How do we stop the genocide of the white race...

How do we stop the genocide of the white race? We are currently in the dehumanizing phase where media is making it normal to insult, harass and physically attack white people.

We all know exactly what comes next. Lynchings. Rapes. Murder after Murder in broad daylight.

Next will be systematic removal of white people from the public.

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>Next will be systematic removal of white people from the public.
When they start doing that, just shoot or kill anyone who lays hands on you til they get you, or you kill yourself

Drink more milk. Calcium is good for the bones

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the only thing you can do is find/befriend/network with white people.

There’s no such thing as white genocide. White people just aren’t having sex with each other enough. It’s not Chaim and Moshe’s fault that whites don’t want kids.

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Lame. We’re breaching on horizontal gene transfer and you’re pretending race is the issue? I regret ever trying to give weak leftists easier enemies by encouraging racism.

Maybe she just wants to suck some skinny Somalian dick

Get of your ass and build a family. Teach your kids that the media is their mortal enemy. Make sure they are able to immediately recognize and mock any jewish propaganda.

Exactly this. If western countries were being flooded with fertile asian women, white women would go far-right overnight on immigration.

use propaganda to tell people about it, especially with talking points that points out the double standard

asia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!

>1 post by this OP
>reddit spacing
>Germanistan flag

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>How do we stop the genocide of the white race? We are currently in the dehumanizing phase where media is making it normal to insult, harass and physically attack white people.
We need to mass awaken NPCs and the only way to do that is to spend way more time tihinking/relaxing and get as many of them as possible to do that as well.

People only adopt the narratives automatically if they don't take the time to think for themselves.

Impress upon people how important the situation is that we are in. That it requires us to spend as much time thinking as possible. We have to figure it out. If you don't have a plan, you have to think more. And more people thinking is the only solution.

People need to be ripped out of the NPC/propaganda framework that makes them mindless golems that will do whatever ZOG wants them to do.

AGAIN I STRESS. THE ONLY PLAN IS TO THINK WAY MORE AND GET OTHERS TO DO IT AS WELL. We cannot coordinate, we cannot out propagandize, we can only attempt to become more wise and intelligent and that only happens via allocating as much time as possible to thinking and getting as many other people who are in our circumstance to do the same.

Please understand what I am saying and the necessity of it. Please think about this. We need to START on this quickly. We need this to accelerate QUICKLY.

We can't, the new trendy fad among young white women is rimming black asses, just as they see in their favourite Blacked and Blackraw productions.

*Also, people need to question all that they've been taught, because everyone, including myself, is full of nonsensical garbage.

We need to understand how everything works. We need to understand real socialogy (not merely taught kind). We need to know who the players are. Who is involved (including foreign interests) and we need to be good at manipulating and infiltrating.

We need to awaken as many as possible and increase our strength. We cannot have organizations. Those can be shut down. We have to be a decentralized group of people capable of robust independent thought or we are easily divided, manipulated, and destroyed.

user, i have question for you, are you anti-white or something?

>"we", implying

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

The quickest way to stop White Genocide is to turn jews into industrial fuel. The extra CO2 produced can be used to nourish benevolent trees and benefit greatly European forests.

She's probably getting impaled by a huge BBC right now.

Sweden feminists want tighter immigration rules on Thai wives lol.

neo-dreyfus affair nigger please go

most of us in europe had our guns taken away before we were born

reported, you silly anti-white

>We are currently in the dehumanizing phase

Can you explain all the phases?

n00b here.

Get out , fuel.

>are you anti-white or something?
But that OP is highly suspect, as is your memeflag.
>nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them
People post screenshots of stories saying exactly this all the time.
You reek of tourist.

>use propaganda to tell people about it, especially with talking points that points out the double standard
It's not enough to out-propagandize. We have to make people resistent to it bey convincing them to spend more time thinking for themselves and questioning things.

If you merely try to out-propagandize, they can beat you at that. They are flooding people's heads with crap 24/7 whereas your little message barely gets in. You'll never be able to compete over controlling NPCs.

Listen to this song by Billy Ocean

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

White people will be okay, nothings gonna stop us from winning.

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>How do we stop the genocide of the white race? We are currently in the dehumanizing phase where media is making it normal to insult, harass and physically attack white people.
The people behind this the most are foreign countries trying to destroy the west. The reason I think that is because that is what makes the most sense.

China I think is the biggest example. The Jews are just being used as we are. The divisive religion of Judaism pits many who are basically overwhelmingly white against their own kind.

Shut up kike, better burn in a power unit here, than forever in hell. Win-win.

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>silly anti-whites thought that things were going to remain the same for ever, with the establishment supporting white genocide
awww poor babies. widdle anti-whites wanna nice doggy pat on the head ? widdle anti-whites wanna nice end to the white race ?'

well f*** off you sick genocidal freaks, not everybody is as evil as you

white self-hatred is SICK !!

I won't listen it because he is nigger.

>China I think is the biggest example. The Jews are just being used as we are.

dude shut up

i understand

Uh, why did you tag me. I didn't disagree.

I just said it's not enough. We definitely should continue to message but we also have to send the message of "spend more time understanding what is happening and why and how to end it".

Also we need to get people questioning all the messages sent in mass media.

>>China I think is the biggest example. The Jews are just being used as we are.
>dude shut up
You need to think more. The Jews are destroying their host. Only people who benefit are in foreign countries. The Jews will not win.

So, dude, think. I know that you didn't get this opinion blasted to you 10 times by your favorite alt-right podcast, but you yourself on your own need to think about it. That means actually spending time. You know. Thinking for yourself.

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f*** off, neo-drefyus affair nigger


stop watching porn

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It would be the logical course of action for any group seeking to get revenge against whites. And since we know racial consciousness is real, it would make sense for China to do it.

