/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1614

US doctors plead to get tests

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

Italy to close all schools and universities

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Virus invades nervous systems

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

23 year old football player dies in Iran

27 year old dies, no underlying disease

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

► Detected: 97,878 ► Died: 3,353

17:38: 1 new death in Berkshire, England, United Kingdom. This is the first death in the United Kingdom. The patient, described only as older, had underlying health issues.
17:10: 769 new cases and 41 new deaths in Italy.
16:26: 27 new cases in the United Kingdom, including 25 in England.
12:47: 10 new cases in Norway.
12:30: 21 new cases in Greece.
12:27: 3 new cases in Azerbaijan.
12:23: 7 new cases in Singapore.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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I hope these threads stay comfy

>$8.3 billion
yes just a flu bro

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What about stable coins backed with gold?


>latest developments
>video archive
>preparation guides
>survival guides
>important news
>..and more!

>added 97 new videos, mostly from Iran
>added country tags to videos, hopefully no mistakes
>new videos now come with source (twitter id in filename), if applicable
>migrated files to a better server (for your wgetting)
>other minor changes

Visit nothingburger.today/

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Neither of those matter where I'm at

>My home remedy regimen designed in the first instance to create an inhospitable environment in the body for viruses and bacteria.
>Regular saline nasal spray using homemade saline solution in atomiser bottle - look online for recipe.
>Daily salt/stem inhalation using 1 pint water to 1 tbsp Himalayan rock salt and a couple of drops of Olbas oil. Dislodges flem from bronchial tubes and allows to be coughed up and expelled.
>Raw garlic and raw onion finely chopped and sprinkled on all savoury foods.
>Half tsp Bicarbonate soda daily to alkinalise body which is less favourable to viruses.
>Herb tea made with fresh rosemary, olive leaves, grated ginger root and raw honey.
>Natural plant and mineral meds are the way forward.
Welcome to killing yourself.

Before you start taking ANYTHING you need to do the science. Did you know that CoronaChan LOVES an alkaline body and in fact hates acidic? You're just making yourself into the perfect host.

Stop doing shit like you've always done for regular flu / colds. THIS is not the flu bro.

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drumpf is actually finished.
this is worse than katrina.

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>gotta work in a hospital this weekend
>no cases yet
>1 case that hasn't been made public yet in another branch in the next town over

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>congress passes $8.3b spending bill for coronachan

wow congress actually did something! And I'm sure NONE of that money will get squandered on bullshit

NEW CASE IN BRAZIL, 5 CASES NOW!! g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2020/03/05/rj-confirma-primeiro-caso-do-novo-coronavirus-diz-secretaria.ghtml

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Today was a bad day indeed, so many new cases in the West

Is it over for us?


Reposting from previous thread for my city people: Are there any jew yorkers and longuylanders in the thread? Whats it been like city side? Most normies on the island seem to be busy as usual. do you wonder if the city will declare a state of emergency like in california or they are just gonna shove it off and suppress?

W-where are you at?

How are we enjoying the happening so far? Im pretty stoked at all the nothingburgers proven wrong.

How many tests a day is Brazil doing?

>leave for 24 hours
>New York infection spreading
>Italy’s numbers exploding
Ok how bad is it?

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The Yellow Death shall cleasne the rotten, repent now.

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We are totally fucked, this is how 95% of normies here think
They think it's spread by dirty people and if they wash their own hands they won't get it

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March 5th, the beginning of the end

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Friendly reminder a big retard like me is coming for your stash and there's nothing you can do about it.

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How many preppers do you think have already entered their bunkers? When is the time to bunker up, if you have one?

So is it safe to say that the anons in this thread will die from this?

my buddy just sent me this through snapchat. I think he works somewhere in or around Pasadena. looks like some normies are finally starting to sweat a little.

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>sending it to Trump's desk

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Imagine being this paranoid over a pygmy virus that has primarily offed half dead boomers. Seek help sir, autism is a serious lifelong affliction and you seem to have a particularly aggressive casem

>S&P 500
>The World

It's all going dooooooown!

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Imagine the fucking panic when the U.S. jumps up in cases like a fucking rollercoaster. Enjoy your normie panic.

Be not afraid.


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they havent released numbers but more than america for sure. we had working tests since like 1 week into the thing. and the 4th case was found because of private testing, meaning random doctors can order tests from private labs and they work fine

>that arm

Its so accurate is hurts.

First Bulgarian case when

Anons It's been days since I've wanted to fap whats going on...

Homosexuality is not something we practice, but you sure do.


