I'm scared that Biden will be nominated and beat Trump for 2020. Yas Forums make me feel better

I'm scared that Biden will be nominated and beat Trump for 2020. Yas Forums make me feel better

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Why do you care?

Biden is basically the male version of Hillary Clinton. No real rememberable policies, only generic democrat shit. One big reason libtards will vote for him will probably be, because he's not trump and we know how that ended up the last time.

You'll feel better once you get in
None of us even knew we liked Biden until South Carolina caused bernietard tears
This way the bernietard and trump baby tears

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If you don't care about politics you're on the wrong board son.

I hope so, I'm just worried the increased turnout that we have seen in the dem primaries will carry over to november

try and picture biden on the debate stage

How does it affect England is my point

Biden is unironically losing his mental faculties. Trump would eat him alive in debate

Currently in UK will be living in USA by election day, guess that makes me an immigrant haha ;)

He doesn't stand a fucking chance lad, it will be a slaughter

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Why are you afraid tho
Biden is cool :)

He absolutely will.
Women in the suburbs will decide this election.
They did not like Bernie, but they will vote for Biden.
Even if he is brain dead.

I hope so mate, eagerly looking forward to it all getting started

sleepy joe is the best DJT could come up with and it isn't even that catchy. let's hope he can do better by the time debates start

but women in the suburbs didn't help hilary much? or maybe they just didn't turn out like they will for 2020

What will change if he wins? Nothing.

There's no way this clown has a chance against Trump.

It's an impossibility for Biden to defeat Trump. He is senile and when America gets a good look at that they will act accordingly. The problem here is you might have a little cognitive dissonance. You might be operating under the assumption that the DNC is trying to win the Presidential election. This is false. They have written it off. They are trying to protect their down ballot candidates, as well as their entire Beltway elite apparatus which they do not want to turn over to an unpredictable Bernie Sanders. In short, they don't want to end up like many establishment neocons ended up in the Republican Party when Trump took it over. Those that didn't play ball got cut, and the Democrat establishment wants to avoid that more than they want to win an election.

Listen to Rush Limbaugh during elections.

51st state mate

The expression in OP's pic is the face of confusion, near bewilderment. It should be your first indicator that you are dealing with early onset dementia. I have seen the face myself. Whoever is propping him up to run should be ashamed of themselves.

Biden is too weak of a man. Two examples are when he said that he doesn't really like abortion, then people got mad at for it, then two days later announced that he changed his mind; and when he called Pence a "decent guy" during a speech, then people got mad at him for it, then the next day he apologized for it. He will get BTFO by Trump in debates. I think Sanders has a much better chance of defeating Trump were he to win the nomination.

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Immigration reform, for a start, would be great. Hopefully he can also keep up the pressure on china. Prevent greencards going to people who can't speak english (currently 40%) or have no job (currently 44%). This will have a huge impact on the demographics of USA going forward into the future. And no I don't care about race, I care about socioeconomic factors

Bidens brain will be completely melted by november

Stop doing circlejerk
Fucking pointless

Has Biden created any new jobs for the American people? No.

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If Biden gets the nominee and runs with anyone but Michelle or Barack Obama as VP pick then it will become glaringly obvious that Biden is as un-electable as McCain was.

Biden is owned by China
It wouldnt surprise me that all the news coming out of China, people dropping dead, being welded into their apartmenrs, blah blah blah is just part of a huge larp in an attempt to damage the US economy, lets not forget about the 1 billion investment Hunter Bidens company walked away with after visiting China with his daddykins. China own Joe Biden, they will do anything to get him into power.

Biden is cool

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he's right, dude can barely string together a coherent sentence, Trump will destroy him on stage. If you're really worried about him, make new memes like this one. It's not new, I made it a couple years ago. I'll look for the biden sniff template, I don't seem to have it anymore.

