When it has the oldest longest lived civilization in human history? It doesn't make any sense.
Why do ppl say africa has never done anything?
Other urls found in this thread:
Inventing slavery and rape took a lot of work.
only a few parts of africa actually developed civilizations and those parts are near the mediterranean and mesopotamia the only africans who could say we wuz kangs are the arabs
Niggers moved in, they didn't create
It's not that africa didn't do anything.
It's that africans didn't.
Ok schlomo all niggers created everything and guess what they’re responsible for how fucked this world is. Time for them to pay on blood
could be white but it's unlikely
hamites are blacks
those are so fucking clearly not africans it’s not even funny. papuans, the lot of them. maybe solomon islanders, but more likely papuans.
North/East Africans don't count.
People count Egypt as part of Mediterranean not Africa
>north africa is subsaharan africa
ill /thread myself out
Soloman and Fiji islanders are usually Africans phenotypically but Papuans are quite a bit different. I wonder exactly what the difference is, I wonder about their genetics too. The Fijians say they came from Africa and remember exactly where and the Maori talked about coming from Egypt, and there are those Egyptian glyphs in Australia. Pretty cool stuff.
Also the name "Soloman Island" proves we're being lied to about history.
The Sahara was green around the time Egypt was formed, there was no difference between SSA and Saharan Africa back then.
Mediterranean Africa is a thing.
Aborigines have the oldest civilisation in the world. 120,000 year old culture
'Africa' is a pile of dirt
The heart of Egyptian culture was an insular Saharan society in upper Egypt. They became a big Mediterranean presence but that's not the real Egypt.
120000 years of sniffing petrol, scratching roo’s balls and eating koala shit? Noicr.
The first humans from Southeast Asia to colonize Papua date from 40k BCE.
Egypt was Hellenized and North Africa has never been like anywhere else in Africa. Really only Mali and The southeastern coast is where blacks ever did anything to their credit. That's literally all we know though as well.
>implying Egyptians are like other Africans
There's a lot of debate where they even came from to the point Aristotle and Plato claim Atlantis. I'm 90% sure it's mentioned Parmenides or just The Republic. Also, just all of the art of them shows them a distinctly light skin tone than the Nubian penis washers.
they don't look as abo as papuans do though it just looks like actors in a movie lol
Egyptians are white according to the US Govt.
Academia didn't stop there.
They came primarily from the west and south. Punt is around Eritrea.
Africans as in blacks created fuck all and it shows, name one road on the entire planet that has become populated by blacks and made better? I couldn't even name one fucking road let alone area, region, country!!
Africa gave us AIDs, increased crime, and a dying nation.
>literally a white Guy
>but muh egypt is blaaaaaaccck
You're posting botched science. A 3000+ year old mummy of a man who died when he was 90+ doesn't have red hair and his skull shape isn't that of a white person
>I-it’s fake science. My nitpicking “studies” and pictures are real though
Cope. North africa was always a white man’s land.
>not he's posting something he doesn't even understand
At least present an argument.
>your source is fake(didn’t have anything to back up his argument)
>shows to him Berbers are whiteoids
>a-atleast post a argument that fits my narrative
I mean ...
Because they're racist?
And who would know better about the racial clade of an African country than the US government.
>>your source is fake(didn’t have anything to back up his argument)
>shows to him Berbers are whiteoids
Berbers come in all shapes, as for your Tunisians they come from these backgrounds.
Pic here are Egyptian Berbers.
Stupid memeflag.
I got to be honest... Starfish, snake, mushroom, just floating above that cup? That to me looks like a portrait of the royal taste tester...
Fabricated afro centric lies
>girls are literally 80%+ berber
>egyptian berbers
>what is nigger migration.
Wow there Tyrone great shit. Niggers claiming to wuz az berberz doesn’t make them natives at all. Pic related ginger berber just like ozy himself :)
>Fabricated afro centric lies
>>girls are literally 80%+ berber
All you showed me is that people in those regions have genetics just like her. Where is her Berber traditional garb? Tunisia was flooded with slaves for 3500+ years and I also posted the history of the region which details Roman polyclot immigrants. Tunisia is an extremely diverse place. You find black natives right beside white natives.
And hose Egyptian Berbers trace their history back to far before Alexander the Great, who hung out in the Siwa oasis.
>Pic related ginger berber just like ozy himself :)
You're just making a fool out of yourself posting a man with a European skull shape and comparing him to a man with an African skull shape.
Lol literally it isn’t. It feels good egyptians were caucasiods. Big cope.
