Question for Aussies, Euros, etc

Always noticed many of you envious of American gun rights and wishing for access to the same types of hardware. My question is what are you doing about it? Have you joined hunting/sporting clubs, gotten your licences, whatever necessary to access firearms? What can you, and most importantly, what are you going to do to persue your right to arms and ensure your fellow citizens can as well.

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Any input about the situation in Germany? Hear it's not that complicated to obtain?

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I can get access to all the same guns an American can.

What sort of hoops do you need to go through? How is Finnish gun culture in general? You guys have some nice hardware as well.

Real men fight barehanded.

I'm not familiar with the topic but there's a myth that goes around in Germany that high caliber weapons are illegal here. I'm not part of a Schützenverein but will consider it.

Here's some more information about the situation from a german website:
Large caliber weapons in the rifle club
For every sports shooter, however, the large calibre weapon is the supreme discipline. Large calibre rifles such as the ordinance rifle, sport rifle and the underlever repeating rifle fall into this category. In addition, large-calibre pistols and revolvers such as the well-known 357 MAG, 44 MAG and the 9 mm and 45 ACP pistols are used.
These weapons are offered in many different variations by different manufacturers. Among sports shooters in Germany, the Walther, Sig-Sauer and Smith and Wesson pistols and revolvers are widely used.
In the field of rifles, manufacturers such as Steyr, Sig-Sauer or Winchester and Springfield are well known.

Requirements for club and shooters for handling weapons
The handling of weapons is regulated by law in Germany. Especially the clubs have high requirements to be able to carry out the shooting sport on their facilities.
First of all, the General Weapons Act Ordinance must be observed. Shooting on the facilities may be carried out under the supervision of a responsible supervisor, who must be of age and qualified by the shooting sports association. For youth work with children a special qualification must be proven.
In addition, the association must provide proof of the shooting frequency of its members. Resigning members with a gun authorisation card must be reported to the authorities if the association has issued the member with a certificate of need for the WBK.
If weapons are stored in the association building, they must never be left unattended. For the storage of weapons, there are different guidelines for security levels, which depend on the amount of weapons stored. Ammunition requiring permission must be stored in a sheet steel cabinet secured with a bar bolt lock.

Anyone wishing to work as a sports marksman must apply for a gun ownership card in accordance with the German gun law. For this purpose, the neediness must be proven, possibly by issuing a certificate by the club. The applicant must be of full age, must not have a registered criminal record and must have a good reputation.
Weapons and ammunition must always be transported separately and in sealed containers after the WBK has been issued. For the weapon, for example, you can get lockable weapon cases.
Furthermore, the weapon may only be transported directly to the competition site and back. During transport the shooter must be able to identify himself/herself with his/her identity card or passport and with his/her WBK.


Storage of the weapons
Most clubs offer the storage of weapons in the clubhouse. According to the law, the appropriate security facilities for storing weapons are available there. However, many clubs like to avoid this, as burglars are presented with rich loot through a real arsenal of weapons.

The shooter may also store his weapon with ammunition at home. But under the same conditions as in the clubhouse. Weapon and ammunition must be stored separately in prescribed safety facilities.

Im not, i can get a semi automatic ar 15 with a hunting/sporting license, bummer may be the fact that magazines are limited to 10 rounds for rifles and 20 for small arms, but you can obtain the permission to own 29 rounds magazines by subscribing to a CONI sporting association and denouncing it to the carabinieri, wich is just annoying paperwork all things considered but nothing crazy.
That or buy demilitarized guns, those ones can have 30 rounds magazines if im correct, but by being old ass military surplus/overly used and abused guns you kinda get what you pay for.

Sorry faggot but I would like my 10 white children to live and not die in a school shooting.

Additionally if you want to carry a gun around (großer waffenschein; there are some exception where you can't carry it e.g. large events) you need to prove that you're especially endangered/your situation requires it

has to do with bad parenting. if one has pic related and checks daily then this would be nearly impossible

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I do want a gun
But I don't want an average russian to get a gun

Thank you for that fren. Not impossible it seems but still a relative pain in the ass it seems. Do you think if more people got in to shooting that the laws could be loosened more? I think its atrocious that in parts of Europe you're not allowed to defend yourself

How prevalent is shooting or hunting culture in the home of beretta?

