If God is real, why hasn't he spoken to us in over 2000 years?
If God is real, why hasn't he spoken to us in over 2000 years?
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He does all the time, you simply don't listen.
He has, you just weren't listening.
^Actually believing God is a single entity and isn't energy and everything around us.
What have we done to deserve it?
So God talks to you niggers? What does he say?
What did he say?
Digits confirm.
Because he's up there rofling @ you for having to deal with niggers
he said
kara boga
God is both and neither, the same way the branch both is and isn’t the tree.
Where is the friend I seek everywhere?
When the day dawns my longing just increases,
when the day dies I still cannot find Him,
although my heart is burning.
I see his traces, wherever a power is revealed,
a flower releases its perfume or a straw bends in the wind.
In my sigh, in the air I breath
His love is shared.
Oh, when creation and life displays
so much beauty in every vein,
How beautiful must then not the Source itself be,
the eternally clear.
You think you are talking to it all the time if you are retarded or crazy.
That sounds like such a scam.
the jews killed him.
Checked. This..... /thread
Only because you’re too stupid and ignorant to understand it. And no, I’m not a Christcuck. I’m not even religious. But the truth is the truth.
Every human has the faculty to realize God's word. It is your own fault to neglect its calling, and once you have had an experience with it -- which often occurs without your ego's consent -- you will never not believe he isn't with you.
He did, and Mohammed is his prophet.
So God is a turk well this explains things
believe on Jesus Christ and you will be saved
Absentee father is absent.
Abrahamic religion has neat mythology, but if you take any of it as historical fact, then you're a legit moron.
Yeah yeah yeah, you're a superior Christian and we're all going to hell, got it, you faggots still haven't actually answered the question.
>actually believing in new age nonsense
How many ants have you spoken to today user?
That's the Holy Ghost you dingus
We drove him away
God spoke to people all the fucking time during the bible times, why isn't anyone hearing him today? And don't give me this new age "You just gotta listen and believe bro!" bullshit, god literally sent angels down to meet with people in the past, why doesn't that type of shit happen anymore?
>impying imperfect humans can even begin to comprehend God
Faith isn't a scam. God is real.
The scam is organized religion. Why would God give a single shit whether or not you give shekels to priests so they can live comfy while you toil in the fields?
Read his post again and tell me it makes any sense.
You don’t have to be a Christian, or even religious, to understand the reality and nature of God. All things in the cosmos are a fractal representation of the mind of God. That is the Logos, the voice of God. That’s how he speaks, not with schizophrenic voices in your head.
I did answer it. If you study Jungian psychology, or most schools like it, you can see that you can completely explain how your unconscious can communicate with your ego, giving your ego feelings to analyze and comprehend as intellectual content. It is here that each of us has the faculty to experience divine revelation. While we cannot prove the divine part of it, the unconscious is clearly a thing and the mechanism to describe revelation is sound.
>what was the great silence between the book of malachi and the ministry of Jesus several hundred years later
He did on the past and people didn't listen. Why would he do it again in the age od scepticism?
Think of it like this.
You get a new vidya game. It's great and fun. But it gets boring and repetetive after a while so you stop playing and go play some other vidya or watch a movie instead.
It's like that, only the game keeps rolling despite the player character alt-f4ing
checked and divinepilled
I'm still waiting for your genius reply toGod is dead
If you cant think of anything nice to say........etc.
I hear him all the time. Maybe OP just needs to tune in.
Because it's salvation by grace, aka faith.
"Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also." - John 14:19
And the only way to have faith is by opening your heart, listening, hearing, etc etc."So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17
If you require auditory speech to believe in God, then you miss the point of faith.
He sends a messenger every 2000 years, but the Jews always kill him.
>More new age bullshit
God literally told dudes what to do and how to do it in the past, he talked to Abraham, Moses, Noah and others DIRECTLY, no "fractal theories", no "jungian psychology", he communicated with people in the same way we'd call someone with a cell phone today. Why isn't he talking to us today in the same fashion?
kek you're more schizo than God if you talk to ants
So congrats I guess
Now take your meds Radu Radulescu
You mean why hasn't he spoken to you.
You already know the answer to that.
You cant count? Oh, the flag.
Because he could be on video and stuff
He always does. Only you don't realize, because the mindset that these jewed institutions told you is wrong.
