Let's discuss a realistic way to stop the jews...

Let's discuss a realistic way to stop the jews. What steps could we take in 2020 to reduce the influence of those nasty creatures in our countries? Obviously shitposting on Yas Forums won't change anything. I figure we should get involved in the politics as staging a coup d'etat won't work. I think the best solution it's to tone down the KILL THE FUCKING JEWS NOW ideas, but to infiltrate the political life and get in positions of power where we could act against Israel.
Feel free to discuss ideas against the jews.

Attached: Anti-Israel-300x218.png (300x218, 22.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?as_st=y&tbm=isch&as_q=#allpointsarereconciled &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=
973-eht-namuh-973.com/Alchemy/ADVENT INDEX.htm

Throw the jew down the well

The website:


is a great place to start.

Infiltration will not work, because Jews expect that to happen, so they can just stop it.
We just have to work as colective to swing overton window once again into anty-semitism, and then problem will solve itself.

end bidophilia

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Boycott them just like they boycott you.

As my uncle used to say
>Kill jew a day, keep parasites at bay

Nice FBI thread.

It depends. Getting involved in the far-right political movement can work right now. Normies, at least here, began to realize the bad influence of lgbt, muslims and jews. So a political force to represent them can work.

Fuck off jew.

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>"It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory."
>"Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable."



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>Obviously shitposting on Yas Forums won't change anything
You're so wrong, I've redpilled millions over the years through the use of Yas Forums.

Here's a method I use for Australians
>pick up jar of vegemite
>whilst holding the jar I tell them about how great of a nation Australia is to invent vegemite
>works everytime
>pretend to notice something I didn't notice before
>"What's that small k symbol with a circle around it"
>ask them to google it
>brings up kosher foods/laws
>food company has to pay money for it to be kosher certified
>jar of vegemite is suddenly more expensive due to kosher certification
>ask fellow aussies what the Jewish population is
>census shows that it's less than 1% of total population
>ask fellow aussies why aussie food supports Judaism and not aussies

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What do you mean

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I salute this user

Based vegemite

Turns out that most people are ready for the JQ.
I'm vocal about my disdain for the Jewish religion and constantly call out anti-white racism as it happens.
Turns out if you're rational and calm with calling this bullshit out, people will listen to you.
I don't have to hide my power level at all. I simply speak the truth as I see it. It's extremely effective.

Massive scale - on the streets - propaganda campaign committed to no less than a decade of truth and redpills. Just to kick it off...

How you doin today, Uncle Shlomo?

An explanation of the fiat currency system (simply a pyramid scheme) and an elaboration on who the bankers who are behind it are.

Stop playing into the identity politics they push, stop antagonizing them and giving them victim points. Their worldly games cease to be effective and they lose their power.
Basically, stop being a nigger.

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Learn how the Jews came about/ under what pretexts Abraham founded them as a people. Jews have amnesia and don't fulfill their role towards the world in a positive manner. That is why they are hated.

Exactly. Solid arguments work everytime. I turned some of my friends against israel. This pictures works really well desu. I haven't belived it the first time I saw it, but then I researched the names. They control the media.

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We should put together a crimes of Judaism General and after we've archived enough distribute it among the Normies. We should do it Country by Country so it's relevant to everyone.


The King David Hotel

An attempt to blow up the houses of Parliment

Supplied weapons to Argentina During the Falklands war

Armed the IRA until the 60s

Bad Intel leading to Iraq

The list obviously goes on, we should take our time as to be comprehensive. We should also archive everything.




The Mexican legislative assembly bombings


Intel-aviv back doors leading to heart bleed and specter


this is only a fraction of what there is we should spend weeks/months building upon it before distribution. Bringing back the talmud generals is a good idea also


I'm not on much longer but if you're serious it might be a good place to start.

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Debunk their Holohoax every day in every way

Jews tried to bomb the British parliament

The Jews were prepared to use terrorism against Britain.

The Stern gang (Lehi) were Jewish terrorists. They tried to bomb the British Parliament.