We know that the Soviet Union did it. We know that the Jews have aligned themselves with foreigners in Germany. And were often close to the Soviet Union when it was (we now know) trying to demoralize us.

Our politicians are scared of saying anything bad about China. China is the big threat. The Jews are the "too obvious" bad guys because they have been placed squarely as the bad guys. I don't think they are ultimately in control because they act autistic and are obsessed with their stupid little dangerous country.

>f*** off, neo-drefyus affair nigger
Think sometime faggot.

we have no guns, mutt

you have but you dont do shit

theres no white genocide . its just white suicide because white people dont breed

You have to stop cooming. It'll reset your neural pathing and you'll unlock the caucasoid apex mentality.

Make bombs, it’s fucking easy.

It's not just "Jews", it's Zionist elite. Doesn't matter if they are Jew or not.

Dude shut the fuck up, stop talking about nig porn, it's gross.

imagine thinking you need guns to kill people lmao

nice try, demoralizers

This. You faggots need to stop cooming to pr0n and breed and produce square chinned light eyed offspring.

What??? No its fucking jews dude, don't make this complicated. It's the jews.


>it would make sense for China to do it
Yes it would.
>We know that the Soviet Union did it
Are you talking about Bezmenov? How do you know that he said truth, not just that CIA told him to say?
>The Jews are the "too obvious"
Brilliant! It's too obvious that it's jews therefore it's not jews!
By the way majority of people find it not so obvious and would call it crazy conspiracy theory.

>It's the kikes and their puppets.

There, now it's fixed so you're both right.

It's like Italian mafia. Majority of Italians didn't participate in mafia but still it's Italian.

>You have to stop cooming. It'll reset your neural pathing and you'll unlock the caucasoid apex mentality.
It can help. It's like a drug. I don't think you should always do it.

Sometimes you need to escape that mental state to rest away from it for a while.

>It's not just "Jews", it's Zionist elite. Doesn't matter if they are Jew or not.
The US seems to me to be tied in a suicide pact with Israel and I've been considering that the only way out might be aligning with (converting to) the muslims. But I'm open to whatever ends up working.

>What??? No its fucking jews dude, don't make this complicated. It's the jews.
You only think that because you've heard specificallty that shit from your favorite alt-right show over and over. No, it's not just the Jews, and Jews and other minorities have always been targets of foreign governments. I know you don't like thinking, but you should really try it.

Now, in ACTUAL history, not the subsets you'll get from the alt right, everyone is at everyones throats and alliances change all the time. And politics in every country is influenced by explicit forces in other countries.

Country A always is trying to woo a faction in Country B and if successful, support it and try to make it rule that country.

This is reality. Jews, being a faction was encouraged to hate non-Jews and scheme against them. Why do I think this? Because Jews don't benefit from destroying their host when rivals like China exist.

>Brilliant! It's too obvious that it's jews therefore it's not jews!
No, that is a false dichotomy. The Jews, as a separate group is, as has always happened in history (for recent examples just look all over the place, syria, yemen, libya, etc), was often courted and given privileges by outside groups (like the Soviets) to spread their propaganda. It's easier to do on the Jews because they feel like they are apart from the population. They will do that dirty work. They are disloyal.

Why don't you use Occam's razor? Why should Jews be puppets of Russia or China when they can be puppets of Israel?

chimp out

white people can literally never go extinct, imagine not understanding evolution
fuck off towlnigger

*I'm being confusing. There are multiplle different things a country will do to another. And it's almost easier in a democracy for foreign coutnries to take over politicians or parties.

They can create a faction that supports their interests.
They can weaken the country by supporting factions that will be at odds with others.
They can spread division.
They can take over universities.
They can take over media.
They can threaten our billionaires who control our media.
They can put in charge a minority faction that hates the majority.

Literally anything you could think of, a country wishing to compete with yours can and will do it.

>Why don't you use Occam's razor? Why should Jews be puppets of Russia or China when they can be puppets of Israel?
The US is much weaker for what Jews have been doing. There is actual division among Jews (probably for this reason). What they are doing sort of requires a belief that there are no major outside threats.

I believe the Jews are delusional about their chances and have been encouraged to be so.

I see the Muslim threat that they have often welcomed in. China is the country that benefits the most from this. I'd say Russia as well, but Russia will get BTFO'd immediately after we fall.

good comment

Trust germany to be late to this party. You've woken up too late lol FAR too late.

>Why don't you use Occam's razor? Why should Jews be puppets of Russia or China when they can be puppets of Israel?
To elaborate. Why should the Jews be weakening their host? Why would they do that? Neuroticism, flaws in themselves.

Also, I consider the state of Israel itself to be irrational. They worsened their situation by going their. Now they spend ridiculous amounts of effort to control the US just to keep their tiny state from being annihilated. They are spending their resources irrationally and behaving erratically.

Just look at how they aren't sure whether or not they like the very groups in the US that support Israel the most. (Like evangelicals)

>I believe the Jews are delusional about their chances

shouldn't you have said "our chances" when you were talking about jews?


Have as many white children as possible.

Simple as

Not only will you set an example for other people but you will personally benefit by giving yourself a large social safety net, especially in your old age.

>>I believe the Jews are delusional about their chances
>shouldn't you have said "our chances" when you were talking about jews?
Oy vey. You've found me out.

That Jewish scheme to ask you to spend as much time as possible thinking when you can really just watch more um Daily Shoah. A quality program where they say the same shit every week.

>Have as many white children as possible.
It's good but you also have to think as much as possible and encourage your children to do so as well.

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>Why should the Jews be weakening their host
Almost every parasite weakens its host to make it hard for host to resist. It's inevitable process.
>Russia will get BTFO'd immediately after we fall
Why lol?