Syria General /sg/ - JUST Edition


SOUTHFRONT TAF Tactical Retreat

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Devs Mar 4
With the fall of Afes, Al Qaeda in Idlib and their Turkish allies have been forced off the M5
Turkshills killing themselves en masse
Roach Experts announcing Operation S.O.O.N.
Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow today
Clashes between protesters and security forces at Al-Khilani Square
Former Egyptian army officer Hisham Ashmawi has been executed in Egypt after being captured by LNA scouts in Darna. He was wearing an explosive vest while assisting ISIS in Darna.
LNA forces fully liberated the apartment complex in Al-Azizia.
Ma’rib tribes prepared to hand over city to National Salvation Government of Yemen (Houthi Yemen)
Peace deal collapses as Taliban and US return to combat
After the closed session in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, after the statements of Engin Özkoç, there was a fist fight in parliament.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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>germoney refuses to help torkey
>wonders why torkey can't hold russia on its own

god they're oblivious

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you used the pic I asked for!
Based user

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>Al Nusra rejects the ceasefire and withdrawll and has stated it will continue its military action.
Back to square sochi?

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What is the status on the kurds?

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Rebels are going to break this ceasefire and also attack Turkish soldiers.

Turkey just made it so the Rebels have lost all of M4, the south of it and also eventually everything north of M4.


they weren't part of it in a first place

Why does me being a Turkchad make you seethe so much? Let me explain why; psychologically speaking you want to project yourself to your peers on Yas Forums, because you want a safespace for your weakchinned, effeté body, face, and personality. You want to be in a safespace of likeminded losers as you defend and shill for your substandard country. The POSSIBILITY that someone in your safespace actually being a chad, destroying pussy and being a social bon vivante is utterly degenerative to your self esteem. You are, in every sense of the word, envious because not only do you exist in the worst country on earth to live life fully, but you don't want anybody to NOT have the luxury to live life fully. You're probably a borderline personality and a sociopath, and I see that as the case with too many slavs because Putin's regime has turned you into soft malleable clay for stupidity, conformism and psychopathy.

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Was the Slav manlet 38d chessing from the beginning?

the absolute state of it all

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Asking Germany for military aid is like asking a deaf man for directions.

are they part of the cease fire? if not, then they can be targeted and it shouldn't break it

Al Nusra rejects the ceasefire and withdrawll and has stated it will continue its military action.

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>Al Nusra rejects the ceasefire and withdrawal and has stated it will continue its military action.
Here's a secret. That was the idea
Assad says that Syria has and will continue to talk and work with certain Kurdish groups in Syria. But he also said that there are some Kurds who are with the Americans and when the Turks invaded they didn’t fire a single shot because the Americans ordered them not to.

It would be naive to expect there to be no change of stance since SAA helped SDF against roaches but SDF did nothing in favor of SAA.

Reminder that God made this victory in order to cheer Wafa up

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How is the M4 factored into this deal? Everyone's saying is practically Assad's now

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shit map

The article serves to make fun of Erdomeme, not act surprised and butthurt over Russian dominance.

"people" here are so upset that i'm such a smart man
see their retardation:
accusing me to be some female whore in one post, and then claiming that i'm a gay fag in another
they are not stable
the tightest gas chambers is all they deserve

its better than anything you could produce

just 1d chess from roaches

This or mossad gas attack pinned on Assad.

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Maybe a long shot, but anyone got Soros' article

It was in FT:


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r/sgay u/ntermenschenleri will soon taste the medicine of their own disease
no subhumanler will ever be allowed in my kingdom

wallahi you are a female whore you rat kalb, may ibn saba put lanat on you

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So lemme get this straight.
Bachad all Assad gets all of m4 and a dmz sorta thingy gets created 6 km north of it?

He has been avenged. Glory to Syria.

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It's free for Assad to take without Turkey chimping.

I'd like an answer to this

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Fuck Putin cuck manlet. Imagine losing to the roaches


those are the people who think they can close the bosphorus, empty opposition

>This or mossad gas attack pinned on Assad.

Rebels most likely.

He just won but ok Chechen


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I very much doubt that a safe zone will be succesfully established.

Why do you think idlibdelayed so much?You do your calculation but still need to whait for the right moment.

Well obviously, but that's the plan right?


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That's astana, not the new deal

It's complicated. Turkey conceded the M4 to Russia so they both can do joint patrols on it, the thing is that the HTS hasn't accepted the deal, which means they will have to be eliminated or there will be no way to patrol it.

Turkey basically threw the HTS below M4 under the bus.

It won't but Turkey either has to do it or has to move behind and let Putin take it like he did the M5.


Pretty much.

opposition in turkey thinking they can close the bosphorus, disregard

bro what he's saying, cant read roach

can someone confirm that the oil wells are still fine and under rightful us control?

Darat Izza under Syrian Army and allies artillery

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Chechens would make use of every girl in Ankara by that moment


>Richard Nelson Frye defines Greater Iran as including "much of the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, with cultural influences extending to China and western India."

>According to Frye, "Iran means all lands and peoples where Iranian languages were and are spoken, and where in the past, multi-faceted Iranian cultures existed."

>Only in modern times did western colonial intervention and ethnicity tend to become a dividing force between the provinces of Greater Iran.

>As Patrick Clawson states, "ethnic nationalism is largely a nineteenth century phenomenon, even if it is fashionable to retroactively extend it."

>"Greater Iran" however has been more of a cultural super-state, rather than a political one to begin with.

>"Many Iranians consider their natural sphere of influence to extend beyond Iran's present borders.

>Portuguese forces seized islands and ports in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire wrested from Tehran's control what is today Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and part of Georgia.

>Iranian elementary school texts teach about the Iranian roots not only of cities like Baku, but also cities further north like Derbent in southern Russia.

>The Shah lost much of his claim to western Afghanistan following the Anglo-Iranian war of 1856-1857.

>"Iran today is just a rump of what it once was. At its height, Iranian rulers controlled Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, much of Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Many Iranians today consider these areas part of a greater Iranian sphere of influence." -Patrick Clawson

You fucking devil zionist imperialist pigs. You will NEVER divide IRAN and will NEVER make us forget about our roots.

TFUUUUUU on your mothers pussy for giving birth to such devils.

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translate faggot

Russian and Turkish soldiers will patrol the M4 just like in northeastern Syria. There will be a 6km safezone on both sides of the M4 highway meaning the terrorist lost more territory and have to retreat and turkish soldiers who have been killed during the operation died for nothing.

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Why are people surprised that Turkey yielded?
They ran out of drones after all.


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>atom bobasi
go figure

see previous thread here

Okay that makes this a whole lot funnier, thanks

>ok Chechen
What do you have against white people, ahmad?

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#HTS, AKA #AlNusra, AKA #AlQaeda|InSyria REJECTS CEASEFIRE Agreement between #Russia and #Turkey and PROMISES to CONTINUE FIGHTING !

you should be the one fucking translating it, mehmet my son

Someone shop that seething turk to OP pic.

clever mudak

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i, now, wanna talk to jj

quick rundown on how Putin cucked Erdogan? What's gonna happen now?

HTS isn't part of the ceasefire agreement

>muh wafa
>muh beauty
>she looks gorgeous

Pic related, this is how (s)he probably looked right after the explosion

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Look at it it's exactly how it would be if the M4 operation were to happen before this agreement. What did Erdo get exactly?

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that would be equivalent to a declaration of war? or not?

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until you state why, that isn't gonna happen