In one of the worst seasons (2018) for flu in Italy it killed 30 people in one week in Italy with 832.000 infected...

In one of the worst seasons (2018) for flu in Italy it killed 30 people in one week in Italy with 832.000 infected. Coronavirus just killed 41 individuals in a single day wihin the same population with only 3858 infection cases.

This has only just begun. China contained it with extreme measures (or are lying), but in either case we're now seeing the real deal in Italy - a wealthy Western country, where people are dropping like flies

It's literally happening isn't it and it doesn't feel good

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i literally just heard s reporter say in NPR, "with 11 dead reported in Washington and dozens suspected of having the virus..."
nigger if it's 11 people dead out of 36 or 48 people infected, that ain't no 2% death rate

way more people infected I believe

It's a Nothingburger

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No one dies of flu. No one even cares if you have flu. People with flu walk around all day and no one even bats an eye.

If you're dying of flu, you were probably one stupid thing away from dying anyway.

It's not "just a flu bros". And we'll only realize this in 4 weeks time when all the west is overwhelmed and China is sitting pretty because of its hyper-aggressive policing.

China wins again.

no, i get it. WHO is reporting a2% death rate. so 11 deaths implies 550 cases. so why does NPR say "dozens" instead of "hundreds"?

because they are trying to prevent panic. panic caused by 2% of literally the entire USA dying!

I'm starting to worry a bit desu

It looks like Italians have more ACE2 in their lungs than other whites, perhaps a similar amount of ACE2 that middles easterner's and Chinese have.

> Other whites should still be alright, albeit with a cold or flu and will recover if they aren't elderly.

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>Coronavirus just killed 41 individuals in a single day
and they don't show the race of a single one of them

why do you guys still believe this nonsense? It's obviously a universal healthcare psyop.

why do you believe this borderline voodoo bullshit of whites having strong immune systems than nonwhites?
if anything i'd go so far as to say that a chinaman's/african's would be stronger since they have to deal with fucked up diseases far more than we do

>it's literally happening isn't it
Not now that you've said it, it never fucking happens when you talk about it.

That's because they lump active cases I to the stats - people they could still die or recover

If you just look at dead vs recovered Italy has like 30% death rate

Why do you pastanons keep traveling for "fun" all through Europe while you know far too well there's a chance you'll spread that shit? How about you stay put for a few months out of respect for others if you have any at all, there's buses full of spaghettanons arriving here every day and night, you're damn lucky that our government is anti human and allows you to enter. If you have any manners you'd fuck off and stay put until this blows over, you're also the most disgusting and inconsiderate type of European to ever walk on the face of the earth.

It did the rounds at an old age home, took out 8 of them there iirc.

China are lying fucks cant trust anything from that commie hell hole. Italy doesnt hide the facts. Its widely reported crematoriums were constantly used in Wuhan. Virus wont cause end of civilization or anything but hopefully it starts a pivot away from China.

>In one of the worst seasons (2018) for flu in Italy it killed 30 people in one week
How many died of flu in whole year?

I'm curious because apparently 80k Americans died of flue in 2018, that's quite a bit.

>3000 people died within 4 months of corona
>meanwhile over 120.000 amerilards died of heart disease within the same time span
i guess its just the flu

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In Germany the flu killed 25000 in 17/18.

>No one dies of flu.
This is what zoomers actually believe.

If this is really the Happening, the media will attempt to downplay it as long as possible.
I hope you are prepared bro

Yeah heart disease is fucking contagious, please don't get near me and make me fat and die

>the media will attempt to downplay it as long as possible.
German media is even more hysteric than Yas Forums so I guess this is a good sign lol.

I guess it's mostly old people, tho.
Coronavirus can kill or disable young people.

From pragmatic perspective, it's better to just have people die, than endlessly lie in bed and take resources.

Repent and accept your saviour before it's too late, anons.

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Live on the border of Washington state it’s very prevalent and many people have coughs and runny noses You can’t really get tested if you have mild symptoms so I think we are just seeing a minuscule amount of who actually has it

Trump and the WHO have been live every day talking about it for the past week.

Even though they just say "Wash your hands"

>being this obtuse

Hysteric in what way?
In finnish media most headlines are like "wash your hands, its just a flue bro"

Communism will win

nonono it's just the sniffles delete this

Do onto others as you do onto you
-St. Ricky

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>wealthy western country


I repent. I except jesus christ as the son of God and give myself over entirely to God's grace and the word of our Lord. Forgive me for my sins

coof coof

That's because Italy and China are full of old fucks


The number of reddit spacing here is too damn high. Lurk moar newfags.