Would you rather this be a nothingburger or an apocalypse? No in betwee option.

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How does Corona-Chan compare to SARS?

>"2019 novel coronavirus is undergoing active recombination"
>"2019 novel coronavirus is undergoing active recombination"
>"2019 novel coronavirus is undergoing active recombination"



And more to be announced. Lmao

Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY NEW cases and death ,without any shit news and other stuff

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-05 at 23.05.39.png (3198x2302, 1.45M)

I live in Essen and I just came back from the REWE Markt.

1. Canned food stocks have visibly taken a hit, but are NOT gone. Roughly 50-40% of canned food stock is in place on the shelves.
2. Rice and oats are NOT gone from the shelves, but the stock has visibly taken a hit.
3. Nuts, beans, chocolate, etc. are all present in copious amounts.
4. The two things that are actually gone are liquid soap (only regular brick soap remains) and toilet paper.

We have more infected than Muricans (I think NRW alone has more infected than Murica) and people don't give a fuck. You know why? Because it's a big, fat Nothingschnitzel.

Ah yes yes, a virus that has offed 3k boomers who would've died anyway in all the time it's been here is totally the divine plague that will shatter humanity. Please report to your local nuthouse immediately before you hurt somebody

it's starting. 70 in Seattle

YES user. We are falling. Except for SD´s Akesson, he in rising

I hope anyone who says it's a nothingburger online, unironically, dies a very painful death from Corona.

lmao, so i guess that since its in Brazil now, the WHO can finally call pandemic?


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None pretty much, and a argentinian boomer died in a hospital and they covered it up to "unknown causes"

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To be fair british media are the kings of fear mongering and after swine flu, bird flu, swine flu again and ebola theyve stopped listening
Its the media’s fault

Wtf is this hippy shit. The only thing that might slightly help you are garlic, onions and the ginger. I suggest to get loads of turmeric and ginger in you, which studies have shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. Tumeric is effective against bacteria, fungus and importantly virus. You need to take it with some black pepper because otherwise your body absorbs it poorly.
Also make sure you have enough vitamin C and D. And hydrate.

Where you at user. We have 84 cases so far meaning we have at least 4-5k infected walking around in our country.

we have the front seats

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I´m quite surprised how the HAPENING is developing. Nice hapening this one.

Nothing burger

No one actually wants an apocalypse
Even the people memeing it

Did some last minute shopping in SRQ and its a very low key panic. People are purchasing much more then usual to prepare but its very calm and there are no crazy lines.
Thank god for all the idiot boomers I suppose they will die and I might survive.

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Any news on Iran?

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When all this will be over everyone will hate chinks

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My fucking roommate was saying this last night.

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Guys, my mom is really sick. She has a headache and a sore throat, but she doesn't cough. Should I be worried? She's in her bed all day.

It means the US has created a bioweapon that it can change using 5G signals to infect whatever populations it wants. Why do you think the Department of Defense just had a PRESS CONFERENCE ABOUT 5G?

why are there so few cases of recovery? i don't get it.

why does he have Argentinian football uniform?

It doesn't matter what I would rather because this probably is the biggest nothingbirger in chan history and will forever mark this website as a forum frequented by tinfoil turbo autist monkeys who will never be taken seriously again.

dear sean..


423 confirmed cases and 7 deaths in France

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Viral recombination occurs when viruses of two different parent strains coinfect the same host cell and interact during replication to generate virus progeny that have some genes from both parents.

It means that if it's pairing with another lethal virus we're astronomically fucked.


3500 dead after months. wow, the end really is near. 0 deaths in germany so far. typical hyped up panic bullshit.

Supply chain breakdown. Wait until the public discovers that China supplies 98% of the worlds light bulbs

Clown world is beyond salvation. Whatever comes after the apocalypse could have a real chance of being better.

How's the growth going compared to H1N1 so far?

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Who knows. The fact that theres no infected reported only has people only more worried.

Health fags expecting that atleast 1 guy should be infected by now but is unkown to the public

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At least 1 new case to be announced in Cork, Ireland. Hasn't left the country either and is in the University, so he probably caught it there so theres potentially 100's been in rooms with him. Nothing announced yet.


General health question: I typically get sick once or twice a year. However it never hits me hard...like there will be two weeks where I feel like I'm on the verge of getting a full blown illness but it never happens. Whereas my gf gets the actual harsh sickness and is out for a week but seems to recover faster. What does this mean?

Is it better to get sort of sick over a longer period of time or full blown sick for a shorter period?

