5 years ago, I was a "libshit"

Now I'm center-right. But I'm being pushed further right every day. I've lived in liberal cities and rural towns, and the biggest thing I notice is how people treat eachother. I was always told that right-wing rural people are cruel, inconsiderate, and uncompassionate. Liberals always pretended like they were the side of compassion and kindness. Living in these different places though, that is ass-backwards. Liberal cities are filled with the most cruel, vile, and selfish people I've ever seen. Day to day, I see dozens of examples. The rural towns I've lived in, by comparison, are laid back and friendly. People are understanding and nice to eachother.

It's the exact opposite. Why is this? Why do they propagate this lie?

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Welcome aboard.

same here OP. but i went far right. the farthest i'm currently aware of.

wait until you are so far south and right you can smell degeneracy on people.

It always was like this. It's just PR. They are the liberal, progressive, scientific, compassionate in name but they do the total opposite in reality.

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Dunbar number

I ended up much the same. It began with thinking ‘I’m broadly progressive but these people don’t actually seem to be very kind, have their house in order, these people over here I’d rather drink with and laugh with.’

You realise it’s all a scam.

AIDS Skrillex is that you?

Liberal are built on projection, user.
They will 100% of the time accuse you of what they're doing.

I had the same epiphany some years back, when I found out that the libs that I was teaming with were against free speech, against diversity of opinions, had zero compassion for you when you so much as express disagreement with them.

I became anti-left and then conservative. But the real nazis being essentially the same as the left, I never became one.

The left propagates the lie that they're compassionate when everyone else is hateful because of the inherent narcissism that goes with culturally dominant political ideas. Politics is downstream from culture, as Breitbart used to say.

Good news is, they and their ideology are becoming boomer shit.

dude, when I heard Tucker say this at first I was like meh, but it's so true. Every damn time.

The virtuous do not need to virtue signal.

Lurk moar faggit. You'll eventually swallow the blackpill and become a nihilist like me.

Low population density combined with internal locus of control and homogeneous values

I saw another user referring to libshit urban bug people as "middlers" They aren't dumb enough to be happy, but they're also not smart enough to understand what's happening. They automatically assume any surface level bullshit reasoning that makes them appear superficially intelligent. I pity them.

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...or the whitepill and become a respectable and productive citizen, inspired by the love of Christ.

it's insane.
as much as the "the left are the real racists" meme is cringe, all it takes is a glance at the plebbit comments towards nigs after they overwhelmingly voted for Biden on super tuesday. I've lived rural my entire life. the people here are people you'd die for. And i legit dread any time I need to go to the city to pick things up. I expect to be cut off, mouthed-off to, have smoke(or dude weed lmao) blown into my face and bumped into by canadian liberal self-centered assholes. some of the worst attitudes i've ever come across. You can't make small talk in the liberals city. whereas in small rural conservative towns, it's almost considered rude NOT to small talk.

Funny, Im the exact opposite. 5 years ago I thought liberals were dumb lazy fucks. But over those 5 years I've talked to many, dealt with the harassment dumb Republicans bring on a daily basis, and suffered under our system. People are dying and suffering and they're working damn hard. Then when the work themselves to the bone, they get told to work smarter. When they work smarter they get told to fuck off, they aren't entitled to anything. If you work hard you should be allowed to live, that's my America. I want more kindness. If I have to drive past one more crowd of dumb christcucks harassing women or college students, I'll make Christchurch look like a joke.

>it's almost considered rude NOT to small talk
Sometimes I wish people could skip the small talk and go straight into deep conversation, I find small talk boring and awkward

You’re recognizing the difference between community versus individualism masquerading as community while concurrently trying to destroy community because Tradition Bad

I was a bernie bro in 2016
Now I'm far right. And watching an identical repeat of 2016 as an outsider this time around is pretty fascinating.

Here is what I dont get...how the hell were you a liberal to begin with? What is the message that actually draws people to the left? My entire life I have never understood and cannot convert some of my friends.