Literally a caucasiod skull. Give me better argumente u fabricating liar of a nigger even according to this link en.m.wikipedia.org
>inb4 itz liezzzzz
Daily reminder that the oldest Mummy in Egypt is a white red haired man and that virtually all the famous Pharaohs of the late bronze age have been confirmed red headed white men
The Romans were the ones who killed it.
CaucaSOID. There are just as many black caucasoids as white ones. White people do not have skulls like that, that man comes from central or east Africa, he's part negro.
The DNA study from 2017 that you're talking about deals ith mtdna(female lines) and it's from a single site in lower Egypt known for immigration. It really says nothing about ancient Egypt.
This article shows that all the pharaohs and elites were black lol.
I'll be patient with you user but feel free to ask me any questions.
But..... The oldest mummy ever found was a black kid in Libya.
lol... Portuguese ignoramus please... just please!
Your ancestors and mine fought the ottomans and their somali subordinates, and bravely held off the muslim expansion into mainland africa. it's thank to them that the whole of africa isn't full of muhamads and abdallahs. you don't even know your history let alone that of others, you idiot.
He was a Beja man.>that virtually all the famous Pharaohs of the late bronze age have been confirmed red headed white men
This is false. 0 have been confirmed red heads and only one who has dyed hair was a pharaoh.
Almost every Egyptian mummy has tropical limb proportions and somalid/ethiopid skull shapes. They are all black.
The oldest mummy ever found is from Chile, and its a red haired white man
The oldest mummy in Egypt is a red head named Ginger
Man. You are not well informed. The ancient sumerian and egypt culture, has been formed by whites.
>This article shows that all the pharaohs and elites were black lol.
I'll be patient with you user but feel free to ask me any questions.
But it literally isn’t. google.nl
>all of them were black
I am pretty sure ozy was a fair skinned ginger. It’s a FACT. Nice try nigger.
even the germans are we wuzing nowadays. haha!
>Hair gets its color from two different types of pigments: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is the pigment that gives our hair its darkness, while pheomelanin gives our hair its redness. Your hair color is especially distinctive because it has its own unique combination of eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin has two subtypes: black and brown. If you have more black eumelanin in your hair, then it would naturally be a darker color. Consequently, if there is a total lack of black eumelanin and low levels of brown eumelanin, then there is a high chance of you being born with blonde hair. As you grow older, the eumelanin levels of both kinds drop, which causes the greying of your hair.
>Pheomelanin, on the other hand, is responsible for adding red and orange colors to your hair. It’s rare to have a high concentration of pheomelanin, which is why there are so few natural redheads in the world.
>It does, however, exist in some quantities in everyone’s hair. It is also more stable than eumelanin. Eumelanin breaks down easily through the process of oxidization, but pheomelanin does not. Pheomelanin tends to hang around within the hair even after being exposed to extreme conditions. Therefore, under wet oxidizing climates, the eumelanin in the hair is lost over extended periods of time, leaving behind the red pigment, pheomelanin.
>In short, the answer is yes! There is a chance that your hair could turn red after you die! If you need a point of reference, you should look at the ancient Egyptians. Their mummies seem to sport a healthy shade of murky red, despite the centuries of decay. It does take longer, though, for the oxidizing process to occur in controlled dry conditions like an Egyptian tomb. Even so, nature doesn’t discriminate. Red hair, the fashion of the undead, eventually gets to us all.
You might be posting a rare tribe or mulattos. There's no source to those photographs.All genetic tests on ancient Americans prove they're Injun.
>This is false. 0 have been confirmed red heads and only one who has dyed hair was a pharaoh.
Tut and Ramesses confirmed red heads, linked you proof Feel free to provide evidence for the dating and genetics/phenotype of this mummy like I did for mine.
Is a nigger is a nigger is a nigger, you fucking worthless, vile, disgusting, subhuman nigger.
>Why do ppl say africa has never done anything?
Sub Saharans
The DNA study from 2017 that you're talking about deals with mtdna(female lines) and it's from a single site in lower Egypt known for immigration. It really says nothing about ancient Egypt.
Females were like trading cards in ancient times. The ydna from that site are typical black men J1 and e1b1b like these people.
Tut has no hair and his head is extremely African shaped. Ramesses has been addressed in this thread already.
We don't have Tut's genetics.
Cloud people, I identified them in the photo if you did a single google search you would discover that
Cieza de León remarked that, among the indigenous Peruvians, the Chachapoyas were unusually fair-skinned and famously beautiful:
They are the whitest and most handsome of all the people that I have seen in Indies, and their wives were so beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Incas' wives and to also be taken to the Sun Temple (...) The women and their husbands always dressed in woolen clothes and in their heads they wear their llautos, which are a sign they wear to be known everywhere.[citation needed]
—"The Incas", Pedro de Cieza de Leon, Chapter 27
lol, pic is actually funny this time.
