Super Rats: Families 'terrorised' by infestation of 'super-sized monster rats the size of cats'


>'Super-sized' rats which are reportedly as big as cats and can scale walls are terrorising the fed-up residents of a Sheffield street, locals claim.

Popple Street and the surrounding area in Page Hall is so plagued by rodents that dead rats can be seen lining the road, Yorkshire Live reports.

One mother even discovered one in the engine of her car, which had died after trying keep warm in the winter.
Rihanna Qureshi has lived in Popple Street with her 11-year-old daughter for five years.

She says she sees rats "all the time" and blames the menace on overflowing rubbish caused by youngsters who don't know how to use bins.

>"I don’t like it at all," the 37-year-old said. "I would like to be somewhere much cleaner and healthier than this environment which is just full of rubbish outside.
>"We can do as much as we can inside to make it look clean and pleasant but then when you go out it’s not pleasant at all.

>"I refuse to go out after 8pm and it’s just so sad because you don’t know what you’re walking into. I went for a walk a few weeks ago and I was sat on this wall and there were 11 rats running around our street so I had to get someone to rescue me.

Meanwhile dad-of-six Darren, 32, who lives in nearby Robey Street - the road with the fourth highest number of pest call-outs in 2019 - says he often sees dead rats lining the terraced street.
>"When I open the door I’m scared a rat will come in. People shouldn’t have to live like that and once these things get into your house they get into your walls and you’re f*****."

Sheffield City Councillor Mark Jones, who is the cabinet member for environment, street scene and climate change, wants to tackle residents' concerns with rodents in Page Hall and make the area a proud place for people to live.

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>Starting village in RPG

Year of the Rat

That's the tiniest Jew I've ever seen.

What's the racial demos there?

Have a you my golem friend.

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>tfw you are surrounded by anglos

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it's probably from fastfood

cross the border to sweden here, there is this burger joint. This group of seagulls live there, and probably only eat hamburgers, hotdogs and fries. My god those fuckers are gigantic! Fucking greedy too, when people don't pay attention they dive down and try to grab the burger straight out of their god damn hand.

I'm not meming about it. The sea is not far away, and down there the seagulls are just normal. Still annoying fuckers, but normal sized.

>Rihanna Qureshi

We just call them "Irish" over here, but they're rather small and retarded

>garbage all over her lawn
>omg why are these rats here
>I don't understand
>I want to move to move to posh places where the anglos live, because of all the rats here

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The Elder Scrolls predicted this

Tfw shit at dark souls

its a tragedy that the conditions they left behind in Asia have, somehow, followed them to UK. definitely a case for Herr Holmes of Scotland Yard.

Import the third world...

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TFW no pet super rat...why live

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>based an fallout pilled

how do we fix this? super cats.

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I hear the mayor has a new solution to the problem you ready for this? Super cats.

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>shitskin move in and the giant monster rats follow

oh' so that place is a shitskin slum?
those people dont give a fuck about keeping the places clean

It's poetry dumby.

>being this new

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The Vermintide Begins, Yes-Yes!

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>When I was 10 I thought "Big Rat" was a fictional mmo enemy that was just comically oversized to make it a low-level boss
>It's a real thing
as long as the centipedes/millipedes stay small I guess

God will punish you all soon.

I have seen this myself, mr satan.
In the US I saw a seagull fake out a fat mutt with hot dog...the alpha bird swooped in and took that fucking thing out of his swollen diabeetus hands.

centipedes are terrifying at any size

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No you didn’t

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That shit's nasty, wow

How small?

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> I'm putting together a team

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i kekd

I love spiders but I barf at the thought of a centipede. 8 legs is where I draw the line.

>'Super-sized' rats which are reportedly as big as cats
aussies call those lunch.

what an absolute unit. black cat mirring hard in the back .

>What is forced perspective

I’ve seen something like this where I live in Brooklyn I’m pretty sure it was a possum though. It literally just looked like a giant rat the size of a cat diving through trash.

Heh heh, you both just got trollled hard. Lel, how does it feel kiddos? Looks like ur the new ones oh my laud LEL.

nigga detected

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Mirin' shoulders and lats. What's this team member's routine?

Those are rodents of unusual size

based retard

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Yo what the fuck this isn’t how this is suppose to happen
Where’s my magic
My adornment from God?
This isn’t suppose to be a realistic rpg on ultra hard mode you fucks

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>He didn't put points in int

those are pacarenas which are rodents but which are furry and cute
probably someone imported them as pets and released them because they're south american

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Hulk or bulk? Fukken hueg cat

If I start seeing rats that size I am killing, butchering and selling it as Halal, under my new converted name Imamo Gammonhead.

You just know these dirty cunts want the council to clean it all up for free whilst they just sit and complain about the filth that they created themselves. Absolute lazy scum.

Inb4 those rats evolve into Skaven

Seagulls are crazy.


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>wants to move
Simply go back

5/7 Not sure if bait or regent

the uk looks like a third world country. those houses look more than 100 years old. why no re-development? Socialism, that's why.


Fuck yeah, It might be time to re-read these. Third one fucked my brain sideways introducing the nuclear wasteland of London.

>herr holmes

Did you read the seven percent solution?

Also I believe Holmes never was "of" the yard. He was a private detective who the Yard consulted with on cases.

You have my knife


Get some pythons.

>be me
>hate seeing litter
>recycle every bottle I see
>every time I go out I am carrying bottles in both hands
>be lighter skinned paki
>be far right
>hate shit skins
>why can these people just be clean?

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It is always the year of the juden.

They also keep out almost every other pest.

Our little stone houses are built like fortresses though.

Page Hall in Sheffield was a powder keg of racial tension a few years ago. Paki's occupy the are and romany jippoze started moving in. The jippoze caused mayhem, at one stage the pak stated "this is our area we've always lived here". The irony is lost on everyone in England.

Ha ha racist homo storm fag nazi minds think alike lel
absolute KEK

Just wait man, the game is still in alpha

Our houses actually last that long coz they’re not made of drywall

I was born in year of the rat and also in sagittarius. a non inbred one is a pure warrior bro

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Shouldn't have chosen the Commoner class.

Also the local council showed a white man and family there one of the few whites, the suggestion being whites caused this, the cunts.

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Don't worry, the mayor has the solution. Are you ready for this?

Super cats!

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>trannies first day on 4chin
lurk moar faggot

>take a stick and shove the rat in the camera lens
nice perspective trick
it's a normal sized rat

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isn't this the plot to joker?

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There is a man for this job.

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