Oh my god

It keeps getting worse, is the virus becoming deadlier?

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I fuckin stocked up on food because Styx told me too. Am I retarded?

RIP White European Italians.

>is the virus becoming deadlier?

There are 2 strains now as it mutated. One IS much much deadlier.

Isn't the only reason coronavirus is so deadly specifically because it ISN'T super deadly and thus can actually spread?

Good, I hope the world fucking rots to the bone

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not a good pasta jamal

>ISN'T super deadly and thus can actually spread?

It can spread longer because the deadlier strain now has an incubation period of 30+ days.

Who gives a shit about some shitalians? They went to the UK infected my anglo bros even though they knew their whole country was infected. Fucking pasta niggers

This is shaping out to be a sequel to Spanish Flu in terms of death toll, so no, it's not retarded to prepare. It could drag on and peak in next autumn so don't get too anxious since it may last a while. I hope it will settle down in the coming weeks and peter out for the summer.

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we have too many elderly too ignorant to realize going out is a death sentence for them. I told my gramps to stay at home and that i can buy him the groceries, he basically told me to fuck off that it was all a spook. Let darwinism run it course

It's over, boyos.

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>It keeps getting worse, is the virus becoming deadlier?

It will continue to get worse, simply because the true scale of this illness has yet to be honestly reported.

And they still aren't telling the truth here in the states. I know that there is a case of coronavirus under self-quarantine in my neck of the woods and there hasn't been a single word about it on the local or national news.

>Let darwinism run it course
>based gramps not listening to a damn thing his kissless brat grandkid says
it will

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Source on that please.

Are we talking about Italians or “Italians” here?

Reminder that average age of deaths in Italy is 80-89.

its literally a nanobot at this point

the deadlyer version is only registered in china, and it still has a low death rate, its just more virulent and spreads easlier.

Thanks, fren!

Trending about 2% higher than the 3% fatality admitted to by Red Ethopian Nog at WHO (assuming ~740 infected figure last week).

Italy is full of old people. This is thanks to the healthy lifestyle we Italians live. Italy>americafags

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The fuck are you on about? This is where the fun starts

>It keeps getting worse, is the virus becoming deadlier?
No, you're just starting to see the reality of what it is.
And keep in mind, they're still lying about the number of infected & the number of deaths, hiding a large portion of them under other headings, and not testing everyone suspected.

The U.S. is even worse for this, trying to head off an economic panic.
But I guess it's just as well. We really don't need an economic collapse on top of a plague, at least it's better to stave it off.

this happens because europeans are mostly boomers

>its been almost three months and nothing of significance has even happened.
Almost a billion people in China placed under quarantine, total economic & industrial collapse of China, and the infection has been detected in almost every part of the globe, the only continent free of it is Antarctica.

And only in 3 months.
Imagine what 6 months, or 9 months, or a single year, will bring.

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>30+ days.
i thought it was 27 days
the conseses is that it is about 20 days

You and the world will get both. And possibly a bonus of mass panic and anarchy when trying to keep it down backfires the moment you see dead on the streets.

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>Red Ethopian Nog at WHO
Good description

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Id take doomers seriously if you didnt just pull everything out your shitpipe

Once people start collapsing on the streets, the cat is out of the bag.

nobody knows until everybody knows.

why contain it? s`cool.

I'm actually agreeing with a hurri for once

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Can an Italian bro give me a run down? Surely there's a reason it was that many deaths that quick?

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>Surely there's a reason it was that many deaths that quick
The chinks have been lying from the start. The virus is actually a lot deadlier than first believed.

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yeah. i mean they put entire cities on complete lockdown. not to mention all the impact on their economy. why would they do it if it was only a normal flu? makes no sense.

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It will bring spring which will bring heat which will kill the virus in the relevant parts of the world. Keep prepping tho lmao

.25 euro has been deposited to your account.

Isn't Italy about 50% old people? and the remaining 50% aren't exactly that young either?

Old people don't make children. I'd rather have a median age of 28 rather than 50-60. And old cunts don't fight back against nigger hordes.

Makes me think that Italy is the only nation being honest. Or they suck at this.

