My 20s are almost over. I'll turn 30 this year. The entire time:

My 20s are almost over. I'll turn 30 this year. The entire time:

>No friends or acquaintances
>No gf, no dates, no female attention ever, totally everythingless
>No social experiences
>No parties
>Never been to pub or club
>No holidays abroad since 2013
>Under £10k in savings

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Sick of your pussy ass threads

Do a spin faggot

Every new day is a chance to improve those things user. I'm in the same boat on many things.

C'mon user, there's no need to rush towards the end. You may well get your wish soon enough anyways.

Change, accept mediocrity, or die faggot, the world will keep spinning either way

You're not obligated to be the man you were 5 minutes ago.

This will be the best decade of your life bar none. You will find a sweet girl to spend time with, you'll start lifting, you'll gain a new lease on life, you'll get promoted, you will tour beautiful Europe, get married and have two kids, you'll finally reach your untapped potential. I'm sure of it.

The nice thing about your 30s, you won't want to do any of those things anyway. Becomes a chore.


Same here OP. Its best to just make peace with who we are. We were never going to be winners, it is what it is.

Same here. Although I've had a few girlfriends this decade. Still unemployed with like 5k to my name. No skills or education, My future looks pretty grim.

We can do it, user. Let's start now.

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That makes me smile. It's rare seeing this sort of optimism on Yas Forums.

idc kill yourself thats your own fault

I'm 32 and pretty much the same, user. Im not gonna tell you it gets better because it usually doesn't. I'm only sticking around to see my dog off proper. I'm all shes ever known. After that though, I'm calling it quits. Was a nice run I suppose.

I am in the same exact boat as you are user

Pretty much like me, but I still have some social experiences.

So your a social inept ugly hikkamori social phobe who hates dancing that does not travel or have savings?
FUCK YOU who cares

Good grow the fuck up you mong

You could find a party this weekend if you wanted, and you could certainly hit up a pub. Have a few beers and you'll feel chatty - might even make a friend or two. You can do a lot with a few grand if you're smart. You should go to Spain, it can be really cheap this time of year and the women are nicer than britbongs.

There are a lot of options you have. All those things you listed are voluntary, apart from maybe gf, but Anglo roasties are terrible so don't lose any sleep over it.

Why dont you just go to a pub or club? Just get a little drink on and boom, you'll eventually talk to someone. That's like the easiest on your list!
Pick up a hobby, don't find anything interesting? Try something out -- like go to the gym, go climb, you'll end up talking to someone. "Oh, could you help me with this?" which might lead to further conversation.
10k savings? More than me, I turn 30 next year. But who cares? 10k is more than some, less than some. Stop focusing on the negatives and don't compare to others. Because you'll never compare to the ones who has it worse than you, you only compare to the ones who have it better so just stop it

I'm 24
Have a gf + also get female attention when out
Good friends group and friends across the country
On £38k p/a
Go on multiple trips a year
Don't have corona virus

Feels pretty based man

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C'mon now. If your IP is real, all you need to do is change your perspective. Maybe broaden your horizons. Scrape together a fat stack of dosh and move to someplace with a bit more vitamin D and a lot less acid attacks. Life ain't so horrible. Sleep on it before you go rummaging around in bins tryin to find Jamal's slapshot tubegun to bite the big one. Make some goals and achieve em.

Damn user take the suicide pill

Hey brit, american chad here, have you not touched one pussy yet?

Put down the English Tea and pick up a budweiser, the king of beers.
Budweiser will attract females to you and most of all, turn you into an American pussy destroyer.

Visit your local corner store and pick up a 6 pack for 8.99 or a 24 pack for 16.99

Don’t wait user, the bud is in you!

Get off Yas Forums is a good start.

Like a really good start.

In fact, shut down your computer right now. Your computer is the real evil behind everything that has gone wrong in your life.

Stop being negative, you are entering the phase when life starts to make sense and you become the guy who knows how to fix stuff. This is a great time. Bonus: you are a guy. If you were a woman you'd have to worry about the Wall.

My 20s are almost over. I'll turn 30 next year. The entire time:
>Two kids
>Fun hobbies
>Amazing career, very easy work with decent money

Better luck next time faggot.

At least you've got /pol


You could die tomorrow.
You could actually ensure you died tomorrow.
Your age is just a marker against attempts on your life, be whatever you want but be cool about it at least.
You're fully grown, come on now.

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>>Yas Forums

just got fired from my good gig, careful doesnt last make sure that girl you got is a ride or die. mines holding me down pushing me forward

Based and Budweiser 8.99 six pack pilled

Get outside bong.

