It is shocking how cops treat black males in USA
Fuck weed smokers, all trash
wrong, it's evil
Why do they always make such a scene, it's not going to help with cops, they're basically thugs.
Animals attacking animals.
kek that's great.
DRUGS is what is keeping a large population from revolting. Kill the drugs and watch shit fly. Course never will happen the us war on drugs has only made the drugs flow more.
That's what they get for not voting for Bernie.
fuck you
Fake as fuck. Acting for the camera hoping to get paid.
hopefully it wasn't luis j gomez
fucking based! they should do this more often
Should've voted for Bernie
What I would like to see is a single video in which a basketball America dosnt argue then fight with cops.
This. Had a close friend quit a well paying job recently once he started smoking so he could work at wal-mart without getting tested. Idiot can't even make his car payments on time. Fuck these morons.
It's shocking how black males treat cops in USA
>b-but it cures cancer BROOOO
>trust me im not dependent i can go a whole 3 days bro
How come you don't know what the well paying job was?
Weed smokers deserve to get the shit beat out of them
>pansy ass Europoor druggie is mad
bet you love sucking on your bong.
hopefully they'll finish the job next time
coward faggot wouldn't even look into that young man's eyes
just shows how scared the NYPD really is..
Nothing but boot lickers in this thread...
Who cares if that's a nigger, why the hell is he being arrested for something so fucking stupid
>Resists arrest
>Gets grounded
lmao nigs
File that under shit that never happened
i dont trust someone who doesn't smoke weed. people who are afraid of altered states of mind are weak.
Wow. So tough. So brave.
they were screams of pain
Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.
Weed is for degenerates and niggers user.
Poor guy must have looked at a white woman.
bootlicker will defend this bullshit until they are on the receiving end of pigs acting like asshole...
Drug laws are dumb but I really don't see what the officers did wrong aside from having more hands then necessary to subdue him. Nobody threw any punches and nobody kicked him. Fag was just being dramatic.
Also, manlet and female police are the worst, if you encounter either you're fucked.
Like that one asshole that likes to sit at the bottom of the steepest hill in my area. I feel bad for the people that don't know he's there.
NYC needs another Son of Sam to help blow some steam off the wildlife there.
dude I just smoked some weed too!!!
Based. Fuck druggies in general. They are always annoying.
Why does every American seem to have a story of a police encounter that sounds like it comes out of a Hollywood drama? I have never had an interaction with the RCMP that didn't go along the lines of:
>"May I see your ID?"
>"Can you tell me what happened?"
>"Do you have a number I can reach you at?"
>"Thank you, have a good day."
Are American cops really filled with nothing but aggressive douchebags? Christ, it's no wonder you guys hate your cops.
define druggies. you hate people who drink coffee too? Most people are addicted to sugar, it's a drug. Self righteous moron :)
Not always, no, but there are a lot of total douchebags.
I had some Poo nigger run a red light and hit my car last year and couldn't understand a word he said with his broken English to even talk to him properly about his insurance and shit and told the cop as much.
When the cop eventually came he went around the buildings in the area until he found one that had a CCTV camera pointing at the intersection and saw what happened, he told me not to worry about anything and made sure I had what I needed to get the Poos insurance to pay for all the repairs. He even said to me when he came back from talking with the guy "Yeah, I have no idea what the hell he's speaking."
>implying sugar addicts and coffee addicts aren't also as insufferable as marijuana addicts and alcoholics
should have killed the nigger right there.
>Are American cops really filled with nothing but aggressive douchebags
yes...most cant handle you talking back or question their so-call authority
I'm not sure about other countries but in the US pretty much anyone can be a cop which means that scumbags and unprofessional power hungry assholes fill most of the positions.
cringe. get over yourself.
That sounds pretty normal. A couple years back I got rear-ended by a Sikh and it turned into a four car accident when he tried to drive away without stopping. The first thing the guy does is calls up a bunch of his friends to act as fake witnesses. The cop showed up first and just fucking shook his head when a minivan full of turbans arrived five minutes later all claiming to have seen the crash.
About the only police force we have with that kind of reputation is the OPP, but they spend 90% of their time working with some of the trashiest places in Ontario so it's kind of expected.
You genuinely believe addicts of any kind aren't insufferable?
Because generalizing millions of people is quite dumb. And whether most people realize it or not, they're addicted to something. For example a great majority of Canadians/Americans are hooked on sugar, and nobody even knows it because most people, don't cut it out completely, just reduce if they have to. You also have tons of people on meds for mental illness, are they are insufferable? How bout this, you're insufferable.
How many times have you seen a cop calmly approach and engage with a black person?
Now think with that shitty meatball in your head, how many times do black people completely freak out over the most menial shit when approached by a cop?
Blacks turn cop encounters into actual problems more than cops do by a wide Margin.
And weed makes you paranoid. It's simple shit.
Man the fuck up he crying like a bitch
More accurate headline.
>Suspect resists arrest and gets his ass beat
Seriously, it's taking 7 fucking people to try to get his hands behind his back to arrest him. The dumb bitch in the video even says, while he is actively resisting arrest, that he's not resisting arrest. Do people really not understand what resisting arrest means?
BRRRRRUUUUUUUH, them cops need to chill man! They gotta smoke some weed! ONE WORLD!
this is a jew
I think you're confusing reasonable consumption with addiction, and doing the exact same sort of generalizing you're claiming I'm doing.
t.nigger lover
This is the type of shit cops should de more, seethe
Soon the Liberals in charge after this election cycle will summon the police forces to do that to possible gun owners or straight caucasian males in the streets.
Based. Fuck dope fiend weedheads.
nah you're the one who's confused. People would experience bad withdrawal symptoms if they were to abruptly cut out sugar/. There's more sugar in everything for consumers than there ever was before.
Don't be too harsh on them, they saw their best friends inject a single weed and OD.
Whatever it is. Everything in moderation - Balance in all things.
>needing to smoke a plant just to get through the day
Everything in moderation. Whatever it is..
You're damn right I'm confused. Are we not agreeing on the fact that addiction is a bad thing and people need help?