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Elderberry is an antiviral

show him this

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check her temperature and ask if she has muscle aches


happening ?

Apocalypse. Society is fucked. We need a hard reset. Canada fag that responded to you is an ironybro retard. Fuck him.

>>>being this new


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Update on what's going on in Washington state. Live coverage all morning on the TV. Meanwhile I'm still working on cars, getting in and out of strangers vehicles all day. Only a matter of time before the coof gets my lungs!


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I misplaced the John Hopkins tracker. Anyone have a link?

Treasure this information, anons. You've had prep threads, prep lists, prep advice.
But do you know what you're about to experience?
If you live in a city and Corona brings forth a SHTF scenario, expect pic related.

Be ready. Stay safe.

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And how many dead? Oh wait you won't reveal that because then your delusions will blow up in a cloud of smoke. A real happening would've been the black plague where people dropped like flies, this is a pygmy virus that will be gone in a month tops

it's only just begun

>could take weeks
skip the whole thing then because we'll all be infected at that point

6000 people have just been exposed in Colorado. A woman ignored the quarantine order and went to work because she didn't have enough "sick leave". LMAO Americans are literally going to die for their shit system of work culture.

Just wait until germany explodes like italy has hans. You'll be begging for death

Kill yourself you fucking BRIGHTLY GLOWING, nigger. You fall with the rest of us.

So why are we not getting more deaths?

Antarctica isn't real

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Does this include FISA?

wait and see user. wait and see. I don´t wanna update graph. It´s higher

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>dont travel to iran,China, and Italy

Also Canada
>chinks,sand niggers, and wops are welcome

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based and 5gpilled

Roosendaal (brabant). According to my dad (who also works in the hospital) there's a case in Bergen op Zoom. Nothing in the news yet though.

If you're wearing your mask there's no problem.
You ARE wearing your mask, right?

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>suspicious website
>various downloadable files

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Should I try to lose my V card before everything goes to shit?

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You should probably discontinue if you do get sick to prevent a cytokine storm but Vitamin C should be used pre and during sickness.
Chinese protocol is using up to 200mg/kg per day IV Vitamin C

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Lmao your country just posted a 107% daily increase, in a couple days you'll be going through the full Italy experience. Good luck german bro.


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Lurk more.

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>Only 3k dead
>Muh CCP Numbers
The virus is only now starting to explode internationally. Most of those reported dead come from China. The CCP numbers have no credibility so you have no idea what the true number of dead are.

we all die
fucking finally

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i though it was a meme on cvg but it seems good

The news cycle is so bizarre right now. One day it is doom and gloom and the markets go down, next day it is about Democrat primaries and the market goes up. I'll bet tomorrow there are reassuring stories, then Monday will be panic again.

Speak for yourself leaf, I don't give a fuck about the comforts of this world .
I want to live again, I don't feel shit anymore and my life could not be anymore mediocre and redundant .

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Same mentality as people who think a revolution brings about a better day

99% it’s significantly worse

And this will be the same in this case too

I'm bringing 25 tonnes of onions from Netherlands to Poland.
Is that enough to save my country?

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Goalpost status: Shifted

41 dead in Italy in one day.
can someone in Italy tell us who are this people and why so many?

me too. but only after they watch their loved ones suffocate in their own fluids right in front of them

North Korea?

nothing burger. i love my family

You're dumb

Apocalypse please
This clown world is so fucking pathetic

What will /cvg/ do to celebrate when we break past 100 000 cases tomorrow? I'll go have sex with a hooker before we get put under quarantine, no way I'm dying a virgin

'Tis but a cold, take they prescribed medicines.

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The only thing you can do is take a shitload of vitamin c

>Rio de Janeiro

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Keep going user
Keks work
You getting much traffic?

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I like the fountain pen he uses. I want to buy it but don´t know the model

You do realize that a flu outbreak has a exponential curve with regards to infections too right? Do you dawn your hazmat suits and run around the streets yelling apocalypse everytime somebody comes in witha a common cold?

>Reminder that I'm a retarded faggot who won't stop posting this photo in every thread well beyond it becoming stale, moldy pasta

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When everything goes to shit it will be easy to just go and grab one you want

What if we are immune user?

I was in bg last year and my aunt was ranting that Baba Vanga said all Bulgarians need to be back in the country for 2020

Those anime crumbs faces always look like someone took a massive shart right in her face

What if all the head meds are made in China or India....

You don't have to hope, they will. They'll be some of the first because they're out there coofing around in mass gatherings

What are the odds that these market corrections are just mega investors buying massive portions of companies?