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Biden will get trolled to death by Trump in the general election and lose miserably. His rambling will make him absolutely embarras himself on the debate stage

God I hope to see Drumpfy tears

go back go sleep

People are sick of trumps bullying antics
Will not fly this time around

He's going to catch coronachan on the campaign trail and die don't worry.

Trump will verbally crucify this guy in the debates.

Obama is the one that accelerated all of this shit, his policies CREATED Trump. Is the delicious irony of all this, that Trump is a result of the actions of those who hate him most extending their power and celebrating too early

Nothing will be different. Trump hasn't done anything

honestly I don't even fucking care, as long as Sanders gets cucked in the primaries. having senile Joe Biden as president would be comedy gold and peak boomer.

Funny pic, very good. Also fucking annoys me to see 'refugees' that are overweight and fat. She clearly has enough money to stuff her body with calories until her stomach protrudes from her shirt. Why does the US need to take these people in again? At least with syrians there's some argument (ISIS, civil war, etc), but then again most refugees coming to greece arent even syrian! LOL

You prefer "sloppy Joe" or "Colostomy Biden"?

Biden isn't as unlikable to the general public as Hilary tho. So he actually has a chance just based on that fact. Not to mention people didn't worry since the media told them Turmp had 0 chance of winning last time. Now that they know it's actually possible they'll work harder maybe even actually go to vote this time.

I found it, hosted on infowars lol, but it's webp format and I haven't figured out how to convert it back yet. Found this one though, had to trim a reddit boomer's signature off it.

Do not sign your memes. You relinquish ownership when you post.

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>Scared Biden will win.
>Looking at reality.

Pick one.

Just say no , to pedo joe.

The unions don't hate him like they do her.

But after 4 years of negaive media coverage many people don't like trump either.

Seriously? The dude doesn’t even know where he is half the time. He doesn’t stand a chance against trump.

had to crop a signature out of this one too, god I hate normies

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Trump will win 47 states.
>fingerbangs their infants on camera
>suburban women will vote for him

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not true. people overwhelmingly support Trump.

you feeling it?

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A potted plant could be put on the ballet for Dem and Trump would still lose. Trump won to begin with because of how hugely unpopular Hilary was causing the dems to lose a record number of voters. Trump also lost a lot of repub voters but not as much as Hilary which was enough to squeak him by via electoral college. It’s different now, the media and society in general has been whipped into an anti-Trump frenzy and those dem voters who stayed home last time around are going to flood the voting booths, meanwhile Trump and squandered his grassroots support and is going to be abandoned by a large part of the voters.

He's been getting that negative media coverage ever since he started tho. I don't think 4 years more of the same shit is gonna change anyone's minds if they haven't already. What will change people minds are the policies Trump fulfilled during these 4 years. Where the fuck is the wall

How can anyone unironically vote for a pedo with dementia?

because media convinces them that trump is a nazi

A Biden nomination actually gives Trump a valid pretext to drop the Pizzapill. I wouldn't be surprised if the 911pill and the Fedpill are closely related. IF Trump delivers this redpill apocalypse then I think his glory would be remembered forever. We're talking life-size Greek statues, a national holiday (with cannon salute), etc. etc. If.

Only idiots believed there would ever be a wall. I still voted for him and I'll do it again.

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> A potted plant could be put on the ballet for Dem
well you got the fist part right. Trump is gaining more support in more demographics than Alzheimer Joe. the debates will be gold.

begone, shills.
only the demonically possessed will vote for Biden.

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Beautiful, found a good one. Meme in good health people.

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There are too many ways to turn the public against joementia…

The youth should be scared of a Biden presidency, because without Trump, the Obamacare mandate is back, forcing young people to pay for boomer healthcare.

Taxes will go up, even for the middle class, those making $50k-$80k

He will allow amnesty, that will suppress worker's wages, while giving illegal FREE healthcare, and penalizing you if you don't pay for ACA.

We will be limp-wristed in foreign policy again. We will be forced to pay taxes as Joe will get us unto a global accord rto pay a Global Warming tax.

I feel bretty good about Trump's incumbency.

He can barely talk.