSA its a small team close to Trump communicating with the public
Exactly. The extremes are that the people who love Q but know nothing think Q is some super hero, and the people who hate Q and know nothing think Q is a LARP.
Then there's people who hate Q and know something who think it's a psyop; and the people that like Q and know about Q understand it's an information operation by a few people close to Trump from within the administration (White House, Administration, and/or campaign) that post as Q, run by Trump (Q+), as a backchannel to get around the MSM.
Q+ --> Q --> Anons --> Social Media --> normalfags
Qultists think the GOP are patriots and the DNC are traitors, right or wrong?
Have you never questioned why Iran needs to be next? Why are you dealing with Iran?
Oh, a redditor.
Ok so if it's not NSA (which it obv is) then it's Trumps social media manager Brad Parscale running a shill operation to keep you on the trump train while he sells out?
>Trumps social media manager
>Brad Parscale
You mean Dan Scavino.
For me, Q is a combo of Parscale, Scavino, and Miller. Q+ is Trump.
Parscale does the campaign shit, Scavino does social media and image posting, and Miller does the info posting.
no half the GOP are RINOs
I just think that's an appropriate term. Can you answer my other questions?
Don't forget Dershowitz was hired the day Q started dropping
So it's a shill operation?
President Trump is half the man campaign Trump was.
Dershowitz is a slimy kike. Epsteins lawyer ffs.
Just so you know, "qult" comes from a reddit board that does nothing but attack Q. So using that is being a useful idiot for reddit and the MSM.
Also, I'm an independent and the "deep state" isn't just political, Epstein and human traffickers are deep state too. It's both neoconservative and neoliberal (uniparty), global politicians (UN/EU), big business, ABC agencies, etc.
And to know why Iran would be after NK, you'd need to understand the Sum Of All Fears theme Q talked about early on. Elites wanted HRC to start WW3 (Russia/Iran vs USA/allies AND China/NK vs USA/allies). Trump focused on NK first, then went on to Iran. It's a stated goal of Trump anyway, shouldn't be a surprise he's addressing Iran.
And no, an information operation. It's a way to get around the MSM. The presidency ages and humbles you, Trump is great.
I don't think Dershowitz is part of Q's team at all, neither is Durham but he was appointed the same day as Q. I think you mean Durham?
oh fuck yeah I meant Durham, wow that was bad lol
He was also OJ's lawyer. He's just a lawyer.
Thought so lmfao.
Durham truly has people kvetching in DC.
Fuck that place. It's a damn hugbox on par with Tumblr. You say something against the groupthink and your done. The real siggers are gone.
Do you even know what a RINO is? They all love Trump now because he bent the knee.
It's really bad. Especially since the move to 8kun, it's only gotten worse.
The autistic hivemind was replaced by a redditfugee groupthink that makes you cringe.
republican in name only, they've removed a fair amount of RINOs at this point, but I'm sure there's some stragglers.
I really don't trust Lindsey Graham with how much he loves Huma
>because he bent the knee
I don't think you know US politics as much as you think you do.
Trump took over the party fully, and has only consolidated that control since. There are alot of RINOs still though, but some are gone now.
You mean Durham.
Truth ain't pretty.
Why hasn’t Q addressed Covid-19?
Meant diggers. You can't be the slightest bit skeptical of Q or Trump.
but this is a leap year...
Too many people, here and on QR want to believe Republicans and Fox are on /ourside/
It's probably Barron. Allegedly they have a fucking time machine. Who the fuck knows whats really going on.
corona virus was an 18 month
literally posts a train route to Wuhan and says Corona August 30, 2018
Corona was referring to spook satellites iirc
interesting, but I was pretty sure those were deep state controlled satellites being taken down so they can't laser us to death lol
just imagine living in the dirt thousands of years ago not knowing what a computer or memes are and trying to explain pepe taking over the internet
Despite having good opinion, they're the neocon side of the MSM.
Q hasn't been posting much and hasn't posted in more than a week. I'd like to know what Q thinks about it.
You being a Qultist is being a usefull idiot for the (((deep state)))...
You are not an independent lol, the reason why i brought that up in the first place is because you all believe you're "independent truth seekers" while wanking to Lindsey Graham speeches on Israel. It's fucking pathetic and you lot will go to the grave still believing Hillary and Obama are going to be prosecuted.
Have you been keeping up? All Trumps original supporters are getting blacklisted from CPAC and social media while he buddies up with slimy rats like Dershowitz signing anti-1A laws.
He has Fox News mouthpiece he doesn't need "Q".
I have been saying from the start that I bet it's a virus they unleashed on their own people to reduce their population rather than look like shit when people start starving in the streets because Trump fucked their economy by not letting the leech anymore
There's also an open border neolib side, don't forget that.
I like this
I'd like to care but seeing is believing. All the wrong people have been prosecuted or have died. That Obama era whistle blower that died? And what about Seth Rich or any number of people over the years that have tried to expose or take these people, if they could even be called people?
No, as in I'm a registered independent voter ffs.
FOX is +50% negative against Trump, see: >Just so you know, "qult" comes from a reddit board that does nothing but attack Q. So using that is being a useful idiot for reddit and the MSM.
Ok redditor.
well four years to dig out these blood-suckers that have been dug in for decades based on plans laid over centuries is pretty damn amazing if you ask me