Kraut/pol/ - corona edition

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Communism will save the day.

This editions is really bad.
The theme however would've been great.
Verdict: Don't post again.

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in africa

That's right! no one can get infected with corona if they are busy dying of malnutrition.

bin ich hier richtig bei der ekligen weißen mehrheitsgesellschaft?

My words, Genosse! If China would've stayed traditionally Maoist, then there wouldn't have been a bat soup, to begin with.


why not both?

dude you know that we had "communism" till the 90s so no one here will care about your shit. find another thread


überall werden schulen geschlossen aber nicht in nrw, der ort mit der höchsten infektions rate.

No, it's not over yet.

how many of the 200 are corona?

yeah, creatura made editions are so much better, eh? where were you, faggot when there was NO edition? yup, twiddling your thumbs up in your prolapsed anus! put up or stfu

Maybe i got a fucking job you dolt.
How about that?

please refer to my last - put up or stfu

Im Kreis Heisberg haben die Schulen bis zum 15.03 geschlossen. Sie gucken dann weiter. Wurde heute bekannt gegeben.

go and enjoy your liberal movement fag

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Meddl loide

>Fuck off incel
>For the chads
Oh so thats how it's going to be eh?Going to insult me like that for no reason? tell me how many children do you have you self proclaimed chad?Probably none, and good for it, since you would make up a terrible father you empathless worm, be it that 4 negros rape you for hours untill you bleed to death and your genetic lineage drowns with you scum of the earth.Now go and jerk off to overwatch negress you so much like and sink deep in your fantasies of superiority untill you choke on your own egoism and reach for the rope as you should you sack of human vomit.

>2% mortality

If i have to pick between chicken pox and the plague then i'll kindly inform you where you can shove it, larper.

So how long until Merkel gets killed by corona my guess is 2 weeks I can't fucking wait until that fat kraut is out

"Hartz IV Empfänger haben nicht nur kein Geld, die haben auch keine Ressourcen im Kopf". Lmao sind schon ein paar miese shitskins, die sich da ihrem verbalen Durchfall hingeben.

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We all gonna die, some day.

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any medal collecting fags itt?

The Chinese quarantine was more effective than I expected it to be, tbqh. Containing the virus at 80.000 for several weeks now, quite surprising.

I bet some bug chasers smile today.

Where can I get one of them hope raisins?

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Wegen Karneval haben wir viele angesteckte Arschgeigen heir in NRW. Gott strafe dieses Bundesland, es ist ein Plumpsklo voll mit Kanaken & Kommis.

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Also are assault weapons banned in Germany I'm considering moving to sweden or Swiss/Germany

I hope the virus spreads inside the AfD and other Nazis. Since no one shakes their hands it would be the perfect clean genocide.

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wow edgy

A wholesome kind of edgy, actually.

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die leute in dieser show sind so abartig dumm und hassen weiße. warum erlauben wir sowas überhaupt
make sure you dont miss a lefty demo.

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None because they are obliged to test, euronigger meme flag faggot

Show your flag.

>lefty demo
No, I hate the left.

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>Not Neocons
I didnt know people with a single-digit IQ existed.
I'm a big fan!

what do you vote than? you are probably a muslim guestworker

Agreed, lad. Corona is more depressing given how retarded most people act. At least the Greece situation has a high entertainment yield.

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Na i glaub des funktioniert net aso wia da du des vurstoist ...

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lmfao i bought drugs in that park in Berlin in just the same manner (in the vids end)

what a degenerate wonderland

Because politics are only a spectrum of left and right, yeah, mouthbreather. Don't reply to me again.

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just a flu, bro

I'm a waldgänger and a Prussian.

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Why are doing some left regimes genocide and some not?
SInce its only left and right it means genocide is left right?

but why hate against the afd? I get it jews etc but they are the best option to at least decrease the number of shitskins and muslims

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>Politics are only a Spectrum
You are on a Spectrum, mate.

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>a waldgänger and a Prussian.
based is based! Make Teutonic Order great again and retake Königsberg!

>engage full Führer

Sind wir das hier nicht alle, Herr Propagandaminister?

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AfD do way more damage than shitskins. If we'd have an interpersonal climate that doesn't discriminate against people and also not a bureaucracy in which even Germans get lost, then we could make use of those people. But AfD shifts the discussions into directions from which no actual solutions can come.

>that 20-something Faschoomer that only thinks in Yas Forums-memes

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The AfD gets removed as soon as it outlived its usefulness, they're nothing more than pawns to point fingers at.

>AfD do way more damage than shitskins
I disagree

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To elaborate further: The AfD is a party that ensures the status quo is kept. It's a party not for making politics but for blocking any progression whatsoever. Therefore it does more harm than good.

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look at france and germany today. jesus

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Also Jünger Leser aber gegen die AfD?

cdu/csu are not better in terms of progress but yeah true

As I was saying. You are just a pawn spreading things that block any progression and pragmatic solutions. "It's us vs. them" is the lowest common denominator and usually for people of lesser intelligence.

This dipshit in particular is out of order.
Zucht und Ordnung, Mein Führer.

Yeah. The AfD is a cesspile of retards and enabling more retards to come forward with their uneducated and biased opinions.

Also true. There are more traditional still which cements their place in the voters' mind. I don't know if you could get rid of them. It will at least take another decade. There also THE party of status quo, yeah.

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AfD is a heav enfor inventers that would want to change the world. Only linke and AfD would help them get their billion fundings they need. IT IS a huge change. Currently everyone of them is fleeing eitehr to china state sponsoring, USA you can ask any bank and they print enough money for a gud share or israel (same reason like the US)

Progression is not always positive.

Im for a german Germany. ofc we should keep trading/ growing with other nations but no non white should stay permanently without a special reason.
Its not against progress its just I think we need to take care of migration and who we want here first

Why are we (you)ing a Schizo that blows about Optics but then goes on calling them Nazis?
I think you faggots are losing your edge.

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