
Why is it so common nowadays, especially in millenials?

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All social roles are filled, there is no more exploration and nomadic way of life.


Exploring your mind is the final frontier.

Feeding developing brains amphetamines to control their behavior for childless roastie teachers causes permanent damage to the synapses. Leading to life long neurochemical depression. And the millennials were the test monkeys.

Loss of community, loss of purpose in life, broken homes, no kids, drugs, alcohol, lack of exercise, shitty food, wage slave, debt slave, environment has gone to shit, no point in living.


>Why is it so common nowadays, especially in millenials?

Actually this.
>Be depressed loser
>Delve into my own mind to understand how my brain works
>Begin solving all of my problems
>Completely turn life around in the span of a couple years
>Continue delving into my own mind to further my understanding
>Make big gains in life every year and feel good about them

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>Broken Homes
Man fuck that, just because my parents couldn't stand each other by the time I was 8 means that I'm saddled with emotional baggage.

Boomers destroyed any prospect of a good life from the time they took control of the economy to just before when millennials were starting to take over.

depression was always common, not just nowadays

Luckily Corona-chan will take care of the boomers.

>>Be depressed loser
>>Delve into my own mind to understand how my brain works
>>Begin solving all of my problems
>>Completely turn life around in the span of a couple years
>>Continue delving into my own mind to further my understanding
>>Make big gains in life every year and feel good about them
Imagine understanding and working toward an enjoyable existence, when you could self-diagnose and chat on social media about depression, and go to a franchised doctor who will give you a pill that changes your chemistry so that while you may not be any more enlightened or happy, at least you are now medicated and addicted to a pharmaceutical.

It's time to explore space, brother.

Show me where to start or larp

The cyber

>Delve into my own mind to understand how my brain works

just think man


The "Ism Schism"


People are weak nowadays.

We need a good war to toughen up the young men.

analyse your behavior
why did you do what you did?
how does it work?
can you prevent it from happening again?
what can you do instead?
then force yourself to do better
even simulate the shit situations in your head, to farm XP
again and again, and again
pretty easy to reprogram yourself deeply, if you set your heart on it

We live in a behaviour sink. Look up the work of John B. Calhoun - it explains everything, even the trannie epidemic.

understand the difference between type1 and type2 diabetes?

the mental model of depression is similar

step one; dont be an npc
step two; think, but dont overthink
here is an easy to digest video to get you started

I think a lot of the fags who claim depression don't actually have it, but for those who are for real clinically depressed, then yeah, I mean what are you gonna do. That shit is literally soul sucking.
Even working out and getting a hobby doesn't get you out of severe clinical depression

>dont overthink
flaggot yid
of course, you have to overthink, and then some
you don't exactly reprogram yourself usefully with velvet gloves

Capitalism destroyed all cultural and familial ties.
Oh wait never mind, it’s not the FIRE economy it’s a secret global Jewish conspiracy.

Analysing your behaviour and daily habits is a good start. When I watched this recently something clicked in my mind and I started creating good habits. Eating better foods and exercising daily to name a couple.


because if you give people labels and tell them they have chemical imbalances and all that other bullshit you can easily convince them to get on your drugs get hooked for life and make a fuck ton of sheckles. those big pharma companies aren't worth trillions for being dumb. idiots need to stop being useless fucking pussies and do something valuable for themselves and others and all that bullshit depression just falls away, funny how that works . BUT NO taking a pill and wallowing in your own sorrow is so much easier for all the weak low-T masses

Exploring your mind happens when you are also exploring reality. It doesn't happen when you're literally doing nothing.

Eater better, lift, and (no homo) keep an emotional journal. Writing things down and looking at them later provides a lot of self-perspective.

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Because young people have been conditioned that it’s over and there’s no future. Globohomo warming. School shootings. Shitty schools teaching you not how to think but what.

what I suggest goes far beyond that, though
ie reprogram yourself through and through, down to even instincts

Create a secondary layer of self-deception around your unconscious tendencies by rationalising said tendencies in a manner that your narcissism finds acceptable.
Congratulations, you now you believe your own lies and falsely believe you understand your own behaviour.
Many such cases.



This is the way to go. I had a job at a bar last year and my boss helped me through this process, could have never thought of it myself. Completely changed the way i look at everything.

depression/anxiety are your body telling you they need real food, not onions/processed shit and some actual exercise. many people have hormonal problems due to endocrine disrupting food and drugs. it took me maybe two years of no alcohol/pot along with working on a farm in the sun to turn it around and im not even in that bad of shape. too much booze, weed, onions, gluten, msg mixed with not enough quality sleeo, exercise, sunlight will result in a lack of serotonin production resulting in clinical depression.mix this with a flawed liberal, libertarian, or any other entitled ideaology and you will be depressed forever.

If you find the answer - and also how to cure it - tell me.

this guy gets it!