I love how you shitpost in every single thread. Every single day.

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The same reason you have Moorish buildings.

It's a cause for concern.

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holy shit

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>when people say it'll go away in hot weather.


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We finally got on the death train, yay!

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How? Do you seriously think society falls apart instantly?

Sounds like something a racist would say.



we're coming for you, ayyy

WA state up to 70 cases, +31 today

>It means that if it's pairing with another lethal virus we're astronomically fucked.

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Trump says no bro, just a flu.

>China implements the largest quarantine in human history, still ongoing after months
>China squelches the flow of information to the outside world
>The virus escapes China and begins to explode internationally
But you know it's a nothingburger, because of those CCP numbers! For there to only be a few cases in mainland China, outside of Hubei province is totally legit as other countries begin to gets hundreds or thousands of cases per day. China is just that good, hurrrrrrrrrrr

oh... oh no...

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sloppy job op , wheres the numbers?


People in China have been locked inside their homes, allowed to go to market only twice a month, for over 40 days.
If you think that isn’t coming to the rest of the workd you’re an idiot.

I literally posted 3 times across 2 days. I'm working on new outfits please don't bully me. And that's copyrighted work I can sue you.

It's easy to estimate based on the countries other than China, and so far their numbers are not impressive with Italy already hitting critical mass and slowing down compared to its intial rates whereas SK will pretty much stabalize next month. A true outbreak would become more and more infectious as the number of victims increase, this pygmy virus is going the other way round.

But user! The virus is destroyed at 10000c. It'll be ok in the summer!

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I bought a half respirator but im already realizing that by the time it's acceptable to wear it people will be hysterical enough to just rip it off my face or otherwise destroy it out of spite. I am of course nogunz.

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Not yet, but I will start once normies start wearing disposables. I've got a big scary gas mask and I'm waiting on the spectacle insert.
I work alone all day and bike home so I don't see a lot of people.

>implying that didn't happen

So this is killing everyone not just boomers?


Has anyone mentioned this yet?

Attached: 2020-03-05 11_17_31-Live updates_ Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN - Waterfox Cla.png (798x568, 60.65K)

Why is she such a fucking slut?

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>Surfaces wiped down
>Towels and tea towels washed in dettol laundry cleaner
>Light switches, door handles, remotes, keyboard, mouse and phones wiped
>Air purifier hoovered, cleaned out and wiped down

Whats your routine frens?

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Are you the dude that was putting signs up on the Window of life wall? Kinda looks like him

>No one actually wants an apocalypse
Speak for yourself, if I could go to space and start chucking asteroids at the planet, I would

Is there more information on this? Or is it only really effective because a lot of Chinese have vitamin C deficency?
(get your daily fruits in you people, simple apples are high in C for example)

last weekend at Costco in North Texas was all East Asians and Indians doomsday prepping. I don't even think we have a confirmed case yet.

White boomers are like, "It's just the flu!"

Maybe the fur-innurs are talking to their family in India and Asia and freaking out?

I also remember reading something vague about bulgarians returning to the country out of fear. And it wouldnt be the first time she would be right. Based Vanga looking over her children.

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can't unsee

Where are the Leaf numbers? No way we are getting off this easily

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1 MINUTE AGO, BRAZIL ACTUALLY HAS 7 CONFIRMED CASES, NO MORE DETAILS WRITTEN YET g1.globo.com/bemestar/coronavirus/noticia/2020/03/05/brasil-tem-sete-casos-confirmados-de-novo-coronavirus-diz-ministerio-da-saude.ghtml

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Technical difficulties

Lmao does your third world shithole even have hospitals?

Did you came to save us, OwO?

Why do you need a happening to radically change your life?

If you’re a passive loser to life now, you will be a passive loser to life when SHTF. Yeah it might be a little thrilling in the beginning, but chances are you won’t die, and you’ll just have to go back to passivity in an even shittier world

>yfw it somehow creates zombies

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There is a 100% chance that we are heading towards a dystopia if things continue as they are, so I'll take a 1% chance of something better on the horizon. Some kind of cataclysm is necessary to bring down the corrupt systems of power that rule over us.

It'll be over 6 million by next week

cool shit

>I want to live again, I don't feel shit anymore and my life could not be anymore mediocre and redundant
Basado y rojoempastillado
Fuck this clown world


Its just the flu

Again where are the death rates? 4 months and what, 3k boomers who would've bit the dust next year anyway? Is this your definition of a divine plague that will undo humanity? You sir need to read a book.