The chruch turned the word "Christianity" into a jewish subsidiary, a cult for spiritless zombie-plebs, a bastardization of the original meaning. And thus modern "Christians" are the biggest enemy of "Jesus", the Sun-Son of God on the cross of the world (the one who is spiritually aware, the "I" on the cross north-south-east-west, and the cross of Father-Heaven-SPIRIT and Mother-Matter-Matrix-Ma(te)ria-Mary-Maya-NATURE), like Wodan on the world t(h)ree Yggdrasil (Ygg=I, dra=carry/create, sil-sal=goal/hail/SALvation), all that is not about an external limited onetime material Superguy, it was/is ultimately a symbol for all Aryan men, the god-men, and European men are the rightful racial heirs of the ancient Aryan Culture, the Aryan Religion and its symbols.
But modern "Christians" are the inversion of that message, they believe in (assume) a ridiculous literal-material onetime comic-book Clark Kent Supermessiach instead (as if God would reveal itself only once in one person's material body, instead of in ALL go(o)d Men, in the form of the Aryan Race adn Spirit from the very beginning of ManKind, and in the entire cosmic world itself). Modern "Christianity" is a zombie corporation, an empty shell without spirit and culture, a rootless shadow-institution, they are the anti-Christ, the anti-god-man, the anti-Aryan.
"Jesus" is the material Sun above me and the spiritual Sun within me.
Our true sonship (SUNship) within God. Only in that notion it is in fact godkind, God-Kind: The child of the divine itself: All Men who are guided by truth itself, and guided by life (nature) itself. The truth, the life, and the way-wheel-will in everything.
Clearly the dude isn't omniscient, otherwise he'd know that the entire concept of Faith being virtuous is batshit retarded. It's the kind of thing narcissists use to keep their mooks from asking too many hard-hitting questions.
They have pills that will make those voices stop.
I gave a schizo answer to a schizo argument
That's gnosticism. Fuck off.
>as if God would reveal itself only once in one person's material body, instead of in ALL go(o)d Men
That isn't what the Bible says, my friend.
>thinking God is ultimate Good
God is EVERYTHING Good and Evil alike. He can be merciful and generous, and he can be capricious and cruel. Maybe he thinks it's funny, maybe there's a hidden win condition if you believe enough? Who knows?
Probably because his church got taken over by the goyim. Reading the New Testament shows you that it wasn't exactly what rabbi Yeshoua bar-Joseph had planned.
He probably just said "fuck it".
It’s the opposite of New Age. The things I’m talking about predate your corrupt desert faith by thousands of years. Even the holy book that you clearly have failed to understand is itself an expression of the Logos, as all things are.
Paul never discusses Christ as a flesh and blood man
Gospels do. But written decades later.
because we abandoned him
>he communicated with people in the same way we'd call someone with a cell phone today. Why isn't he talking to us today in the same fashion?
This is how he always has talked with us. This is not new age bullshit, Carl Jung formally defined much of this about a century ago. The ego developed out of the unconscious as a way for humans to think about their actions and analyze their actions across time.
the last time he spoke he created reality
>a universe with trillion of galaxies, each with billions of stars, most of those with a planet or ten
Literally the entire New Testament describes Him as a flesh and blood man, as well as tying Him into the Old Testament descriptions of the Father and Spirit.
>Abrahamic religion has neat mythology,
God doesnt exist,you imbecile
This is why I left the faith
>I want you to believe in me above all. I have total power to make you believe in me. But instead I'll send a guy to earth for a couple decades and hope you believe in him for centuries after despite extremely weak surviving evidence.
>God doesn't speak to him
I'm sorry user...
None of that shit is real either, don’t put your trust into science.
Jung’s work is also important for understanding the nature of good and evil, and explaining the “problem of evil” that atheists are obsessed with. There is polarity in all things. All things are a fractal representation of the mind of God. Therefore, there is polarity in the mind of God. Evil, which you might call “Satan”, which simply means “Adversary,” is a product of the Jungian shadow of God’s own mind. Of course these things were understood thousands of years before Jung, but he articulated them in an accessible way.
What does he tell you user
Your “inner monologue” doesn’t count, that’s just you larping in your head
God is the over encompassing Creator of the Universe. Through his grace, he gifted us dumb monkeys consciousness. And because of his grace, we have the gift of intelligent thought.
God speaks to us through the momentum of this earth. And his will guides every molecule, atom, cell, and organism... including us dumb monkey humans
I'm surprised you know that word,christcuck
Depends on your faith. Catholic church still has these type of occurrences on occasion. Canonized Saints are often in communication with the divine (Angels, Virgin Mary, Jesus) via direct communication and visions.
