This video is old but it encapsulates an ongoing trend.
I recently moved back to home town which is a predominantly female college town. Everywhere I look, girls are behaving like teenage boys. And the boys are behaving like passive girls. The women are loud, confrontational, and out on the prowl at night. Also I drive alot and whenever someone is tailgating me at high speed, 9 times out of 10 i expect it to be a nigger or spic gang member it's actually a woman. All of this happened with a decade.
Women are becoming more aggressive. Men are becoming more passive
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This has always been true. Also--fuck youtube and never post that kike bullshit here again.
Because they can do anything they want and get away with it, and if they get shit for something they will make a cry story and get more good than negative overall. And they know this very well.
I don't know man. do you hang out around young women in any capacity?
Anyone would be an asshole if you gave them constant attention, told them they were amazing and that they were the most important thing on the planet and no interaction they have ever had went against that and won't until they hit their 30s.
Ugly and fat girls aren't an exception as there has been so much effort put into convincing them they are just as valuable as an in shape pretty girl.
god I hate women
This is why I'm gay for black men
no one should be hitting anyone, we are humans not apes
Based Leaf
>I'm gay for black men
We know, we can see your flag
>mutt's law
it should be called leaf's law tbqh
Look at animals, women not controlled become big and violent.
Yes, and I'm far crazier than them.
Women feel strong because they subconsciously know the force of the state will come down on anyone they screech about because of thirsty white knights. This is the sole reason for their overconfidence. Children know they are a special class too and they say shit like "you can't hit me!" to their parents
NJ fag here. I remember the day that that story broke, being a NJ incident we heard about it first.
>be me
>drive to newark airport to pick up father and a friend of his
>his friend is probably 15 years younger than him
>friend is quite based
>80% sure he's also redpilled
>he brings up the story
>we talk
>I watch the video, when the vehicle isn't moving
>friend instantly says she's a dumb bitch and deserved it
>father is hesitant
>"hey dad it's a fight or flight response, what if it was two guys?"
>the friend agrees, wasn't a great punch just a reflex and she's a woman
>"hey guys, what's equality really mean?.... EQUAL RIGHTS AND LEFTS!"
>*raucous laughter*
>"alright so you guys wanna get a drink?"
wimmin just want to do drugs, eat junk food and coooom
they've become frat boys
why are they all so fucking fat though
just STOP eating
Literally this. Women act thought only when they're 100% sure nothing will happen to them.
Unironically subversion. They hate the boogeyman, yet become the boogeyman.
no, whores will always be whores.
it's all the estrogen in the environment
young women already have an excess of estrogen. the body naturally stabilizes by producing slightly more testosterone when more estrogen is introduced. any excess will be balanced out. overall more free-testosterone will make for a more aggressive young woman. The exception is women that have naturally lower hormone levels and they end up growing normally but reaching maturity at an earlier age, which is why 14 year olds now look like 18 year olds of 100 years ago
with young men, in puberty, they have an excess of testosterone. adding estrogen won't necessarily add testosterone because they are already out of balance during puberty. instead, it stunts puberty. boys mature at a slower rate than they did 100 years ago and are prone to being little bitch-boys with little to no facial hair, soft attitudes, and puffy nipples
puffy nipples is a dead fucking give away for this
Haven't noticed this at all over here.
Stop with this bullshit
Men are larger, stronger and taller than ever before.
Facial hair is mostly genetic, slavs have less body and facial hair on average.
I got assaulted by girls the other day as I was walking away from them!!! They are so mindless, one pushed me, I pushed back, the other girl told me she’d kill me if I touched her friend again, I told her she’s not capable of that, then she grabbed my neck and started choking me and I pushed her off me
This. Will never understand why muslims and christians have been with eachother. they love shitting on women equally, and women need to be shit on or else society turns into a fucking disaster.
beef* not been lmfao
Life becomes easier when you realize that only 10% of humanity is worth a damn, the rest are just dead weight. Sad... but true.
And honestly, the whole "never hit a woman" idea is cucked and bluepilled. Women are basically children and need structure and discipline. They have systematically been robbed of both, so I can't in good faith blame them. It's men who have failed them, though there's definitely something to be said about society stripping this responsibility away from us in this regard. Men were meant to have dominion over the animals, this does not equate to domination, more like responsibility for the wellbeing thereof, it is the same for women.
that totally happened...
show ur flag, mutt
"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
-Mike Tyson
I mean I'm still american so I don't really see what this proves
>Women are becoming more aggressive. Men are becoming more passive.
ok lets see that in a HD situation, a man is more likely to pick up the gun and shoot the bastard
equal rights, equal lefts
overall size is due to eating MORE food
it's not hormonal at all
body hair is not hormonal, but facial hair is
you probably are one with the puffy nips.
