White Nationalist Prison Gangs

Are these guys actually redpilled or is just gang shit? I can’t see the (((feds))) allowing too much nationalist literature in prison.

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Tattoos are gay, if you have a tat you are a fucking fag

they probably don't even exist outside of prison documentaries from the mid noughties. they're literally made up to make whites look equally bad as all the shitskins that make up 90% of the prison population.


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It's white trash racism. It comes from a fear of competition rather than a true understanding of racial differences.

A true race realist doesn't hate the negro, he simply accepts him as he is, a primal subhuman savage.

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Yeah but you didn’t get to that point without hating the negro first.

They are just scumfucks using state promoted™ badguy™ aesthetic.
Aslo tattoos are cringe
Also if you have a swastica tattoo you should be hanged. Get a fucking black sun if you are that much of an autistic faggot.

I had to do some weekend time in the county for getting busted with some pot. I had more trouble with the methface skinheads than the niggers and wetbacks. Bunch of faggots.

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They will never understand National socialism. Crackheads.

Heavily red-pilled.
>nothing to lose
>completely open about their political views
>spend majority of their time in confined environement brutally competing with other races
>willing to kill and die fighting for their race
>deemed the most cunning and lethal of all prison gang sub types

I know the Yas Forums is fun and games but this is Yas Forums, so you MIGHT have composed this sentence unironically.

Gang shit. White dudes gotta defend themselves from the black prison gangs.

AB forces its members to read a handful of books. They pride themselves on being more educated than other races. For that reason alone, I respect them.

This. My roommate has the fucking justice network (crime shows ect.) on 24/7 and every single fucking criminal is a white dude. Niggers and browns are the ones committing 90% of these horrible crimes but they found like the entire population of white dudes in the US who have ever committed a rape and do an episode on it. It’s fucking cringy. There was an episode about prison and they showed off the aryan brotherhood being the worst of them all.

This is why Britain is our best ally.

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All i did while in jail was working out and reading about national socialism, at least here they don.t give two shits about what kind of litterature you have in prison

He’s 100% correct though. You don’t hate an animal acting in its nature. It’s like hating women for being emotional or stupid on average. No point, just ignore.

No the Aryan Brotherhood was founded by a jew.

Isn’t prison in your country like a free studio apartment with gamecubes and shit? I’m gonna hop the border and commit a crime.


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I never undersood this meme, wtf are they in competition for?
If Im in prison, all Im trying to do is eat, read books, draw, meditate, sleep, exercise, and get the fuck out.
And of course if anyone has a problem Ill handle them, but I just dont understand people who go to prison to just continue dealing drugs and shit.
Seems counterproductive and plain fucking retarded.

american prisons are nothing like prisons in europe.

They'll even tell you they're not really racists.

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Nah that's only if you commit a serious crime. I had to share a small room with a fat pedo we only had a small TV in the conrner

Brainwashing is what talmudavision is best for

he did, u retard

A prison sentence is your country is like staying in a Holiday Inn.


Dude, you have to join a gang to survive. When you first get it they will check you depending on race and pull you to somewhere hidden before beating the shit out of you for like 10 seconds. If you don’t fight back you are labeled a bitch and have to fend for yourself. If you fight back you can join your race’s gang and they will look out for you. That’s like max security prisons though. If you are doing time for some state non violent felony everyone just minds their own business. Also, everyone in there isn’t going to be the sharpest tool in the shed which means lower average IQ and higher propensity for violence. You have to protect yourself.

Looks like a typical amerifat to me......

What did you do? I found out that a co worker of mine did 5 years out of a maximum for 20 having cp (like 16 year olds not actual kids) and it shocked me. He’s a good, smart guy.

They are based and know about the Jq and that the holocaust is a lie

That said they’re still pretty much violent gangs, almost nigger tier.

However, it’s excusable given the environment

Check out Wes Watson on YouTube if white prison gangs are of interest to you

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With all those tats I thought he was a memeflag.

imagine sharing a cell with a pedo and not stomping his head in

>"Niggers are natural, therefore you shouldn't hate them."

