Ok, let's truly be politically incorrect

Deformed people are the funniest shit there is and I literally fucking DIE of laughter when I see them, I JUST CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF, I'm a bad bad boy I know but JESUS CHRIST THEY LOOK SO UGLY IT'S HILARIOUS.

Attached: Beauty and the Beast.png (1163x659, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: cUT YOUR FACE UP lil bitch.png (1202x623, 990.36K)

Attached: STABBITY STAB STAB.png (1164x647, 1.02M)

Attached: Gay Couple.png (1099x598, 1.08M)

Attached: hawt.png (1013x601, 750.4K)

Attached: Deformed Nigger.png (1142x645, 884.99K)

Making fun of deformed kids.

Nigger behavior detected.


Attached: Pretty Woman.png (1140x582, 789.71K)


Attached: Gremlin.png (1069x633, 1.22M)

Attached: Too far apart.png (1259x578, 1.14M)

Pretty woman?
What are you, british?

Attached: CONFUSSION.png (1219x609, 999.63K)

Attached: Smile wiley.png (758x589, 761K)

Kys nigger

Attached: tfw ur sleepy.png (1154x650, 1.26M)

Attached: Allahu Retardbar.png (1009x672, 1010.09K)


>that fucking jew nose on the "white" guy

Look at this future aerospace engineer

You must be 18 to post on this website.

That kike give me the heeby jeebys. The way he acts and looks at those kids in the videos is legit creepy. Does he have some kind of retard fetish cause he knows they won't be able to report abuse?

Attached: 250px-Thehost.jpg (250x187, 15.6K)

She British?

They are all americans

Attached: True retard love.png (1242x587, 1.09M)

If my child has severe mental or physical deformations we'll request an abortion out of mercy for the poor soul. Fuck all these virtue signallers

does he do the Gay into them?

This is your daily reminder to purge the mutant, the xenos (alien), the heretic and the demonic forces of Chaos every chance you get!
>too late to live in an era when midwives strangles these before they took their first breaths
>too early to live in a dystopian future where you hunt these things in a hive city sewer
>you live in the present, and you live in hell

Attached: 07E040FC-DDBC-4E85-9010-F112DEE714BF.jpg (700x1690, 157.34K)

Attached: roastie.png (1264x588, 1.22M)

Say that to my face

Attached: peakKang.png (724x676, 648.9K)

I embrace this

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I don't pray often, but when I do it's for nigger faggots like you

I don't find them funny, I find them unsettling. Like seeing a guy with a stump for an arm leaves me feeling queasy.

>Legit thinking this is funny

Cunts here are so cringe sometimes

He fucks all these children, it is an open secret

Attached: 1583342135980.webm (360x638, 1.96M)

That isn't politically incorrect, it's just edgy
step it up and suggest euthanasia faggot

I hope you die a painful death and your torturer just laughs at you

what the fuck is this??? why would you torture a human by lettting him life like that.

Would creatures like these even survive birth/childhood in the middle ages?
Or is this where the stories of mythological beats come from?
Cant imagine the kind of fear that a peasant would feel with one of these coming at them


dude is clearly a sociopath/psychopath and probably in fact does rape them.

he probably stems from top shriner hospital official parents who experiment on, mutilated, rape, snuff kids..

i mean look at the fucking guys eyes..

That guy was in a bunch of my college classes

A peaseant? They scare me and we live in modern times, specially the kid who was born without eyes.

Most of those kids wouldn't survive since they need a shitload of meds, hell, they don't even survive now, they never reach their 20s.

And if most of them didn't die of natural causes they would have been killed by everyone else, burnt or something, they used to torture left handed people and black cats, imagine what would they do to this.

Attached: scareehh.png (1269x590, 1.15M)

I didn't know ms venti was on his show. I know they feuded for a bit.

Your view of the middle ages is pretty stupid. Do you really think that people were just retarded because it was an earlier period of history? The average middle age peasant probably had better reasoning skills than 90% of modern americans

Idk im more grossed out than entertained most of the time.

That chocolate

What I meant by "fear" is we at least understand its some kind of genetic disorder, simply shitty luck.
A middle ages peasant might think its an actual hell spawn come to suck your soul out.
And yeah, they would likely kill it gruesomely and go "phew, that was a close one"

This. Fuck anti-abortioninsts

Care to expand on that, what do you think a middle ager would've thought?

But they had no knowledge of genetic disorders, what do you think they would assume of these deformed people?

being a edgelord promoting sociopathics behavior hardly qualify as politically incorrect

What is this circus? Does he get paid to film the freaks or is it some kind of weird fetish?

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This girl came prepared, even when they're going to die their vanity shows

Does he rewatch his videos masturbating to himself, while thinking how much better he looks than them?

Attached: cruise laugh.jpg (545x625, 31.28K)

I have this awful feeling when I see these people. if we’re lucky we have about 80years of life to experience everything it has to offer. Good and bad. high and lows. Learning to ride a bike, your first love, having kids. Trying to squeeze as much as you can out of life.
Then you have these kids. A fucking dribbling mess who not only has to miss out on everything but drain the life from those around them. All purely from some hiccup in a genetic code.
I can’t make sense of any of it. I know life doesn’t have to be fair but fucking hell it can seem unreasonably cruel.

Fucking Argentinian’s

2020. I still think those kids are spawn from hell and if I saw one in my house I would beat it to death, fucking freakyyy

This guy has a fetish for fucked up kids he gives off cult leader vibes

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Agreed. Freak shows should be made legal again.

I find the audacity of that grinning jew quite hilarious aswell

Attached: Shriners Dradelboy.webm (960x1706, 1.68M)

Attached: Shriners Niggaz with altitude.webm (672x480, 2.03M)


Not all which look like mosters are scary.

Yet the terrifying ones look normie.

doesn't this guy have a video where he's talking to some 15 yo autistic qt

I always felt bad for deformed people and retards they actually dindunoffin. I say let them live and just let them watch cartoons all day they seem happy doing that.

found it