>You have to stop cooming. It'll reset your neural pathing and you'll unlock the caucasoid apex mentality.
It can help. It's like a drug. I don't think you should always do it.
Sometimes you need to escape that mental state to rest away from it for a while.
>It's not just "Jews", it's Zionist elite. Doesn't matter if they are Jew or not.
The US seems to me to be tied in a suicide pact with Israel and I've been considering that the only way out might be aligning with (converting to) the muslims. But I'm open to whatever ends up working.
>What??? No its fucking jews dude, don't make this complicated. It's the jews.
You only think that because you've heard specificallty that shit from your favorite alt-right show over and over. No, it's not just the Jews, and Jews and other minorities have always been targets of foreign governments. I know you don't like thinking, but you should really try it.
Now, in ACTUAL history, not the subsets you'll get from the alt right, everyone is at everyones throats and alliances change all the time. And politics in every country is influenced by explicit forces in other countries.
Country A always is trying to woo a faction in Country B and if successful, support it and try to make it rule that country.
This is reality. Jews, being a faction was encouraged to hate non-Jews and scheme against them. Why do I think this? Because Jews don't benefit from destroying their host when rivals like China exist.
>Brilliant! It's too obvious that it's jews therefore it's not jews!
No, that is a false dichotomy. The Jews, as a separate group is, as has always happened in history (for recent examples just look all over the place, syria, yemen, libya, etc), was often courted and given privileges by outside groups (like the Soviets) to spread their propaganda. It's easier to do on the Jews because they feel like they are apart from the population. They will do that dirty work. They are disloyal.