What would Hitler think of Yas Forums?
What would Hitler think of Yas Forums?
He would rightly bend the knee to a superior power.
No argument. This user would probably be labeled retarded and euthanized kek
Stonetoss still makes l*ftoids seethe this hard?
He'd probably kill himself again.
>rightwing meme
>rewrite it so it's leftwing
The left only destroys while the right only creates.
He would point us all as cowards and prompt to take action in the real life
>Doesnt even match the lumenproles ref
>Not even the ultra fucking lazy ubermensch the fags say
Hitler shouldve said of immigrants, of Muslims, of something. Goddam leftists suck ass at memes. Stonetoss is a fag but at least he put in enough research to know what a lumenprole was.
Most of you are fucking retards.
Hitler was like Jesus, perfect. None of the disciples were anywhere near him in terms of power level, but both Hitler and Jesus saw their good qualities and brought them out.
Hitler would see the neets, mgtow, and blackpilled men of pol and give them a purpose in life and show them a better way to live.
Maybe if he was allowed to have his 80/80 hindsite goggles. During the war his management of staff and officers was trash.
They disobeyed and lost the war. Any of Hitlers disobeyed orders proved to have been better than what the officers ultimately did themselves
Wow, that's just shit.
He’d feel sorry for us in this Jewish controlled society which only nihilism and apathy is the only hope.
The left can only meme when it’s actually a right-winger masquerading as the left
Pathetic edit of stonetoss.
The left, still to this very day, cannot meme.
The alt right has memes, the right doesn't, and the left has facts.
If adolf turned the faggot German men into aryan super soldier chads he could probably do the same to the tendy eating beckbeards.
He wouldn't find it regulated enough. But it would be a nice way to find differing opinions to then eliminate dangerous people to him.
He wouldn't like it because he's a socialist and Yas Forums is a libertarian board.
Jokes on them, I am handsome and fit and white as hell. Hitler would fucking love me.
that's what YOU claim
The left can't meme
Probably that we're a bunch of useless retards, but still potential supporters.
he'd have all you nerds throwing shot put until you're launching stones 90 feet.
>get in contact with local members from this political party in Germany
>join party
>they suggest we meet up in real life
>expect talks and essays about German history and national socialism with mature men in traditional and formal wear
>all they do is drink and listen to loud rock music
I wish I lived in the 20s/30s so that I could become a member of the NSDAP like my great grand father
The alternative to the right is the left.
>Wow, loo at all these poor souls who are willing to fight for the ideals of the superior people knowing they will never attain it. This willingness to submit oneself to the reality of the universe and fight in spite of ones nature shows a level of moral fortitude not seen in this age.
Yas Forums is the degenerate dirlewangers paving the way for better men, and no task is more worthy of acknowledgement.
Even that movie about Hitler coming back in modern day Germany has the scene where Hitler is organizing his new SS bodyguards and the only guys who apply are basically incel tier fuckups but he still stays with them and transforms them into a true and proud fighting force.
As for the Fuhrers' opinion on Yas Forums - I think he'd be pleased knowing that even though the defeat of Germany was total, (((they))) still haven't managed to kill the truth.
that stonetoss was a renaissance man
This pic is pretty dumb, it's not even made up of Yas Forums's demographic (brown college kids).
Keep telling yourself that t_d. This is a national socialist board as all of the most knowledgeable actual natives of the site are natsoc. Go back to jerking off to niggers with red hats.
Have you noticed that every leftwing meme and joke was a right wing meme six months earlier?
They're all talking about blackpills now. And that's just one example. Listen to any breadtube type person and you will recognize a lot of recycled right wing memes.
>stonetoss is a nazi and a shit tier artist
>that’s why I traced poorly over his comic and stole his joke
Would love to see them edit this one.
Yas Forums was founded on left memes, it was a counter-culture to Bush era conservatives.
it's funny--when the right draws the left, it's usually pretty accurate. Blue hair; basedface, guages--there are ppl that look like this. otoh, the left has to create characters that simply don't exist., or is more prevalent amongst themselves (obesity).
But that's not true user. It was founded on animus and gore.
Yas Forums was founded on Yas Forums, whose favorite word was nigger and they dressed as black people called "Patriotic Negras" to tell people they jizzed in their pool and gave it AIDS. They weren't politically involved at all except pretending to be to harass people for fun.
/new/ and Yas Forums were right wing from the start and quickly took over the entire site due to being havens for free speech.
Only 90s kids will remember this
Its hilarious how dare i say ? Reactionary the lefts memes are in the realest sense of the word.
makes me feel fucking old man.
>the left has facts
Like how race and gender are biological realities ?
>le rednecks are le consanguineous
Friendly reminder incest is more common among niggers in the US.
>The far right has memes based on facts, the right are cucked faggots, and the left has feelings.
I am the same body type as pic related. So he would have at least something to work with.
Pools closed due to AIDs
Like how veganism leads to malnourishment?
>Stonetoss is a nazi, and a shit-tier artist.
>Copies a Stonetoss comic one for one.
Kek, seethe harder Commie.
facts they’ve conceived
This. Also OP is obviously just a leftist strawman of the right. There are some fringe individuals but most of us are just normal but directionless working class white guys
Unironically most of us would be sent to camps as asocials and homosexuals
Did you read mein kampf?
Too much BBC, few jews killer.
speak for yourself. I just came back from workout.
outside, in the rain. I also go if its below 0°C and above 35°C.
gymfags can fug themselves
It's spelled FAGS.
Cracking open a cold one
Not going to cut it in today's world, Hans. That's metrosexual skinny tier by today's standard. Even the average amateur MMA fighter Moroccan in Germany is stronger and more fit than that.
Powerlifting + some sort of obstacle course training or HIIT (I daresay with caution: Crossfit) is the way forward for modern urban warfare.