In 1946 the British security services issued this warning:"Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training. It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin."

In 1946 a number of bombs exploded in London and an attempt was made to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane.

The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.

Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion

In 1940, The Stern Gang (Lehi) proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.

Man should make the efforth to infiltrate higher education. look at the surnames that are considered influential and role models on every field and you'll find (((them))) every time. There's a reason why cultural marxism has an iron grip on universities, filled with propaganda and brainwashed teachers.

If more redpilled people start becoming respected professionals in every field, the masses will have to listen to them, lawyers, doctors, pyschologists, scientists, younameit. Once you get your degree, you start redpilling non-jews in your respective field, writing and publishing papers, giving speeches and such, obviously taking optics into consideration.

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This. We have to change the minds of normies and influence their opinions on the jews. For that, we need some kind of accreditation. Something to back-up what we are saying.

like a laundry list of documentation on their crimes. Yet another intel-aviv back door

Wait patiently.
Pic related.

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I hate jews

>Let's discuss a realistic way to stop the jews
No such thing. Admit defeat.

Romanianbro, daily reminder Jews are a meme used by western cucks to avoid taking responsibility for their countries demise

Ultra violence is the only answer and you know it will never happen.

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Gas chambers. Real ones this time.

Illumination route (27 pages)

Methodology (37 pages)

Direct link to google drive pdf of illumination route (27 pages)

Direct link to google drive pdf of methodology. (37 pages)

You’ve been duped Americans, Brits and Israelis

By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

And don’t be too precious about your nationality, it means nothing.

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped


Jon James Pratt (999)

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Never lies and is never violent

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

google.co.uk/search?as_st=y&tbm=isch&as_q=#allpointsarereconciled &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=


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Kill their leaders.

History repeats itself user. The roman empire was defeated. Also the ottoman empire.
There will be a time when jews will suffer. And I hope I get to catch that time.

Thousands of years of Jewish invincibility in the fucking ass.

Julian Assange made the game multidimensional and Trump betrayed him.

The vile, disrespectful fucks have been trying to conceal the inescapable and incontrovertible fact that Britain is both the winner and loser in the global holy war. Black comedy, yes. Lol

And yes, yours truly owes Julian a massive thank you.

And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is.

A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.

Seven weeks meditation with this bad boys.

973-eht-namuh-973.com/Alchemy/ADVENT INDEX.htm

And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Illumination route (27 pages)

Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped by all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages

17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb

Every single entry date and time stamped.


Jon James Pratt (999)

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Never lies and is never violent. Ever

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

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To stop the jews:
1) name them.
2) buy bitcoin

For the fake online twitter holy war between Hillary and Trump, that definitely wasn’t bread and circuses sponsored by Israel.

And for the aberration of QAnon.

Best thing ever, really.

Thick cunts.

Made me invisible.

The demented push by Americans and twitter to push a billionaire property developer as a prophet. 327 000 000 thick as fuck Americans.

Disdainful and disrespectful.

It’s because none of our leaders have ever had permission to, not In the name of God Almighty or religion. Ever.

Despite what our politicians say.

Always someone else’s fault, isn’t it?
Victory of the light.

For those that have betrayed, blocked, argued, threatened or knowingly concealed (done nothing, in other words)

First illuminated polymath in thousands of years (context)

Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.

Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages

17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130mb


One size fits all.

Kills individual feelings and opinions of humans dead.

Jon James Pratt (999)

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Never lies and is never violent


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Whites need to start doing what the jews do and acting as a collective with our own interests. We need activist groups like the ADL on our side. This is the first step. Money needs to be pooled together to advance our interests. Then we need to use this influence to fund a political party. We will need a real quality figure head. This party needs to make it clear that it’s interest is rooted stopping immigration, exposing Jewish control, and retaking academia.
Remember, the jews work from the top down. Their ideology and propaganda comes from intellectuals and people with great influence. We need the same intellectuals to disseminate our ideas. Not “gas the kikes race war now.” We need intellectual thought

No such thing because the Jews don't have an active empire. There is the American empire, yes, but by the time it crashes and burns, the Jews have found a new one.
Do you know why empires fall, user?