The older I get, the more I realize this. Good people are definitely a rarity.
at least you're honest. respect given.
I'll be honest with you because shit like this used to happen to me. There used to be this girl that was particularly viscous to me that I would see at the bars. She was rude to me on many different occasions spanning months. One night I caught her with a friend outside the bars at night where it was just us. I let here know in no uncertain terms that if this was a different era I would show here who the real animal was (minecraft). Surprise surprise she never bothered me again and it almost seemed like she was trying to get my attention after that. women only abuse men when they think they can get away with it. I know because i used to get abused alot. you have to protect yourself at all times and be ready to fight.
Its called pole-shift. Happens every few hundred million years.
Yeah, you're totally right. The countries that put women into place the most are also the most developed ones. Clearly men ruling automatically equals great governance. You can see this in the Middle Eastern/North African countries or Pakistan or Zimbabwe. They are definitely better off than countries like Finland or Norway.
Women need to be put in their fucking place.
>Growing up as a boy with a hairlip was tough
>People picking on you always
>Girls never want to admit they like you
>Others are flat out repulsed by you
>Having a hairlip is instant redpill because you see society for what it truly is, just a bunch of deranged superficial morons hypnotized by the illusory world of the physical reality
>When you're fat, you're most likely going to get bullied 10x more than the average fat kid
>I was lucky that I was somewhat attractively youthful in my appearance, with slight feminine features
>Got motivated to get fit, fat jokes turned to steroid jokes
>Despite some girls finding you attractive, they would never outwardly admit it
>Despite this, did have a couple of girls flirt with me
>Unfortunately I was the kind of guy that pursued crushes, and they were all obviously one sided
>Fastforward through high school
>Virgin until 18, dived deep into depression, dropped out, hung around with a neighbourhood circle
>Met some girls through circle
>Ended up dating one. She was crazy
>After two years enough was enough
>Despite my hairlip, I met a lot of thirst girls, but my hairlip was only attractive if it was a scar with an interesting story. I never lied about it
>Women disappointed me at this stage. In mid 20's started to play around with dating apps
>The level of superficiality was 100x more ludicrous, still ended up seeing some girls, but they were all crazy
>makes sense that crazy girls would lower their standards
>Decided to catfish after my second relationship. I have 9/10 fit body, 8/10 decent dick, decided to smack women back with their retarded superficiality
>Would add them on snapchat, send some lewds, and get free pussy. Some would forget about the fake face I used, and others would started asking me why I catfish. Didn't care. They saw my dick, they want my dick, we fuck, I never see them again
Eventually I met a decent girl. Been with her for 5 years now.
Anybody know her current status?
It did, I actually leave my house and go to bars in the city where things like this really happen
She probably had a crush on you
It's happening for a very simple reason.
To see this, ask why men are "masculing" and women are "feminine" in the first palce.
Our evolutionary history was eggs rare, sperm plentiful.
This means demand for women exceeds supply and supply of men exceeds demand.
Natural selection is to biology what the invisible hand is to markets.
"Feminine" traits are typically associated with women, but on a more metaphysical level, they are associated with demand exceeding supply.
"Masculine" traits are typically associated with men, but on a more metaphysical level, they are associated with supply exceeding demand.
Now think about the consequences of hypergamy.
Most women want to fuck Chad.
Chad wants to fuck most women.
Globally, the traditional supply and demand relations between men and women are still being obeyed.
What differs from our evolutionary history is that now the women and Chad have no obligations to the society, so they can self segregate from the betas forming their own subsocietal cliques.
This sets up a positive feedback loop, since the betas know that they are not welcome in these subsocieties and hence stop trying, which in turn makes these beta-free societies more appealing to women, which in turn makes them more appealing to Chad, etc, etc, round and round.
The result is that although in these hypergamous parallel subsocietes where all the women and Chads concentrate, the supply of women keeps increasing and the supply of men keeps decreasing.
The result is that there is eventually a tipping point, beyond which the traditional supply and demand relations are inverted locally.
The consequence of this is that within these hypergamous subsocieties, "feminine" behaviours become more advantagous for the men, and "masculine" behavious become more advantagous for the women.