It takes a long time for your body to finally clear the virus, and the course of the illness is about two weeks IIRC...and we are really early in this as far as cases outside of China.
The China numbers aren't even worth studying...so that is my guess. Also don't forget the 80% with mild illness, so we are just looking at that very ill 20% that needed hospitalization.

Argie user has been at it all day for weeks cut him some slack.

alright time to get the flamethrowers

Non argument, opinion discarded.

damn I'm so jealous.

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Apocalypse, we need to wake the fuck and start working together to better humanity, but if we can't do that we may as well die.

Yes we do

my money is on chicago becoming seattle 2.0 and then jew york being seattle 3.0

Attached: chicago.png (1045x826, 592.72K)

>worrying about catching the bug
>not freaking out about the economy

Lmao we are looking at the wrong thing

>not wearing it anyway to fuck with everyone

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schizo are you afraid to catch a cold schizo?

Flying chink aids has a more lethal baby?!

Apparently diet can affect the virus, and Canadians have a shit diet that might just save them

#BREAKING: 2 coronavirus cases confirmed in San Francisco
>#BREAKING: 2 coronavirus cases confirmed in San Francisco
#BREAKING: 2 coronavirus cases confirmed in San Francisco
>#BREAKING: 2 coronavirus cases confirmed in San Francisco


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I think it will explode soon. We have probably 2 weeks until normies start to panic. Good speed user.

If this was nothing, than why are people dead?

It was a confirmed larp

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Both massive memes compared to copper which is far more useful for trade in a SHTF scenario.

Well, I've been standing down in china town now for 3 fucking days flapping my arms, taking large gulping breaths and I haven't caught shit. I mean I'm literally exhausted from sucking chink air and nothing...nada...zippo.
I'm going with nothing burger...disappointed to be honest, but I did manage to get a cool doggie recipe from that dude eyeballing me last couple days.
Worked out ok in the end.

no, just a flu bro

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By the time it’s acceptable to wear it you shouldn’t be leaving your fucking house

>Reuse the same shitty surgical mask
>Forget to wash my hands
>Touch my face all day

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TN has a case

Every country in the world, from Japan to the US (and whatever country your faggot bitch ass is hiding behind the meme flag), is pretending the virus isn't a big deal, since preventing infection is impossible so you might as well keep people at work and not panicking. Trump is as finished as any other leader. Plus the democrats are actual subhuman monkeys

guys, I want off this ride
my country is led by retards
twitter is full of just a flu bros

you can't really compare them, because in both cases (((they))) pulled the numbers out of their asses.
Changing them on a daily base to influence the normie thinking

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gas Gas GAS

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Holy fuck what if this combines with something like ebola

Hope you're stocked up enough or have friends with gunz. I am also sadly nogunz.
Waterloo region had first confirmed, tracked (Italian flight) case. But I don't believe it's this low, not one bit. We're not doing a single thing to stop it and I'm convinced Toronto and Vancouver will implode any day now.

You are complaining about the US while having more cases.

Please report to your local nuthouse immediately, you're severly I'll and your friends and family are extremely concerned about your well being. This is not some divine plague that will end humanity sir, this is merely an aggressive glorified flu and your failing mental state is unable to comprehend that.

Bros, who all thinks this shit has literally been all around the world for months? It’s the same thing that those black market vape carts were causing. Since that happened this has been going around. The cdc claimed the flu season started unusually early and deaths are up from last year, even though they haven’t eclipsed other years since 2010. Anyone else think it’s possible this isn’t as deadly as what’s being claimed and shits been floating around for fucking months how svenanon was saying?

Califags are next

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Can you imagine how fucking far the Dow is going to fall when the U.S starts quarantining cities Wuhan Style?

>heading towards
You are talking like it was 20 years ago, We arrived there a few years ago

nice source faggot

those glasses would break the seal , rip dude

Can control the cleanliness of my house
Cannot control the economy

My food prep, gold and silver will help me

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the Army's presser is live in 7 mins

Chimpouts incoming

No I dont live in a city. Or that state for that matter. Though the window of life was fucking hilarious.

It’s very fishy

I don’t understand how Vancouver numbers are so low

The news hasn't picked it up yet but there are rumors of at least 15+ people in quarantine here. Crook county has a strong leash on the media in this shithole corrupt state.


What items should we stock up on that China produces a large amount of such as batteries and lightbulbs
I dont give a fuck about lightbulbs and will be buying candles and matches

...Mayor Breed? Seriously?