Now of course you'll say fake, but it answers your question.
Well stated, user. Yes, Jung articulated it nicely but it was a gradual process of other's work that helped him realize it, and the process is largely instinctual without us formally knowing about it and defining it. I appreciate you communicating your points well for all who will read this.
The only way Christ could have any merit is if the resurrection hasn't happened - it is a future event tied to the eschaton and all that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin groove. If this is the case God is currently dead.
If you want me to believe that Jesus resurrected 2000 years ago and floated into heaven to do absolutely nothing - I don't buy it. It is a fraud.
If the latter is true, then the gospel writers got it wrong. It's been proven they've used Jesus as a mouthpiece for their various and sometimes competing doctrines. Maybe that's why Jesus taught in parables, so his core message could not be corrupted.
Either way, there is zero evidence. No rational, reasonable person could be expected to dedicate their life to such mists and vapors. But maybe if it tips a person from their animal condition toward some kind of nobility - maybe that's enough?
Research anomalous cognition and Robert Monroe. The truth shall set you free
thats John 10
try harder faggot
Saint Bogdanoff when?
>Fuck off
Right. But the sequencing of the writing of the texts suggest the views of him as flesh and blood man evolved. You may enjoy the Evans vs. Richard Carrier debate. Best debate on Christianity ive seen and I've watched many. If nothing else, very informative regarding gospel history.
God here. You're a faggot.
>I don't understand evolution or cosmology so therefore my imaginary friend created everything
Just end your pathetic life retard
tfw when you worship a jew
explain existence then
The Miracle of the Sun, Fatima (1917) was one of the most well-documented miracle events ever
> predicted 3 months in advance
> witnessed by something like 60,000 people
> reporters sent to debunk convert on the spot
He did. On the 1st January 2017.
Dumb kikes fumbled the ark of the covenant. Lol
The vile, disrespectful fucks have been trying to conceal the inescapable and incontrovertible fact that Britain is both the winner and loser in the global holy war. Black comedy, yes. Lol
And yes, yours truly owes Julian a massive thank you.
And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is.
Big love to Julian and WikiLeaks.
A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.
Seven weeks meditation with this bad boys.
And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Illumination route (27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped by all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Jon James Pratt (999)
48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’
>A jew would heal people for free
>A jew would make food and wine and not charge people for it
i try to speak with God every day, and i guess sometimes he responds, our father dont talk to you maybe because you are a jew ass licker faggot
Yes that is a major one that comes to mind, nobody can reasonably debunk it without sounding even more 'out there' than what actually happened.
The Bible is a work of fiction, as is every other holy book. You discount the vast majority of them, why make exception for one?
There may or may not be a god, but it has nothing to do with any artistic creation of man, if it exists. And if it exists, it is likely as indifferent towards humans as it is towards rocks and trees. How else can you explain the Indian ocean tsunami? This isn't a matter of free will, and why evil exists, it's a natural disaster that killed over 200,000 people. An act of god. Why even believe in a god that is indifferent to the suffering of its people, or impotent to effect their safety therein? We may as well be alone if this is the end result of "Mysterious Ways", because it's the same thing when viewed objectively.
Are you Eastern Orthodox?
Theory of evolution is so flawed only dumb faggots believe there was no divine intervention involved in evolution.
Have fun being a childless atheist incel, while white Christians breed with trad white women and we have 5 plus kids
The earth belongs to us.
"Dont ye understand? For Kingdom of God is already within you“
Voices in the walls: HEARD
Mossad: BLAMED
Just do some DMT bro
I've prayed to him, he helped me with things that were literally impossible. He made them happen and they were and still are impossible.
I've talked to him but I receive dreams and help from him. It brings me peace, have some faith you dumb atheists. A church visit once a week and praying before you sleep and having a little love in your heart too much?
Repent and you shall be saved, all of you.
And even if you eliminate the most common attempts to debunk via internal factors (mass hysteria, looking at the sun caused nerve illusions), you still can't get past the external evidence; mainly that a muddy field and rain soaked clothes were dry after the event ended
He says this.
I'm the only one who objectively exists. You might as well be a lie or a robot or an illusion or anything...but you're not real until you prove that you have a conscience.
As far as I'm concerned,I'm the reality
that jew incel that never talk to Jesus lol, poor scumfag
a jew would not defend his race
This user correct, he talks to us all the time, God loves us and always wants the best for us.
He calls me all the time, you must have shit banter.