Where is the user who predicted this?

I read a conspiracy on this board that the Corona Virus was a way for China to get rid of the older population as they don’t want to go into an economic recession like Japan. That is having a old population putting a strain on the social system.

While it was not a surprise that the Elderly were the most affected, I am shocked it is sparing children which one would reckon are equally as vulnerable. Unless that’s how it’s designed

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Fuck off to your containment board incel




It’s mother nature’s gift to millennials. Boomers are the worst generation of all time

Based as fuck

the elderly and AIDS havers
are a massive hinderence to china so i wouldn’t be surprised frankly, although i’m not sure if they’re advanced enough to figure out how to create such a targeted disease.


If that's the case then they did a pretty bad job as there are only thousands of deaths in a population of BILLIONS.

That said, Suterusu fixes this.

*dabs and flosses on grandmas grave*

>mother nature’

Quit your coughing mom I'm trying to make a tik tok


Nah it is the CIA/Glowniggers who is spreading this conspiracy via Radiofreeasia.
Pompeo is pretty smug about the whole deal

we need a conspiracy board in Yas Forums for people like OP

Literally Yas Forums: the virus.

keep whining you pathetic zoomie

Bioweapon with a narrow target profile.

Only reptilians, gooks and boomers are in danger.

Based. The day of the pillow is at hand

You really think engineering a virus is like putting some binary code 1s and 0s to get certain traits.

>attack negroes 1
>attack slant eye elderly 1
>attack cute little kids to be saved for jew pedophiles 0

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Every board here is a conspiracy board

>he actually believes what the US and Chinese governments and media tells him
OP's theory may be a little fantastic but relatively speaking I'd say you're the more credulous fool.

Boomers greatly improved the world you live in. Have some respect.

>t. millenial

unfortunately mods don't do their job so conspiracy scum keep overflowing their containment tanks and infecting god-fearing high iq boards with their stupidity.


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B-b-but muh Plague Inc.

it's a boomer eradication mechanism.

I know this is bait, and it still made me angry

No it was created by a different country to prevent WW3 by the globalists, Rothschild (Europe), Rockefellers(Russia) etc

He predicted brasil to be first infected in SA.
While that's probably the easiest pick. He did it. Someone post his pasta pls

wow that's good bait

its almost like dangling link tokens on the hook. almost

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Is it this

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He got some lucky picks but he also missed a shit ton of things as well. It was a classic LARP.

That's it . Thx. I like schizo LARPs like The Prophecy. It's kind of fun seeing some of the thing come true, then eventually turning into a complete bullshit.

>Gift to milenials
>Kids in 2020

You have no idea. There are thousands of unreported cases, in Europe alone, because very few places have the tests.
That, and also many people don't want t go to a doctor. I have corona for a few days now, all the symptoms check out. But I won't go to a doctor, because they will lock me up and I have to work and trade shitcoins to live. I'm young and am self-medicating, so I will probably be okay, but I was in contact will at least 50 people in the last 2 weeks. Wait until people start dropping in the streets in 2 weeks.

the worst of it doesn’t come until you start feeling healthy again after the virus is wearing off, then people suddenly crash and die. it’s happened like that over and over, a near full recovery followed by symptoms worse than the virus followed by hospitalization or death

Chinese people see kids as literally their retirement, which is why when people are fed up with their society they go stab an elementary school of kids. That's what scares chinese parents the most

So you can see why they would avoid at all costs to say that your potential future could be taken from you.

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>then people suddenly crash and die
this is interesting, can you tell us more?



Imagine believing what the media and government tells you. Most of you dipshits have to retarded or mossad.

We need a reddit website for people like you


he can't because he fucking made it up


Also. Are these scientists completely. Retarded or what?
n-Cov has HIV-like "tentacles" by which it binds to T-lymphocytes like HIV. Children still have active thymus ti replte T-lympos. Ther egoes your mystery. Fucking hell Westcucks indeed became a bunch of stupid mutts.

If I were making a bio-weapon I would spare children too. If only because it saves you time populating an area and indoctrinating children is much easier than adults.

happy mistake

Wtf why are all the flags unknown? Is this an ayy thread?

didn't you know being 34 years old and balding doesn't make you old

moved from another board
i wonder which shit hole this came from
also welcome to pol newfag

>this new

Here's your you

4 kindergarden kids are infected in Germany.
What the hell are you talking about?

>literal video of chinese loading 4 dead children into one body bag
Yeah user children are totally immune. That's why every virus and plague has never had a child die of it. That's why in the past people would wait to even name their child till their 5th birthday. Because children are immune to diseases and viruses.
Fucking mouth breather

meaningless word

we literally dont know goys

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what in the goddamn ugly fucking tarnation are dem riddler flag, questionmark bearin' illigal aliens doing on our board?

t. newfag

I remember an original star trek where it was a planet of kids.

i have no clue

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You're here forever

>Chinese people see kids as literally their retirement
having children _is_ the best retirement plan bar none, even in the west

> thousands of deaths

In China? What are you smoking. ~150-200k

But the tinfoil hat theory to watch for sure is the notion that this was an accidental release of a much more lethal bioweapon. That fuckup prompted them to release the mild version intended to inoculate populations.

This is particularly interesting now that China went public with "oh hey looky there is another, much more lethal strain we just now discovered that totally, naturally mutated on its own. So like, western docs shouldn't wig out when they find out it exists"

This would explain:

- Massive apparentl difference in lethality and spread in Hubei vs. other locations.

- Early-mid December mass closures of CCP and PLA offices and events in Hubei

- Batshit PRC reaction for not just cordoning off Hubei, but also in tracking down those who fled, while not going spastic on others shuffling around China

- The weird-ass fogger trucks brigades. This could either be efforts to kill virus in weaponized dispersal media (see: Sverdlosk anthrax accident), or efforts to spread the mild strain, or both.

- Oddly neglectful medical care for Wuhan cases in particular. Stuff 'em in a box, shove in meals, wait until it's time to incinerate them.

- Speed at which they've tried to re-open plants at a risky time. That action makes sense given the course of the illness observed in the US (where almost nobody under 70is is dying), even factoring in increased lethality for younger workers given China being China. It does not at all make sense in the light of what they did to/in/around Wuhan.

>4 kindergarden kids are infected in Germany
20 something year old immigrants

This... is Yas Forums? What are you talking about Mr. Question Mark flag?

This is the future.

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Bump... What the fuck is going on with the flags in this thread? Did glowniggers VPN break?

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>are infected
infected != hospitalized

Denver airport

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