When ppl start trying to flee to China and being denied flights, that's when we laugh

Seatac, Washington resident here
> My moms school in Seatac is infected and shut down
> Boeing worker was sent home and tested positive in renton
> USPS was infecting packages
> Amazon was infecting packages
> You cant get tested because of long waits
> Hospitals are being over ran
> Homeland security immigration office was infecting people for a week
> Fire fighters are still quarantined coming down with it
> Its a raging fire currently
> Every time someone dies, they conveniently up the amount of people infected
> Its killing and infecting like nothing seen before

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Containing Corona is easier than containing Italians

This is widespread across the world and has been for 6 months. It’s just now we know what we’re looking at. All countries with a lot of international flights have had an increase in “flu” numbers and deaths. The reason the death rates are so high is because a whole lot more people have gotten this and recovered, currently have, or will get this. I believe it started with the contaminated thc carts from China back in September. It brought about the same symptoms. This isn’t as infectious or as deadly as thought.

The coronaburn is too slow, if it's going to kill me, I've lost interest. My 21st century short as fuck attention span has moved on, come take me if you aren't chickenshit Coronafag. That or get the fuck off my lawn.

What’s very weird is every death I’ve been able to find with a name linked to it has been Iranian or chinese...

Do italians not wash their hands or something?

It's nothing to do with the immune system, although that's important too.

It's to do with different amounts of ACE2 levels between races.

Those with more ACE2 die. And Italians look like having more ACE2 than other whites.

I'm surprised at everything these days. But ACE2 is the key to the Corona Virus whoever is afflicted.

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theres probably like 100,000 infected right now
but only 11 died of that. the rest have mild symptoms and arent priority for testing (ever)
not that it isnt bad, but we arent seeing the full thing. get some glasses and learn to use common sense.

They kiss a lot

>Defends a strong state
Who would have thought. It's your ilk that's going to get us deeper than ever into this shit.


el o el

The only people that died where 67 years old and upwards and all of them had severe to extremely severe pre-existing medical conditions. Meaning they would have likely died coronavirus or not and it's not certain in many cases if they even died because of it . You also don't mention that almost 500 people already recovered and even in the hardest hit region they haven't needed to activate emergency extra measures in hospitals.
It indeed is a nothingburger

Northern Italy is wealthy, which is the most affected areas.

>still this hysteric over a glorified flu...

>> USPS was infecting packages
>> Amazon was infecting packages
THIS!!!!!!! if you are getting packages or mail be sure to wear gloves then spray and wipe them down with Lysol before touching them with your bare hands. Open the boxes outside and spray the inside of packages as well.

It hurts to see so much hate from the ones I considered brothers. This happening made me realize how much European brotherhood is an utopia and just a dream. I tought the common struggle of immigration, replacement, lgbt, culture destruction would bring us close, but it was a fantasy.
You are not only not a brother, you are a Cain.
If we're you, France, Germany, and the Hungary or England in this situation I would have never mock you or hate you, not even if you unwillingly brought corona in my country.
Fuck you.
You deserve what you are getting. You deserve that main Netherlands cities are in the hands of niggers and arabs, you deserve that Dutch women call Dutch men effeminate and not manly enough, you deserve that by half of the century 50% of Netherlands people will be foreign born, you deserve that your main cities are half Netherlands and your country is 75% Dutch, you deserve that the few politicians that are brave enough to speak against that get raped and harassed by Muslims and kill themselves, you deserve that your tradition are mocked and shamed, you deserve that you get stripped off of a millennial Christmas tradition because black face Santa Helper may offend niggers and your citizen and government care more about nigger feeling than your own tradition.
You can call us mongrel, disgusting, rapebabies or whatever.
In 100 years your country will be a joke hell of mixed creaturas and the only thing left of the great Netherlands will be his memory on history books.

Human show their true nature during time of crisis. Its why unity under race, nation, and everything besides family is completely bullshit. It is nothing more than a form of control and manipulation.

Because whites and africans have less ace2 receptors and are more used against respiratory diseases and flus because it occurs more often in colder climate or something.
Thats why the American natives died while the settlers did not. Or something like that.

What's wrong with this Chinaguys?
I mean why they killing each other by spitting her virus on purpose

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>'hey could you be a doll and try not to spread that shit everywhere in europe?
unless you've just served as a pasta I hadn't seen yet

>you're also the most disgusting and inconsiderate type of European to ever walk on the face of the earth.

I was talking about this, you memeflag