>Admit defeat.
Never. I'll do whatever it is in my power to fight back, even if I can redpill a single person it'll be worthy. Better to die trying than submitting to the filthy kikes.

I also hope you're an immigrant or a kike shill, otherwise you're a disgrace to Germany and it's legacy, embarrasing.

Did someone say ultraviolence?

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the best way is redpill the left, the blacks, the asians, the commies, the youths, every country, send letters, dvds, thumb drives, anything you can everywhere so a mass of people awaken to it and stop it.

On top of this, start anti-jew colonies in countries all over the world with no central banking system controlled by them, and also teach countries to get away from the IMF predatory loans and to take back control of their own treasury


Yes. This 100x times. Being an edgy faggot and saying "WE SHOULD KILL ALL THE JEWZZZ NOW SS SEIG HEIL" won't work.

Waste your energy to a futile cause. It will make no difference.
One day you will shoot up a bunch of people out of frustration, because you know deep down that you wasted your best years for nothing, but all good it does is making people more shocked and appalled and the opposite to what you tried to achieve.
Anti-Semitism at it's height did do nothing, and now you want to crush Jews at your lowest? I thought this thread claims realism.

That’s a serious anonymous public allegation and judgement.

Rather than the knowledge presented to you.

Vile, disrespectful and weak.

Don’t take it personally.
(Anonymous cunt takes it personally)
Illumination route (27 pages)


Methodology (37 pages)


Direct link to google drive pdf of illumination route (27 pages)


Direct link to google drive pdf of methodology. (37 pages)


You’ve been duped Americans, Brits and Israelis

By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .

All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

And don’t be too precious about your nationality, it means nothing.

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format.
2,238 pages130mb
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped


Jon James Pratt (999)

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Never lies and is never violent

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

google.co.uk/search?as_st=y&tbm=isch&as_q=#allpointsarereconciled &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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>Being an edgy faggot and saying "WE SHOULD KILL ALL THE JEWZZZ NOW SS SEIG HEIL" won't work

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>refusing to legitimize jewish victimhood makes you a kike

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You guys sure are obsessed with us

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some anti jew philosophy is needed, we have to attack with their same methods for example, marxism, nietzsche, etc. This philosophy need to be focused to Jews, like an implosion from inside

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Yes. And It needs to be from a reputable source.

some newfag rich jew pilled need to put some money and pay a good philosopher to do it, that's how things are done

Did the Nazis have extermination camps?

No they didn't. They had facilities to displace the jewish population. Then the supply lines got destroyed.

>help me Yas Forums!
>lets brainstorm together and fuck the JEWS!

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This is pretty good. I’m going save this one for later.

all jidf girls be like

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Yas Forums is an anti-jewish board. We all hate you. Why are you even here kike?

Apparently in USA more and more states are making it illegal to boicot Israel, like state laws are prohibiting it, is getting harder to fight them.

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why you use that faggot flag kike?

America is a bigger threat to the world than jews

t. Hispanic

have no soul because muhuu satan's skekels

Then what's wrong with National Socialism? Is displacement/deportation too harsh for you?

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>Meanwhile what Jewesses actually are like.

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Realistic way to end Israel: Arabs outbreed the Jews. Already happening. Just have to be patient.
Realistic way to end NYC: global warming. Literally just feed cows and let them fart. Problem solved.

ZOGnald is ramping up antisemitism laws.

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Nigger, do you realize that jews maintain control using people like you? Do you realize that antagonizing them in any capacity gives them a reason to classify themselves as oppressed? Or do you already know that because you are one behind a VPN?

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So what's your solution besides not antagonizing Jews in any way?

Nah Arabs ain't out breeding us, our leech Haredis are.
Just wait until they are 35%+ of our population and we are dead.

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