Fucking lol. Close enough to the city to have a career with a high salary that you won’t get in the country but far enough from the city to pay city prices, taxes, and niggers

Outside of guns and border control, what does the Right have to offer? They shit on you for anything that isn't in their nice black book. The left stands up for workers and people and sure as hell don't harass people outside hospitals and funerals.

>people are dying and suffering
>but I'll do the exact same thing when I see christcucks
Then you wonder why everyone calls liberals hypocrites

You are a liar.

try going to texas or florida, where everyone has a gun on their hip, loves god, and is white. not a safer, or nicer place on earth.

Typically the right supports lower taxes, smaller government, and self reliance.
If you cannot support yourself in the workplace then move back in with your mom you little bitch.

>Bully harasses someone minding their own business
>Ow wtf you hit me back what a hypocrite
Im not. Take one look at this board, which is right, and tell me the comments posted are nice or are from nice people. The only community on the left that's toxic are trannies, but at least they attempt to get treatment for their mental illness

It’s honestly just a politeness measure that can develop into a conversation, probing for a conversation. Can’t have that though, being polite and civil is raycis and opinions against theirs makes you a bigot

Like i said above I was a bernie bro in 2016 and considered myself a far left progressive, and now that I look back on that phase of my life in disgust and embarrassment I also wonder why I was like that to begin with

I remember being very apolitical in high school, but I wrote two papers about how everyone should have access to all kinds of guns and that stand your ground laws were moral. I didnt really care about either of these topics but they seemed pretty uncontroversial opinions to me at the time and I was just trying to get my homework done as fast as possible so I could go back to playing vidya.
I remember that I got completely mocked and humiliated both times for those papers and I think those experiences put me on the path of libshitism.

Tldr, bullying

Nah man, the further left people go, the more snarky, condescending and aggressive they become. The worst part is half of them don't even believe the shit they peddle but if they fall out of lockstep with the progressive narrative, their brethren eat them alive trying in vain to virtue signal.

Rural right wingers are Frank and open. They may seem stoic and unapproachable, even standoffish at times but once you are part of the community they will have your back, forgive mistakes, overlook personality flaws, help you to their own detriment and generally be good to you.

Glad you left the reservation buddy

I get ya. Small talk is usually for the grovery store of convenient store.
I've hung out at the hardware store for hours just shooting the shit with the workers on a slow day. I love it. In my town of 600, everyone is family. We had one of the elderly widows pass away a few weeks ago, pretty sure the entire town was in attendance.

Fucking mucked that up.
Grocery store or convenient store*

They project their personal failings on others to absolve themselves of responsibility

Your kind comment sure is proving me right
>Lower taxes
I voted for Trump based on that. After a few years they go right back up for the middle-class and stay low for the upper class
>Small government
Right which is why they want to ban abortion, weed, and education at a federal level
>Self reliance
Smokescreen that the system is rigged and we do nothing to help our citizens like Europe or Canada

>But the real nazis being essentially the same as the left

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I was more left when I was degenerate because you stop using logic and base your life on emotions and relationships. There’s also a lot of substance use and free shit sounded amazing. I didn’t make enough to pay in and would get the most benefit. I only liked Bernie for a brief moment during 2016 and then he and the rest of the DNC helped me realize they hate white males. In short: lazy feel-good NEETS are typically liberals and Bernie fans in particular, unironically largely white

Listen to TDS

Yeah, the left just lights the city on fire and destroys your property instead

>It's the exact opposite

The left accuse the right of what they are guilty of. It's like a bad boyfriend/girlfriend accusing you of cheating when they are the ones doing it. It's a form of mental illness

It’s always the opposite ofwhat they say

>against universal healthcare
>right are racist overtly
>libs are racist covertly
>have zero economic analysis other than shallow "give to me, not them"
>pro capitalism
>love culture wars because it's the only level of political analysis you can understand
>blind to US imperialism
>think socialist is scary

libs and rightoids are two sides of the same coin. Op you are pathetic.

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We're talking about the left, not niggers. Which will take any excuse to burn shit, whether they lean left or right.

Leftism is a mental disorder. Every generalized claim they make about their enemy is always projection of what they truly feel about themselves.

