Uh guys

uh guys

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I'm saddened that Weird Al has said he will not do a parody of "My Shirona" called "My Corona."

>Viral pneumonia (Flu)
>Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Pick one and only one.

My wife works at a medical building and they told a chinese guy to leave without touching the door when he came in asking if they screen for corona.


I am a doctor for one of the largest hospitals in the world and it's happening. Were all gonna die

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what ever happend to fuckh8

kys retarded larper

flu = influenza
viral pneumonia is pneumonia caused by a viral infection
SARS is the name for a collection of symptoms that, among others, contains viral pneumonia.
The virus that caused SARS was a coronavirus.
The "coronavirus" that we are seeing now is a coronavirus. Its name is Covid-19. The symptoms of infection with Covid-19 are a lot like SARS and are being dubbed SARS-2.

Contagion is higher then 2. They were reporting 3 before and its likely higher than that.

My Bologna was one of his first songs, idiot.

hope your mother dies in a car accident tomorrow

flight doctor told me today "no reason to get m95 masks, it doesn't keep the virus in, only keeps it out. you'll get sick regardless"

nod, nod, nod

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Soros probably quit paying them. I'm hoping some of them got AIDS and/or deported too.

she died when I didn't reply

so 700 million chinese and 100 thousend italiens are quarantined and the world markets have lost trillions over an ellection in burgerland.

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im a time traveler and you're wrong. everyone will not die, but this virus is the trojan horse that opens the door for the great virus of 2022

Why no plague in 2006?

World ends in feb 5, 2025

screencap this

Don't listen to this guy. He's misinformed about events that took place in the past. The second virus he is referring to is the same virus we're seeing now. Some people's incubation period is up to two years.

>dude it's okay it only kills old people
I dont want old people to die either. and the point of not getting infected for a low risk group is so that you don't spread it to those vulnerable groups.

That's what vaccination is usually for, and the only reason corona-chan is perceived as more deadly - no vaccines yet, so risk-groups don't have the protection they would have against a regular flu.

>not wanting boomers to die
especially german boomers are the worst, they should die

>disregard bitches
>acquire coronavirus

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sars was 2003, avian 2009. others are wrong as well. who writes all this down without fact checking?

>tfw I'd get the house from my mother that's worth 200,000 shmekels
>tfw I then could finally finish my studio with the money
I need this to kill the boomers. It would be a good thing.

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erase all that and just put down "it's just the flu bro"

It could allow remolding of societies clay into unironically a new order or form potentially too.

>who writes all this down without fact checking?
Someone who wants to share the photo online to a large group of people who would then repost it without checking, of course.

Would do great for the left in major western countires too.

They picked their peak time you autist

Ebola is on there twice

In the end after thousands of threads it was all just a flu bro.

flour and sugar is out of stock in my local supermarket just went minutes ago I didn't want to believe it but you have to prepare at least for a qurantine now

Kek. You sound like a seething eurocuck. America *really* *is* *that* important.

you are right but it was probably the fed and not the election this time

sars peaked in 2003 retard and was over early in 2004, far before the election. and if you use multi year events you can tie any of them to "muh elections. god you're stupid.

The ring is coronavirus
The rod is a staphylococcus
The rod and the ring will strike.

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You dumb retard the virus is called Sars-cov 2 , the disease you get from the virus is called Covid-2019

It is a plague though.
>highly contagious
>no cure
>kills a shitton of people
>threatens civilization

>You dumb retard the virus is called Sars-cov 2 , the disease you get from the virus is called Covid-2019

Whats up with all this terminology bullshit you get chinkaids and die f

The rod is a benis
the ring is a bagina

So many Jews in germoney

its true

the staph of life




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God why do time traveler's like to come back and spread false rumors, the virus of 2022 is nothing, what you really need to be prepping for is the fuzion reactor meltdown of 2035

You can't handle the facts. Nothing is happening you're all retards.

>WHO busy virtue signaling

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there is nothing factual in this note
beside if they told people the truth there would already be martial law
i'll leave you with that thought

Goodbye England's Rose.

Then why all governments are freaking out, i heard in Italy you could get a three year sentence for breaking the perimeter.

They have elections in China?

And he probably touched it and there is nothing those medical jews can do about it

Yeah, I would get a house worth 500k or something, already a professional Neet(self employed with passive income) and could turn it into my Neet-Mansion. But I really do not want my parents to die desu. Still, can not get a house and only shit expensive apartments right now because of boomer price gouging, so fuck them and let them all rot.

Wow. 3. Get back to us when it's over 10.

benis :DDDD

2024 time traveller here. Don't listen to this guy! He went back in time and invented trannies and religion! I've been following him all through time trying to stop the mess he started.

americans i swear to god. Everything is either fake or a cospirancy, meanwhile they government is hiding numbers, badly handling the contagiong and not giving informations to its citizens. Cant wait for the shitshow

This is just an exercise in showing how rotten Western society has become.

People don't give a single solitary fuck about their parents or grandparents. "As long as I am fine I don't care"