Bernie will NOT take his fight to the convention!
Bernie Bros get cucked out of their donations...yet again!
Bernie will NOT take his fight to the convention!
Bernie Bros get cucked out of their donations...yet again!
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funny, Bernie is the only one who could win. Nobody but the DNC itself cares about Biden.
That's more like an anti-happening. A brokered convention would be a holy grail of memes and salt mining.
Whats plurality? In the lead or above that 1991 number?
In the lead.
no refunds
Of course not, Bernies there to get the college votes onto the primary candidate like last time
He's so dumb. I see his logic here. He thinks, well if I say this then that means I can morally hold Biden and the DNC to it if they try to steal it from me. But nobody cares about that. He's just giving up leverage he doesn't need to give up. This is the sort of strategist Bernie Sanders is.
I don't want this midwit in charge of important things. He isn't intelligent enough.
Bernie doesn’t really want to be President. Anyone can see it. He’s just in it for the gibs
There is no better example of controlled opposition than this kike
If Biden is in first place but doesn't have over 50%
jesus christ, why can't you just google shit like this
it's embarrassing
Well what's left for the primaries? The rest of the Midwest will undoubtedly go Biden, maybe Sanders will pick up a Dakota or something. Oregon and Washington will go Sanders 100%, Biden will get Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Arizona and New Mexico will go Sanders because it's spicville and Florida will probably split delegates.
It's a foregone conclusion Biden is taking this.
This is just a pathetic attempt at shaming Biden into saying the same thing after he spent the last month saying he wouldn't respect Bernie's plurality. I guess its his only option other than dropping out now but it still makes me sick to see such weakness.
Bernie is seriously such a pussy ass jew. I can't believe I supported him for so long. If he ends up endorsing Biden, I'm going to go insane.
I want to believe. Is it too late for Hillary to participate and take it again if it comes to a brokered convention?
Jews are weak, always were. What did you expect from a goddamn jew.
oh no bernie bros
Maybe your guy shouldn't have played by the establisment's rules and the left's purity tests. Maybe take the gloves off sometime or crack a fucking joke once in awhile.He never uses humor.
Getting ready to buy another sports car.
hmmm.... me thinketh someone was promised a 4th house?
If its contested delegates could choose anyone. That's a lot less likely now than it was in the past though.
Milk them berniebros for all their worth. They are good goys.
Came here to post this
Yup. But it's not his only option. The more I watch Bernie the more I realize he learned absolutley nothing at all from Trump's 2016 campaign. Bernie has an army at his disposal that he never really deploys, like Trump did, never really incites, like Trump did, and hasn't developed a sort of secret language with his base like Trump did. Bernie, if he wanted to take the risks and court controversy, could mobilize his base in such a way that the DNC felt serious heat from it down ballot, as well as in other ways, but he simply will not venture on high stakes.
He's just at his core a pussy.
no refunds,,
the guy didn't even want to be a president, all he did was funneling the campaign money to hes wife's marketing/add company or something
and maybe having some wet dreams of communist revolution in hes name
No refunds faggots!
The salt mining from sanders supporters will suffice
This has been around for 4 years and it never stopped being true.
This meme has aged like a fine wine
But only then?
It can become statistically impossible for Bernie to win after next week
Why? Bernie is a liberal and would of course prefer Biden over Trump. There’s no question he will endorse and campaign for Biden after the primary is over. Grow up a little.
Bernie wasn't planning on getting this far, most likely he'll just do
No refunds goy.
>no refunds
Biden has the groids, he'll get the spics, he'll get every lily white 60-80 year old Liberal.
He'll probably have some fag or woman PoC as his VP too to seal the deal.
Trump cannot win again. Every labor union around the country got burned by him.
>Bernie wasn't planning on getting this far
that is 100% cope
he was expecting to vie for the nomination with a field this weak
nobody was expecting biden to CRUSH bernie
Jesus... Bernie only had 46% in 2016 but still went through to November, this is just blatant collusion with the DNC at this point. Bernouts should have taken those leaked 2016 emails more seriously I guess, Bernie lost this race on purpose.
And drain their pockets so the dnc can have a chance to beat an incumbent. Why cant bernie bros see this?
Bernie just needs a suspicious death and hopefully one of his burnouts take up his mantle
Can he be anymore of a little fucking bitch?
He’s in on it.
Biden is securing a majority of delegates to ensure Bernie can’t win. He will then step back/decline the nom at the convention for health/age reasons and release all his delegates. Brokered convention ensues, Hillary rides in as savior, Bernie bros BTFO forever and riot.
Why would he? It would be absurd to continue on without the plurality
Bit of a shame. I was looking forward to Bernie getting the nomination, and not only losing to Trump, but taking every Democrat on the ticket down with him.
Congrats to Democrats for utterly rejecting communism (Bernie) and an outright attempt to buy the nomination (Mini Mike). We disagree on alot of shit, but you guys showed we're all still Americans. Sorry accelerationist faggots. Not. Gonna'. Happen.
>Begs people to donate over and over again to help the revolution
>Doesn't lift a finger to do more the moment something goes bad and just accepts defeat
Some "revolution" he was gonna lead lmao
No refunds. Time for a fourth house.
Because Bernie represents a true choice for the People, and he needs to continue to run, even as an independent candidate to give the people that choice. If it splits the Democrats, that's their problem, not his. Bernie Must Run!
You seem to think bernie isnt in on this gambit, why do you think that a career politician isnt scamming you?
It would be but every other candidate including Biden just said they would fight against Bernie if he had a plurality.
>stronger than ever
lamo imagine believing this
Biden is barely hanging on to a lead and only because he shared office with a nigger.
He'll make more money from donations this cycle then he'll make from salary in 10 years.
Also, since members of congress only get payed somewhere around $180k a year, how does he make over one million a year (according to his taxes)?
>We would like to throw the election.
>t. Democrats