Katy goes full trad


From Hillary butch lesbian nigger lover, to trad in 3 seconds flat. Did she miss the wall, Yas Forums? Did she make it in time before she completely falls apart.

Will trad be the new trend for washed up roasties?

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More like full turd. Am I right?

She took a full turd. lol

too late. shes trash

she looks even worse then ever

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What a turd

got em

Umm, how about no.
Off to the cat food and boxed wine aisle for her.

We never forgive, and never forget.

Fuck I'd still creampie her MKULTRA ass.

Mother nature trying to heal what was rotten. Maternity sometimes does that

>I'm ready to settle down now
too late, bitch

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>Did she miss the wall
She missed the bowl. With a giant turd. lol

once you go black, you can never come back.

She looks like Keith Olbermann with no make up. Absolute dog.

>From Hillary butch lesbian nigger lover, to trad
Why does this happen so often?


She did just write the perfect hot the wall roastie album? It’s the kind of song that a girl plays before she spits her wrists.

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>I'm ready to settle down, now.

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I have no idea.

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>full trad
cool story glownigger

Takes them a while to realize what they thought they wanted was a waste of time. And the guys they need no longer are interested

The worm is turning before our eyes, it is our place to do what our ancestors did and never forget two things.
1. That times were not always good
2. who helped times stay bad

her parents are christian pastors so maybe she listened for once

T. 500 lbs forever alone.

Typical white girl, hooks up with BBC’s then tries to marry a white beta

Who among us would dare refuse to fuck this beauty?

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>Will trad be the new trend for washed up roasties?

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LOL! It's waaaaaaaaaaaay to late. The damage these people have done, leading people astray, with their bullshit. I mean come on, pushing young girls into that promiscuis bullshit, then telling them to get married. How? How when they never learned to be in a relationship and deal with problems.

It used to be, get married, locked in, work at it. But people dispose of others far too much today, they can't change, or rather it's very difficult to change when you spend your youth picking up bad habits.

Then again, there are a shit load of simps out there.

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Are you fuckers really this stupid?
All pop stars do this. They go outrageously liberal - shockingly conservative - outrageously liberal - shockingly conservative - rinse and repeat. It’s a ploy to sell.
Recently Miley was /ourtrad/ and now she’s full slut again. Britney did it, Aguilera did it, hell we even had Madonna going cowboy in the 90s.
Fucking retards

>tits hanging out like a prostitute

Racist roastie hits the wall anthem

typical anglo butterface


She realized there's no point being a degenerate if you're not cool enough.

>yfw no soul

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This pretty much sums it up right here

ur on fire. keep it up, king.

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chameleons all. in the words of samuel hyde, NEVER TRUST A BITCH!

that is honestly frightening tho
HD was a mistake

>Listened to half the song
>"You answered my momma's prayers"
>"You were man enough [to propose]"
>"You answered your father's prayers"


Willing to bet she just wanted to immortalize herself in a song people are gonna play at weddings for years to come.

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>posting an image of JR without the story of her cucking paving the way for Obama to the Senate

Brother, I am dissapoint.

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her voice is so shrill

yeah it's obvious wedding b8, every normie will have this playing at their wedding

Stop im going to coom

Wouldn't fuck her with Harvey Weinstein's dick.

I would rub two out a night watching her on Voyager when I was a teenager.

This. The media people of those stars just analyse the next trends and adapt the fake persona of those puppets. But you are also in a slide thread/shill thread. You know what to do.

>Never Worn White
>Grasping her belly multiple times
>"I do... I do..."
What the fuck is even going on here?

>From Hillary butch lesbian nigger lover, to trad in 3 seconds flat. Did she miss the wall, Yas Forums? Did she make it in time before she completely falls apart.

She's been moving in this direction for a while imo.

Imagine following Russel Brand into "I wanna see your peacock" Katy Perry.

>dyke lesbian
>child out of wedlock
>promotes racemixing

how is this trad?

I feel bad for her child, but she deserves a Helicopter ride along with the rest of (((Hollywood))).

>Will trad be the new trend for washed up roasties?
You can't unfuck the thousand cock stare. Their brains have been permanently scrambled by jizz. You can't turn a whore into a housewife


Yeah, there’s that book written by a pimp. He talks about this. How bitches go crazy after enough random dicking.


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Shes a dumb bitch. But at the same time, she has some nice milkers.

it's always the same story...

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Pregnant to avoid the rope on DOTR?

What book?

I hope she loses it.

kys faggot for listening to this jewish garbage

It’s actually;Lyman interesting read. Has a shitload of red pills about the female mindset.

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Paul watson did a good little clip on this.


She is 100% full-throttle Satanist, if she goes "trad" it's part of a Hollywood plan to seize and destroy traditionalism before it takes hold.

Robogirl model 9000 seems like the better choice though

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Ugly whore.

I love 60 of 9.

Non-virgins cannot be trad.

No one wants a used goods old hag

Does Tim Cook have a Steve Jobs one that he fucks in the ass?

...that said, I'd tape her ass to my face and just walk around that way

Yeah she wasted a hoe lot of time being a hoe and then realized the party can't go on forever. If she's anything like Madonna she'll get her kid partially raised and start hoein all over again

Do yanks even know what traditional means?


A story from the book.