>it’s in Africa
Oh Jesus Christ....it’s going to combine with some rare Congolese death virus and spread that shit later this year, right when the world thinks it’s safe.

If you think Chinese Corona-Chan is a bitch, wait until you meet her cousin that’s half-nigger


Attached: NEW San Francisco reports first 2 cases of coronavirus; both are the result o[...].png (898x417, 42.69K)

It's already exploding. There were only like 2 reported infected last week. It's 83 reported now.


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9 official 11 unofficial

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and being much smaller population wise


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the digits don't lie

How long before we blow up the Dunav bridge so we keep infected romanians out?

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oh no! Couldn't have happened to a better city!

I sure hope it doesn't spread through the human feces that's on the streets, that sure would be a shame!

I was banned for the past 3 days, so your rant is all for naught and you've just exposed yourself for the mentally ill schizo you are


100k today?

yeah, every year we see medics in hazmat suit treating the flu and the countries shutting their borders user

Start here
plenty of articles that link back to peer reviewed research done in the west. Vitamin C in high doses oral and IV are safe and effective for many things.
I am 12g/day ascorbate spread out over a few g every few hours to keep the concentration high and prevent GI issues that come with much higher oral doses.

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With the mass immigrants of Iranians and Chinese. I am expecting more cases than Italy right now.
We have barely any ventilators too, so we're screwed.

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I got a nice little selection of anime and manga to trade once the collapse happens. I’ll just use those to barter and trade.

>No one actually wants an apocalypse
Fucking normies

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this is one of the very few things that would wake people up in new york. The trains stop FOR NOTHING.

C'mon stonks, do a crash.

Where does Steam trade? Bet their stonks will soar

monitor her carefully, don't panic
>The median incubation period was 4 days (interquartile range, 2 to 7).
>The median age of the patients was 47 years (interquartile range, 35 to 58);
>0.9% of the patients were younger than 15 years of age.
>A total of 41.9% were female.
>Fever was present in 43.8% of the patients on admission but developed in 88.7% during hospitalization. The second most common symptom was cough (67.8%); nausea or vomiting (5.0%) and diarrhea (3.8%) were uncommon.

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New case in Waterloo Ontario Canada. Bitch came back from Italy on two planes with symptoms. THEN TRAVELED TO A hospital 2h away where she tested positive and as told to self quarantine at home with her husband and 6 kids. Surely they will all stay inside.

how old is that article? come on user

Weve seen pently of dead but are there any pics or videos of someone in the process of dying? All the imagies of dead laying in the streets make it seem as if the cause of death either comes very suddenly or the victim is unaware they are dying. She kills by suffocation right?

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Lol gold wont save you

>California is getting fucked

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if shtf then knowing how to fix shit and ammo are going to have much more value than your useless shiny rocks


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>my brain thought it was a major breed of the virus frst

why wont someone just nuke china , someone convince NK to do it

>Community spread.
>Don't know who patient zero is.
Can't contain it now.

Really? I wanted to believe the part about exchanging a can of spam for sex.

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Please save those potatoes. They're too pure for this terrible world.

I love how you know he shitposts in every thread every single day. Is this the start of the story of 2 sweaty fat neckbeard lovers?

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Can't have cases if you don't have test kits

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The two week incubation period throws that logic out the window. You could have 20 people showing symptoms, and those 20 could infect hundreds, but there would be appear to be fewer cases for the next few days because the newly infected take time to show themselves. Also, the ability to confirm cases and the doctors required to do so are not exponential. That means it is expected for an exponentially increasing virus to eventually appear linear as the ability to confirm cases reaches its limit - even though it is not linear. At a certain point they will only be able to estimate.

Sorry my Plutonium coins are out, pls spare me mr ayy.

Leave the French colonies out of the map. There are not hundreds of cases in fucking French Guyana.

jokes on you faggot i'm already living in poverty

Civil control you fucking maple syrup eating faggot.
I can't just go around and machete people for trying to steal my prep supplies in a normal functioning society. It carries heavy lifelong consequences.
I want society to collapse because I don't want the protective bubble anymore , I want chaos.
If I die because I am a passive loser then so be it , at least I lived for a few moments outside of the fucking factory I work in for 150 pesos a day.

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Can't wait for Corona-chan to turn into a ripped nigger because of ebola recombination

Once there are 50+ new cases every day, there will be no more reassuring stories.

Fucking kek

>The median duration of hospitalization was 12.0 days (mean, 12.8).

At this rate, definitely.

