Americans are the enemies of Europe

Americans are the enemies of Europe and the white race.

In 1990s Americans with NATO bombed Serbia and people who wanted to protect their ethnic group and European culture.

Now with Greece, I'm pretty sure Americans will find an excuse to bomb Greece, the cradle of European culture because Greeks want to protect this. Then the migrants will flood Europe.

American bastards. You will pay one day.

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I can't wait for the day the United States falls. Plenty of northern states we could easily incorporate into confederation.

Me too. Destruction of USA will be the best thing in this era

>Now with Greece, I'm pretty sure Americans will find an excuse to bomb Greece
They're in NATO, though. And if anything, it'd be more likely we would find reason to bomb Turkey.

Did America bring 10 million Africans to your country too?

Scandicuck rushed to defend his American idols

France getting filled with Blacks and Nafris isn't American's fault, though

>bombing NATO member
if they didn't bomb turks they won't bomb greeks since it would make other countries want to leave NATO, algerian man living in france

Yes, America supported the decolonization. Because of this many Africans came in France

He probably thinks that. Our far leftard socialists think America is the cause of all the problems.

>Supporting Serbia

>americans are conscious humans with agency
>americans have any influence over their government
the average american is a 50iq 250kilos retard and has no idea what he is doing
they are ruled by jews, and the jews are fully responsible for the actions of the usa

also the jews' fault

Breadline Bernie go cucked so America isn't siding with muzzies anytime soon.
Hell, Creepy Uncle Joe may even lob a nuke or two at them during a dementia episode.

ok monteNEGRO

With the colonization you'd have even more. It's your own fault for teaching and promoting French language in Africa and letting them inside your country.

Same but with Russia too

>the cradle of European culture

Is dancing boys part of European culture? Lmao

>The köçek was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, "dancer", usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, employed as an entertainer. The Turkish word is derived from the Persian word kuchak, "little", "small", or "young" which itself is the Persian pronunciation of the Turkish word küçük, "little". They were recruited from among the ranks of the non-Muslim subject nations of the Turkish empire, such as Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Roma and others. As of 1805, there were approximately 600 Köçek dancers working in the taverns of Turkey's capital.

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they kinda are in middle east user
if you don't work with americans they fund some radical muslim group #88312125 and wait for you to bleed out and instal puppet gov

American destroying the middle east for bible prophecy has cause the migration crisis in Europe.

You're a schizo.

Turkey currently is a puppet government of Ameriklka. Why else would Donald Trump just let them invade Syria and promise them Kurdish land.

No they wont
> East med

Shut the fuck up

Serbia is rightful croatian clay

I thought Yas Forums was banned in turkey

Is that so in your country too?

Sure, nothing speaks of being an American puppet government like wanting to get nukes with Russians help.
Are you mentally challenged?

The French are the cause of 90% of the woes of the world. I wish Hitler had finished the job fuck the jews its you who deserved the camps.

>Blaming Americans instead of Israel and the ZOG

Nice try Schlomo

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Americans destroyed Europe in WW2

I wish we had done more.

>The French are the cause of 90% of the woes of the world.

wrong but true at the same time.
without us, America wouldn't exist and wouldn't have created 90% of the woes of the world.
America is an out of control golem we, sadly, created...

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You are citing your own culture there , fucking hell how dumb can roaches be ? You have no hope in a war with modern machinery AT ALL

America has had to solve everything Napoleon and his cock sucking ideas caused.


if anything it's your own ideas (more like the ideas of your masters), golem.

Death to america.

If internet would have been a relevant thing back in the days, people would have a different perception of the yugoslavian war.

Like how ?

Please Marx and his Jewish friends are a product of French love of strange dick in their women.

>bombing a EU member
That will be nice

If Greek starts to defend their boarders with weapons, be sure that Americans will ""save"" migrants and will bomb Greece.

You guys are fucking retarded. Everything can be reduced to a single issue to you, it's fucking stupid. No critical ability whatsoever, it's all just America, just the Jews, just the niggers, just the Arabs, just the commies, just the Chinese, just this, just that.

Stop being fucking retarded. It's not all the fault of white Americans, and oversimplifying the problem in that way is almost like a shitty psy-op to pit people against each other, making it even easier for our cultures to be subverted and fragilized. Slide thread.

That's not how geopolitics work. If the US would do this they would lose all trade with the EU.

Why the hell do keep seeing American military shit in my country and Americans popping up everywhere all of a sudden. I have never seen a nigger until they showed up

Can’t hear over your tears, pussy ass wimp wuss faggot

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and where you would find this? in Turkey of course where there is a huge demand for gay boys. Working with refugees that have been raped mostly by Turks and Afgans, i learned that the most abused people in your shit culture is not women ir girls (that get sheltered and respected) but boys. Young boys suffer the most rapes and abuse by your “men” growing up to be psychopaths like you.

You are the ones to talk, revolutionary apes. The Anglos as a whole but also you, the French, share large responsabilities for the fate of Europe in the last 200 years.

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Americans promotes multi ethnic bullshit with Hollywood propaganda. You have a large responsibility

I'm not even American, they may be the current era golems, but those who spread liberté, egalité, fraternité and destroyed traditional European kingdoms should avoid pointing fingers too much.

united states was fine until taken over by kikes. the kikes took over the empire and are now wielding it to destroy whites and christianity worldwide.

>Plenty of northern states we could easily incorporate into confederation.
I'd rather not let refugees chill in my state, no thank you

Lol are you trolling or just assuming we don't get taught history? You couldn't handle your stronger neighbors, we stepped in and saved you. Then shielded you from the Soviets. But real French know this very well achmed al-retardi.

Why the fuck would we attack Greece? They're in NATO.

>Yankees are the enemies of Europe

Are Greeks kikes?

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We did?? Weird, I grew up in all-white suburb.
How come your sheeple buy it is beyond me, are europeans more susceptible to american proganda then americans themselves or what?

You bombed many french cities to """""save""" us. Because of this french gov had to take a gigantic loan from America. Our German brothers > You


a christian prophet in the NT talks mad shit about greeks kek

It's not the american people, though.

It's the people they let control them. I don't know what's worse.

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Low effort, weak energy k*ke

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>america is the reason we opened our borders to the shitskin horde!
Europeans are so pathetic it hurts. You fuckers will never, ever take blame for your own failures.

Pretty sure the current situation in Greece right now is being caused by turkey.

>I'm pretty sure Americans will find an excuse to bomb Greece
>You will pay one day.
Yeah! We need to pay for a hypothetical scenario!

none of those people would be in Turkey if it wasn't for Americans.

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