When are these tech giants going to be held accountable?

I predict that after Trump's victory he will force these companies to comply with the US Constitution by way of Executive Order.

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>I predict that after Trump's victory he will force these companies to comply with the US Constitution by way of Executive Order.
Why would he do that? After his second victory there will be no need to pander to social conservatives any more.

>When are these tech giants going to be held accountable?
During the coming Civil War.
Irony is; they're directly creating the conditions for it to start.

based and checked

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Pretty much.

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So they are responsible for anything posted?

>First Amendment doesn't apply on youtube
Okay so what you are telling me is that they are liable for the things posted on their site and do not qualify as service providers?

Fucking fantastic now clean that shit up before you get sued to death Youtube. Oh wait somehow they are still considered service providers?

Right now the illegal tech trusts are having it both ways: they are claiming to be both a publisher and a utility according to what is convenient. Publishers can be sued for what they publish, utilities cannot, but utilities can't censor. There were noises about legally clarifying their status and these noises were reported in the lyingpress as Trump trying to kill the internet. For the present, support BitChute.

Nothing of value was lost.

Attached: (((PragerU))).jpg (499x560, 59.96K)

Youtube has been dead for awhile now anyway. Its been totally redditized.

It's not a conservative value to expect government to intervene in the marketplace. Regulation and law enforcement are fine, but the expectation would be for conservatives to create their own free-speech alternatives to YouTube in the marketplace, and we have that now.

You are dumb as fuck. Now, youtube has opened themselves up to be held liable for everything illegal that is posted on their website now, like child porn, or terrorist training videos/propaganda.


The government needs to nationalize youtube and allow freedom of speech.

>Bake the cake bigot

there was a thing with twitter a while back that deemed it was a public platform and if they didnt censor extremist shit then they are absolutely liable for any damages that raised from it.
Youtube just opened a can of worms for themselves.

>The owners of non-government-run companies shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they do and do not want to publish
Kys retard

next stop a conservative loaded supreme court.
spread your ass cheeks wide google

If everything they delete is disapproved by them, then everything they allow is approved by them. They should be treated like a newspaper.

>When are these tech giants going to be held accountable?
OP you can host the videos of you sucking somewhere else

I agree,Youtube should pay for allowing shit like this on their site

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What are you going on about conservatives have zero issues using the federal government to force shit.. this isnt the libertarian party you idiot.

That comic is bullshit just a way to promote corporations destroying our rights. I support forcing corporations to abide by the constitution.

>I predict that after Trump's victory he will force these companies to comply with the US Constitution by way of Executive Order.
you cannot do that because private entities are entitled to do what they please no matter how big they become. I know youtube/google is a market leader and is basically a propaganda machine but you cannot expect them to uphold the government's responsibility

There should be a seventh panel, where the stick figure who is being addressed says, "but faggot, you're in my house."

When someone goes full brenton and smoke those fuckers

does nobody understand what the court's opinion is?

the argument prager made was that youtube has to treat all speech equally and therefore cannot throttle or restrict access to videos selectively, cuz 1st amendment.

but. they don't. it's a private entity.

like any business has the right to refuse service, so too do they have the right to what is served by their own machines.

>(((((pragerU)))) btfo by judentube
who is kiking who now ?

Would you support the gov't forcing a Christian bakery to sell a cake to a gay couple to protect the gay couple's free speech rights? Whenever the courts have to decide between business and the 1st amendment, they always choose business. Same as it ever was.

Libertarians have no morals

Jews are never held accountable for anything in the Retardverse. It's Kike Privilege.

remember when trump blocked all the kikes trolling his twitter account and the courts ruled that its a public forum and he has to unblock everyone

>refusing to sell a good
>infringing a gay couple free speech
How is a cake free speech? You should probably use a better example.

>Okay so what you are telling me is that they are liable for the things posted on their site and do not qualify as service providers?

