Can whites and niggers ever be friends?
Can whites and niggers ever be friends?
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No. Whites and civilized blacks can be friends. But not NIGGERS.
Blacks and uncivilised hillbilly whites can never be friends
Whites can be friendly with blacks if we both had an ethno state to retreat to sure, however, niggers =/ every single fucking person alive HATES NIGGERS
As someone that lived in Southwest Virginia, you're wrong. It happens all the time.
It would appear then that the solution is for us to all just act civilized. I concur wholeheartedly. We can get along swimmingly if we would all act more civilized.
I'm mixed race and I am friends with no one. Hahahaha. I'm going to kill myself soon.
I would never be friends with this nigger. He's annoying as fuck and that show is garbage.
This. It’s not a race thing and it never was. It’s a class thing. All identity politics come back to class, everything else is a distraction.
Triple race here, very few contacts except the local church and snackbar.
This is true, but hillbillies and niggers are actually pretty compatible. See every nigger dating a big fat white whale trailer trash bitch.
Your just saying that cuz u rich/poor, pick one.
Don't do that. You're value and people love you.
>Can whites and niggers ever be friends?
only when the white person completely abandons any white identity they have.
The 'white' guy in your picture is a kike, btw.
What about uncivilized hillbillies AND niggers?
Hey there 540 bro!
I’m the middle class and I detest everyone who isn’t
Biology is far more important than class
Tbh I think rural whites and rural blacks get along better than most people think. For me at least it’s not a black and white thing rather a where you are from type of deal
Don’t you dare off yourself. We need high yellows like you to stick around
True. I forgot the one caveat, that all women are whores and will undoubtedly usher in the destruction of the west. For everyone else, cash is king.
No. This is why:
Yes! This is what it was like during the Bush years. Blacks and white got along fine. During the Obama admin, Niggers started getting haughty and only going for white girls, no we have a big fucking mess. Just go back to your own women and we can be friends
This. I don’t hate black people arabs or Indians I just hate the poor and these groups (when invading your country en masse) tend to be poor. I mean most of my friends aren’t even german, but they are educated and well behaved.
the negro requires a firm hand if he is to live in white society, otherwise he can just live with blacks back in africa.
Turk obviously is a light skinned black, which means he has substantial European DNA from slavery days. Sometimes the white DNA can have a big impact on brain development, so in those cases yeah.
No, he's still a filthy nigger and American niggers are some of the worst.
This. Light skinned niggers are even worse because they have to constantly prove their niggerness to their nigger brothers.
State of fucking mutts.
If you give off an uptight and hateful vibe cool people will not hang out with you. Blacks in general have a keen sense of what is real and what is congested and superficial. You got to be real and find yourself to be with the in crowd.
niggers would have to stop being niggers
>If you give off an uptight and hateful vibe cool people will not hang out with you. Blacks in general have a keen sense of what is real and what is congested and superficial. You got to be real and find yourself to be with the in crowd.
Why don't you pull your tongue out of nigger anus for once.
I see it all the time
it's more common than you think
Niggers? Never. Genuine well mannered blacks? Yes. It's not common though because most of them are niggers.
Really good show until the last 2 seasons. I miss it, Yas Forums.
What? Yes. I’ve had a lot of fucking cool black friends. Not all are jiggaboos.
Although I did freak one out that was from Africa. I asked if he could get me some rhodie camo when he went back to visit and he started getting nervous and talking with his hands. Like “sooo uh why do you whan dat?”
He was pretty based and we talked a lot about African politics while on guard duty in the middle of nowhere.
If they share common interests or enemies, yes....
I don't even care. They're niggers, genetically, socially and culturally. If you look like a nigger you have to act like a nigger. Not just to niggers, but to anyone. A so called cultured old nigger has to like Stevie Wonder, or he will get attacked. And every nigger on the planet has to like Kobe Bryant or he will get beat up.
The most redneck of all festivals
Some individuals can be friends, sure. But we'll never "mesh" as groups.
Yes, but they can only connect in few ways.
pick one.
No, all nigs must be purged. Black men can stay
Only in liberal Holywood fantasies
Maybe if they saw combat together, but mainly on TV.
> let black gentleman meme
user, if your bed is infested with bed bugs, you don't classify them between nice ones and bad ones.
In Richmond now.
Blacks are niggers
Bramf is a jew. And a nigger who is really a doctor, like Ben Carson is a black man. Who at least sort of can be reasoned with.
they are. niggers need to realize that if they want to be on our side they need to recognize the rapefugees and 'migrants' as invaders and help us hold the line. Right now they are not doing that.
Civnat homo lol
You've probably never spent time around blacks. If you did you'd know that what you just said is nonsense, they're all niggers
>tfw niggers cause more interracial crime then beaners despite being a far less population
Hello cuck
Sure just end affirmative action and send the ones in the West only because of kikes machinations (95% of them) back to africa .
Do a backflip
I'm Filipino and German. So I know your pain
I like black people just not african americans. Here in south florida we have tons of blacks from the carribbean and they're way different. Except the haitians.
Blacks = Niggers %100 of the time
Saying there's a difference is just a cuck cope, ("my daughters boyfriend Tyrone is so well behaved so he's definitely not a nigger") meanwhile alone cucks daughter pays toll.
No, you nigger lover. Whites can only be friends with anything lighter than a paper bag.
Obongo was for sure a catalyst for grievance culture but it's not just black vs white. Oldfag (by Yas Forums standards) here. I had nig and wog friends in high school. We called them nig and wog, they called us skippy pooftas. Everyone was chill. If that happened now everyone would have been expelled. No bantz allowed.
Yes, long-distance relationships work very well.
>This whole thread hates spics more than niggers even though you can easily deport spics while niggers have been here for hundreds of years ruining everything
Holy cuck
keep in mind that not all blacks are created equal. The ones that came to america were the ones who lost against other African tribes and were captured, and then they were eugenically breed to be workhorses that operate on fear. Plus the electric jew means that many black people are worse than they have to be. We are not all the same, and whites generally are better, but lumping an entire continent into one is dumb.
You're a fucking idiot lmao. Down here in the south white trash and niggers are very close.
Black people are fine but we should absolutely not tolerate race mixing of any kind, it's cruel hybridization that significantly reduces quality of life independent of other factors.
I have an ultra nigger friend. Well, mainly a source of unending entertainment. I’ve bailed him out of jail after knocking out two black women. It was hysterical. He’s a terror in the black community and will probably be shot one day. Honestly, don’t give a shit.
>He’s MY nigger
No. I am racist and stick with my tribe.
my 4 closest friends are black, portuguese, lebanese and mexican. All of them hate immigration, like trump and think women should be back in the kitchen. Although i've been redpilling them for at least 5 years now.
That's a jew and a mutt
My 3 closest friends are white white and white. But they're sheltered upper middle class, teetering between naivety and cowardice, and they give their ancestral land to Invaders.