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Most people no longer have agency in their lives. Social mobility is at an all time low.

Now more than ever, people are born into roles or social classes that they have no way of escaping. The barrier for entry into skilled professions is higher than ever, and the new concept that you need to get tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before you're allowed to get a job is slowly becoming acceptable.

In terms of skilled jobs, there is almost no advance in technology that makes work easier. What advances in technology really do is make workers required to do either more work or more complex work in the same amount of time. Technological advances, for the most part, serve to INCREASE the burden of the worker.

The concept of the community is becoming a forgotten thing. People are so paranoid and mistrusting now (consequence of niggers and wops) that they fear conversations with strangers - they're hesitant to socialize with anyone they do not already know. Outside of work, there is very little way for the average person to meet new people. This is especially bad in old people now. Gone are the days of having a neighborhood network of social connections. Now old people die isolated and alone - having fewer and fewer friends every year. What they don't understand is that this happens to the majority of young people to. From age 20-25 and onwards, the amount of social connections people of all ages have does just about nothing but decline.

It's no coincidence that most people get married to people they met in education (or church). Outside of that, people just don't meet eachother anymore.

Dating apps are the new meeting platform, and they encourage people to be hyperselective. The ONLY people who will ever be interested in you are the people 4-5 stages beneath your level, because it's what those systems encourage.

The prices of housing here are literally rising higher than the national median wage.

God damn I fucking hate niggers.

Turn your inward self-loathing into outward hatred. Embrace that little bit of narcissism. It's everyone else's fault.

>not pushing the reprograming down to shaving your ego, again, and again, until it doesn't limit you anymore

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you could also reject mainstream narratives and explore alternatives like inner earth, electromagnetism, or actually go to the wilderness and camp or something. there is still much mystery in the world

Ego just means "i am". It is a nonsense term abused by kitchen psychologists.
WTF is shaving your ego anyways, do you even into the eternal conflict of the conscious and the subconscious

It’s not really a secret. Jews are pretty open about it.

There's going to be plenty of social roles that need to be filled when all this shit collapses in on itself. Personally, I think I'll become the town Shaman!

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i bet you got hugged though.

>All females are treasonous whores
>Boomers, including your own family are treasonous cunts
>Communities are dead
>War only serves your slavemasters at the expense of yourself
>You have nothing except bread and circuses
>Even the bread and circuses are slowly rotting away
Gee I dunno memeflaggot, why on earth would men possibly be depressed?

I think that's where a lot of peoples problems really begin with depression. Once they start getting "fixed" they are trapped for life and haven't developed a healthy, natural way to cope and deal with the hardships life brings. Just take the pill, and all the problems go away, fuck actually making changes to rid yourself of the issues in your life.

Well, low T is actually one of the causes of low mood and even legit depression. I actually think testosterone therapy should be freely available to any young male who wants to try it, so long as they don't already have high/freakishly high levels.

But nah, give mentally ill, confused young men estrogen and turn them into women instead because "MAN BAD, WAMEN GUD".

This society is fucked.

>WTF is shaving your ego
learning detachment, not to be moved by what's not worth moving
best way to get out of reach of what brings you down

>do you even into the eternal conflict of the conscious and the subconscious
so very much that I've gone as far as recommending to reprogram your instincts, in this thread
which isn't that hard, through Will and work

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i am not into new age pseudopsychology, merci

>new age pseudopsychology
nothing like that in what I said, cocksucker
just sheer analysis and Will power, is all
maybe that requires a soul, though, and I'm not sure you fingolians have one

Screens aren't helping

testosterone therapy is free to everyone, it's called start lifting weights and playing sports, dont be scared of challenging things or competition. and stop eating packaged sugary starchy bullshit food and drinking fucking sodas all fucking day while sitting around playing video games and watching porn/cartoons. would cure 99% of all these fucking pussies beta problems without needing to go see some kike therapist or spend money on some self-help bullshit program

>Just take the pill, and all the problems go away, fuck actually making changes

society is hard on people.
and thus we have a trillion dollar franchised health and pharm to treat the symptoms of the diseases that our society causes (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, etc...)

which is good in a jam, but it's bad in creating a feedback-loop of incentives

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Imagine being the only puppet in the circus that knows it has strings he/she/it cannot control.

Most doctors use medication as an absolute last resort. At least in my country. And most people don't want to be on meds until they've tried most other things they can think of. For these people it's literally

1) Desperately try a medication with the hope that things will improve.
2) Be miserable or commit chop suey.

Also, once you're on the meds you can get to a better place in life, then try weaning off them. It's not as simple as being trapped for life.

I think for men, that testosterone should be tried more often for depression than SSRIs or other shit.

I understood the truth of this a while ago and I'd suggest you stop thinking it right now so that you dont have To face "dark night of the soul" TY

It's the memes, stupid. Embody thyself and face to ignorance.


This right fucking here... We’ll said and it fucking pisses me off