>standard protocols implemented by countries to deal with a glorified aggressive flu totally heralds the end of the world, trust me bro

Laughable mortality rates aside, this virus is already plateauing in the initial countries and will continue to do so in the newly infected ones as well. Read a book sir.

The Government is buying Hotels here to use as quarantine zones , emphasis on "buying"

learn to quote

>patient zero

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+31 cases WA
Washington up to 70 cases now

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>The virus is spreading uncontrolably in the USA

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Were you the same user as yesterday asking ?

This will just accelerate things. There isn’t even a 1% chance things get better.

People are so weak. They live passively and blame the external for all problems, instead of being active agents of their own life. If you are a slave, it’s because of your own fucking mentality. No happening will liberate you.

If you can’t live freely, and take action of your own life, you deserve to be a slave, regardless of the system around you.

Wonder if it'll combine with Hep C once it hits the homeless population

Do they really though? Does the seal not form around them?
How hard is it to get spectacle inserts?

what movie?


Not even kidding but he is in Greece now handing out leaflets to rapefugees that Sweden is full lmao.

Here's the science...(at the bottom)

Get 3-4 boxes baking soda--unironically--
very cheap, and was apparently key in preventing all out or massively reducing intensity/duration of the Spanish flu.
Alkalizing ones system makes a much more difficult environment for viruses to function.
Taken 3-4x a day, 1/2 tsp. in 8-12oz water.
t. I don't buy into most of these stupid fad panaceas or snake oils, but this one is cheap, harmless, and has lancet backing(since the 1920s)





>1918 influenza pandemic survivor interview: Mrs. Edna Register Boone
watch the whole thing if you can,(starts just before critical info)

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Looks like a movie scene

>Shut windows and doors
>Lie in bed
>Try not to cry
>Cry a little

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The apocalypse, digits confirmation please.

the only stable coin backed by gold is the gold coin in my safe

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>No one actually wants an apocalypse
that's where you're deadwrong bucko we GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

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Hungary has another case, we have officially joined the "infected by Italy" club after our corona virginity was taken by Iran. But we might be heading for prestigious triple penetration, because we have just quarantined 15 coughing Japanese.

nice trips.

It’s literally a nothing burger and will continue to be.
At most 70% of the world gets infected with a 3.4% death rate means 190 million dead. With hospitals being overburdened it might get to 300 million.
India spawns that many people in three years.
Literal nothingburger.


I am super surprised that this is the mayor of San Francisco. NOT

STFU that's not how shit works

please deny it, Just let it burn

Oh dear.

They are.

Attached: stonks.png (648x95, 15.68K)

I don't use (((analytics))), but in the past couple of days ~330GB data transferred, a lot of it is probably wget traffic though.

thanks man
will probably get on some high daily C intake, at least till this has blown over

There's a rumor of 50+ in critical condition in Van from a supposed nurse user here. Honestly, I'm obligated to believe it because of their huge Chinese population.

maybe you have extremely strong response. do you have allergies?

Ask if her eyes have a burning sensation. Tell tale sign apparently.

Don't forget babushkas sauerkraut.

Howdy, newfag. Lurk more, kiddo.

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Are these just pics? Or screenshots from a video?

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Based Mexibro


im going to die here in chicago. did meme prepping in january and i work from home. but still, it's going to be a shitshow soon and i'll get assraped by a pack of wild niggers

I do just to spite you, gives me an excuse to live in the grass in a gillie suit and a gas mask. Playing the division in real life will be interesting

bien dicho compa

Attached: jimmyisprepped.png (686x526, 1.38M)

>It was a confirmed larp
Still no proof of this

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DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037
DOW DOWN -1037
>DOW DOWN -1037

Except this virus has been around since mid October with the infected travelling all over the world, and since then the infected, though large in number, are still nowhere close to justify the amount of paranoia in these threads. And that's excluding the pitiful mortality rates

That guy is 100% a faggot homosexual ,the Judy Garland album is a dead giveaway

Oh im retarded


user pls.

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Making fresh lows

Are you a giant, or are your ceilings just really low?

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>Alkalizing ones system
Completely and utter bullshit. Your blood is literally a pH buffer, making it more basic would kill you. Your body will literally do everything in it's power to prevent from being alkalized.

Apocalypse. Check 'em

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based. I haven't work in over 5 months because it's a fucking lie. My father and his father could earn a living; now you can't. Look at how degenerate shit is. Why even work for it? Let it all fucking die.

its so out of control
it cannot be stopped, not like they really tried to do that anyway

Attached: CANNOT BE STOPPED.png (1496x1147, 569.14K)

Based Campbell

That is a scene from the flu (2013)

Attached: iRm_Hi2XfRy36jt-VideoToMp44.webm (640x480, 2.13M)

We're fucked brabantbroeder, nobody is acting on it, the elite will flee soon and do things from abroad.

