Your opinion on Neanderthals?

Attached: map-of-Netherlands-on-Europee(3).gif (320x346, 11.97K)

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Fake and gay

Idk I've never met one

Full of jews and jew lovers.

Fuck you bitch we won.

i liked how the houses in amsterdam were so thin, very aesthetic, pickled herring is good, but the van gogh museum is a disgusting eyesore (the architecture of the building)

nevermind I meant this one

its so fucking goofy looking irl

There are some anti jew/israel threads on Yas Forums kike, go defend your second home.

Unleash the Corona.

Kikes who speak hebrew. Never met one that wasn't a kike and didn't have relatives in israel.


i like the architecture and my gf is dutch so they're ok

Fuck off Moor. Nothing wrong with Israel or Jews. Go worry about your mudslime country instead of ours.

this is kinda true actually

hi styx

Germanic of blood, Hebrew of soul.

Nothing wrong with Israel and Jews fake-Russia.

Decadent just like the french

Dude, there are more Jews in Kiev than in the whole of the Netherlands.


This. We have a lot of Dutch who migrated to Canada. Almost all of them have jew dna.

Fuck those crypto jews! MOST LEFT WING, PRO EU place in whole Europe. Can't wait till it will turn into North Sea.

You need to go back to Turkey or Morocco Achmed.

why do people make random ass threads about us on here?

Extremely (socially) leftist people and the biggest supporters of the EU. Also mostly flat and boring, 3/10 overall

We hate eu and kikes
Most of us are right wing
Any j*w supporters are lgbt or marrocans
Fuck off rabbie dont hate toothpaste

Maybe you jews shouldn't've brought them here. Stupid retard.

>Extremely (socially) leftist people and the biggest supporters of the EU
both false

see wat you did there OP

Only Dutch flags that hate jews are muslim immigrants. The rest of you are kikes or zionists.

It's FLAT.

Go fight and die for Israel Meijer. Maybe you'll meet Anne Frank some day.

Attached: 2389kkh68.jpg (1859x1191, 197.85K)

I love everything about the Dutch; their land, history, culture, food. Very friendly people, and their language isn't too far off from deutsch. 10/10, would visit again. Bro tier.

same goes for Poland, Ive only been to Szczein though..

You better repent son.

Good people. Trustworthy. A little backwards and autistic. Dont like people.

Like me.

True, but we are working on it. It's just that every time we get close to answering the jq the left heads for the final solution. Very frustrating.

krauts in denial

I only ever met one Dutch person before. She was a drunken whore in Dublin.

We're krauts, except we bitch and moan more and we got a far better sense of humor.

Attached: Tuscany jew.jpg (300x300, 40.93K)

>Amsterdam.jpg blocks you're path

Fuck off samuel frank. Jews gets deported. Only the hot girls can stay.

Attached: 60D1B360-BAE3-40F4-8C7F-D30EC4FA77DB.jpg (750x928, 532.89K)

Overall really cool people. The west is overrun by niggers and other low iq people, but that's about it.

Attached: nederlandnoire.jpg (545x309, 57.38K)

Rightful owner of Belgium and Luxembourg.
Also should have gotten more German clay after WWII.

they acted like fucking neanderfucks.

screw 'em. no soup for them.

I like girls with Dutch accents

Get out of here kikefag WE HATE YOU

Did anyone realize it doesn't spell Netherlands?

>blocks their path
It’s muslim butthurt time

Attached: 30EA2AD2-7A03-4892-8E94-4AB7A3A1D830.jpg (619x448, 49.94K)

It’s a kike pole shill hating on us. What’s new to notice?

Trash like all germanics

No one here is taking the wu flu seriously and it is disturbing.

Attached: indian asian staring contest.webm (360x324, 293.9K)

>Any j*w supporters are lgbt or marrocans
>morrocans are jew supporters
That's some nice taqiya you got there, the mudslime always reveals himself.

stop being a cuck

One of the best countries ever. Definitely worth being saved. Buy a couple of those ghost cities from chinks, send all the rapefugees there, chinks seem to know how to treat those subhumans. Or they can prefer to go where they came from.

Attached: DdR3LMKfbrM.jpg (1024x719, 119.09K)

I've met people from there. They acknowledge the Jewish Question but then say they don't care and that the alternative has "too many rules, who would want to live in a society like that?"

Just a slightly better Germany.


They are brainwashed to think that under fascism their lifes would be miserable. I remember there were quotes of american soldiers of how miserable the french people were when americans “liberated” them.

You are born as a jew if your mother is one. Keeping all jew breeding machines to breed more jews is typically Dutch.
Thats a jew alright. And we know you are jews, so no need to post pictures of jews. He is working for the mossad, and he has a wel known mossad agent in his political party by the name of markuszower.

Ok mongoloid

>nothing wrong with them

Absolutely wrong. Go suck a baby dick.

Degenerate cities so 90% is degenerate.

Pretty cool country, nice people too, just a shame about all the normies living there.

Groningen is the most based city in the Netherlands

Doesn't Spain have a literal commie government? That's like Sweden calling others cucked...

I'm from Groningen, born and raised, why?