While timescales are too short for the consequences of this inverted economy to manifest genetically, learned behaviours evolve much quicker, as one must only observe to learn,
50 years of birth control
50 years of estrogen in the drinking water
a very stable molecule that water treatment plants don't filter out
the male hormone testosterone is a controlled substance on the level of street drugs, it's effects on body and mind are well known and considered not ok
the female hormone is handed out like candy and nobody cares about its potent effects on body and mind, as long as it keeps the thots and roasties pregnancy-free
>slavs have less body and facial hair on average
While there's always exceptions, there is some truth to this. My father and his family are 100% Ukrainian, the good kind not the squinty eyed mongoloid shit nor do they have dark features, we have lots of blondes and blue eyes etc. All the men have very little body hair, including my brother and I who are 50% of course. Heavy facial hair doesn't come until 30s-40s. All the men are 6ft and over, big feet and strong builds. I'd be interested to take a DNA test to track down these genetic traits. I also want to breed a Ukrainian hottie and get those numbers up, i.e. kids that are 75% Ukrainian.
I’m happy to stick up for myself. I’m not taking shit from people. Another dude tried to embarrass me the next night and when I replied he pushed me and we fought and he hit me 0 times and lost the fight. Good stuff
You mean harelip?
american 10/10
I think it's a natural response to try and help your fellow human being but as you get older and wiser you start realising that the only thing you have in common with most people is biology, so you just stop identifying with them and effectively caring... Rightly so, in my opinion.
Now this here is an American post
none of this bbc or florida man wearing a giraffe suit
>the male hormone testosterone is a controlled substance on the level of street drugs, it's effects on body and mind are well known and considered not ok
>the female hormone is handed out like candy and nobody cares about its potent effects on body and mind, as long as it keeps the thots and roasties pregnancy-free
Fucking this, checked.
>Estrogen for kids? GOOD! Testosterone for men? BAD!
Yeah same, every single fucking time someone pulls out in front of me or about side swipes me, it's some retarded whore
it is 100% and 1000% and 10000% completely okay to strike a woman if she strikes you
either men and women are equals and should be treated as equals, or women are special children and should be treated like special children, there is no inbetween
I fucking hate those women in that video "no, no, it's not okay to hit a woman" fucking why? If she's an adult that ostensibly understands her actions, and she starts a fight trying to harm you, it's completely justified to end the fight and run away, that's what you'd do to a man, and men and women are equal, apparently
Seriously, fuck this retarded bullshit "men are much stronger than women, that's why it's wrong for men to hit women, even in self-defense"
If the fucking Democratic Republic of the Congo attacked the US and declares war on that nation, is it wrong for the US to fight a war against someone who is clearly dangerous and unreasonable? No, of course not. You don't get a pass on being aggressive just because you're weak, that's on you
Western Women seem absolutely retarded insane. Have they completely lost their mind? They're all going to wind up childless and alone, as intended obviously but wow I didn't think it would be possible for women to be this fucking stupid. My girlfriend can be unreasonable sometimes but she'd never behave like this. fucking lel
Also WTF are you Western guys even like? I mean, you must have at least some concepts of masculinity left??
>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes
It's what they've been agitating for. I wouldn't have reacted that way (oldfag Gen X). I would have just laughed at her or if I felt endangered I would have overpowered and secured her limbs until she calmed down. That said, she didn't pick me to swing on. She picked some 20something dude that came up in a different environment. You go looking for shit, you're gonna' find it.
All that said, bet he felt like shit when she went down that hard. I wouldn't want to be him even if he did escape prosecution.
Yeah. People/society used to get to me, but now... not so much. It makes me wonder what humanity will become though. Too much chaos and stupidity.
body hair and facial hair are both axial hair, my dude, thus both are hormonal
Also, as a bonus I recall being told to grow facial hair by women. Used to think it was just because facial hair is more attractive. On some level I agree, but on a more obvious note it was probably a request to hide my HARELIP.
And we all know how women behave. They hide their brutal honesty with a nice lie.
2 less talked about points.
1. Pornography is fucking up the minds of men. In so many ways it distorts your brain into feeling like a lesser man.
2. Men living a less active, and more digital life where people use the internet as a medium of which to do risky social transactions like asking a girl out or buying drugs.
American slags are the most vile creatures on the planet.
>overall size is due to eating MORE food
>it's not hormonal at all
While true that you gotta eat big to get big hormones ultimately decide where that mass goes towards. Either mostly fat or mostly muscle.
Plus theres link between higher percentage of body fat with increased levels of estrogen and lower levels of test. Its a vicious cycle for fatties. So if you are a fat piece of shit consider fasting below 15% bf.
then fire up the third reich kraut you pussy
Nah, you've clearly never been to the UK.