Kys normie

People say that but all the net is is just a window to the truth. You see the world with no filter.

same, but additionally i have:
>no job, never even had one
>still living with parents (who are annoyed of my presence and want to get rid of me)
>relatives and family look down on me
>struggling with depression for a couple of years now
>thinking about suicide daily

What are your values? What do you want to do? Once you figure this out, you should go do it.

im 29 and I feel ya bro. I'm a just a loser, not really complicated. I couldn't even graduate college and I work a dead end job

my chances of starting a family are pretty much gone

>1 post by this ID

Get a hobby that produces something with your hands and mind. That will increase your self worth seeing yourself create something. More self worth=more self confidence to speak to a woman. That’ll lead to dates. It’ll get better user, just try this. I promise you it’ll work. I’m rooting for you, fren.

Keep feeling sorry or do something you excuse for a man

Pretty sure you have Corona virus

si si

Jesus Christ what is wrong with your generation?? Has social media and porn rendered you so useless you can’t even function anymore?

In the 90’s those things were badges of honor you fought for. Losing your virginity by 8th grade/freshman year, buying your first car, and most importantly moving out we’re mandatory.

Why can’t you just fuck the neighborhood tomboy you grew up with? She wants to fuck you...

Why can’t you just buy a piece of shit car so you can experience independence and freedom? Why does your first car have to be $30k or nothing?

Why can’t you separate yourselves from your parents now? Living on your own too scary? Too soft to live in a shitty apartment?

>£38k p/a

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>Never had a girlfriend
>Never kissed or held hands with a girl
>Living off of government benefits
>Bored of everything, only browse Yas Forums
>Spent most of my inheritance, started at 70k now only 10k left
>Don't talk to anyone for months at a time other than cashiers to buy food
>Body breaking down, random pains and aches
>Want to KMS but believe there is a hell

Yep, it's over.

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Is there a way we can all at least find traditional girlfriends user?

Every girl here is a degenerate, Leftist, roastie.

You're upset about 30? You're gonna fucking kill yourself when 40 rolls around. BTW. why the fuck don't you have kids yet? (assumming you're white, otherwise fuck off back to pakistan)

>>No social experiences
Doubt.jpg unless you are literally a manlet hunchback with a slack jaw and red hair.

Watch some Wes Watson and read about David Goggins. You big puss puss.

Do you watch anime, fren? If not, I recommend it. It will help you cheer up and build up your ego. Especially the ones with the cute girls.

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Don't be sad man, the corona virus is changing society so maybe you'll have a new beginning at 30.

I turn 40 in 3 days so stop your whining youngster

Sorry to hear bro, hope you get a new one sorted soon. I bust my arse in work and am in the public sector so job is relatively secure.

My gf is v supportive tbf, I reckon I try to push her forward a bit more but there's times when she has helped for sure


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>>Yas Forums

>buy piece of shit car
>€3k insurance + tax

I'm jealous of yankland sometimes. Plus moving out nowadays is borderline unaffordable for most young people.

>never been to a pub or club
don't worry you're not missing out on anything there

The trick is that social conformity works for a reason, if you make a friend and do something that socially conforms like go for a pint at a pub then you're going to get on with other people just fine and from there make friends and have opportunities to go to social outings. Stop seeing yourself as an outsider, who is different or above other people, accept that social conformity loses you a little bit of personal freedom but you make gains in how well you can interact with other people. Get some normie clothes so you fit in, get a normie haircut, chit chat about some normie stuff, be nice to people.

Most of my friends who are kinda like what you're describing were all like that because they kinda refused to tow the line and fit in. I had a friend who was mad on army stuff, and he's wear cammo trousers all the time, and we'd try and get into a nice pub somewhere and the bouncers would tell him to get lost. It's just awkward, he eventually kinda cut his hair, started wearing jeans/trousers and being a little bit more normal as his peers kinda grew up and he's just a regular dude now, who has a social life and can join in with the rest of us.

Be the change you want to be. I'm a half psychotic slavic/scandi mutt. I'm married and have 3rd kid on the way. You know what women can't stand. Weakness. That's what you are. WEAK. SAGE.

How can you be ugly if you lift weights?
Women won't care about your face if you have muscles.
Keep lifting.

If that doesn't work, do a flip faggot!

Claim what's yours and kill a really rich family, capitalism just means 'an eye for an eye'.
Since they didn't enable you to breed, annihilate their bloodlines... you have nothing to lose, OR just kys.

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your in for the fun of AGING quite soon OP. The pain never ends

watch anime and stop worrying about shit

stop saving your money and start making an ass of yourself at the bar, practice bang a bunch of 3's

shut the fuck up

Jesus you can insure anything cheap liability only for like $60-70 a month



You young fuckers have it tough, for sure. Might have to settle for reforming a woman. You'll be on double duty, putting in the work her father never did, along with your duties as a husband.

i know that feel bro

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you live in a beautiful amazing country, why not explore it? go for a trip down the coastal garden route from Dorset to Devon, you might get a new perspective at just how privlaged you really are

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Not here you can't. New drivers get absolutely raped on insurance, it's utter thievery. A new learner driver these days won't get insurance for under 3k a year. Probably more.