>We don't have Tut's genetics.
I just linked you proof that we do.
Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III, based on a film that was made for the Discovery Channel.
The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.
Among modern-day Egyptians this haplogroup contingent is below 1 percent, according to iGENEA.
“It was very interesting to discover that he belonged to a genetic group in Europe — there were many possible groups in Egypt that the DNA could have belonged to,” said Roman Scholz, director of the iGENEA Centre.
Around 70 percent of Spanish and 60 percent of French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.
“We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago,” Scholz told Reuters.
It is estimated that the earliest migration of haplogroup R1b1a2 into Europe began with the spread of agriculture in 7,000 BC, according to iGENEA.
But Damascus is the oldest continually habited city in the world, and that's not in Africa.
>The mummy was forensically tested by Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris. Professor Ceccaldi determined that: "Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data—especially about pigmentation: Ramses II was a ginger haired 'cymnotriche leucoderma'." The description given here refers to a fair-skinned person with wavy ginger hair.[78][79] Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads.[80][81] This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Set, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II's father, Seti I, means "follower of Seth."[82]
When they say Africa they mean Niggers.
rare flag checked
thanks for all the awesome coffee It'yobro
You’re conflating Northern Africa with Southern Africa. The Sahara is massive and until recently was basically impassable. It’s a desert. No water, freezing nights, scorching days, no food, dry air, dangerous sand storms,... Subsaharan Africa was more secluded from Egypt than Japan was from China. Sometimes land is a greater barrier to migration than ocean.
When you realize that Northern Africa and Southern Africa were basically separate continents for the last million years (treat the Sahara as an ocean) you begin to understand evolution.
>ayo we wuz j1 and e1
>what are subclads
It’s funny how u wuz that haplogrou0. But subsaharan niggers barely have j1 haplogroup. Really makes u think. Also if they were black then why aren’t they genetically close to niggers? Oh yeah that’s right. They don’t. It’s sad to be u that u want to still this. No one in here or IRL will acknowledge that those people are niggers. Sad existence.
Caucasoid.Not white.
East Africans for sure count. They are Black. For example, look into the Axum Empire. I am an descendant , and we conquered Yemen! We built a magnicifient chuch.And meanwhile the Nords were living in basic huts...
What you're posting is conjecture, I've studied them too but there is no source for the photographs so it's worthless. I like the idea but there really isn't any proof for it. Look at these things too.
Try to understand that I'm not a shitposter and I just want people to look at history clearly. I get called afro centrist a lot but I've studied topics like this just as much as Egypt. Kuelap is underrated as hell and the Easter Island connections are interesting too. The Moche artwork also ignites my imagination since it depicts all kinds of tribes of people.
I linked you proof we don't.
Yes, read that post then He didn't have red hair, it was dyed.
You know I've seen all sorts of flags on here; Isle of Man, North Korea, Aland, Antarctica. I'm not going to say rare, but I can't say I've ever really see Ethiopia.
How are things in Ethiopia, brother
>East african descendant
Checks out
flag checks out
Ancient Anatolians are the closest relatives of ancient Egyptians, not niggers.
They migrated into Egypt and northern Africa following the Mediterranean coast line into Egypt.
Also, if niggers were able to build civilizations in the past they would be doing it in the present but they are not.
>inb4 whitey stole our knowledge so now we no longer have it.
I haven't seen one either lol, I've spoken to people from Ethiopia though.
nah man Ethiopians are white
You can say it. Ethiopia is still rare here, even in 2020. Shit, we even see Tanzania every now and then, plus Kenya Mozambique and the Congos, but hardly ever Ethiopia
This level of cope. The white ego never ceases to amaze me?
>He didn't have red hair, it was dyed. Just look at my previous post where I claimed he didn't have red hair. That proves it.
This is some nigger tier argumentation.
That's not true at all.
The DNA study from 2017 that you're talking about deals ith mtdna(female lines) and it's from a single site in lower Egypt known for immigration. It really says nothing about ancient Egypt.
The study doesn't even say what you're saying either.
Egypt begins in the central Sahara and in Sudan.
Egyptians and nuggets are different. They were some shit empire called the Nubians and everyone hated them, there was a pharaoh that once had shoes stitched to depict Nubians on the soles so he would be ever walking over them.
Niggers then and today were hated just the same.
>nitpicking pictures of random diaspora niggers is reality
But it literally was dyed and 90 year old men do not have pigment in their hair at all. Hair also lightens after thousands of years on top of mummification practices lightening hair.
Tiye for example. A lock of her hair was in Tut's tomb and it is black, while her mummy has reddish hair.