Nope. Room temp doesn't kill shit. It has to be up near 100 to kill it. You're not going to get relief in most of the N hemisphere until July. And we're in a solar minimum, it may stay cool all summer.

>I fuckin stocked up on food
>Am I retarded?


>because Styx told me too.

Oh... Maybe you are slightly retarded. It's still good advice.


all viruses disappear in spring and science doesn't even know why.
my take on it : once we can vitamin D from the sun, we're not AIDS-ridden faggots anymore and the virus can't infect anyone.

viruses are not alive, I think killing it is more matter of chemistry than biology, if its anything like, lets say, LSD roughly every 2 Celsius increase in temperature will double degradation rate

41 less boomer farts, good for Italy.

interesting digits, have a (you)

Too bad hes completely wrong though, because when you die you soil yourself

>Muslims closed off mecca and called off the pilgrimage for the first time I 1400 years
>Catholics suspend communion and there is a 50/50 change the vatican will call off Easter mass
>china voluntarily shuts down their industrial output and economy
Right there you have two of the worlds largest religions along with the worlds most populated secular country come together and shut down

>hollywood is suspending the summer movie season since half the worlds theaters will be closed
>most cruise ship companies will be bankrupt by September as the entire industry collapsed
>global tourism dropped to nothing. We are going to see a dozen airlines bankrupt by summer
>theme parks may stay shut down permanently as many cannot handle the loss of even a single season
>within a few weeks we will see all concerts and music festivals called off
>NHL, MLB, NBA are fucked. They said they didnt want to shut down yet but in a few weeks the government will shut them down against their will. Expect teams playing in empty stadiums and record losses for owners. Highly likely that some pro sports franchises will go bankrupt
>summer Olympics are fucked. They keep pretending everything will be ok, but that is a hard no. 2021 or skipped outright.
All forms of entertainment that require people to leave their homes are fucked. This will be worst year in history for both pro sports and hollywood (far exceeding their losses during ww2)

>school called off in most affected countries. With no daycare the kids will be home alone which is a serious problem for dual income families
>universities will switch to online classes exclusively.
>businesses (bars) in college towns are fucked
>restaurants and bars in general are fucked. Expect 1 in 5 restaurants to go under this year, possibly more if several big chains fail (applebees and other boomer favorites will be hit hardest and may cease to exist).
>The few remaining shopping malls are failing this year

Not really.

It beat that too deadly axiom by having a massive infectious incubation time and mild symptoms for a week (SARS also had mild symptoms for a week and was 17-20 percent in the countries that matter).

No the chinese were just lying about the deaths

The incubation period, coupled with the carriers and reinfection really makes me scared.
Once this gets out, there’s not going to be anything to do except stay home.
Kinda sad really, this isn’t how I wanted people to die.

>I think killing it is more matter of chemistry than biology
You have to crack the protein shell so the RNA in the core can be broken down. RNA is easy as shit to break since all living organisms actively produce enzymes that do that, but the protein core is another story. You need heat, radiation or proteases to do that effectively. You could always just wash the virus off your shit and not worry about destroying them.

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this is most likely the end folks
im just a little pissed its an invisible enemy

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>Virgin 28 days incubation time virus
>Chad 4 years without seeing sun hikikomori

You guys remember that even in Wuhan or in Iran, once you see the first cases explode there's always a relatively big number of deaths that gets lower consistently over time?

It happens because you are all faggots, kys

its just flu

>protein core
Protein shell I mean

>Can an Italian bro give me a run down? Surely there's a reason it was that many deaths that quick?

The Italians are the only ones accurately reporting their fatalities. Everyone else, including the US is bullshitting the public.

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Italian here. School have been shutted down till the 15 March. The dead and the majority of the case are in Lombardy and consist mainly of elderly over 80 years
Sadly, people are panicking

> the average is a range

>keeps getting worse

*keeps getting better. Fixed that for you op

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>come on guys, it only kills 3.8% of people it infects

Give corona-chan a quick coof from me

Is this now what you get for threatening to leave the EU and backing out?
Threaten to leave the EU and get the Flu.
Nah maybe it's because China owns a lot of companies there? I guess the Chinese quarantine was a little too late.