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I wasn't drawn to the left it was just the default in my social circle. It wasn't until I started experiencing the world a bit more and noticing things that I strayed from that default.

Nice blog post. Keep it to your tumblr or wherever else you used to post before one slightly more liberal than you got you deplatformed. Welcome to the party though, maybe now you wont be such a cuck.

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Same deal over here. Left leaning city folk are contentious and pious, with a good helping of arrogance and pettiness.

I've been a friendly redneck for years and it's choice. My working class mates of all ages are grounded in reality, everyone is happy to help and support each other and politics is rarely discussed. Far more fun to go and play in the creek or the bush than smash the patriarchy.

It's true though. There are much more common points between antifa, neonazis and purple-haired liberals than between conservatives and nazis. Not saying it was always like that though, but conservative ideology has seriously evolved under Trump.

It do be like that everywhere bro, it's a very strange thing. What's up with liberals? Are they more gullible to hedonism and its stupid consumerist imagery?

The problem is that liberals run on a kind of untrammeled empathy which isn't constrained in any way. That's great for the person at the receiving end of the empathy but bad for anyone else because it normally comes at the expense of something. So for example empathy for refugees causes them to want to throw open the borders all the while they ignore how bad that is for the rest of the country.

I hear ya. Having a sense of community would fix most people's anxieties

No, OP is obviously Carl the Cucк.

>All criticism is 'bullying' and 'harassment'
Yep, found the blue-pilled.
Welcome, stay a while, you will have your perception of 'reality' smashed completely in a short while, enjoy ;-)

I gotta rant!
I hear you brother. For me it started around occupy wallstreet. I started seeing all these feminist propaganda campaigns. I saw posts about how only whites could be racists and that whites have no culture. Then Elevator gate, Dongle gate, and gamer gate all happened. Movie after movie after movie of woke bullshit. For the first time I noticed that you had to sift through tons of chinese and indian movies on canada's listing sites. Then the mass migration episode in Europe. The rape cases, that new years taharush gamea thing! I learned about political Islam and I was horrified. Oh and TYT going after Sam Harris and slandering Karen Straughan!!! WTF!!! I was accused of sexism for not being attracted to transexual women with big hands and 5oclock shadow. There was all the university protests and all the other chaos. The Tommy Robinson thing and the expose on the rape gangs operating in BROAD DAYLIGHT in WESTERN EUROPE!!!! The victims were the ones being harrassed by the cops!!! The world is upside down.

It's almost like an Operation Gladio style state sponsored PsyOp is in full effect!!!

I am not okay with even calling myself a left wing liberal anymore. I still support Free Speech and I don't want any race based policies, but that being said I can't support policies that benefit minority dominance for fear that they will strip the West of the foundations of it's modern world. Science, freedom of/from religion, equality under the law, freedom of speech. All of that is under heavy attack by women and left supported out groups seeking dominance. It's fucking grotesque. Where have our fucking values gone!?!

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What changed you user

Yeah, I had one attack my window for my car idling...

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People ask why so many are on the “far-right.” We were pushed over here. We were bullied into this side

Welcome to the ride, but remember, it never ends.

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For me it all started with le epic Gamer Gate back in 2014. I just wanted to play my fucking video games.

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Both sides are dogshit. The secret is not to choose a side, but adapt with the time and keep your mouth shut, learn to play the game. Most elites don't openly share they political beliefs because they changes all the time.

Even the Jew eminence Alinski said it explicitly.
Always accuse the enemy of what you are doing.
If you throw the accusation first, half of people will permanently associate the enemy and the accusation. If they deflect, it will sound like a lame 'no u' to most people.

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Have you had an aha moment where you realized that they were using the term "far-right" as a political tool?

>Why is this? Why do they propagate this lie?
People like to project their bad qualities onto other people.

Oh ok. I know Alinsky by name but I didn't know he said that. I always thought it was some form of chaos strategy that you use in desperation, but this association thing actually makes sense.

that seems like it could be a very common reason considering their everyday tactics we see on the street.

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If you're going to sit on a fence like a cock fucking faggot and then try to manipulate people for whatever autistic reason, go do it somewhere else.