Can feminism save the west from Islam?

As whites are bred out of the gene pool and refugees continue to flood the west it seems like feminism might just prevent the first world from become a Muslim country complete with sharia law. I say this because most Muslim women love the freedom that we as a culture provide women, so they begin distance themselves from Islam. what are your thoughts?

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I will save the West from Islam with my fists. Seriously, I can beat up any Muslim ever, probably all of them at the same time.

>feminists are importing their rapists
what do you think?

the people getting their ideological shit kicked in by trannys are going to save anything

White Feminism has done more to break the kike system than all the white "men" larping around with their AR 14.88s.

We NS adore White women and understand their effective work in pursuit of justice.

That's your boi Zion don and the white male republikikes

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They took out the most powerful kikes in 1 year while white "men" are busy sucking catboi cock and infiltrating the gop

the point is that muslim women love the freedoms we get in the west. some still rock the hijab but that's a fashion statement. these women will not submit to sharia law and will promote feminism and get diversity hiring spots and affirmative action scholarships

feminism as an ideology as basically weak mentality and subservience manifest, all feminists do is talk hot they are empowering themselves and doing this and that, but concretely they are asking the power holders to outsource some of theirs to the feminists for loyalty

Delusional, if not then post some proof

OP that's like asking if dragons can save the world from knights

>A challenger appears

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>these women will not submit to sharia law

one of the most fun things is teaching a woman she is a glass house & can be broken physically beaten down with such ease

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While white women and Feminists (strength be upon them) took out over 200 powerful pedophile kikes in a year. Your boi Zion Don is busy pardoning them and flying with pedo kikes on rape planes.

Sit your fuck ass down coward bitch. All these pussy ass boogaloo fags did was send a mean email and kill each other over a fucking crack pipe.

can you really? I think these guys would just behead you

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>save me from Sharia
No. Better find a Garqad tree to hide behind.

We have feminism because of kikes
We have Islam because of kikes
Why do you want to keep one of the two?

They ran away from war and wait around for an EBT card. These roaches will be cleansed from our holy lands and White women will give their consent. Just like White women brought Hitler into power, White women today will grant power to do what is necessary to cleanse our lands of subhuman animals.

Kek, good one. Comedy gold.

would a sharia free west be better? If so then we should support the fems

Who cares. Choosing between Islam and feminism is like choosing between cancer and AIDS.

Nice bait nigger.

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I'm sorry but this sounds like cope, enough white women are feminist and that's a good thing cause they will convert muslims to the cause. but whites are dying out and then we will be left with brown fems. which is better than sharia law

Because when whites die out if feminism isn't there to keep Islam at bay we will become a sharia law country! Muslim women will breed more muslims! feminism is the only cure

Italy you have invaders coming into your country already! it might already be too late for you

Stunning and brave, 200(If they all are legitimate) people taken down out of how many innocent men taken down because of this metoo shit?

You haven't felt the wrath of my fists

isn't england done for anyways? wasn't england for the english a little while back?

I dont want tonsave the West form Islam. WHITE SHARIA NOW

Are you being serious? Feminism is the most disgusting plague to ever hit the west. A little sharia in muslim towns in the west would, without exaggeration, do no more harm than the Chinatowns peppered through the west.

Feminism is perniciously evil

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>if you die from cancer you can't get AIDS anymore so cancer is a good thing

If you do nothing the muslims will take over. I'm guessing you don't care tho

there will never be a white sharia, only brown western superpowers. but with feminism we can keep sharia in muslim countries

there will always be power in numbers, life is no movie.

OK you are being Forrest Gump stupid. You know exactly what he was talking about: you are proposing to try to solve a bad thing with a much worse thing.

Feminism is a leftist ideology by the way. There is another way to stop the muslim takeover: White birth rates. That means end the global culture and propaganda war on white pride and solidarity, whilst ending this retarded liberal mission to flood every country with nigger immigrants.

This isn't rocket surgery.

>Muh innocent bois dindu nuffin.
If a few "innocent" guys get taken out in the process of taking out hundreds of powerful kikes that's a small price to pay. Fuck em. You motherfuckers had no problem firebombing millions of innocent women and children but all of a sudden "if one innocent man" bullshit?! Naw fuck that. You faggots should have taken the kikes and puppet goys yourself if you're so worried about muh innocent victims of metoo.

Do it again Feminist babes. Fuck these little cowards who make 88 million excuses why their politicians keep sucking jew dick and blaming white woman "voting" patterns.

They won't. Jews don't need muslims anymore. There wont be any (((terracts))) in Europe for now. The chances of fucking 80iq sandmonkey actually running anything were non-existant to begin with

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But remember guys, it's the voting patterns of White women. Not the kike puppets that ALL white male politicians are.

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I'm sorry that just won't happen. people in the west have low birth rates, if whites really wanted to survive long term they would be having white babies. but it's just not happening and i don't see it changing. I could be wrong in the long run but i doubt it

>but it's just not happening and i don't see it changing
Yeah, and the problem is not white fertility, it is the heavy demoralization of the literal culture war on whites.

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Why should white women make more kids so your kike puppet politicians just send them to die and kill for kikes?! First prove to them that you won't use her sacrifice and love for the same bullshit you low iq faggots have been using them for thousands of years.

>My fellow whites we need more cattle I mean white babies

and I don't want to be an asshole but this war on whites won't stop. you must adopt the mentality that whites are finished. your legacy, that is the west and it's freedoms can only survive through feminism

what the fuck are you even talking about?

because if white's don't have white kids you will go extinct, does that not bother you? your kids don't have to die for jews

Exactly. Too stupid even understand.
>We need more white babies so the jews can keep using them for usury and to fight their wars
When you get control of your world then White women will bring innocent life into the non kiked world

See, I thought that's what you were saying, but it's so completely asinine that I refused to believe that anyone would willingly post something so stupid.

> abandon thread, OP is a junior school dropout

if you do not impregnate whites with more whites then they will be impregnated by non whites. I don't want to be rude, but sir you have adopted a defeated mind set. you are voluntarily helping in the extinction of whites out of fear.

hahah, very good.

but seriously, white sharia doesn't mean shit. most muslims who follow sharia law to the letter happen to be refugees or live in total poverty. middle class muslims girls are just as thotty as white girls.

there was a beheading in London, as the muslim population grows so will it's radical ideology, after all they already have sharia courts over there in the UK

>they already have sharia courts over there in the UK

old news but what a fucking joke country to allow things to reach this point

Well said. Feminists are Lilith's daughters one and all and of course it goes hand in hand with replacement migration since these spiteful cunts vote and push for it just to hurt us.

dude your talking about your own country! (assuming your from there or care about it) and you thought it would never get to that point but it did. again feminism will save us from islam by turning the women

>save the west from Islam


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"wytes" wont be bred out you incompetent low iq fuck. sometimes i do question the "masterrace" fucking hell

I'd unironically take islam over chinks at this point

NO!! they both suck but one will come out on top if we do nothing about it! and it might be radical islam! look at what happened in england

why? aren't happa babies somthing you crave? isn't an asian qt waifu second best to white women? thats what i see posted here alot

inb4 lurk more faggot

what makes you so sure? you sound like your coping?