>be Australian
>Don't get shot

>obvious bait but here
Only leaves I've ever liked on 4chins are profuns

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If im correct it's kinda hard for you lads to get any guns there by default.
Like, handguns are illegal and you can only own shotguns for the first 5 years obtaining the license right?

What happens if you find yourself in a fight against "fake" men?
Get shot, and die.

>at least i died a real man

Sounds like a cope lads since I hear it's difficult in Romania.
Consider the following

There is quite a bit of movement here in straya, a lot of gun owners are beginning to vote for smaller parties that represent their interests, particularly in state elections. In terms of getting a firearm here, there are a number of hoops you gotta jump through. For instance, fill out application, get an approved third party to sign of on application and sit a test. Once that is all completed, you get your license after a ‘cooling off period’ (28 day wait) then you are allowed to purchase your first firearm (first firearm purchase also includes 28day wait). The process is tiresome and time consuming but isn’t impossible to get a firearm here in oz land. It’s just a bureaucratic and time consuming process.

the topic is basically about two issues where one is the daily self-defense and another one when shtf and the distrust in the governement.
Regarding point one I'd say it's better to keep the laws as they are since police is doing a pretty good job and arrive very fast in the big cities but regarding the second point to extend them to make distributed storage of weapons easier and make access easier when shtf.

I'm moving to Idaho this year. There's no saving Nevada, man. SHOT Show is only in Vegas until, like six or seven more years, and even then, I don't trust the Dem-run government to pull some more shit.

Universal armament works in the long run

in my country if you want a gun

-you must be 21y or older (or even 15y old if you do it for sport)
-you do this test about gun knowledge, ammo knowledge, laws, medical
-test about if you know how to operate firearm safely
-shooting on target test
-your medical records must have no mental illness

and if you pass all of this you get licence and you can buy anything you want (except assault rifles)

i could get a gun if i want, but i dont need it, it is pretty safe here

I have a 10/22. Use it to shoot rabbits and targets on private land. Rifles and shotguns are quite easy to get here once you meet the requirements. Going to get an air rifle soon to teach my kid to shoot, yes they need licences here.

An armed populace,
makes for polite neighbors.

NWO boomers have cultural supremacy in this country. We can not "do anything about" anything.

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Hunting is big, we have a shitton of boars overpopulating the peninsula so we can hunt lots of them without paying much in taxes if anything, other game like deers and camois are regulated because we can easly kill their population and so usually we have to pay a tax to hunt them and only a limited number per year.

I primarily see funs as more than a self defense issue anyway, it really is about maintain sovereignty from tyrranical govt.
Glad you lads are doing it, wanna see an untucked straya!

Funny thing is, before 1996, some states in this country had looser gun laws then America. Full autos were legal in two states and could be purchased at a local Kmart, and that was only in the 90s

>Have you joined hunting/sporting clubs, gotten your licences...
>What can you, and most importantly, what are you going to do to persue your right to arms and ensure your fellow citizens can as well.
Nothing, all the shit laws on magazine capacity and what not come down from EU, and our politicians are afraid to stand up for anything because if they do our EU gibs will be slashed next year.

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Everything is illigal but you van het anything you want of you really want to, hell a couple a months ago a guy in my city was swatted and hé had An rpg, box full of ak's, box full of grenates a grenade launcher and some other shit

I CBA to read several hundred pages about birds, ducks, deer and shit. The only way to get a weapon is by getting a hunting license. You can never buy semi automatic or fully automatic weapons, nor pistols.

Can get if fucking autocorrect

I'm envious of the weapons cz makes for euros aussies and canadians, fucking god damn cz just import them here for fucks sake

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you can get a gun here quite easily, its more difficult to get a drivers license

plenty of my friends have guns, i dont have one because i dont need one. theres no niggers here

>Always noticed many of you envious of American gun rights and wishing for access to the same types of hardware. My question is what are you doing about it? Have you joined hunting/sporting clubs, gotten your licences, whatever necessary to access firearms? What can you, and most importantly, what are you going to do to persue your right to arms and ensure your fellow citizens can as well.
I've done all of those things including getting my restricted weapons permit. Restricted weapons include hand guns and AR's but the hoops you still have to jump though to own one is stupid. My country is beyond saving at this point I'm just focused on saying me and mine when the shit hits the fan and then rebuild the nation after the.collapse and the faggots all die out

the islands in greece have all illegal weapons some islanders are up to 90% gun owners
i could have gotten one but we dont want a gun because i would probably be in jail now shooting someone over parking

> (OP)
>plenty of my friends have guns, i dont have one because i dont need one. theres no niggers here
If I were you I'd still get a couple. When the time comes you do need one you wont be able to get one user just remember that

It's not about petty criminals, its about petty govt.
Based mick, gotta keep the culture alive
I remember that post
Nice we do in the states as well. No limit on board as thueyre destructive and over pouplates

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Yeah instead you get stabbed to clubbed you moronic baboon.

