Gun Making

Hey, I found this really cool old BB gun at my grandpa's. Does anyone know if its possible to turn this into a real gun?
(Important information for the coming pandemic)

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If you seriously want to know if you can convert that to a real gun, you're too stupid to deserve an answer.

google "luty" in minecraft

>not buying a gun

It is a real gun

>If you seriously want to know if you can convert that to a real gun, you're too stupid to deserve an answer.

No. Even if you could it would have to be a breach loaded 22lr. Why bother?

>if its possible to turn this into a real gun

how do these fucking people remember to breath

Dunce. Just buy a Ruger mark IV if you want a gun that looks like that. They're good to train with but they're not much for self defense because 22lr doesn't drop people unless you nail em with a well placed shot

Not worth it.

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BB guns are good at scaring off cats, the same applies to niggers. Niggers have extremely low pain tolerance due to evolving in an eden-like environment.

Check to see if it works first, you are going to want to look down the barrel and pull the trigger, you should see some stuff moving around. If you don't load it up and try again.

Try hammering a .22lr round into the muzzle to reshape it to size.

This is bait, right?...Right?

Most of them are made out of poor-quality metal and can't take the pressures of an actual round.

this works

they also breed and vote

No way mutt.

It will be a tight fit so you might need to give it a few good hits.
here's how to, say hi yo your rabbi :D


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That's a zip gun.

Your grandfather was in a musical street gang.

This is a pretty bad bait. But I’ll bite
You live in America. Attaining a firearm is about as difficult as getting a cheeseburger. I’m not exaggerating.
If you can’t do that, you probably don’t have the faculties to be using firearms anyways.

No, but a slam fire shotgun is ridiculously easy to make.

Thinking you need faculties to use a fire arm

>faculties to be using firearms anyways.
That's the point of a gun. It's the Great Equalizer of the strong and the weak, the smrt and the stupid.

>Does anyone know if its possible to turn this into a real gun?
BB guns are real guns, fuckwit.. it’s in the name

kek. no i'm sure it will be just fine. won't blow up in his hand at all.


Well lol I stand corrected. I forget that niggers do, every hour every day of the week. But to what effect?
That was my point

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this. also just buy a gun, faggot. that is, unless you cant. in which case, kill yourself worthless nigger. literal niggers with 2 strikes get guns all the time.

You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo.
BB guns and firearms are worlds apart internally, it would be a lot easier just to make one from scratch or build one from a kit.

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Co2 .177
Into the trash.

>only a breach loaded 22
Shut up retard, you can easily make a breach 410 to 12ga with that model. Depending on the solidity of the inner parts, you can do centerfire cartridge. Most of Crossman's have steel mechanisms

>Hey, I found this really cool old BB gun at my grandpa's.
if you dont have an firearm liscence you shouldnt even own this.

Maybe op is a fag and a felon

This 100% no reason you can't go up from a .22 the bigger the round the better.

op is always a faggot and he's a felon if he doesnt have a license for that gun.

That's a nice old Crosman, cherish and have fun with it.

And wait until you turn 18 so you can just buy a cheap real gun that's actually well made, you dumb kid.

110% unironically this

>willingly destroying your grandfathers possessions when a fucking highpoint can be had for less than a days worth of work
give it back to your grandpa, you dont deserve it.

Literally why?
He lives in America, man.
Even if it was here I’d call him a dumb faggot for even entertaining the idea.

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Brit day, we dont need licens for weapons.

>air gun
lol, faggot.

Go home muhammad

Airguns aren't regulated in the US. You can buy them off of Amazon.

here, there have been dozens of gay "durrrrr how to make gun" threads by glowniggers lateley. Do not answer, feds are running individual terrorist programms.

You also don’t have weapons.
Likely a sandnigger.
Best you guys can get is an overunder.

The ones that are as old as OP's grandpa maybe. Nowadays everything is made out of tinpot chinesium or zamak if you're lucky.

Meant for

Proof please.

>the reason theyre called handguns is because they blow your hand off

There's 400 million guns and counting here. Just go buy one or build something legitimate.

There was an airsoft replica 1911 on the market for a time that actually would fit real 1911 parts if you stripped it to just the lower and was fully functional. ATF had a big freak-out over that.

Spoken like a true Brit

>firearm liocence
That's called being American.

>he thinks we need a loicense

Research material?
I lovee airsoft***

>.457 suppressed
Anyone can order this to their door in the U.S.

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Nigger it literally says Crosman on the barrel.

Load it as you would normally load a bb gun and tape a shotgun shell over the end of the barrel. Birdshot will work but I'd suggest something exotic like a dragon's breath round.

So that the bb strikes the primer.

you can't?

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umarex has a bolt action pcp rifle that fires arrows im looking into. 450fps at the target from 40 yards, pretty impressive.

Shit, I recently found one of those packed away in a box in the attic and gave to my kids!

The seals must be shot, as the CO2 cartridge vents out after fewer than 10 shots. Fun as hell gun when new- little slide on side of barrel let you fi it with like 25 BBs and go semiauto.

I shot an annoying neighbor kid in his leg through his corduroys the day I got it. Good times.

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Yes, it's easy. That that as well as a hundred dollars to your local pawn shop and trade them both for a hi-point.