Absolute brainlet.
They are a fucking scourge on our nation. If you had cancer consuming your body would you hate it?
You should have the same additude towards niggers that you have towards cancer.

I had several minor offences, racially motivatet violence was the most serous charge (no i'm not joking). Dunno what the guy i had too share cell with did, he never told us even though we tried to threaten him to tell us, but i'm 100% sure it was CP or something.
He had a hell of a long sentence and he was no criminal that's for sure

>calling it a tat

Lol there was a dude from your country the other day posting from a fucking iPhone in prison. They were fucking with this nigger who supposedly raped an underage girl and were whipping him with power cords and shit. They get fucking phones and shit smuggled in lol.

Are you a nationalist?

underrated picture

Gang shit is inherently redpilled. If you have $100,000 from gang activity, and Melvin has $100,000 from wagie activity, who's fucking whose wife?

Nazi gangs only exist because, surprise surprise, nigger and lation gangs kept targeting white inmates.

I made sure to make his stay as painful as i could w/out getting repercussions. We bullied the shit out of him

>racially motivatet violence was the most serous charge
Story time.

>It comes from a fear of competition
which is completely rational

would you accept your people being replaced by a superior alien lifeform or would you fight for your people?

immigrants dont have to be worse than you to be bad for you, its just that the only ones we get are worse

the only thing they care about is money the race thing is fake and they attack their own the most


I was drunk as hell and beat up a paki, while calling him a fucking paki saiying he needed to get the hell out of my country

Tell us the tale of your conquest, viking.

>16 year olds
>5 years
the absolute cucked state of america lmao

What's the difference? Racism is just thuggery in the end.


Kek. Sounds like you got a slap on the wrist though, at least compared to here. We’d make national headlines if we did that.

Based. The nationalists that marched in the Nordic countries actually looked like chads compared to our CIA infiltrated mutt spergs of nationalists we have here. How is the situation there now? More people becoming nationalist after witnessing sweden commit suicide?

The whole 13 50 thing gets flipped on its head in prison. The Aryan Brotherhood is reaponsible for the majority of prison murders despite being a minority of the prison population.

Just gang shit these guys are not redpilled they are niggers who are addicted to crack. In a WN society they would be exterminated

What's it like in Honduras?

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Me and all my friends are NatSoc and everybody knows it, most people don't really care though.
But PST (Norwegian FBI) do though and i know thay have tabs on me and many of my friends

Mostly nigger gangs and Northern California spics, AB and the Mexican mafia have had an alliance for decades, skinhead gangs and white street gangs and bikers have an alliance with spic street gangs for the distribution of drugs and guns, they’re scum that poison their own people.

According to theFederal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for between 18–25% of murders in thefederal prison system.[12][17]

>Despite being 0.1% of the prison population.


I actually met a trailer trash racist one time and it was the most bizarre experience because this fucking retard ACTED niggardly. With his baggy pants, that way they speak as if they have a brain injury, the rap music. I mean, this guy was a straight up wigger who hated niggers.

Cousin and Real father in AB. They are confirmed larping jews.


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There is a knife crime problem IN THE FUCKING PRISONS here lmao

guy i know was a peckerwood during one of his longer stints in the pen. He's about as dumb as your average nigger

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Sorry scandi, the more atrocious your crimes the better you are treated.

It's this.

Lol birds in prison are homos that bottom. That tattoo is ultragay

Go and kill the fucking PST then.

Can't keep tabs on you if they're all DEAD and it's clear they are not on your side therefore they are an enemy and must be DEALT WITH.

Its gang shit. My brother is a nigger tier criminal that becomes something different every time he goes to prison or jail. One time he came out a wigger, another time he came out drawing swatzstkas and shit. He's half rican but we look white. Sadly he's going back now at 44 for drug deal gone wrong. He's got a million dollar bail and his underage son is facing stabbing charges.

Do your police even do anything besides arrest twitter hate speech perpetrators? Jesus Christ dude.