If you think zion don would do that you're fucking retarded

Private tyranny is still tyranny.

>"muh evil youtube"
>"no i wont change the platform because muh advertisement shekels"

Doesn't matter if I support it or not, they already did it. So they should have the same applied to them.

Bad laws applied to everyone equally doesn't make them less bad, but it does make them more fair, something lefties claim to care about.

The problem isn't the laws, it's having the people to enforce them against the Left.

I'll do it.

>9th Circuit
Oh wow I am shocked

that is pretty shit not going to lie


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conversely, he'll have no reason to pander/cuck for reelection
How I saw it 3 years ago, or at least hoped was holding him back but of course no longer holding my breath Trump was waiting to be unleashed once reelected


b00gal00 incoming

>trumps victory
that nigga been in office damn near 4years already

Shut the fuck up and BAKE MY CAKE, BIGOT!!!

>trump will do tomorrow what he hasnt done in 4 years
we just have to vote for him again!

Which is why conservatism is of no use to us.

Prageru is the biggest kike shill ever, wouldn't surprize me at all if he was making his video from a mossad bunker in the middle of isreal

>implying that voting for lame ducks isnt the best voting there is
Do you miss obongo yet?

You know that applies here right?
Merhaps you should be more lawyer

bro this isn't just about them, get your head out of your ass

As soon as their section 230 protections are removed. Which there is bipartisan legislation being pushed through right now to do exactly this. I cannot wait. Fuck Silicon Valley.

It does apply here, Yas Forums bans people all the time

Actually it's gotten better too in now mods are lazy fucks and just ban radius IPs rather than be vindictive cunts who need a bullet to the head banning particular individuals they don't like

And they just did

Remember the time the US taxpayer paid for the internet infrastructure these kikes use to fuck us?

Its active, so its a publisher
Any idea you make comes right back at you

>I predict that after Trump's victory he will force these companies to comply with the US Constitution by way of Executive Order.
Hahaha, imagine believing this.

Protip kid; Trump doesn't care.

I would support them burning the bakery down and there wouldn't be shit the bakery could do because you denied their legal person. So no legal person, no crime. Now the bakery gets sued by their insurance for fraud.

Alternatively I could support that an EMPLOYEE might refuse to bake a cake, but said employee also could be fired for not doing his job, but denial of service is not denial from entry.

The age of "tolerance" is at an end. They will learn that soon. Even in death.

Imagine a guy and a girl go to a bakery and say to the baker, and the guy say "I want to have a cake made for my wedding."
The baker say "congratulations, you are a beautifull couple".
And the guy say "I wont marry her, she is my syster, I will marry my chicken"
The baker than say, "Sorry I wont make a cake for you."

The baker is free to do that, but the baker is not free to break the contract, he is not allowed to say he is going to make the cake and then not do it and just say "well, I didnt done your cake"

Same shit that's going on with Facebook is going to happen here. Youtube is going to come crashing down real hard at the rate their going.

he's reffering about this case you tard foxnews.com/opinion/baker-forced-to-make-gay-wedding-cakes-undergo-sensitivity-training-after-losing-lawsuit

>haha the government shouldnt force a private business to bake a cake for gays


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Big if true

And at that this has nothing to do with websites as I won't bake that cake is equivalent to when certain words like s-oy get changed to onion

You got moot to thank for that one, feel free to have him swatted

But jannies outright harassing and assaulting with bans? Not even the same conversation

congrats midwit you found the take

XKCD has been a reddit mouthpiece for the last 10 years. Its whimsical fun nature when it started has been supplanted by its popularity going to Randall's head.
This is the correct interpretation of the 1st Amendment. Non-government entities don't give a shit about what you can and can't say.

As long as they have trillion dollar valuations with no need for actual profits they will be able to buy all the judges they need to beat back justice. I am not sure even the Supreme court is immune to the kind of generational wealth these monsters can toss about. Until their stock bubble pops, they are invincible.