Why does everyone hate Bernie in Florida?

Anyone else a Florida user?

Why the fuck is Bernie so hated? I'm a white zoomer
He has NO CHANCE here, I've only met a few incels who like him

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he praised fidel castro and cuban's fucking hate him and his regime.

Old conservatives and Jews


Blue Dog Democrats in the Panhandle. Niggers in Jax, Tallahassee, and Orlando. Retired Jews worried about their nesteggs in St. Pete & Tampa Bay. Cubanos in Miami-Dade. All of those groups hate Bernie.

Me. I don't know a single person who doesn't think he's a commie.

>Why does everyone hate Bernie in Florida?
>I'm a zoomer
Little buddy, there was something called the Cold War.

People who manage to escape Cuba go to Florida and talk about it. Bernie defended Castro recently.

He's Jewish and is a nigger lover.

Because Biden's base of people over 50 and niggers

Take a wild guess what comprises florida

This honestly also its not just the Cubans. A socialist is the worse thing to run as in Florida.

Gusano mestizos ruined Florida and turned it into the shithole we all know and want to saw off of America today.

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Cuba and Venezuela


Cubans, niggers, and Jews. Oh my!

FL isn’t the place to go if you’re selling Bolshevism.

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>Why does everyone hate Bernie in Florida?

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So Castro imprisoned and killed their family members but let's talk about those literacy classes!

bernie is A: racist towards white people
B: unpopular with black people because Biden was Obamas VP and he seems like a cuck/evil jew
C: a socialist, which is what all the cubans fled from
D: wants to give handouts to people that dont work, non of the mexican orange orahchard workers of highland county like this
E: all the non redneck white floridians are old and still remember the red scare. even my hippie feminist grandma who lives down there this hes a slimy jew

I've never met someone who likes Sanders. Idk why but when you look at the media and sns, you would think that he's really win.

>All these fucking retards defending the worst state and the gusano subhumans who made it the worst state
Threadly Reminder: The top worst run cities in America are ALWAYS in south Florida.

Florida is not as bad as California. California is a fucking virus trying to spread itself through people moving away.

No, you're right, it's infinitely worse. You stuipid fucking hillbillies literally don't know shit about California. If you did, you'd know the worst parts of that state are all due to RIGHTWING, CAPITALIST dystopian bullshit.

Honestly all these people who are opposing bernie gives me faith, I was worried Americans were falling for communist bullshit but it seems they really arent. Even a cryptocommie calling himself a democratic socialist cant win democrat primary kek.

>believing this kike bullshit

protip: Most of the "poor cuban refugees" in Florida were the kikes that fled because they couldn't leech off the working class anymore.

>Approximately 94 percent of Cuba’s Jewish population fled to the United States after the Revolution. Some settled in Israel, thanks to secret diplomatic efforts made by the Canadian government. While the Revolution did not target Jews specifically, they did suffer economically along with other members of Cuba’s middle class.

Ya thats right regulation and the mass importation of illegal immigrants has nothing to do with property values. Also fuck the taxes.

Please just stay in California, tired of you fucking deadbeat junkies shitting up colorado.

We in society will NEVER let you fuck children. Get over it.

I don't live in California, dickbrain, but I have actually been there, unlike you.

Holy hell, user. Learn the fuck about your state.

>Expecting Floridian rightists to grasp that rightism is what ruined Florida
user, you're asking for a lot here.

Old people. They got their's so fuck anything that might even possibly impinge on their perpetutally comfy life. The world will fucking burn before they part with a fucking penny.

lmao got dick on the brain, user? Face it , liberal policies have run that fucking state down. fuck sanctuary shitholes

>if you want to stop children from getting fuck you must let us artificial inflate the value of everything

You are cancer.

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>cubans risked their lives building boats with garbage to escape from Cuba
>that old fart jew cunt faggot supports commie Cuba

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Florida's Cuban immigrants come from richers. They're there because they bought their way in, you fucking idiot.

Libertarians will never be permitted to fuck children. Case dismissed.

>The CIA is STILL in fucking Colombia

Cope trump tard you all love jew jew cum

It's your liberal leaders that made it legal to piss, shit and shoot up and set up camp in public. It's also your liberal leaders that made it legal to knowingly spread HIV and break into to cars, steal from stores, etc.

Hate him
>Old people
Hate him
>Rich people
Hate him
>Cuban exiles
Hate him

kek I am talking about younger people.

Liberalism is rightwing. There is nothing "left" about liberalism. That is the lie that the state media in America has pushed for generations until the dumbshit amerigolems don't even know the fucking definitions of words anymore.


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>why do people who fled socialism hate a socialist
Stop pretending you're white, nigger, your IQ betrays the lie.

He went fully commie retard.

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He literally is though.

Holy fuck you're retarded.
Don't come back until you learn to read.

I was talking about white people because that's who I associate with, but ok

Because they are in Florida, but it isn't just Florida. People hate Bernie wherever they are with the exception of fag hangouts.

Agreed and try went full jew jew cum I am riding with biden

what does it matter?
younger people don't vote anyway

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Bernie is the chaos candidate clown world needs. Americans are afraid of electing a president that doesn't put Israel first.

Because he couldn't stop himself from praising Castro. Whoopsie!

This nigga won’t even get 15% in Florida kek

>why don't white people want to be slaves
Okay, Joomer.

It's indicative of their parents' opinions too though

Really seems like the entire state hates him

A lot of boomercrats here who grew up in the north east. Boomers fucking hate Bernie. Joe Biden looks and acts like them, alzheimers and all, they love him.

Yeah, you're retarded.

It's just me or are Berniebros mostly incels?

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239 representing
The man would rather suck a dick than eat a pork chop.

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Everyone hates Bernie except his small fan base of chapo tranny house posters


Because of this.

Spot on political assessment of Florida Democrats by region.

Yeah, I didn't want to /thread but that seems shockingly accurate actually lmao
But younger white people don't like him either, it's odd.