>Have you joined hunting/sporting clubs, gotten your licences
yes I have a hunters licence, I joined a shooting club and I have a firearms licence. This way I have access to basically all the firearms on the american market, maybe even more. I'm not too familiar with your restrictions but as far as I know you can't have a rifle with a short barrel and a stock in the US while it's not restricted here.
If I wanted to I could apply to expand my licence for concealed carry (nothing too difficult). Open carry is not permitted here.
The process of acquiring these permits/licences is not too complex, it's a matter of money and passing a few tests (psychological, criminal law, firearm basics, first aid etc.)

>what are you going to do to persue your right to arms and ensure your fellow citizens can as well.
I honestly don't think the laws should change much, I wouldn't want every retarded gypsy older than 18 to be able to buy a gun in a tesco.

Holy Cringe

Got a .308 Tikka, one bolt CZ 22LR, one Winchester lever action in 44 magnum, a SxS sawed 12 gauge shotgun and a semi-auto one both by Baikal, and on my way to get a CZ-75 in 9mm parabellum.

the only difference is that 9mm and semi-auto rifle (not shotgun) aren't fully your property in France and is a pain in the ass to keep.

The nfa and what not sure fucked up on that.
>no eu gibs
That's responsibly to make your fellow citizen want their arms, can't rely on shite politicians. Also nice piece. I'm gonna get a hellcat.
>proof gun control doesn't work
That anodized shit looks spiffy

You dont know that shits tight
Cz makes some neat pistols, problem is half the shit isnt available here

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Sucks, while refugees somehow have aks
>not wanting one any way
If its near, that's all we can do
Lol get over your lack of impulse control Nikolas

Yes, the NFA laws here are fucking stupid, pic related. Good on you man, those laws seem close to Czechia's no?
Nice hardware. Weren't laws in the 90s looser in France? Tfw I'll probly never have a full auto FAMAS
Import restrictions are fucking gay. I want more cheap norincos and russian aks

Yes our laws are similar. We were after all one country not too long ago and as far as I know our gun laws haven't changed much since our countries split.

Same in burger land. Usually hogs are fair game and invasive so you can go nuts on them. Farmers sometimes pay hunters to massacre them. Wild cattle like deer and elk, you need to pay a tax for each deer and are limited.

I’m too lazy and impulsive to save up for that. I’m limited to older gen handguns, PSA and turkshit

That’ll never happen. Just move here, hockey bro

Yes, you could buy shotguns in sports center and even in supermarket in the 80s.

now every year they keep banning stuff, now it's harder to get a pump action, +10 rounds magazines, night goggles are forbidden, legitimate defense is never applied etc...

(((EU))) simply wants to forbid citizens to buy weapons so better make a stock now.

As for FAMAS, our (((gov))) stopped making them and replaced them with HK-416
Also prices are expensive as fuck
2500€ for a 10 round semi-auto bullpup when you can get a AK-74 with full auto for 600€ in a sandnigger ghetto.

Yes import shit is gay. How come Australia gets modern lever action 12 gauges and all we get is bs meme ones?

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Need to find a dealer that will lay away. That's how I get all my guns

Majority of us literally don't care about the gun laws.

I'd add that the problem isn't primarily on the law side but the solution/innovation side. Once there are "modern" solutions that make sense for all parties and are able to balance the risk for all parties laws will get adjusted. The real issue here is the lack of innovation in this direction even though the tech possibilities is already here

>Do you think if more people got in to shooting that the laws could be loosened more?
The vast majority of anti gunners could have their minds changed by shooting

>Always noticed many of you envious of American gun rights and wishing for access to the same types of hardware.
I can get any semi-auto gun I want, whereas my coworker from Connecticut would be subject to endless testing and mandatory training

I might be shot at by one of you little twinks but I'll have enough time to kill you with my bare hands.
Bottom text

is .22LR pretty affordable over there?