
Wife wants to visit Liberia, says it one of the safest places in Africa and the beaches and jungle are amazing. I'll admit that it will be a very cheap trip compared to where she usually wants to go so I'm intrigued.

Have any anons been to Africa, Liberia specifically?

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Isn’t Liberia meant to be literally the worst place in the World

enjoy your aids

You're going to die.

Oh boy, machetes, gang rape, and AIDS.

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Cool nudist colonies. You can walk around butt naked.

The wakanda of the free slaves.

It's fine, go for it! Africans have evolved, they're all gentlemen and queens these days. Liberia is beautiful, you can leave your doors unlocked and your luggage just laying around, it's practically Switzerland just darker.

Your wife intends to have you held down while a train of Bvlls rail her.. she already has a history of demanding vacations beyond your economic comfort without any sense of concern for you.

Aren't they cannibals over there?

She unironically wants to get BLACKED.

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If I were you I would bring an extra $500.00 and just pay the Bulls to take her and kill her after they have their fun. She deserves it, and you can make bank on the travelers insurance.

Unsure if you're trolling, OP?

>Liberia has a high crime rate, from petty to serious.
>Liberia is one of those places where you need to be on your guard almost everywhere.
>The police can actually be a bit of a problem.
>Sadly, Liberia has one of the highest rates of rape in the entire world.
>women are advised not to travel to Liberia at all.
>Liberia has many mass escapes from its prisons, and those escapees are rarely recaptured.

Hellhole. Do not go.

Nice bait.

Most governments of these countries put great emphasis on protecting tourists because of their economic value, so you're unlikely to experience some of the nigging that goes on there. Don't listen to the other anons, as long as you pay, you're fine. Although, there are always some dindus that don giv no fukk so do be careful.

Liberia had a civil war because the former President had a canibal wodoo priest has his right hand and they ate children together to get imortal
Joshua Milton Blahyi, aka general butt naked lead an army ofnaked drugged up child soldiers durign the civil war and commited some of the worst warcrimes in recent african history
After the war the warlord Joshua Milton Blahyi become a prominent preacher and never faced jailtime
He also uploads videos on youtube when he goes to people and says "oogah boogah i hate your dad but nothing personal kid pls forgive me"

Anything else that you need to know about that shithole?

Oh yeah, they have the american constitution

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Liberia is africa on heroin and steroids

Your wife has a rape fantasy involving getting macheted to death and eaten by child soldiers in the end, eh? Yeah, she sounds like a keeper, buddeh.

You could convince her it's cheaper if she goes alone. I'm sure she won't be too upset.

>Oh yeah, they have the american constitution
Biggest argument ever against civnats, kek

>He also uploads videos on youtube when he goes to people and says "oogah boogah i hate your dad but nothing personal kid pls forgive me"

Plz link me up with one of these ooga booga videos.

Nigga not happenin

Used to, pretty sure they changed their constitution to... better reflect their cultural needs.

Wife wants BBC without being murdered.

End of story.

It'll be great. They have a Constitution and everything! It's just like the US.

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No, that title went to Swindon

What's so bad there? Never been. I know Bradfordistan is pretty bad though.

If you want to go to Africa then Botswana and Namibia are probably the safest countries to go to since they are comparatively rich compared to other African countries.

Africans are fucking hilariously insane. It's like if you got a bunch of five year old retarded psychopaths to run countries


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Kek, thank you. It would appear he dindu nuffin wrong. Also, why is it that nignogs can't stand still even when they're walking around armed and dangerous? Dindus are truly something special.

Take her to Freeport.

Remind her that they have the exact same Constitution that we have, and was founded by a certain demographic of our citizens.

Believe me or not I'm an intelligence analyst who looks at Africa. As far as safety is concerned Liberia is totally chill. Don't know if it's fun or not but there you go.

Perhaps the only videos from Vice that were ever made tolerable.

Just go to Costa Rica you idiot
How much cheaper could it POSSIBLY be? I've spent under a grand to be in CR for two weeks including the round trip cost

Don't leave the resort

op, you haven't a wife, now do you? are you just lonely right now? iSorry

Sounds exciting

>I want to visit the most nigger infested shithole on Earth honey
if you acquiesce you're a fucking cuck and should just leave the dumb cunt there with her beasts

Fix you're fucking house.

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>we killed your brother out of madness
>please, we didn't mean to do it

You could probably, uh "ditch", your wife there I would think.

Don't see how that counters civnat retardation. Just because they "have" the constitution doesn't mean shit if they don't use it.

There are plenty of great, safe places to visit in Africa (Tanzania, Botswana, Rwanda, Namibia are all top) but Liberia is as far from safe as possible. It's wild out there man, and not in a good way.