You know it’s going to explode next week, probably 500+ per day


I mean he is recycling food, very progressive of him.

>standing around for 3 days
>incubation period of 2 weeks

The Chinese nurse in her death bed that circulated was a pretty good example. Someone else can post the webm

How long until your kinsman are fleeing back across the border and taking it with them?

anything like that can break the seal , especially beards , that's why nowadays on construction sites you have to have a face fit test to see which mask fits you properly

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We knew a crash was coming ,China isn't producing shit , for all intents and purposes China is a dead economic sector

What if there actually is coronavirus here but the government can't spend money for quarantine/treatment so they cover it up?

Same where I live. They all look stressed out to.

Means that larger pieces of genetic code can effectively change if there is enough divergence between different strains of Corona.
Say, the virus needs a couple of sites to change in one region of its RNA and then a couple more in another region to infect more efficiently. Unless they all change at the same time it won't be advantegeous to the virus so those changes won't necessarily stick by themselves. It's unlikely that the entire sequence will be achieved through mutation in a single strain. But if you have different strains share parts of code with each other then there is a chance that they already separately developed the bits they need for the whole and all it takes is for one particle to inherit all of them.

And all that separates you is a long, porous border.

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now I´m scared

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I'm a skeleton. Since I had no weight holding me back I reach the sky.

Of you want to die, just kill yourself

If you want to live a different life, FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Stop being passive flesh bags that’s life happens to. Chances are, you won’t die from this and you’re life and mentality will still be shit after society crumbles

You’re all so naive and weak

new: new: new:

You've failed, just like your pygmy virus will after this infection has run its course in about a month.

People are already stocking up. Them stocking up is enough of a strain on the production lines.

Porto Alegre apocalypse, when?


Go drink some of your country’s faucet water, spic.

Sure, it looks real dead..


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how's gensokyo doin?

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Ebola + Corona = ???

staedtler fountain pen me thinks.

>Where are the death rates
We don't know, because the overwhelming majority of cases took place in China, and the virus is only now starting to seriously spread throughout the rest of the world. The Chinese numbers mean nothing, because China is full of shit. It could be 3k or it could be 100k for all we know.

>I can't believe they stopped they trains for a flu!

Attached: boomer.png (900x601, 1.05M)

here's all the information you need: bullshit

You can't really quarantine a virus that spreads asymptomaticlly , the host can appear healthy, while spreading the beast

didn't read the docs did ya?
your (you)

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You seem to be unaware I was answering the retard on the other thread who posted the "how I'm not going to get this shit" post (see the greentext which is a fucking quote). I lambasted the retard for not doing their science homework and discovering that Wuflu loves an alkaline body (which they are advocating).
I've been practicing self health and plant medicine my entire life. I do not do jack shit until I look at the science of how a disease works. Sure, common flu / colds are known entities and will respond to the old tried and true--but something new? Anyone that just starts doing the "just the flu bro" shit without studying is a flat out retard.

Tumeric, yes especially with black pepper-for normal stuff. Whether or not it will actually help this? I have no fucking idea.

What WILL help?
Bacterial pneumonia will respond to P73 oregano oil, olive leaf oils, lomatium, and osha root. BUT? even those heavy hitters may not work against this.

What is not going to work?
Colloidal silver--fine for normal stuff but not nearly strong enough for this.
ANYTHING that enhances the immune system is going to make you worse.

In what cases might vitamin C actually help? IV high dose might in fact help. still waiting for the data from China / Korea. BUT taking it by mouth-not even possible to attain the high doses needed and it is not going into your blood system. Oral is not IV. But you CAN get the proper dose SLOWLY into your blood system directly via pic related. NOTE PROPER DAILY DOSE

IV vitamin C dose
Coronavirus and it includes intravenous vitamin c at 50 to 200 mg PER KG patient body weight PER DAY.

Here is a library of articles, each article with references to published papers and clinical research often published in major journals:

Here is one mechanism by which vitamin c is thought to inactivate viruses in vivo

Attached: Wuflu vitamin C diy 2.png (1771x748, 138.1K)

I can't stand around doing that for 2 weeks in china town. Almost got arrested already. I'm sure they think I'm some kind of yellow fever pervert (although there were some cuties down there).
Don't have time for that shit

you're not stopping me from reacting to it