Quit porn, it drains your will to change all of these things

You're even more worthless than OP. You pissed away 70k on garbage. You are what is wrong with society

Where is there to sort? I have a full time job and my own place, a car. I pay for everything. I'm a sorted adult I've just never had any romance in my life, no friends, no life, no good experiences.

Is that supposed to be bad?

I’m only on £28k and am same the age, I’m interested

Hes white! I mean right!

>No friends or acquaintances
Go on meetup sites and find events for ppl like yourself.

>No gf, no dates, no female attention ever, totally everythingless
Chicks don't matter as much as you think.
Get a tinder and/or dating site profile (even one with no photo) and practice talking to girls there, even you try hard & long enough and you're not picky, you'll get a date 100%.

>No social experiences
Dubious, posting here is already a "social experience" in a way. Plus I assume you've at least talked to humans in your lifetime.

>No parties
Get friends and attend. Alternatively look up meetups on FB or meetup sites and hang out, meet new ppl.

>Never been to pub or club
This can technically be fixed in one day, you can go by yourself and buy a beer, watch a game. When you get a friend, go with the friend.

>No holidays abroad since 2013
Better than many, at least you've been abroad.
Also takes like 200GBP to go to Europe for a couple of days on a cheap deal. Can be easily fixed.

>Under £10k in savings
This is pretty normal, most people these days have under 1K in savings and even in total net worth, especially those under 40. Be thankful you're not in the negative.

>he said, while wasting his own time on 4chins
ok boomer

Take it to r9k pussy. Mods delete this thread. If you want a gf there are plenty out there even for an incel like you. They may just not be as pretty as most but that usually means they're better at being a gf anyways. Stop being a pussy, get off Yas Forums and go buy some nice clothes and shoes. Then go get a gf. Or go to /r9k

start playing guitar, make awesome music for people like you, post it online build a following and then take it mainstream

Imagine reducing your existence to
you're not a MAN but a FAGGOT

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i appreciate that user i'll get a good gig in now time, i have the experience. Just got that shit 9-5 for the bills before im back on salary.

Women i swear they're a weird creature, had to push mine for her promotion because she was too shy to ask for it.

you assume that the average Yas Forums poster relates to all of that, which is why you spam these same tired demoralisation threads.
kys dumb subversive jew.

We're here, because we are deluding ourselves that we are saving the world from degeneracy and Leftism, all while doing nothing but posting insane conspiracy theories, memes, troll topics (complete with meme flags), and scantily clad women.

I was born a loser (complete with Asperger Syndrome), and I will likely die a loser too.

>focus on work and exercise
>climb career ladder like a mad cunt
>be jacked and rich at age 40
>hit the club and rail 20 year olds

Get over the roastie mindset. The wall does not exist for men.

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I was in a similar situation and after a mental breakdown, I started to make changes. It was very difficult but now my life has completely changed and is kicking ass.

The more I go out of my comfort zone, the easier it gets.

I've lived more in the past year than the previous 10. You can do it. You have nothing to lose.

Unironically true

I’m actually doing pretty well for myself socially, work wise and relationship wise but even I’ve noticed how damaging it can be. Spend more and more time browsing it, fucks up what will turn you on irl, sex etc.

Get rid of it

just take the thug-pill and you'll become a woman-magnet.

>these replies
you newfags need to fuck off and die too.

Lad you gotta be a solid 3/10

Pussy and wives are the easiest thing to get.

Pick a trade or technical school. Much cheaper than uni and you'll get a job afterwords.

Work on your diet and exercise.

Do these things and women will follow. Fix you first.

Work on staying out of debt.
Sacrifice now and life will be easier in the future.

Simple advice, tough to follow, but it works.

One post by this ID. Sage this shitty slide thread

You're not a woman, in which case being 29 and not achieving your goals would be cause for concern.
You're not a professional athlete, in which case being 29 years old and not achieving your goals would also be cause for concern as time is running out..
You're a normal man. (allegedly)
Good news for you. Men generally peak around 35-38, or if they play their cards right, until they're just about dead.
Just take it one day at a time.
* Work out every day. Even if you're a total mess, you can achieve fitness in less than 2 years of hard work.
* Get enough sleep.
* If your career is shit, reflect on what you can do and start a new one
* Limit wasteful hobbies (vidya, mindless netflix consumption) into bare minimums needed for sanity.
* Start getting into productive hobbies. Painting, building shit with carpentry or metalworking, sailing, fishing, etc.
* Start purposefully pushing yourself to be social. Start out with asking strangers what time it is and build on that.
You can do it.
If you can't, just do a flip faggot.