Why the fuck is she still in the race?

Her only support at this point comes from thirsty coomers, DMT addled online conspiritards and literal Russian trolls farms at this point.

All the cool people like Rogan switched to Bernie months ago.

Surely it is just embarassing for her now? What does she hope to achieve?

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Why do you hate women?

I don't. I would support her if she was polling > 1%

It's about sending a message

What message? That's she's a loser?

She took down Kamala.
Don't question her wisdom.

Kamala dropped out months ago too. They aren't even going to let her debate.

Support her?? You're a Brit you retard. Worry about your own country.

We had our elections recently and Brexit is already going ahead. There's nothing happening rn. Your political process is a much more exciting clusterfuck.

>literal Russian trolls farms
go back

imperialism bad
establishment bad

hurr durr

Just wait until the debate on the 15th when she goes full Kali on Babblin’ Biden.
It’s not gonna be pretty.

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I voted for her because I'm not a piece of shit.


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GB is about to become B.

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Ultimate swerve. Pence steps down, she becomes Trump's VP. for the election.

Mommy's not a quitter.

MIGA amirite

I’m voting tulsi. Best foreign policy

Corona virus will kill all the olds leaving her with an open path

I unironically think she would do the best against Trump.
>all democrats would vote for her because she is democrat and not Trump
>female, so automatic lefty appeal points
>relatively centrist so she could actually pull fence sitters to the left
There is 0% chance she will vet the nomination. But I seriosuly think she would do better than Biden or Sanders.

no reason to drop when she hates the remaining candidates

> Implying she wouldn't cuck for saudi interests

No electoral college...
Itll be interesting to watch Cali go from turning in vote counts by 10pm to never having the counts done until a few days later.

You’d think-all the woke women hate her, the jews hate her, the establishment hates her.

I would penis Tulsi

But on election day when all the leftists are at the voting booth and given the choice between 4 more years of Trump, or a Democrat, minority, first ever female president, they will all get over it and vote Tulsi.
I think 9 out of 10 people already know they are either for or against Trump. It is that 1 out of 10 fence sitter that is the only vote up for grabs.

She's the longshot after the current two old pedos kill each other
The underdog, the dark horse
Bernie's heart is almost done, as well as Biden's brain
If this actually fucking happens, the symbolism will be historic


Bernie is the underdog.

I voted her in Virginia in the open primary. Glad she will be in the debate. Hoping she kamala's someone again.

Does a tree falling make noise if no one is there to hear it?

golly, you buckos sound scared
if she's such an irrelevant player... why give her so much attention?

it's more about pity

She’s gonna win. Bernie and Biden gonna die from bat flu

Jill Stein retired, so we need a new sarcastic hot female lefty to troll liberal voters and entice shy conservative boys?

she just likes being jacked off to and she knows that will go away once her bid for potus ends. remember, she is a woman.

This Is thread was brought to you by the Born Without Balls Bigger Than Tusli Gabbard's Foundation

She's keeping her name out there while baiting the establishment into attacking her. Same strategy as Trump. She'll probably have decent support to run again in 2024 or 2028.

She could always start an onlyfans.

Cause incels make threads about her all day

get the fuck out of our politics you british pedophile

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>Why the fuck is she still in the race?
She has heart.
She is the best candidate the Democrats have, and they use the MSM to block her message.
I respect her, but still voting Trump.

Some of the same message Ron Paul was trying to get across.

leftists hate her because she is a modi supporter

She’s literally just Bernie but whines about foreign policy more

Would Ron Paul have supported Bernie?

>Our politics
m8 the 2020 election was determined the minute beto and the dems said "hell yes we're coming for your ar 15"

An absolute queen.

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>Would Ron Paul have supported Bernie?
If you have to ask then it shows you're a foreigner, and not the good kind.

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>in 2017 DNC admitted in a court of law that votes don't matter in deciding their presidential nominee
So many drooling retards playing red vs blue on this board

Yas Forums doesn't hate women. It hates women's rights.

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She knows they're both old and have health problems. Bernie's gonna either croak or get Epstein'd, and Biden's Alzheimer's isn't getting better. Come June she'll be the only one left.

She is going to verbally murder Biden at the next debate to keep Bernie's hands clean. Based mommy, Bern it down.

Biden and Bernie are 77 and 78, so will die of corona-chan and then tulsi sweeps in

Most importantly, she's the only one Trump can't bully. He doesn't even have a nickname for her.

He's a mommy-poster


Astute observation, on paper, Tulsi would destroy Trump and get both houses of congress, and down ballot state level races as well, in a census/redistricting year as well. So of course the dnc want nothing to do with her. Either NAFTA Joe or COMMIE Sanders are a fucking joke compared to Tulsi.

Tulsi is the only one left in the race that is not at high risk of a coronavirus death. There is still a lot of hand shaking and baby kissing to go before the race is over. She's playing it smart...

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She forgot she was still running, so she hasn’t officially filed the paperwork to withdraw

that's exactly what I'm implying, you dickless redcoat.

Mommy is best

And she has charisma

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