Just go to Rwanda and do the mountain gorilla tour instead. Life changing experience desu. And Rwanda is legitimately the cleanest country I've been to after Japan

If politics is downstream from culture, guess what's upstream from culture

Black user here. Liberia was actually stable and functional when the Americo liberians ran it. The CIA fucked the country by arming the natives who subsequently overthrew our ppl. Now its a hell hole. We need reparations for that.

spotted the nigger

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Your wife is lying to you. She wants to be raped while you are forced to watch. Who are you to deny her of her sacred nigger dick. Be the cuck she wants you to be.

My godfather owns a copper mine in nigeria. Not even larping,my family used to think he went insane because he went missing for a while then he started sending us photos of him with niggers in a jungle surrounded by mining equipment.

that's a little drastic user

Liberia is the perfect example of blacks being blacks. White colonialists in America bought the land so freed slaves would have somewhere to go back to. They set them up with a govt, their own Constitution, everything needed to build their own society. Everything was handed to them. They ended up with cannibal generals named butt naked and 10 yr old cross dressing child soldiers who would go into battle wearing wedding dresses, florescent wigs and purses to match their AK47s.
Liberia means liberty and the capitol Monrovia is named after US president John Monroe.

Forgot to post image of their flag. They think they are America's little brother or some shit.
They even had general Rambo, general Chuck Norris, they even had general mosquito with his arch nemesis general mosquito spray. No fucking joke

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Wasn't that where general butt naked lives? You gon get fucked up, boi.

SAGE bait post

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Does he have, jungle fever?

>massive civil war kills off like 1/4 of the population
>"is nature reclaiming itself"

Nigga what the fuck is wrong with these travel-happy liberals? I don't even like niggers but the level of ignorance leftists display is baffling- if nature is reclaiming shit it's because all the people who used to live there were horribly butchered.


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>devil doing devil stuff
>wife wants forbidden fruit
>says its totally save user, nothing ever happens

your wifes a fucking moron, i hope you forbid that stupid idea.


7/10 bait

>President Charles Taylor, last Liberian president descended from Afro-American colonists, ran on the re-election slogan of "he killed my pa and raped my ma, but I'll still vote for him"
>the reason the first liberian civil war started was because the Americo-Liberians conquered the Kru tribesmen of the interior and gradually tried to educate and uplift them, but because they promoted a bunch of them to be military officers the Kru took over the army and exterminated the entire government because they felt the government was "racist and shit"

Liberia is just Detroit if it was an independent country.

Absolutely based. Slavs and para-Slavs are truly the light of the world.

Nature isn't reclaiming the blacks as fertilize, so no. Original bait tho.

>Isn’t Liberia meant to be literally the worst place in the World
That's the Greek border OR Amsterdam

In their defense after the True Whig party absorbed their rivals the country was under 100 years of single-party rule by the Liberian Masons and 30 years under president Tubman. Under President Tolbert they began integrating native niggers (which they used to enslave, illegally of course because slavery was officially outlawed under their constitution) into the armed forces which resulted in a violent coup and 20 years of civil war that totally destroyed the country. It was somewhat not shit (by african standards) before that.

Being nigs of course they claimed the CIA was behind the coup, for some retarded reason.

kek, o fii lucrat la securitate pe timpul lui Ceasca si facea schimburi de alimente si echipament pt resurse. Unchiul prietenei mele era capitan de vapor , transporta ''grau'' in Libia ( cica era 10% grau, restul erau lazi cu Kalasnikoave) lua banii pe ele, si aducea inapoi mii de butoaie de petrol, pe care le vindea la rafinariile din tara ( ilegal, dar stia toata lumea )

Was basically going to write the same but you summed it up nicely but let me add some funny trivia about Libera

>Carved out as home for freed burger slaves
>The now free slaves go to Liberia
>Free nigs start enslaving the local nigger population using the same methods that the whote master had used on them.
>Create bad unequal, unjust society
>Inevitably have a civil war
>Civil War 2.0 African Boigaloo
>Child soldier, rapes, amputations and voodoo,included (medication sold seperatly)
>First large scale deployment of private military contractors

When i found out that tje freed nigs started their own little Dixie in Africa was the moment i became redpilled on the whole race thing...

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Your wife is full of shit. Stop listening to her suggestions and send her back to the kitchen

>general butt naked
The General is alive and is now a preacher in Monrovia.
>Be cruel warlord.
>Rape and pillage
>Use child soldiers
>Become a christian
>Say sorry God
>All is forgiven
Christianity truly is a cuck religion

>safest places in Africa
That's just flat out wrong. Your wife is a slut and wants to get raped by niggers.

Your wife is a nigger-fucking whore.